
.-\|Ihnngh l III‘I'ixctl lll .lIIpIIn II \ iI'IIIIIl illiII'I'IIII'. lhc IIIngIIIIgc \IIIxII'I lllL‘ Itlt\l;tL‘lL‘ l L‘\|X‘L‘lL‘Il ll in lk‘. Sltlll in II'IIiII \IIIIinnx \pI'IIk I‘nnugh l‘.llgll\ll In gct _\nII tn 'l'nk}n IInIl cwn Ihc ticket lllilL'illllL‘\ \pcIIk IIInI'c lIIIIgtIIIgcx thIIn )Illll’ IncI‘IIgc l'.\' II‘IInxlIIInI'. l.i\ ing in thc I‘nuntl'} Iitk‘\ I'I‘IIIIII‘I- \ninc cll'ni‘t il' )Itll \\IInt In CHIHL‘HL‘ \\llll llltll‘L‘ llltlll llL'GCl lllllL‘lllllL‘\. thnugh; \IIIiling IInIl pninting ix linc. hut I Ilnn't ik'ilLWC IhIIt illiIcI'III‘} ix II \ ll‘lllL‘ and I “LilliL‘Ll li'icnilx nnI L‘llill'iltlL‘\ pIII'tIIcrx.

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.lIIpIIn ix \n \III'iI'Il IInIl \Inntlcrl‘ul IhIII I'\I‘I‘_\IIII_\ \nnIthing \lll'[il'l\L‘\ }Itll. \Ihcthcr thIIt he \Inincn in II'IIIliIinnIIl kiinnnn hclting nut l’inlx‘x Iluxt like .\ l’ill' III kIII‘IInkc.

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I lain worked for Nova for two years, and intends to go back to them - their website is The other big private teaching companies are Geos, Aeon and ECG. JET is a government affiliated scheme that places teachers as Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) in state schools.

- YnII Ilnn'I llIEIBIl II lFl l. IIIIIIilfiitIItsw‘ tn l(?(l(ili in IJIIpIIII. Iliniitih ll‘: lllIi'h, ITIilllltéllllt‘f‘» $.nII ‘.'.‘lll gm (’1 llt‘lff'l fiiilIlf‘, llwill\lIFllIi‘.'tf()ll(3.I\lllll‘.’("f3|l,<1I:Ill(:(r It; (?fif3t?l‘.lltil (lllt: In Iltt: (EXTIIEI‘lIrl‘I. :;tili;t regulations; Illintlt fnrnltinntt; ‘,'.’I)ll‘.il‘§l lll the ITIlllllif‘..

I If you’re intending to teach, secure your job while in the UK: it's almost impossible to change a tourist visa into a working visa.

I Brace yourselves for a shock - an easyJet-commissioned survey has found that easyJet passengers produce less 002 than those of less orange airlines. The survey, the results of which easyJet will be splashing all over full-colour adverts in papers near you sometime soon, is another key weapon in the airline's long- running campaign against Air Passenger Duty, the blanket ‘green' airline tax instituted in February this year, and makes a couple of interesting points. Lower-cost airlines do tend to mop up most of the blame for aviation pollution, but as the report points out, their planes tend to be newer and therefore more efficient and less pollutive than those of longer- established rivals. They also note that just as the APO flat fee doesn't discriminate between distance, charging the same for a flight to Melbourne as one to Marrakesh (guess which easyJet flies direct to?), there’s no difference between ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ planes, and that somehow private jets have been left completely exempt from any sort of charge. Regular easyJet passengers may also be gratified to know that they generate less CO2 per kilometre than people who travel in Virgin Voyager trains or Toyota Priuses. Shame on you. I Did you find that fewer people in tartan shorts wanted to know about your clan loyalties this summer? Apparently American tourists have turned their backs on Britain. as the pound continues to pull the dollar's pigtails and menace it behind the bike sheds. Flights over here have risen by as much as 19% since last year, and Our share of the US international tourism market has dropped by 10%. It doesn't work the same way in reverse. though - our bullying buddy the Euro is growing in strength too. meaning that regular flights from Dublin to New York have almost doubled in the same period. We do hope they're not using ‘dirty' planes . . .

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