I Acoustic Open Stage lht- llall Bat.

lltll \\tttttll.tlttl\ thltl. llt't' \t't‘ \\'\'tl l”

I Daniel Wylie, Al Mitchell and Ally Kerr ( 'otttt-tk, ‘l; ‘l5 lljindland \ticct. ‘55 5*25 5pm lrcc lt. ('mnnc Ron-2h l<ttlct~ ttontutan llt'.ttl\ tltc lull lot tln\

\ l'-.llllt'l"\ll\.l lIlL'lll

I Dave Dominey [that l)\tla. 12 (Mayo l attc. ‘55 1521 \prn L2 llllll.lllt'\\ on laptop and ham

I Michael Simons Ichai l)\na. IN) l)t'.lll\ltlll l)ll\k'.(‘1()fi:<\ \pni :2 \cc \\t'(l ill

I New Adventures Barth. \Hu-t, ti\“tt tit)" out») \[xm L altctnaiotkctx trout I ondon I Sonorous, Thousand Sounds, The Breakers and Woodenbox Ho\. lil \unlucltall \ttcct. H2 51” Split

l lt't' l tl\.ll \ttlllltl\

I The Blow and Gay Against You \tcc‘tINIca/y l2l \auclucltall \ttccl. iiill‘Mlll \ illpm Lit 5” I (I l|_ 0'”)le \oundx trotn l’oitland. ( llt'thIll. un ludtnf:

:52 ‘WW ‘l‘lll

()ll ( l'l‘lx

l’ttllt't' much

I We Start Fires, (We Are) Performance and Black International Kliljl lut‘x \Valt \\.ilt llut. 272a St \ uncut \ticct. 22l 52“? X illptu. Ur \\c Start I Itcx atc an .lll f_'lll tndic pop otttltt. tccalltnj: tltc llkt'\ ol l.ll\ll attd tltc llt'.tllllltttl\\. lot tltow \xlto knou tltcu ‘le tndtc

I Clear Blue Skies and Stonesthrow Bat Hloc. ll“ Bath Stu-ct. 571mm!) ‘lptn ltcc ('ounlt) attd grungc Illllllt‘llct'\ trout ( 'BS attd tndtc rock ltoitt Stoncxtlnou

I Corsairs l ill) \'otc ('alc. 5“ oil King: Sut'ct. 55‘ loih ‘lpnt l'.\ Vancotnci llt'lllM‘ [‘L'L‘IN

I McKinlay lik'dlht'k'llt‘. 5 l)L'( 'ttlllt‘} -\ .\Icatlc. ('tcxxucll l.anc. u~l 077“. ‘lpm. l'icc ,\ ttcu addition to thc Scoluxlt \tnjgct \onguinct \ccnc. ttl’lgllltllh liotn :\_\t\liuc


I Luva Anna, The Penny Blacks attd The Dials (‘altarcl \oltatrc. it» ‘5' lilan Sitccl. 22H til—Vt. 5‘ lllptu. L-l l.t!\a .'\nna atc tltc latcxt cloud to ctucrgc lrotn tltc llundcc \ccnc. lollouing.‘ on ltotn lltcir tnatcx lltc \ tcu and l‘ltc Ian.

I China Crisis l’ltc .lant llouxc. 5 ()uccn Stu-ct. 220 l Wt). 7pm. L'l75ll. Nllx pop rock act on that 25th ;llllll\t‘l'\;ll’} tour

I Miss Conduct 'l'lu- llt\c. IS IT \ttldt} Sticcl. 55o til-H. "pin. {7. Scc .\lon I5.

I Reverend and the Makers 'l'hc liquid Rooni. ‘lc \ tctoria Strcct. 225 25M. 7pm. St )I I) (Hi chcrcnd and tltc .\lakct\ l\ tltc lllll\lt';ll .lll;l\ ol .-\rcttc Monkcy guru .loit .\lc(‘lurc. “how dcltul \inglc ‘llcayxuctgltt (‘ltatuptou ol tltc World \\a\ onc ol tlnx \unuucr'x tndic tllllllt‘lllx.

I Kat Flint, Andi Neate, Kristian Labak and Chris Bradley llcnr} \ ('cllar Bar. 8 lha Morrixott Strcct. 22K 03‘”. “.Rllptu. [5. low qualit} caxl coaxt l'olkxtcrx pla} lltc llollou llcart l’arlour acotNtc night.

I Flatliner, Taking Chase, Phoenix 0 and Steven Carey 'l'ltc Bongo (‘lulx Mora) llottw. V llol_\rood Road. 558 200-1. Spin, [5 tE-lt. .-\ \clcctton ol local tndic outlitx pla} in; tor a cltarital‘lc cath. In llll\ caxc ()\‘|;llll.

I Daybreak and Alchemists of Sound \Vhtxllcltinkim. 4 o South Bridgc. 557 5| H. ‘lptn. l't‘cc. local tndic actx.

\\ llll tnorc ll‘c.

I Stephen Davidson Bcanxccnc. 2 (iroanor Strcct. 340 8043. 0pm. lt‘t'cc. Scc Thu 4.

I Einzelkind (‘altarct Voltatrc. 3o 38 Blair Strccl. 220 MW. llpin 3am. £3 (Ill. :\ ll\L‘ \L‘l .tl \Vc .-\rc lilL‘L‘lrlL‘ litll‘ lllL‘ (icrtnan clcctro drtnn & ham outlit.

Thursday 18


I Super Furry Animals and Jim Noir Barron land. 244 (iallougatc. 552 4am, 7pm. £l".5tl. ()\cr-l-1\ \hoxx. \Vclxh

76 THE LIST -1 78 Oct .200

\llttcalhlx. “at k A uh tltcu \kc‘acd takc on lik'dt ll llt‘} \ lliL‘ltKllt'\ ttlltl lttlL' N“ p\_\thcdclta on lalc\l .ill‘tllll Ht l! Hm

I The Undertones lltc (iaragc. .wo \auclucltall \ttcct. “2 112“ “pm :15 ()‘.ct l-1\ \lltt‘A ()nc ol tltc all lttttc grcat adolcxtcnt uuxtit pmt punk :2.tllf_‘\ rclotut a\ a nnddlc agt- nnxtit pmt punk gang; (itcat tunw though. no atgutucnt about that

I Artisian llic ( 'alltouxc. l5 l tnon \llr'r'L (iiillh “*‘lll {2 ()\L'l llx

\ltou \lclal

I Reverend and the Makers ()uccn .\lat§_'atct l'tnon. 22 l nncrxn} (iaidcnx. 1N it‘s: "pin \()l DUI 'I \cc \\cd 1' I Still Blood Runs and Heretic Houndltaux. l" ll}dcpark Strcct. 22l

lo“) " ztlptu L5 lngltxlt t'\ll't'lllt' ntctal hand ltcadltnc

I Broken Records, The Passengers, TUFR and Not Son Box-1*] \‘auclucltall Slicct. H25-1il. hptn l tcc (l\|.llll lwnctit.

I The Hermit Crabs lilt'l. W .11 \\ltlott l anc. {321‘th \ptn l‘tt‘t‘ .v\lhutn launch at (hit to l’la) Scc \un " I Lou Hickey, Just Sunday and Thee lnjuns liltlcklllalx. to Bt-ll Sim-t. 552 5021. 8pm. £5. Biltctxucct \ongx \Hlll a \ulttlc |a// inllucncc

I The Vivians, The Pennyblacks, Zener Diode and The Only Jones llill'll}. 2N) ( .l_\tlL' Slit‘t'l. “Nail Ulla WNW. Spin, l'iu' ptccc lzdtnlttnglt )._‘l.tlll punk troupc lltc \'t\ tam hcadlinc

I Vulture Speak lcltai ()\ na. lb‘l l)can\ton Dunno-1‘) "25K. Spin {'2 \ltnitnalixt [\\}c'll tolk \oundx

I Cinemechanica, No Kilter, Arca Felix and Amongst The Arrows \tc‘c'n‘Slca/y ~12l Sauclucltall Slrcct. H: (Milt) Nillplll.Ultc‘.\ll}1lll} tnatlt tock trout .-\thcn\. (icorgta.

I These New Puritans, Kap Bambino and Danse or Die King; 'l'ut'x \Valt \\alt llttt. 222a St \tnccttt Slit-ct. 221 52“), Killpnt, to. :\llll\lt'lll quarlct lront Sontltcnd u llll :\lro|\cal inl‘lucnccx

I Alamos arid Hey Enemy Bar Bloc.

l l- littlll Sll'ct‘l. Sq-l (illbh. ‘lplll. l't‘cc. Rtppcd up tndic clcclro punk lt'otn tltcxc l)undcc rcproltatt‘x.

I Bobby Deans llcanxccnc. ISM .'\rg_'_\ lc Strcct. 357 43-1”. ‘lptn. l‘t'cc. Scc lit 5. I Francis MacDonald and John B McKenna ch \olc ('atc. Sn (ill King: Strcct. 553 loih‘. ‘lptn. ‘l‘ccnagc l‘auclub drtnntncr plan hix o\\ll \ltou.


I Battles 'l'lic liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Slrcct. 225 2564. 7pm. U250. Mam-rock quartcl. lt‘dllll'lllg lllt'llllk'l'N ol' llclutct and Don ('altallcro.

I KT Tunstall and Willy Mason ('orn liwltangc. l 1 \cu Markct Road. 477 55th), 7pm. U95”. Scc ’l‘llL' lb.

I The V Battle of the Bands 2007 'l‘hc .-\rk. 3 2 \Vatcrloo l’lacc. 228 0 W3. 7.3(lpnt. L'thc. Scc lllll 4.

I Dirty Summer, Jesus H. Foxx and Noon llcnr) '~ ('cllar Bar. 8 loa .\lorri\on Strcct. 22X 0393. 8pm. £4. :\ trio ol local l'tk‘kt‘t‘x

I Southern Tenant Folk Union and Blueflint l.L‘llll l€\-Scr\ iccrncn'x ('luh. 7 Sunth'x l’lacc. 554 4255, 8.30pm. H. An uccllcnt tnaxh-np ol countr}. lolk. lilucgra“ and anarclt} trout tltc London- ltaxcd \c\tct. making a \xclcotnc rcturn to lzdinhurgh. with local duclling hanto~ixtx in \upport.

I The Primary 5 and Dropkick llct‘iot-\\atl l'nncrxit} l'nion. Riccarton. 45l 5333, ‘lpin. £3. l-'.\-'l‘ccnagc l‘ancluh dl‘tlllllllcr l’aul QtnnnX ncxt outtit l’runar) 5 \\ uh \upporl trout countrilicd popxlcn Dropkick.

I Subrosa licanxccnc. 9‘) \icliolxon SlrL‘L‘l. Nt- 5(\‘l~_ ‘lprn. l‘irL'L‘. SL‘L‘ llltt 4. I Vantage Point, Honesty Fails and Messiahs of Metal Banncrtnan'x. \iddr) Strcct. 550 3254. 9pm. £4. l.ocal lllt‘ldl ltordm.

I Spektrum (‘abarct Voltatrc. 5o 58 Blair Strcct. 221lol7h. llpm 3am. £5. 'l‘hc uondcrlul punk clcctro pop \trcn~ Spcktrtun pla} ittdick‘lcclro night ('la~li'

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to henry®list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 4


I Real Live Jazz Session Rio t'atc. 2” ll_\ndland \ttcct. zilmttttt .\ llpnt l tcc lixc \tcckl} \t'\\lttll tcalututj; a cll.lllf_'lll_‘._' ltnc up ot \llallell altcad. no utcxxtn' ltandx


I Student Party Night lltc .la// Bat. l (‘ltantltctx Sltcct. 22H ~l2‘lh .\ illl‘lll U ltw llltl\lc attd l).l\ to l.tl\L‘ tnonct lot lad l‘tn l’ltcattc (itoup

I Organic Hip Hop lltc la/l Bar. 1 ('ltatnltch Str‘ccl. 22H 42‘“ ll 5llt‘lll l'rcc law organic lttp ltop arid tall} inon liotn 'lltc l'rcak} l'anul} attd ‘21qu \l('\ and l).l\


I The Dias Quartet lilt‘l. W .11 .'\\lllttll l anc. H2 -l‘loo 5|‘lll l'tcc l’lll\.tllllf_' ptoowx liotn tlux |a// ltittk tillallt'l.

I Leana Zaccarini 8. Jenny Clark Trio :\l’l tlL‘ (till. lllL' ( )ltl Sllcllll ('ttllll Building. litunxuick Sti’ccl. iii ll H-l. H lll.5llplll l'icc. lllucx lunk_\ pop. l.atttt and mitigating ta//.

I Acoustic Affair: Preston Reed 'l‘ron 'l'ltcalrc. (t3 ‘l‘i‘ttttgatc. 552 .l2hfi t)H‘stlpnt. L'lll. Scc 'l‘lut 4.

I The Easy Orchestra lllt' Buttt-ttlx & thc l’tg. I53 Bath Strccl. 221 “ll lllpnt. l-t‘cc. 'l‘hc Buttt'rl'l) and lltc l’tga'x

l‘a‘tn; t\.:Z‘.tl nut." T.:l‘.:"" l rank \lll.-.'.1.'.'.t‘ l\'2\k‘. \l.iil'1‘

' l""\ I "‘

t \i t \A \4

I Bitty Thom Quartet n.»

('ltatttlx'n \ttcd ‘it' 2“l\ \ it'p'z: It,“ lllC \tt‘llhl‘. \ \.\"‘

I Skunk Funk I'm l.-. Ba

( ll.tl'.ll‘t'l\ \ttcct .‘Nt L‘tm

ll l'lpttt l.zttt 1‘ t; \zy":of' ltittk ltottt lil \\tlk 'l‘~u"ll ant \'\ tut ltttlutv lltc llattaua \.‘\\ 21k: and lltc ( llft-ntlctx thy

{a )u‘l "

I Fat Sam‘s Band limit-x \:'\ (t‘ttllt‘. \cv. \l't‘t‘l \\‘ lllll' 1 ll It‘ll lo: t.:ppttt;' tttucx ti

ttttttp tt\cltt\\\ttt:'..tl1tl tax/ "l\‘.tl\ trout (tlt‘llll \llllct to l al\ llottuno lion; 7“:\ lllllt' pttxc lcd l\\ ll.ttttI\ll \lttuc

Saturday 6


I The June Love Trio Itatlt-i l. t~ . ‘25 llopt- \ut'ct _. ill 2 illl‘lll llt‘t' (lltl \tllt‘t‘l |.:// .tlltl \tna \unouc towtx

I The Michael Deans Ouintet Ba: liloc, ll" llatli \ttt-t-r \ t tiltritt \ \pm ltcc ()uttttt't lcd in town \.t\t'l‘llt|lll\l llcattx. p|a_\ut§.' a utodctn ltltntl o! l‘t‘lht',‘ |.t// and lunk

I London Community Gospel Choir l’a\tlton lltcatic. l.‘l lx’t'uttcli \tlccl. H.‘ lxtn ‘lttpm tl.‘ elm w «LIN 11 1 5th l\no\|.n lot lllt'll «'oxpt‘l llau. \oullul .tll.tll:'\‘lllt‘tll\ and

un tg'otatttu' \ ltotcog'taplix. Iltc \ ltott lcnd lllt'll lllll‘lt'\\l\t‘ tollt-t ll\t' \ottc to will \\klll_‘._' and l‘lttcx .l\ \wll ax \ lavat t'opte

:1] ilttl

l‘(l|lll)tll‘()ll I The Mellotones l who Hut-on \ltcct llat arid l\’\'\l.llll.llll. \H ()utwn \trch 2?“ all". .‘ ‘t‘tn ltct‘ llllllll\ it.

v; '9 ,' ‘\ l:


«' “rt

.5 ' . \ l

Rather than contenting themselves with revisiting

past glories, Cowboy Junkies, 20 years into their career, decided to return to the church in Toronto, where they recorded their groundbreaking album The Trinity Sessions in 1988, and push things forward. They went back and captured the spooky essence of that building in Trinity Revisited. Vic Chesnutt and Ryan Adams were among the musicians recruited to further the experiemnt and the results were pretty special. Here we’ll get a flavour of both albums in the most evocative of surrounds. To win a pair of tickets to this show plus a copy of the band's new DVD just send us your name, address and a daytime phone number to promotions@list.co.uk by Friday 5 October. Usual List

rules apply.