Scorsese. to film the life of which former Beatle?



Chil's play

Mabou Que: OollHouse


Edinburgh International Festival hit makes the transition to the big screen in partnership with Film City Glasgow. Words: Anna Millar

ne ol' the litlinhurgh International l‘estnal'x mmt \ueeexxltil prtxluetionx is set to make its \ih er \ereen tlehtit. \\ ith the help ota ( il;t\go\\ lilm eompan}.

“UH/lulrxr'. haxetl on llenrik lhxen'x elasxie te\t. “as shoueaxetl at this ixear‘x lill’ h} leatling .-\meriean theatre eompan} \lahou Mines. l)ireetetl h} inno\ati\e. a\ant- gartle tlireetor Bretier. the modern adaptation ll\L‘Ll ahxurtlist elements inxpiretl h} \ueh popular tales as .‘I/lt't' r'ri Howler/amt. ln Breuer'x auartl-uinning protlttetion tall \xomen \\ L‘I'L‘ L‘;t\l ;l\ the helittletl lt‘llltllt‘ eharaeterx. \\llllL‘ the patriarehal men ol‘ the original pieee are pla} etl h} aetorx under th e leet tall.

.\'e\\ York theatre eompam Mahon Mines and l‘reneh 'I'V protlueerx l’our \'oir ha\ e set their skill at the main \llltllt) laeilitiex at l-‘ilm ('it} (ila\gti\\ tor a reereation ol’ the theatre pert‘ormanee. 'l‘he onxite protluetion ol‘liees are also heing ll\L‘tl. \xhile the east and ere“ \\ill be \ta_\ing at the (iman low it llall-hasetl organisation.

Based in the eit_\ \ ne\\ Digital Media Quarter at l’aeitie Qua). this ix the lirxt time that film (‘it_\ has pla} etl host to

an international protltietion.

'l‘iernan l\'e|l_\. liilm (‘it_\ (ililxgtm ()perations Manager. said: "l’hix lx l-‘ilm (‘it_\ (ilasgoxx'x lirxt trul_\ international pi'otlttetion and an ineretlihh e\eiting proieet tor all those in\o|\'etl. .\'e\\ York theatre eompan} .\lahou Mines and lireneh ’l‘\' protlueers l’onr \'oir are reeognixetl as ke_\ players in the lilm ll]tlll\ll'} antl \\ e are proud the} lime chosen l'iilm ('il} (ilaxgtm'x \xorltl elass laeilitiex tor the prodtietion ol‘ lhr/ll/rrrrxru'

('it} eouneillor (ieorge R}an. e\eeuti\ e spokesperson tor regeneration. \llltlI "l‘he tlexelopment ol' l‘ilm ('it} (ilaxgou is part ot (ilasgou ('it_\ ('ouneil'x long term eommitment to the dewlopment ol' the lilm and 'l‘\' intluxtr} in the eit}. ()n eompletion ol' the proieet. (ilasgou \\ ill ha\ e a set ol‘ t‘aeilitiex \\ Iiieh are unique in the l’lx'. antl “hieh position the eit} partieularl) \\ ell to eapture next opportunities \\ hieh are emerging \\ ithin the industry

The Doll/louse prothtetion team arri\etl at film ('it} (ilttxgtM' earlier last month and i\ expeetetl to eomplete tilming this \xeek.



I A film which made its premiere at this year's Edinburgh International Film Festival, has been awarded one of the Venice Film Festival’s most prestigious awards. Dog Altogether, starring Peter Mullan and co-produced by Glasgow's Sigma films, was awarded the Silver Lion for Best Short Film in the festival’s Corto Cortissimo category. Elsewhere, the Golden Lion for Best Film went to Se, Jie by Ang Lee while Best Director was awarded to Brian De Palma for Redacted. The Volpi Cups for Best Actor and Actress were picked up by Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt. This year’s line-up opened with the much-anticipated big screen adaptation of Ian McEwan's Atonement starring Keira Knightley and James McAvoy. (AM)

I \ ’I).

FOUR BITES OF THE BIG APPLE New York TV hopefuls to show their wares in Edinburgh Pttlllt‘lpéllll‘i at the l tliiilitiirfli International lt:lt:‘.’ir;i(>ii l’tf‘ill‘htl an: to receive a Hit} Apple inier‘tioii lhe New ‘i’r )ll\ l‘elevirar )ll l't,‘53ll‘.’(ll it; to ‘5t?ll(l tour of its tit-st creators; to Seotlantl through a new réxrghanrie program called li)zi%;‘;l)oit, set up as, part of a new partnership Wllll the l Ill As; part of the 13008 lr:s;tr.'al_ the trim creators. from the New York pilot contest ‘.‘.’lll sateen their work before an Lrlinlmroh audience in the hope of f3(}(lllt'lll(l UK (lifatrihtition. Naren Young", The / tap/w Hour, Kevin Napier"; I I.“ Pats: Bariga/ore. Anne Jarniain's Dear Harvard. and Barry Gnhhle'f; Coder/0rd: Secret hare all earned a place at the Edinburgh competition. Dear Harvard l)f(:‘/l()tl’)l‘, took home the Gotham Festival's award for heat rlrania. Organisers said of the project: 'This. collaboration .‘Jlll lead to other iornt protects hetixreeri the twp testrralsf This year's Edinburgh event featured high-profile appearances from Newsrirg/it presenter Jeremy Paxrnan and Gerr/ MCCann. father of rnissmg fooryear old Madeleine. (AM)

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