Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


/\’,II./IIII;‘5 and Fun

Science Fundamentals I nul \M-II II I). I. Ill.un (Ipin \Ilnnssinn .II‘I‘III'\ In 95 41395» Iilusgnu \ Ik'lltt' (‘I-nuc. 5”

l’.I\ IIII (JIM). “NW 5 III IIIIIII \I'I' IIII' Huhhlc \\.III. I’|.IsnI.I I iIIIIk'. III-InnnIII Illnxm. I’I'IIuIIIng \kclclnn .inII \\ IInIpnnI \IIIIII' Inuiung Imsu \\ Icnu'

Wildlife Walks I).uI}. I 3H 3 3IlpnI

I luv KI‘I\ Inginw .\iI (Lilli-I} I\ \llI\I'llIII. ‘\II._"\II' \III'I'I. 3"“ 9599 .InIn I\’\I’II \I.III nn .I guIIII-II quI. IIunugII KI-Ixiiigrnw I’.uk. IIsIng stnpcs .IIIII IIIIInI In I'III‘I‘II nuI IIII' IIKJI \‘.IIIIIIII'

Saturday Art Club \.II .\ | i (III.

III 3II.IIII IpnI I'II'I'. (i.lIlI'I_\ nI \IINICIII \II. I<I»I.iI I \III.ngI' \Ipmn'. 339 I99!» Inn .uI .unxilu's Ini \IIIIIIII'II .IgI'II 3 I I p.ui'nIs tun gI'I slut’k Ill Inn

Comic Book Capers s.” .\ I I III-I.

3 3” 5pln £I3 Ini I \\k't'I\\ I £IIII. I'III‘

I iI.IIII \\IIII\\IIIIP \pm‘c. I3I S.IIIIII.III\I‘I. M" £0le (ii-.III' )niii nun I‘nnui'. lull n: I .IpIInns. Inlnui .uIII (IIIIIPIIIK'I gldlllllt‘s \L‘I's (i

Wildlife Tours Sal/Sun nnnn I.IIsn \ul 3pnII I It't' KI'Ixinginw .\iI (iullcr') & \lll\t'lllll. \ig}lg SIII'I'I. 37h 9599. (illltlt'tl IIIIIIs III SI'IIII;IIIII\ \VIIIIIIII' (i;IIII‘I'_\ \IL'I‘I .II \"II RngI-i IIII‘ I'Icphunl III Illt' | Ilc ('nIuI.

Kids @ Citz Sun 7 .k II (III. Illllt'\ \.u_\ L5 pci \\‘\\IIIII. (‘III/cns‘ 'I‘hmlrc. II” I inilmls Succl. I39 IIII33. “with III.IIII.I I'I.IssI-s III I'nnIiIIcnt‘c IIIuIIIIng. InIpin\Is.iIinn_ \IIII'}II‘IIIII:_' .uIII rnlc pI.I_\. I’Imst- su' \uxu I'II/I'nul. Ini lull IIL'IIIII\. Hitherto Craft Workshop Sun 7 .\ I-I ()\ I. nnnn. £ 3.50. IIIIIII‘I'III. \II'IIIIII‘I‘ IIngg IIuIIIIIng. IIII'nugII 'I IIIIII‘IIIIA. I-l/I IngI.un SIII'I‘I. 553 5II93. I)I‘sign .uIII umlw I'nnlclnpnmr} .II‘I‘I-ssniws \\ IIII Ihc III'IP nI IIIIIII‘I'III .u'IIsIs. .\gcs 8 ll IInnkng «sscnuul.

GMRC Family Club Sun " «k l4 Ha.

I |.un lpnI. I'It't‘. (ilusgIm .\Ill\L'llIll\ Is’I‘sIIIIII'I‘ (I'llllt'. 3U” \VIIIIIIIII‘IIII RIHIII. \llsIIIII. 350 9 3II.\'. (IIIIIIII'L‘II ilgL‘II .5 I3 Iqu hung IIII'u' pui'cnls nr guunliuns :Ilnng In LIIu‘ p;uI III .u'Is. gunics .InII ilt'll\ IIIL'\. .\II\.InI‘c Iinnking nu‘cssur}.

Funky \VI‘II III ( NI. 3 ~ll‘lll. L5 IIxIII\ £5; pic \\;III\I‘I\ ln'c; I.uniI_\ Iickcl £I-lI (i.IlIlI‘I III (Elasgnxx. l'ppci' I'lnnr. 37 Ix’uIIIxcn I .Inc. (VIII? IXX5I3. (icl

Inn\ Ing In snInc gran hulls .II IhIs .IIII‘IIIIIIIII nightclub Ini' Ihc untlci' Icn (Inml .IIIII Ihcu' purcnIs/cun-rs.

Animal Shadows Workshop Sui I i (II‘I. III.un. £I».5Il. Scnilish .\l;I\I\ .uIII I’uppcl (‘cnuu N Iiultuu'rI‘s .\\cnuc.

Is’ch uIII.IIc. 3 39 I»I.\’5. (‘rculc .In .IninIuI sII.IIIn\\ puppcI shnu \\IIIl I);i\ III Slcnurl nI .\IIIll\t‘I.II\‘ I’uppcls.

Geraldine McCaughrean Sui I3 (M. 3I‘In. I‘I‘cc. \\;IIcrsInnc's. I53 I5" Suut‘hichull Sum. 333 9lIl5. \ch'uughnain i'cutls Ii'nin hcr scqucl In l’i'n r I’im. I‘nIIIII‘II l’i'n'r I’im III M (Ir/(‘1. Funky Weave Sun l4 (M.

III.3II.uII lpnI. £3Il pcr .lIIlIII and child puu'; I.uIII|) Iu‘kcI £35. (i;IlIlL‘l' in (3|.Isgnxx. l'ppcr I-Innr. 3" Rulhwn Iunc. II—‘Ih—i INNS I .5. I.C;II'II III \\ I‘;I\L‘ .IIIII L‘I'L‘dlt‘ .I h.IngIng piccc In Likc hnnIc .II Ihis \xnikshnp tni‘ .IIIuIIs .uIII chIIIh'cn.

Arts Spark .\Inn I5 \VCKI I“ (M.

9;un nnnn. £45 Inr £3II pct Ila} I. (iuIIIcr In (ilusgnu. l‘ppcl' I‘Inni'. 3' Rthwn I.;IIIt‘. II‘Wi- I33.5 I .3. 'l‘llI-L‘L‘Wltl} “nikshnp Ill Ilia“ ing. painting. sculpuu'c .lIltI [K‘I‘IIII‘IIIIIIICO .-\gcs " I3. Iinmil IIIIIW" nI.II\c-.u' ni‘ cull II"I»4 48””: In I‘UUIx.

Creatures of the Deep! .\lnn I5 In I9 (M. III.3II;un. £4.95 I£3."5 I. The IIIII Ship .II (ilusgnxx II.u‘hnur. IIIII SIIIIX‘I‘II\\ Rnutl. 333 35l3. I)c|\c inIn Ihc murk} \\;IICI\ and we \\ hul Incs hclnxx. Ihcn CI'CJIL‘ .I grunt scu Innnslcr and mask.

Musical Junk Workshop \II'II 1‘ I m. II.un .\ I 15pm £3 ('II_\ II.IIIs. (LIIIIIIL'IIggs. 353 KIWI I’Irui: .IInng snnIthng In u.uIsInrin ni usi- nin nI IIIL' pints pin\ IIICII .IIItl I rmIc .I \IIInIc Iunk ImnII IIIsI xxnikshnp .igI-s l \ \xnntl .I:._'L'\ \ I:

The Big Draw: Creating a Palace Mural \Inn I5 \\L'II I“ I )\I. nnnn 3pm I IL'L' l’k'l‘I‘IL‘-\ l)-II.IL L' \\ \\ IIIIL‘I (i.IIII;‘II\. (iI.isgn\\ (iIL'L'II. 3_I 3"“: \l.lI\L' .I IL'II \IIIMIL‘ In pnnII'IhuIc In Ihc I’cnplc's I’;II.iu"s \uII

DJ Skills Workshop \\.-II I" I III. Ipm & 3 3llpin £3 (‘III II.IIIs. (Lintllciiggs. 55; Mill“ RI‘\IIIL'III\ I).I\ \.II.IIII' .IIIII KUIIII gunli' )nu IIunugII IIIt' \KIIIIII nI IIII\I‘I\. I‘uc nnu's .IIIII I‘t'dl III.II\IIIII_L' \n [‘IL'\ IIIII\ I'\|\I'I'IL'IIL‘I‘ III"\'L'\\.II_\ I II\I \Inikshnp .Igcs H I3 SunnII .igi's I33 Octoberfest 'I IIlI IN MI 3” I III. I My lIlIILIll\\ I’.uk. \VI‘IIsIInI anl. 3\" ‘IINNI (i.IIIl\'\. Inn/A's .IIIII \‘Ilt'lh skills uni‘kshnps \\ IIII IIIL' (‘nunu_\sIIIc I{.III_L'I'I\


Children’s Classic Concerts: Play to Win! Sun " I III. 3pm. £ III I U». I.IIIIII} IIIII'I £39I. Rn};II ('nnu'rI II.II|. 3 Sungluchull Sui-cl. 353 NINNI IIIC ()lt'IlL'\II;I nI SI‘IIIIIsh I )pcm mu- IIIInugh .I nunIth nI spni'IIng Iuncs. such .is [iii/I7“. l/IIIII’I HI .\I I'IIIIIIII ;IIIII (lull/I'M (I, l'lli'.

Theatre and Dance

The Witch, The Wizard and Little Red Riding Hood Sui I )I‘I. 3pnI. £4.75 ILIQSI. ScnIIish Mask and I’uppct (‘I'nu'u N IIuII‘urI‘I‘s .-\\cnuc. Is’ch unlulc. 33‘IIII35.1IIIII\III}3 llt'IIII\ puppcts II'II IIIt' IIIIL‘ III I.IllII' RCII RIIIIIIg lllNlII. \\IIII humps inIn II;I|iInsIs Illt' \Vuch nu Ihc \\;I_\ In \ IsII (ii'unn). .\gcs 3+.

Oscar and The Lost City of The Incas Sui I3 ()I‘I. 3pm. HTS H.435». SI'nIIIsh Musk iIllII I’uppcl ('cnn'c. N Ilulcui‘rcs ,-\\cnuc. Kch inIIuIc. 3 39 M85. .\lnuscI.III-s I’uppcls hnng )nu lhc sInI') nI ()suu‘ IIII‘ IIIUlI\C \\IIII \I‘l\ IIII III IIII‘ .'\IIIIL'\ in \L‘III'CII nl .I InsI II'IcnII \gcs 3+. The Man who Planted Trees .\Inn IS (III 3. ‘Illllll. £4. 'I'n\\n II;III. I39 .\I.un

Sliu‘l. Rulhcrglcn. (II3 57IIII. I’uppcI SIuII‘

'I‘hcuu'c (‘n pl‘cscnls Ihis Illllt‘It‘\\ lulu :Ihnul :I shcphcnl \sIIII Irunslni'ins ;I IIL‘sIIIIIlL‘ III‘L‘II \\ IlII IIIIIIIII'L'IIs III II‘I'L's I'III I'\ci'_\nnc .IchI 7+.

A Clean Sweep \M-II I7 .k Tim I.\' ()I‘I. 3.3Ilpin. £I». 'I‘rnn 'I‘hcuu'c. I»3 'I'i'nngulc. 553 4307. I’luInI I.;I \‘Ic lI\I‘ I‘IImning. IIIIncc ilIIII \ isuul sInI‘}Ic|Iing In uplnrc Ihc uni‘III nl' hnuschnIII lu'ushI's. .«\gcs

7 l4.

LazyTown Live! \Vcd I7 Sat 30 (m. \Vul I'ri 5pm; 'I'hu Sgil I l.un .k 3pm. Uh Uh I£l3 £I5I. King's 'I‘hcuu'c. 39" IIIIIII SII‘L‘I‘I. “870 ()(III (“$43. SI'L‘ puIIL'I. The Frog Prince and Other Tales \VI‘II I7 ()L‘I. 3.3llpln. £4. 'I‘n\\n IIuII. I39 .\l.un Sum-I. Rulhcrglcn. I»l3 57IIII. I’i‘iiiccss Slcphzuiic has un IinIc Inr .I slim} I'i'ng . . . until she nmls his hclp. .-\gcs 4+.


Story Hour Sui .k I3 (kt.

|.,‘»II 3.3IIpnI. £3 I£3 I. ’I‘hc (iiguII \Vni'kshnp Spucc. l3| SuIInIuI'kcI. 35“ 5IIIIII. InIcrm'Iixc slnr}IcIIing Using scnsni'} digunu. ninwincnl. Inusu~ .InII \ Isqu .II'Is. .'\gcs 3 5. Tall Tales at the Tron Sui I M.

III IIISSIIIII. £35” IIIIIL‘ L'IIIItl ilIIII nIIC car'cr‘I. 'I'I'nn 'I'hcuu'c. I»3 'I‘rnngguc. 553 430". InIcrut'Inc sInI'_\IcIIIng \L‘\\IIIII \inh

innwnicnl. Innnc .InII pi‘nps. .'\gcs 3 5.


Activities and Fun

Forest School Comes to Edinburgh In 5 ()cl. I.3II 4pm. I‘I'cc. III‘IIIgcnII I'ul‘ln. ()Ikl I);III\CIIII RnuII. 4-17 “145. \mellunds I'un .qu gumcs Inr childrcn IIgL‘II 3- I: and IIIL‘II‘ IIIIIIIIIL‘x

The Big Draw Sui .k I3 ()cl.

Ilium 4pm. I’rcc. \tIIIIIIltlI .\lll\L‘lIIII nI Scnllund. ('humhcrs Strum. 347 4433. Drnp-in In tlrmx )Illll' Iknnuritc nhIch II»

a c...!‘

I»«' ;: yr\I/’)\P/I!KIII {3‘


King's Theatre, Glasgow. Wed 17—Sat 20 Oct; Edinburgh Festival Theatre.

Fri 22 & Sat 23 Feb

From Jamie ’s School Dinners to Honey, We 're Killing The Kids, there‘s no shortage of advice on how to feed our children. But perhaps the most successful TV programme to combat rising levels of childhood obesity, is aimed at the kids themselves. Created in Iceland, and now broadcast in 103 countries worldwide, LazyTown knows exactly how to push children's


Through a clever use of language, and a distinct lack of preaching, LazyTown makes healthy eating and exercise look like the most fun you can have all year. Apples become “sports candy', and terms such as ‘training’ are eschewed in favour of ‘practising' - something all kids can do without the pressure to achieve. Already a big hit on TV, BAFTA- winning LazyTown has now been adapted for the stage.

Director, Richard Lewis explains why the programme has become such a global phenomenon. ‘Kids are immediately drawn to the colour and spectacle,’ he says. ‘lt’s so vibrant it leaps out at you. And new things happen all the time such as a fast edit, a song or a backflip. Plus all the characters are simple archetypes, and that makes it very accessible for


Not all of that can be transferred to the stage, of course. But all the characters are there pink-haired Stephanie, slothful Robbie Rotten and hero Sportacus (played by a UK cast) - and according to Lewis, LazyTown Live! gains more than it loses by swapping TV for theatre. ‘The set has all the vibrant colour of Lazytown, and the actions and gestures have sound effects just like the TV show,’ says Lewis. ‘But we also have the opportunity to interact with the audience in a way that TV can't.’

(Kelly Apter)

()I'II. Inin IIIc I’Icussn I’cnplc I’upcr (‘huin I I3 (M l nr Ili‘uu Ihc \liIIL-nnnnn (’Inck I'rnnI Incninr} I I3 “(I I.

At Home with Mrs MacDowell Sui ()cI. I I;un IpnI .k 3 4pm. I-rcc. .\';IIInn;II .\llI\L'IIIII nl Scntlunil. (‘qunhcrs SIi'ch. 347 4433. \li's .\I;Ic|)nucll Is .I \wulth} Incrchum's \\ IIL‘ IrnnI Ihc INIh ccnlur}. VisiI hcr hninc III RIIIIIIL'\ (’nurI In tind nuI .ihnuI her hip

The Great Bird Exchange Sui (In. I l.3II;un 3.3Ilpin. Ircc. ScnIIish SInr}Ithng ('cnu'c. 43 High Sum. 55h 9559. ('rcuIc )nIIr Imn hu‘II. add .I pcrsnnul nICssugc. Ihcn scnd II II}III;.' \xhilc )IIII IIsIcn In hu‘II sInrics.

Science at the Museum Sui/Sun ll.45;un. l3.45pin. 1.45pm & 3.45pm. I’rcc. \ulinnul .\III\L‘UIII nl ScnIIunII. (‘hgunhcrs Sti‘cct. 347 4433. ('nmc lucc In time \\ iIh scicncc and scicnIisIs cxcr)

\\ L'L'lsL'lltl. AgL's 5+.

Imagination Workshop Sun 7 I M. Ilium 4pm. .'\IIIIII\\II)II :Ipplics: £IIl.5I) IU) £8; unIIcr .3s l'rcc; Izunil} IichI

£34 £33.50). liIIinhurgh /.nn. ('nrsInrphinc Rnud. ‘34 9|7I. l'sc ynur unugquIInn In crculc u pzipcr macho innch ununul. Workshop pricc: £5.99. Art-tastic: Windmills and Whir‘ligigs Sun 7 ()cI. nnnn 4pm. Iircc. RII}III IIIIIIIIIIL‘ (iuI'IIL'n. Inwrlcilh RIM. 348 3968. l'sc rug-\clcd nIuIcrIuIs In humus Ihc pnucr nI :IqunIn gusts and Incn up )nur gurdcn.

Children’s Activities Mnn 8 Sun 28 (kt. Ilium 5pm. Admission applies: £5 I£4. Izunil} Iickcl £I4I. (ionrgiun Home. 7 ('hurlnuc Squurc. 335 BIN). Activilics In kccp Ihc kids cnIcnuincd “rim with a quill. Ir} nn costumes nr handle the L‘IIIICL‘IIIIn.

.1 1?, Oct 2001' THE LIST 57