Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to 9ay® Listings are compiled by Sandra Marron and Cate Simpson.

Thursday 4


I Glittering Shadows Studio. (9' (iallct‘_\. «S7 3‘) Salttnat‘kcl. 5.53 7573 l'ntil lll()ct 'l'uc Sat llam 5pm l-rcc An c\hibition b} I)ani .\larti \xhich t'till\l\l\ ol laigc \calc umcn portraitx :tlttl \I(lt‘tl .\ pccp \lttm lot thc \cttxcx Scc prc\ icu. right l’u/‘r u/ (i/uwm’

I Kinky Pinky 'l'hc I'unncl. SJ \litchcll Strcct. 30-1 llitltl ll illpin Kim H it" \llltlt‘lll\l (ia) clubbing at \llltlt'lll priccx. I Kylie: The Exhibition Kt-Ixmgimt- Art (iallt-r} t\' Mast-inn. .-\rg_\|c Strcct. 37o 050‘). l'iitil lllan Illain 5pm. l'l‘l it Sim llani 5pm. l'l't't‘. 'l‘rack K}|ic\ carccr and changing unagc through llll\ cxhibition ol t't|\llllllt'\. tlt‘t‘t'\\ttl'lt‘\. pltnlox. :t\\;iltl\. \Ulltttl\ .‘ttttl \ltlt'tl, I’tII'I of (Human '


I Burly 'l‘llc .r\rchc\. ill Mltlltttltl Sttccl. 5(i5 liltit). lll.3llpiii .lain. tlll, l-i‘icntll}. IIIQISt‘llllllt‘ club tor ga} and bi mcn 35+ \ihcrc Icalhcr. intltixtrial clothing and [tit‘hSII'ttpS arc cncouragctl. .-\ura| titillation L'tHllt‘S lrom rcxitlcnt I” lit l‘i Scan and occaxional gttcxtx.

Saturday 6


I Violate llig Joint. lllS4 South Strccl. Scotxtoun. (WW) ltlSl74. Spin 3am. L‘tbc. l‘t‘llSll club \\llll lllll\IL‘ l'roin DJ l.ti\t‘lt'\\. St‘t' \ lttlttlt‘t‘otllx littl' tll't‘\\ cUtlL‘ antl morc tlctailx.


I Luvely 'l‘hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. lll.3(lpin 3am. {l3 it'll) lllt‘llllk‘l‘\l. .-\ sauc} soirc‘c ot‘ lull-on. tlri\ mg hoth ltlll\lL' \xitli l'L'SltlL‘lll\ 'liiitiiii) Ka}. Dcan Ncuton. (irum Stonc and Jon litluartlx. This month's thcinc ix "lomb Ratcr‘ so conic tlrcsxctl to tllSt'U\L‘l' ancicnt Ill} \tical \Hll'ltlS and run ana) li'om mm with guns.


I Pink Links ‘l'hc Strch 3 l’icartl} l’lacc. 55o 4373. Spin. (5 (lllL‘llltlL‘S l'rcc cocktail l. Spcctl dating for ga} incn and \HHllL‘ll \xhich conxi\t\ ol' l5 thrcc-minutc tlillL'S. {\lilCIWHII'tlS thc bar \\ ill bc opcn antl li‘cc paxxcx \\ ill bc [\Sllt‘tl to thc Playgirl Mansions at Lulu \0 )ou can carr} on gctting to into“ your tlatctsl. Book lickch onlinc or All 'l'hc Sll‘ct‘l. or contact l.i//ic at cooli/xictn hotinailcom. SL‘L‘ lltllist.

I Taste ('abarct Voltairc. 30 3S Blair Strcct. 33t) (il7o. llpm 3am. [S (to mcmbcrs; £5 bct‘orc l l..ltlpinl. ln thc Main Room l'k‘SlthllIS l‘ixhcr & l’ricc pla} an cclcclic mi\ of thc bcxt untlct‘grountl tlancc lltthlc‘, “llll l)a\ c Bcgg. Marco Smith and Mi“ (‘hris taking \tcclxl} turns at \\ arming up. In thc Back Room Martin \'alcntinc and Marco Stiiitli pla_\ boot} «halting lilth} global hoth and

Monday 8


I Passionality B}blo\. l'nit Q. Mcrchant Squarc. 7l Albion Strcct. 553 3805. l l._‘\tlpm 3am. £3 lt'3l. 'l'hc \tcckcntl isn't oxcr at Byblox. \tith D] Roberts pla) ing chart hits for thc gay/niin croutl.


I RIM Mood. ()lllltl. (lrL‘Cll\lLlC l’lttc‘t‘. 5.50 1640. llpin~3~ani £5 (£3 \\tlll ll}Ct‘l. Hood's sccontl attctnpt at putting

80 THE LIST 4—18 Oct 303“

thcmxclxcw on thc pink triangch map This timc thc} 'rc ottcring ticc bubbh on cntr}. lrcc _L'ltt\\\llc’l\\. toplcxx \\.lllk"l\ .intl dancing bar \lall ()h in}


I Vibe lago. l4 l’icatd} l’lacc. 4"S "414 llpm 3am L4 llic touchxtonc ot litlinburgh‘x titiccr club \ccnc. u ith Janicx longuortli antl Jamic \lttl'llxi'll \pinntng maxli-upx antl chcc~c tl[‘\l.tll\. commcrcial hip hop do“ ll\l.tll\ antl iii;i_\bc thc UL‘Cthlttllttl ncu atltlition to tlic lllll\lL‘;ll rcpcrtoirc

Wednesday 10


I Allure 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl. S4 \litchcll Sticct. 304 llitK). Ilillpm 3am U l3 lot I \llltlt'llhl. llapp). L'llt‘t'x} pop lioin l)_l l)arrcn and thc gu_\\ bchintl l);t\\litll;tlll}


I lcebreakers (‘(' ltloainx. 2‘ 34 (it‘ccnxttlc l’lut'c. 55(“1‘3 1 ill "I‘m. l’rcc. Social group organith b) tlic |.othian (ia) antl |.c\bian Stutchboartl tor pcoplc \tho \tant to Inakc ncu lllt'lltl\ lll l.(iB'l' company ltlcal ll _\oti'ic nc\\ to thc cit) or rcccntl} out. Scc llllll\l.


I Kinky Pinky 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl. S4 \litc'hcll Strcct. 3ll4 Ilitil), l|._‘~llpin Rant. [4 (ti \llltlL'IIISl. Scc Thu 4.


I Glasgay! Various \cnucx. 553 7575, l'ntil l l .\'o\. lllllLN antl pt'iccw \ar}, litiropc'x largcst ga) inulti—artx lcxtnal takcx o\cr (ilaxgou \\ llll coinctl}. lllllSIt‘. lilnt. thcatrc. \ ixual art. pcrl'orinancc art. litcraturc. club night\. ctlticational c\cnt\ antl cottttnttnil} arts proicctx. llllN _\car thcrc arc l'otir labuloux \xcckx ol‘ quccr culturc \\llll c\cr_\lhing l'rom Kl/It'.’ Illt' Ift/iiltiliun at Kcl\ ingro\ c to untlcrgrountl Clllh\ lllglllx \tlcll ;I\ (lit'!’ (iltllt'r and hiin drama in a nc“ adaptation of author Louixc \Vclxh'x 'Iitntliiu'lumt' .llml I)I(' tlircctctl b} Kcnn} Millcr. Scc

xx \\'\\.g|a\ga_\


I Beyond the Surface Strch l.t‘\t‘l Photo \Voi'ltx. 48 King Strcct. 553 3l5 l. l'ntil 37 ()ct. 'l‘uc Sat l lam 5pm. l‘t‘cc. .-\n cxhibition b} .-\ntlrc\\ l’rintcr. \\llt\\t' \Hirk titltlt'c‘\\c‘\ tsxttcx lacing thc tlllt't‘l' communit) \uch ax thc naturc ol intimacy in a group \till rccling li'oin tlic AIDS cpitlcniic. and thc L'Ulllllltlllll} '\ auknartl \lltlt‘ into tlSSllllllttllttll. l’lcaxc notc changc ol' \cnuc. l’tu'r or (i/uwm.’ I Utter Gutter 'l'ltt‘ (llingUR School Ul Art. l(i7 chli‘cxx Strcct. 353 453o.

I lpm 3am. L'll). li\pccl lull on tlancc action as quccr altcrnatiw club night l'ttcr (iuttcr kickx olil~ (iliixga)? 3litl7 at its new hotnc. I’urr urtilmgmx'


I Fever ligo. l4 Picartl} l’lacc. 43S 7434. llpiti 3am. till it‘Si l.ikc lttxlt‘ for thc l‘lltlil) night L‘l'tl\\tl. \\ith l)J\ l'ixhcr tk l’ricc pla}ing an cclcctic llll\ ot thc bcxt undcrgrountl tlancc muxic. Martin Valcntinc \pllllllllg USS-\llilhlll. global hoth in thc Ballroom and TM \'i\itor and Kanpth pla)ing an ainthing- goes mi\ ot~ POP‘lltlUSC-ClL‘L'lrU-tllSL’tl-llt‘“ \\a\ c-glain in thc ('octcau Loungc. l’rc- L‘ltll‘ part) in ilillt' Strch ;t\l\ lllL‘ l).l\ litt' discount paxxcs.


I The Bubble (ilasgou l‘ilin 'llicatrc. 13 Row Strcct. 333 813%, S.l5pm. £55“ (Hi. l.o\c \tor} \ct againxt thc rclcntlc“

GLITTE'RING SHADOWS 0! Gallery. Glasgow. until Wed 10 Oct

Dani Marti studied fine art in Sydney before gaining an MFA at the Glasgow School of Art in 2006. His exhibition, Glittering Shadows. which is being presented as part of Glasgay!, is essentially a series of portraits brought to life through the media of video and his large-scale woven pieces. Marti himself says of his work that. ‘Behind each woven piece is the essence of an emotion and the essence of someone. a person. behind.‘

Glittering Shadows consists of five pieces of work in the main gallery space. ‘Dark Bones‘ is made from beautiful and fragile Marabou feathers on wood and corresponds to MSDEBS, a video installation which can be found in the Dark Room behind a curtained-off area at the back of the gallery. ‘Braveheart’. a grand woven work consisting of polyester, nylon and leather ropes. corresponds to another video piece, which is also situated in the shadowy Dark Room space.

‘Shadow after Shadow (Portrait of the artist‘s mother at the age of 73)‘ is juxtaposed with a video piece. ‘Llorona (Arrangement in grey and black)‘ of the same subject listening to opera. Finally. ‘Glitter‘. a glass and steel installation made from fragments of chandeliers and glass from a break-in at the gallery space takes up space on the floor of the gallery.

Marti says of his working process: ‘Behind each work is a code. It‘s like a mantra and once I set up the whole code and the materials. I have to keep

on repeating that code.

‘lt's about the process of making the work and spending time with the work. It’s like the grandmother when she is knitting the jumper for the grandson and keeps on projecting about the grandson so it creates a very strong relationship. I see this more like an act of bondage.‘ This ritual is what enables him to fully possess the person he is portraying, each piece capturing the personality and emotions of both the subject and artist.

(Sandra Marron)

nightinarc ol thc l\‘ll l’.‘tlt'\lllll.tll conllict. \oain ll\t'\ antl \killl\\ Ill thc .l‘tll‘l‘lt“ ttli it \L‘t‘llldl. [‘liixpt'lilth, lll‘t'lttl id .'\\1\ \uburb ()n iiiilitai} \ci\ icc lic mcctx a cutc l).tlL‘\lllll.tll git}. \\ anti an llllt‘ll\t‘ lo\c .tll.tll bcginx that biitlgtw llic };i\\iiiiig political tli\itlc. lot .i lllllt' at lt'ilSl. I’ll/i 1'] (rlitl\;'tl‘.'


I Taste ('abaicl \ollallt'. Vt ;\ lilall Stt'cct. 33H bl "ti. llpm iain LS IUi iiiciiibci'\; t5 bctoic ll illpnii Scc Sun 3


I The Bubble (il.i\go\\ l'lllll lhcalic. l: Rtl\L' Sll'LK'l. H3 hljb “PHI 1‘ 4" it'4i. Scc Sun [4

I Passionality lttblm. I an t). .\lcrc|iant Stiuaic. "I \Ibioii Sticct. ‘53 3805, ll.,:ll|‘lll Iant L" 4L3i Scc \lon \


I RIM \lootl. ()nini. (llL'L'lthlk' l’lacc. 55“ 104” llpiii ;am {5'1‘ ‘»‘-llllll}t'll SL‘L' \littl 5.

Tuesday 16

Glasgow I Colette: The Secret Scenes 0' (i;lllt‘l'}. x" ""

\‘l \tllllialltcl. ‘5- \ _..:lll‘lll L5. \ ncu pia} V-llllc'l: .iriti pcrt'orincti b} \xoiiitc (Luiticii. l‘axli t-r‘.

thc t‘\} lllt' ol lllt' l icntli .iulllnt \itlonic (iabiicllc ( 'olcllc I’ll/f


Edinburgh I I fill. l l l’lc.iltl_\ l’l.ttt‘. lib iiil llpni iain Ll Scc lut- ‘)

Wednesday 17


I Colette: The Secret Scenes (3' (iallcr). 5“ \‘l \.tlllll.tll.t'l. 553 “5 75

_ illpin Lb Scc ltic lb

I Allure llic lunncl. \l \lllkllk'll Slit-ct. 3H4 lllllll ll illpin iaiii Li. \lutlcnh [\‘.H lill Hllt' \t‘t' “(ll l"

Thursday 18

G asgow I Colette: The Secret Scenes 0'

(hilt-i}. V '“

H‘) \illlllatltl. <<3 a“ 5

lllpin Lb Scc luc ll»

I Kinky Pinky llic lunncl. S1 \littlicll Sticct. 3H4 llilrll ll Ullllll iain L3 it; \tutlcntw Scc Hill 1