’ggfif‘TYfg.‘ .4: .rV.-'J",“.A g. Ir 1. : I .‘I I “1/ I'll "' 1,111,111- . (Ii-()fd‘(/ t‘.”

I Scottish Ensemble Rx \\ll) 11m I<k'llllk"-'- \111'cl "ll‘fl I; :11 1‘ :51 'll1t't'11w111l1l.‘ 1x mint-«I IV. 13111-1 III“.

Spun]; 111 .1 ~11: ult I‘L'II'IIIIIJIKK. 111111-11 \ In“. /)1.1I.'.'H:II:'1. I l;'.11 \ XIII/3111]! 111/ \,'I.'I.“.'\ .1l11l l lll/le /)'11 \111111'11

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (1H ll.1ll\.(.1111llt‘111'1'x 4*; \ll‘lll ‘illpm {iii if: .1\.11l.1l\|t‘1 \.t'lt'l11.1l1u111~t luawimucx \‘-ll|\ll 1I1'l111lt-1I .11 lllk’ 1l.1v.11 «11 [In l‘lll1 \1'11l111_\ livctlnncnR \ 11.j,w1~1:. \11 .mtlH.111I11\[/11111111/1/1/111\\1.t11lltllltl\'1l l1} ll11t'11} l1xtl11'1 .1111l 11-.111111111' ln.11111t' luau I).1I1|I\*1;'1111t'//n

l 1111111\11111.111n_ “1111.101”. l.1111.'\(11l.l111\t11.111111. \lt'plian I max 1I1.1\» l1.111l11111'1.1111I llit' \('()('l111111\


I Peter Yardley Jones \Itl 11.111 II.lIl. Illhln \1|ll.1l\'. (fill I: . I Itl'ui. l'11'1' \111»1;.i.1111ct1l.1lt.1l.111;'1>11ll1t' 11mm 111 ll.1tl1.\\11l111 and I lit-11

I Der Freischutz ( 'l1111t l1 ll1l| lllt'JllL'. “.1 \111111111;'\11l1' l\'H.11I_ *3"

' Illlilll LIIIL 'l \1‘t'\\\‘1l I“

l alkii'k

I Piano Recital - Ashley Wass l‘.1|l\11k lll\\ll ll.1l|.\\t‘\l l’»111l;_'c\11n'l. (1| 13.1501»le {011111 L‘ l\llltl\'lll\ L l 1, ,\ pvrluiiiianu- ot 11111\1\' l1} \l\\}11. l.1\/l. |)1'l111\\§ .1111l l-l;'.11


I Formosa String Quartet ( ‘111111\ (lunch. ll lliit'l1.111.111811cm. illpm L'lll 1L'51 lllk' ()11.11‘tt't Pt'l lUllli\ \lt‘iitlt'lxwlm .11111 llt't'llim 1'11 1111 the \llliipanc \Ilhlt (‘luli‘x (15111 l111tl11I.1_\ conu'il. Ilk'lxk'l\ t'1111l11'nhl.1111t'1l 1111111 (ll-ll ‘HI “lllh 111 1111 lllk' (Illt‘l 1111 lllk' 111gl1l


I Lauryna Sableviciute RH" \.\l| ). lllll Rt'nllt'“ Sin-1‘1. “I NEG-111111. lim- lllx’le‘lmll. SL'L‘ lllk' ‘l.

I Tom Bell and Sarah Stuart (ilgixgou l'111w1x1t} \11-111mm] (lulu-l. llic 811111111: ()ll l’111\c1\11.\ .\\k'llllk'. 7.3011111. lit-c. ()1';:.1111\l llcll 11ml pclt‘uxxmnixl 8111.111 [101111111111111x1t'l1} (kn) (‘.11'pcnlt‘1.l'111111;1\1cl\c11. \l.11'1111 llihxc}. .\l.1llliv\\ Smgcalil. Ronald SICH‘HM‘H. \l\‘\.llitlcl' (iUL'lil. l’t‘lt‘l .\l;1\\wll l);1\1t'\.1111l\\1ll1.1111llnlcom


I Der Freischutz ('l1111t'l1 ll1l| lllt'dll‘k'. “.1\lolmngxitlcl{o.11l.53" -l|-l". ". itlpm L“ 1‘4“. \cc \\t‘1l Ill

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)11u'11\ll.1ll..\’“ .\"l(‘|c1'l\ Slit-cl. Mix Itll‘l.“,3ll1\111.t.\ {35 Scc l'l‘l II,

I His Majesty’s Sagbutts 8. Cornetts Sl(k\‘1l1;1\ll;1ll. \itltli’}

nyos :fufllres

\ '51» n 1 1. l \ ~ .\ 2/1'1 I... .. , 1.1M .. 1.. I

I 1:51.17: .;:..i \1‘.:;: " .Hlltlwix'Z \ l lily. ( vomit» l’t” I’I11II:;‘\ I);.';1-l)'1:/ II.'TT..:T..'.'

( .1I\t'/111:


I NYOS Futures( 11; ll.1ll\ ('.1111I|t‘11:';'\. V‘; \‘lll‘l I\’1\111t' \l.11\ Hi i I.1\\1\.1l 11111\11 .11.- 111111t‘1ll1_\ 1113111I11'1x nl lllk' l’1l’.( \t1rll1\li\}11111I11111} Unlicxlia 1111 .1 l‘k'llt‘llllJlkk' HI I 1;‘1'11\

“'1‘111 t_\

1.1.1ll1 1.1111111'u1111l11‘l111 llaltlm ll11111111111.11111

I Banquet of Musick \1 \11111.~.1. \ :11 lll\‘\1lll.tlt‘. \l \111I1\".1.\ \1111.11;. ‘VT" “ill: \111111'1.1111111cut {.111111111' 11111\1\ 1\.'111~1111.'1Iw111‘c11ml lll\lllllllk'lll\ .1\ 11.11! wt ll‘.\‘ \1 \111I1.”.‘. \

( l.1\\1\.1l \1'11c» 111t 1111I1111‘ '1‘.1~1l.\ lit ('1111'II1_ ll.1tI1.1111I l|.1111lcl lit l.cl\ l1~111 \‘.\\ \l. \\'\ \[Li .1111} .11 ll\"ll till lllhll

[MINI/ll: Um: 1/."

\11111 L‘\ 1U»


I St Giles’ at Six: Faculty of Advocates Choir \1(iil.~<(‘.11l1\-.l1.1l. lx’u_\.1l\lllt'..73(»l|h"‘ t111111 le'k' \ 11111;'1.1111111t'1il 111nm l1'\ I l:‘.11 .11111 l11\ l111npu.111punk-11111111.”1m.(i111111ml. l’11t't‘1111.1111l|<.1tl1111.111111u\

Monday 15


I Music on Mondays: Allan Neave RS \\ll). Illll lx’t-nlIt-u \11ct't. “I *HV lpm Li \1l1\1'1\c[1111111.11111111'10.111111”: 11111xlt' l1} |\’111l11;.'11. lx’cjgniitli .1111l \11-\1-


Tuesday 1 6


I Andrea Gajic and Anna Rastopchina l<.1111\|111111'll1t~.111t-. *l.\ 111;:1.1111 \111'01. 55‘ HS" l.l5 311111. ti (1.111(1111\111l111.1111ll{.1\1111\‘l1111.11111 [11.11111 pl.1_\ I)HII\ll .11111 l\’11\\1.111 \11»|111 \Ull.ll.1\ (HIIIPHMKI I‘) K.iltll S/_\111.11111\\\l\1.1111l l\'.111'11 Kl1.1\'l1.111111.111 I‘Hl \L‘JMHI llt'la‘l 1lL'l.11I\ (all Ill-ll g l.\ Kill.

I Organ Recital: Kevin Bowyer (il.1\;:n\\ l'111\1'1\1l_\ \11-111011.1l ('l1.1]wl. Ilic 8110.111: ()H l lll\L'l\ll_\ \w1111c. 5511111 lit-c. \11c.11|_\ \‘\L'lllll‘.‘ [it‘lll‘llliallt‘t' «it \\Ull\\ l1} .lol111lx’mc. l)111'1lllc.1111loll1t'ix


I Caponata Argamacho Trio and CanitaRt-11l(‘n11t-c11 ll.1|l. I 11111l1111§gl1

l nut-NU. ll11xlu\1|l1.11‘c.h*ll 113"

l lllpm. l 1w l .1111lc1lwpi.111u\.1\. \1ol.1. clu'lm' l\.1\~.1111l I l.1111c11u1;11111.11 cnxcnililc. pl.1_\111;_' t'l.1~~1p.1l \\111l\\ 1111111 Sp.1111.1111lll1.1/1l.1l1111g\11lc|'|.1111c11pn .1111ltl1t'11 mm \UIHINNIIIHHN

in collaboration With ORCHESTRA

Scottist‘ Arts (01111111

80 THE LIST -1 'ri

Box Office www.nyos.co.uk 0141 353 8000


14 October 2.30pm Glasgow City Halls

Tickets £5 Student/Child £2

s‘c‘omsn CHAMBER ORCHESTRA: c1.osnx SCO. St Cuthbert's Church. from Tue 9 Oct

Something different is on offer from the Scottish Chamber Orchestra this season as they embark upon a new series that makes concert-going incredibly easy. With a venue that could hardly be more central. 3 start time to coincide with the end of the working day and length of performance that still allows plenty of the evening left for a night on the town. CL@SIX is highly likely to appeal to new concert-goers as well as existing classical

lovers who are up for a bit of change.

‘It's a bit of an experiment for us and a way of accessing a different audience,‘ says 800 Managing Director, Roy McEwan. ‘Possibly older folk who are not keen on being out late at night, but it‘s also to attract the more occasional concert-goer who might not make one of our core season

evening concerts.‘

McEwan is especially pleased with St Cuthbert‘s Church. at the foot of Edinburgh‘s Lothian Road, as the venue for the CL@S|X series. “It‘s big,‘ he says, ‘but has a good acoustic and is close to the business district of the city. We hope to attract people who work in town who want to avoid travelling home in the rush hour and spend an hour listening to music


The Tuesday concerts feature two performances with the full orchestra of 37 players, one each by SCO Winds and 800 Strings and the final one from

the award-winning SCO Chorus.

‘The repertoire is essentially easy for a non-regular classical concert- goer but also attractive to the more experienced.‘ It is due to support from the Scottish Government and the direct funding national companies now receive that has allowed the orchestra to take the initiative on board, the first time in 15 years that they have done anything at all quite like this.

(Carol Main)

Wednesday 1 7 -


I Andrea Gajic and Anna Rastopchina ( '1.1\11111\I (".111' Ital. l much”) ()I \11.1ll1pl\1lc. .ln11l.111l11|l (‘.1111|\11\. "f1 81111ll1l11.1t' l)11\ c. ‘Nl :1 W I la 2"!“ llk'k' \L'k' lllll II)

Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica ( '11\ ll.1ll\. ('.1111llc11§_'_~.'\. 1*; \llllll \1i111 Ll: L2H \11111111\t (111l1111 l\'1c111c1 11111ixtl11' 1111111; 11111x1t1.111\1»l Ilit'k11'111c1.1t.1ll.1lt1\.1tni .1 pt'ilnliimntc ul \lt'111lt'lxwl111\(1113111111 113/) Ill/It”. llt'cllimt'n'x \{11150 (jug/111' \r'I: .llltl It’ll.tlI\U\\I\}.\ \1'1’111I1'll11/1

/ 1711/1 1:1 1


I Scottish Flute Trio lullm..1l1. .l.11l \\_\n\l.llI-\(1:-.llillll \Iiln f-\ 11(11 llicliin111111\t111pc\ \‘.1tl1 Ilic 1.1lc111c1l )111111:11111\1p1.111\1~t tl11-l<\ \\Il) \1111111111114loin-11111111 :Illlltk'llllll} \l.1\\1t\.1111l11111\1\ I1} wmc Ht \‘ollantlk lt‘.11l111;_' \11111c111po1.11.\

U 'llll‘i '\L‘l \

Thursday 18


I Edinburgh Quartet '1 l1c \tcuhuni Ilium". ‘ll(1t*1iigt'\tit1.1rt'. 2314—144.

134*11111 Lllx lllk' liig'lil} .1“ l.lllllk'll l'.tl111l\111;:l1 (311.1111'1. \111111111\111;I l11\l.111 (11111113 11mll’l11l1pll11111111111\1ul1nx. \l1tl1.1cl Ht'k'\lllll|lll \1ul.1.1111l \l;11l. |l.11lt'} on u'llu. 11111111111 llinlyc'x [/1111 /1/\//\ .1111l l'.lj_'.1i\ I’nmu (Jill/111']. \'.1ll1 \lklllll.l\ \xl1l1111n11 111.1111» I Caponata Argamacho Trio and Canita (1|.1\}_'11\\ l'niu-ml} ('onu'il ll.1ll. l'111\t-1\1I_\ \wnuc. Hll ll"): l lH :[illl l'lk‘k' \L't' Illk' l(i

Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Naked Classics l<n_\.1l ("uncut ll.1ll, I Saut'liit'lmll Slum-t. “1 \llllll " illpm Llll .-\ \L‘Ht'xul pci‘t111111a11u-x. llllllitlllkk'll l1} l’.111| l<1\\111.111_tc.11111111: \l\ll.1l ctlutx, 1111 \l.1j_'c111lc1‘.1t-\|.\.1111l11111x1t.1lc\11;1tl\ .1 [it‘llccl \\.1_\ HI 1ll\'11‘~t‘l'lllf,' IlllllL' ;1I\11lll tl.1\\1g;1l11111\1t 'l11111gl11'xpictu 1x l'_lj_'.1i'\/.I113mu III/1111mm


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)llk'L'll-\ ll.1ll. ha “I (.IL'II. \ll‘L'L’l. “(18' I‘ll” " “mm L3 LT \ lr1hutc to \lk'lltlk'l\\llllll p.111'xtl1ccxcr popular liu/m (1111111111 \xitli Il|\ \}lli[)lll)lilc IiHIIMjJL' In Scotland. Ilic Sump/1mm NH 1'. 'l he rathci lg“ \wll known mcrturc [m [(11] llt'le/Iir I\ on lirxt. With \’1\1;1nc llagncr on \1ol1n and Hans Bruggcn continuum.