Brian Donald-ion finds a rash of shows V'Ithh prove that comedy can "Ill" thrive on the ho;

.. I ,()ll. [I I. ' I ll “Jr 'l 1 I I I I I ' 4" I I ‘1, “II 1’ I I I ‘I I {Hi} il. .. 'l.l‘<1T. I l l’ u- II " ' ’i i I' I I’ll'lll'“, I‘ 1" l u‘ I 1' .. 2.. .. I 1. '

lm,:;,i,!,rl»r-;wl«l'w: ' 3O ' Mm ROCK In", W". '7(}/ .'. ' 1.1.151» " z‘ oooo ~¢van¢vwnm\;rw-zr' ‘/v+n~,:'vw' nu ~r.2-

.‘.;“‘llwl'l.r",vfmr l-Lw TM mm .1 H ‘r 'T. .' .il ~r‘.<;!lw- (ll‘w .z'l’lvll lllw' “llil‘v .'.T’ "I": " ' Muir, rwz'mfillllm’ "n": .erflv / 1." a" 2:! z" r , 1,7;

hum, llrmlm"nip-ulnar". mam lmtlnlvrnt'lls lifSUl'l‘l'mil :lhm.

and HI.” garwl I“. 21' lllrlll .llllllll (:1 (il'l‘.iilf.'fv1:l, nulfiw Aiminl’lmmlglr Hi [114('lw<llwmlmlllwluvll zflllw ' Mlllfllllll)l'l/l‘JMlI-lllrin", t< l|l7.1ll‘,r.i'). ml (llllrll' lw. [lint l l/ l “l'l: M. l“-

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.‘)‘.’Il>'-.'.. .'.'llwTworllli.ll''l‘, “1.114%, ‘.'.’|lll llI'l lul lll)l;| .2 lll'.‘. nlwln l'llll‘lf. llll‘ ll. mum} .‘ull‘ alime-

Illl‘llll‘. lv, /\|l‘( l‘Lingul. “.‘Jlu Ir: luv

(l'ill mm Comedy Showcase J, l' (in, 'va ooo

lY‘.(>H'(:2;T;ll*l!‘1l)i"l '1.1Hu‘5‘.’m\.‘:< m'w:

“7 “M: fl )H. I‘ \[lv («41"‘7‘; (\T {A |¥,‘\H IN.‘ in) Fl l N l WALL}

‘.lllll("llé>fl, lmw "ll,il1"1er\(:f;i‘. [W V .1 HIDDEN PALMS I, \ .( I I . \ I \4 U‘ _.|,, K) 4

:1l?\/':<‘tml.m|ll 'lilxlil‘Hjillllli‘4fllflll‘t‘li (Eu ‘1 w 117w}; implw‘ ltlirrmr'. am: Hidden Palms certainly starts with a bang with a gruesome fatality kicking

I‘m/r)» Sim. m H. mull .1». -t little: mm proceedings off. But Kevin Williamson’s latest bash at teen drama after l'.-.:«;tl-. l' and DUMMY? in m: iii...» w fiu: previous scripted glories such as Scream and Dawson ’5 Creek eventually mm: at this :‘< mm P? .1 I._ ~.,- lr-;i.r1:;lé-l"l fades to black with a whimper. Forced to move to Palm Springs with his insult: llml um" n mum. .1 21.1mm up ‘l ’Iur; < M". glamorous mom and beefcake dad-in-Iaw, young alcoholic Johnny (Taylor mid mm ml all: F’.'.’l‘1lf;llli‘tsi~ .‘tlllt‘fil lmw. llw ugwmm :M "01")!” Handley) starts to hang out with some enigmatic yet glamorous screw-ups .l;‘lll.lH ll) .mlw lm :;.1‘.z- Ilw um am lbwmd imam-nan Mm: l rén'llwr‘ m. ;x such as Greta (Amber Heard), who is prone to racing around a deserted

.1“ MW to quit. Hut Willi ml :zlu' t'lili‘l chitin-'1}. "l.l\_ll«".ll‘ WW1 3'"... Hal‘s “1 park at night in a negligee, and Cliff (Michael Cassidy), who kiCKS dogs in w til “rm .1 My llanw .11 trw axl‘ ‘3; v: lu-fIINM.‘.1’2’Wr hum.) :1: the face for fun and possesses a creepy affability. The show’s mystery (or «'“h M” T'!‘<llh‘Hlf‘~ «NW N ‘M 4:1 11.! ‘HMI H‘ Hut ma: / >‘ .l". .ilw:~.e« :x‘» mm .11! «'r .: ultimate red herring) seems locked in this pair's simmering relationship and mm Iv :xw "um making .1 in».th 33.11;”: m. m wwu; 'w 1:! m r:)'<lllllfl" the secret which they harbour about the kid whose room Johnny now i‘Hl'dev M 1m: aims- Dmitri (mu kilwt .l gwmymtr .-.:flt .1 fan mum inhabits. A kid who killed himself in that very room.

SUN (‘1‘ Am A Tluu‘nu‘iwr Iv i \fzsrf' “I!” t" x W. .1 Wish ‘1 1;i.'.'.v' : m Did I say that everyone is unfeasibly glamorous? And that no one seems rilvaniHM". rm: :2 .m mmilm rm... mu Um Mumtw. 'u- 1f§gif»f‘.li)l)‘7§} to do much all day besides lounging around the pool and looking all 4.1mm»: I.» tlw “mm 2.1th rltxl‘ germ; N1V".'.i‘~HLJ'WWH‘QINtlihil‘[eat’flg .i'n'! screwed up? Even in Twin Peaks. this show's most obvious forerunner.

7"“ “1'” "“"‘"""‘-"‘-”*l \“ “1‘39"” 3W" W ""‘i l""~'<i*\?~1" «NV?» «we -. most people had a job to hold down or leftfield hobby to occupy them. Still, 4:: mmlwtm lv. Inc swutnu 'vkm to its credit, by the second episode’s closer, the story has hopped on with a marginally sinister cliffhanger; such spooky plot jumps may be the only way the show will maintain people's attention. Note to Kev: there’s really no need to hammer home your point by swamping almost every single scene with a power pop post-grunge ballad. Or a bit of Coldplay. No need at all. (Brian Donaldson)

.Jurwm l\\.‘0.1l\l ll'SM‘: \\lx‘tlkjt‘tl(l ltl .mwlllw minim .‘urw um": lltllwtm‘t: on \OLll mm. 1:; rim for in"): tannin: m ..::t .m \‘\.t'.' mm 1.35M The Life and Times of Vivienne Vyle

"'x, -1 Oct. 91"“ 000 3.31::

titanium til“ I“. [‘4 him} Duel“ ::“y-

‘t‘ MCHM‘ C '. 't‘.:'.:.'..:.;\ ' F‘A,.‘.‘:.-r'. T'W' ' My? ['3’ T“) “,0” 'r’}. ‘j’ll, ./:’.'(2' /:'~: -: ,{1‘10 '1 ,. l1" MN t [I'll \\H \H \‘IV 3' [I‘\ t l] n II-Y "_ \v‘ )' °':,. -, no - In 3/ r‘y‘,vf~. ( I~r_'« r‘r rI~(..‘rr ,4' :4! I I "J'. 'r/ Trf. i ( \-‘{ \L1 {\i it Iii-\(1\\ ~t\ \ x "1 ’,‘ , ‘_‘ ; e e ', I l / I , -1 1A/m/I "1' l I

t‘.l\.l\‘.1tl0 cl r‘lolrwr‘a "thin Serafonowicz Show 5804 77;. .1 ‘fffl’,’ a“, 52",- ’,"I’;" ' 371W; .2?) rift/[her .1 l\‘$ill\0 M \'.l:I.I‘.:‘, about O: ,'. $4. i; 'v‘ Q... You; ma, My) ‘:“:bli1‘,’.‘;_’l’T’Nitf'w‘flf Command Jervww 8.1..'1.l~.>'s truat we '2,- ":i1r‘ 92’; S»’:’;2*h"¢.'. "9'7? 7; ('2', 1w: ’lui/ (IN/Writ Helmet mm .3 mic to pm in the 504% "5: 3".) (mp gg‘fms; as; r r: ~" m”: a”: andEwan/1er performing Sense she, has 00‘s. emu: 13“"); 3,35,; g, ‘t I, ;,rg:,;,:, I, raw/fry one“ He", :1 big mar. those lruslr'dlmns. Tl‘e YBSLH: s an ";‘;_{; KT", W,- .‘.’é:‘s f3 10‘ 319:) r, 9979' S<;ral'0'-Q.'.'.’,/. .‘xzfn a maszur: often spot—on dissection or alvw'orrcv‘t waffj" "Y‘KNETSSIC'NST. H5 A‘aw A r12: 8"“) tam-"f f9 tx/I'.

.-,_ 'g ;‘ THE LIST 89