The highs On love, Take a tour and lows Iau hter of the new of teaching an Tot: breed of

in Japan biSCUits sex shop “6598 PAGE 104 PAG£96


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lhe \tleeexx til the eule llxlltl\\ n ;l\ 'the ( tipping; \hlnif l in the l’i‘ineex Stlngn'e \tni’e hm elenil} [lt‘l\ll£ltlt‘tl ‘lil'ext'\le enti'epi'enetn‘x' l'innu l|;nniltnn .llltl ;\|iwn l'ieltlingg that the lnttne'x in ltltltl. ('onxetlnentl) the neu \enttn'e lltl\ :i large dining:

area. ti prett} tleeent \l/L‘tl etile/'l;il\e;i\\;i_\ and :1 mm“

I‘L‘lttll \[NtL‘C \t|llL‘L‘/L‘tl lll

hetxxeen. In the gi‘ntiiitl l'lnni‘ til a modern nlliee

hlnek thefxe enhnneetl the \\;tl'L‘ltttll\e lL'L‘l \\illl lH\\

ii‘nn :Jll'tlk‘l'\ iintl e\pmetl

lH'lL'lx lll L'lt‘dl' t'e\et‘enee [U ithpit‘ulinntil New York

\L'lllIL‘\. 'lillL'liC.\ :1 ltll (ll

hluek in the tlexign hnt gent-tall} il'x \innrt and

neat and not t)\L‘I't‘ltll‘ttl'ulLfl 'l'hei‘e'x ntneh gihnnt l‘lll untl .'\|l_\ thul'x w nnpeeenhle in luxle untl \t}le that quite Clettl'l} \(llllL‘ \\lll hue ll \\tlll :l l\l\\ UH lmlll t‘llL'L'lx\ :tlltl wine \in| grind then teeth to the le||1|\ .‘ll the mere glnnine til the pltiee.

'l'he eul’e/luketnxu} hux \gintlxxiehex and [l(l\ll'|L'\ ntntle in—hnnxe. lWL‘tll’xlihl tnhx ml min and lllllt'\ll. large ll()\\l\ nl enlntn‘lnl \;il;itl untl tlexijgnei' enp enlxex. lit the I‘L'\ltttll';llll the large and menu. hzill the \i/e ml the table. ix :1 hitx'n‘pieeex nllet'ing \xith Intx (ll \nuekinj.’ uptinnx

C \neh ;l\ \;il;itl\ untl [llitlIL‘l'\. Snpphet‘x. wine nl thein local and :n'tixan. tn'e gnen tlne i'eengnitinn and the} ‘i'e making: nineh nl hgning Rnhet't \lk‘.'\tlillll. lni'inei'l} ml the 'lln'ee

_ (‘hintne\ \. on lNhll'tl ;l\ pmti'} ehel. SCOtland Wlth Style meets gorgeous Glasgow 'l‘he nienn hm heen ennxn‘netetl \kllll eui‘e itlltl \HlllL‘ for lunCh at and finds Dona|d l'ltiii' ptu‘tienlui'l} the e\eellent nine ll\l. lt‘x hill nl niee- wnntling llltltl hut lllLllx'L‘\ an ellni't to remain l'tmlL'tl. \tith uptinnx \neh ;l\ 'llunie lame to tlziil} I'tl;t\l or C;1\\Cl‘()lcl :intl 'Kitehen l’ie” tut ntn' \ixit not a pie zit Llll but a html nl t'ieh \leu with it pull—pnxti'} eupi zilnngxitle \lCilh ll‘llL‘\

80 Wellington Street, Glasgow, 0141 226 2286 ~-_._.—_.—_—w~-—— ~ » ~ . m- [mqu \hrimp ()[1 hunt. ;l \nnple. lililHllll-l‘lk‘ll “1111”- ?réalfffl5_t-served from Sat' the“ all'day menu “I 8pm (Mon-wed) or You \wn't get Ll ehezip lnneh. hut it\ not an upenxixe 10pm (Thu—Sat). Closed Sun. Average price for a two-course meal £16. \tlppei'. though \kith \ltlL‘ Lll\llL‘\. [ltltltllllgx and wine it

Ctlllltl lk‘. Lille getx lll\C Illitl when \l} lcix lll\t)l\Ctl.