Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Actrt/ttres 8 Events

GoMA Guided Tours Sat in l M Ualler'} ot Motlern .-\rt. th_\.'ll l:\ehattge Square. 23‘) I‘M!» Noon tk 3pm l‘t‘ee \ti tritoi'rtial tout arourttl the galler} and HS eurretit e\lirhrtron\ with plenty ot tlrxtuxxion anil llllt‘lL‘SlllljJ lilkl\ to tell lllt’lltlS at lutute (llllllL'l parties

The Lotus and the Thistle: A People's Celebration of Buddhism Sttrt I] (let (‘tt_\ ll.‘tll\. ('.iriillet'rgg\. 153 SUN) ipm t" .\ eelehiatton ol lititlilhrxm through rnusre. ilattee arttl \pttlxt‘ll \xoril

Family History Centre Tour 'lue 23 ()et. \litehell l.ihtar'_\. NH North Street. 337 200‘). (i 7. illpm l'ree l'llltl out about all the \(tlllt't‘S helil iii the \lrtehell l.rhrar§ that eart ltelp )oit tll\\'ll\ er and e\plor'e _\ottt' tarnrl} lnxtor}. l’leaxe hook lll aihanee

Stars Over the Botanics the 23 ()et. (ilaxgou liotanre (iat'tlenx. 730 (it'eat Western Road. ii-l 3432. 7.l5pm. L31 it'll :\ star ga/ing \L'SSIttll \\llll telexeopex antl lttlltk‘llltll'S .i\arlahle tor all l\\ e think _\ou ilo lime to go e tltern haek illlt‘l'\\;lltl\l, Reaeh tor the moon. ga/e at the Slill'S and “in e at the l'l-‘()\. l’letiw eontaet tlte liotanre (lill'tlt'llS tor tieketx on til—1| 334 3422.

This Horrible 'fl’affik lire 33 ()et. llutehexonx' llall. IRS lngram Street. “SH-1033207, 7.30pm. £4 (£2 t. .'\tt exerting ot reailmgx anil muxie to eommernor'ate Seotlanil'x role in the aholrtron ot the \la\ e tt‘atle. 'l'ielxetx are llltttli'tl St) [tli'ttSL‘ ltimh Ilt titlHtllL‘L‘.

Rock Karaoke lixei'} 'l‘iiextlayl‘he ('atualk Roek lounge. 95 l'nton Street. 343 (thill). 0pm. [fill pri/ex ever} night and the “little ol roelt lilSlUl') to Clttttm' tr'om. llella \'l'..4\ll. (io on. unlaee tlte \tir'gieal eorxet ol‘ )our t‘\e'r"\tl;i_\ lite and unleash )out‘ mner \leatloal.

Oxjam Clothes Swap Night 'l’iiex it) (let. the littl'lt'luh. HZ Bath latte. 34S I777. Spm. U». See pit-\iew. right.


Science in the Dock t'ntil Wed 3| ()L‘l. (il;t\gtt\\ Seiertee (t‘llll't‘. 5U l’aeil'te Qua}. (tS7l 540 lllltli. lllam (rpm. .'\tlllll\\lltll applies £0.05 H.195 t. :\n e\hthitton that ehallettgex \ ixitor'x' \allUL'S and eneourages thetn to think about eontr‘mer‘xtal issues tn \eienee. Glimmers in Limbo Britannia l’anoptreon Mime Hall. I 13 ||7 'l‘roitgate. 553 0540. l‘rr l‘l Sat 27 ()et.

3 7pm. \\\\\\.31llllllllL‘l'Sllllllllltttt‘tttlh See pi'e\ text. page I”

Blind Faith: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (lilllt‘l'} ol' Modern Art. Royil l-'.\ehange Square. 23‘) WW». l'ntil Sun lttlan. lttam .S‘prn; llam Spin; lllam 5pm. .-\\ part ol the Blind l‘atth otitreaeh programme. artixtx .-\nne lilltot. l.i\a l-‘lemmg and Jane Meltiall) ha\ e heen \xorlting \\ ith )oung people and (ilaxgou ta\i \ll'l\t‘l'\ to ilexelop next \xot'k e\ploring \eetarianixrn. itletitit}. nation and ter‘rttortalism. 'l‘hts e\hihttton

\ltim e;t\L‘\ the t‘L‘Sttltx ol' these l\\o eollahoratixe projects.

Kylie: The Exhibition Keh ingro\ e .-\n (ialler) & Museum. Arg) le Street. 370 050‘). l'ntil Sun 13 Jan. .\lon 'l'hu & Sat Illam 5pm; l-‘rt & Sun llam 5pm. Free. In NH imagination. there's no hesitation. lt's Kt lie \\ ho had the problem \xith it.

This is our Story: Commemorating the Abolition of the Slave Trade 1807 l’ollol. House. l’ollok (‘ountr} Park. 3060 l’ttlltthslt;t\\\ Road. olh (All), Sat 37 ()et—Sun 4 .\'o\. Dail} l(lam- 5pm; lltam—lpm. Free w ith admission. A traVelling e\hihition about Seotlantl and

22 THE LIST 18 Oct—1 Not. 4W3,”

the \la‘. e traile. ultrel‘. ;'\.tttlttte\ tIS LllllllL'glll'll\ '~\llll write \atronal lithl to: Settllattil \llk'S

Voices from Africa Part 2 St \tirrigo \lttxeurri ot Rt'llg'littlS lite antl \rt.: ('axtle Street. i“: 2‘“ l nttl Sttrt 2-1 l el‘ \lon 'lhit A Sat lltatn <prn. l H A Sun llarrt 5pm. llatri lprn l'tee l’roreet that works V-lllllllL'llll‘ClSlll(ll.l\1“\‘-.\ .‘\lll\.lll .llltl \trrean ('arrhhean Lttlllllllllllllt'S tn the rernter‘pretatrtin ot tttatt} ot the ohrettx llL'ltl tn storage tn the St \lungo \luxeum l’he museum has alw eornrrnxxtonetl a next .tl'l\\ttll\ ht

(il.t\gtt\\ ltawtl .ttll\l lieth l'tttilt'


Ideal Home Show Scotland I nnt Siin ll ()et Sl-.( ‘('. l‘tnnrexton (Jitax. llh‘ll Illl-‘lljll limit] Up”) Ur LS . appio\ Knoek it all tloun and \lap tip \ottte \lk't king. lltalK uhat \\ e \a} \\e'te not horneounerx, llllllll.

Civil Partnership Wedding Show Strn 3| ()Ll. 'ltget 'l rger. the (ilaxxhouxe. 3tl(ila\\loril Street. i ~1SSS noon (\prn l'r'ee. 'l'he plaee to he tor ga_\ tottplex plartnrng to tie the knot Meet


photographers. \ttt‘q‘le‘ \xetitltng eake~ anti hrou \e hone}rni~~n ltkdllt‘llS. with lr\ e L'lllt'ndllllltt'lll trotn xxetltltng hattth Register twtorehantl at

u u“ e l\ tlpartnershtpuetliltngshou to uk anti lt'eL'Hk' a tree gootlre hag

Glasgow Craft Mafia

lhu 2‘ ( M Home. Mt \lhton Street. INH 5‘ J77] hptn

Hm I \ll\_ lhe l'tttxet\.il. *7 i" Sauthtehall l arte. “I \S"" 5 ‘lprn \lawetl gathering ot emergent Seotttxh tlexrgners antl eratteteerx. with a range ot hantltrattetl reueller}. te\trle\ antl .tett'SSttl‘lt'S Ull Sillt' l)llll.l \ltllt‘ISL' lllt' \l‘Kllk'l. though )ou tlon't \xant to wake up urth a hlllllt'tl hor\e\ heatl ltt )oiit l‘k'tl

Crafts for Scotland & Hobbycratts in lo Sun 2S ( )et Sl:('('. l'llllllt‘SlHll ()uat. ttSththilooo ii to...“ i lopm U) in r tree 1" 5th l‘houxantlx ot umque. high qualit}. hanil inatle erattx tor (‘hr‘rxtmas and the home (‘otne along to the \hou to find lllllSllL'kl gittx antl eratt} hll\ and supplies let\ rust hope the (‘ratt \ltilla lSt't' .il\<t\ L'l tlllll-l tli'elilL' Il.\ moxmg Ill on tltetr turl

it 15657: Eli. N" SWAPPING ALL OVER THE WORLD Oxjam Clothes Swap. Buff Club, Glasgow, Tue 30 Oct, 8pm.

Ah, remember back in the gilded past of our youth, when nobody spat in the street, and putting on a fundraising event was a simple matter of arranging a few bin bags of mouldering jumpers on a trestle table in a church hall? No more, no more. The modern charity fundraiser is executed with near-military precision and wears its hipster credentials like medals, and Glasgow store Pistol Whip Vintage’s latest event - a clothes swap and gig - as part of Oxjam is packing some serious metalwork. ‘This is NOT a jumble sale,‘ says organiser Rachel Graham.

‘Everyone brings with them ironed, clean unwanted clothing, footwear and accessories that they have grown tired of but that are still in good wearable condition, and exchange them for coloured tickets. While everyone’s watching the bands, we sort the clothes into cheap, mid-range and expensive/designer sections, so if you bring two Topshop skirts and one Chanel handbag (here's hoping!), you‘ll get two pink tickets and one blue to exchange.’ In addition to the bands - a thoroughly impressive line up of Latonic, The Clicks and Delta Audio Club - spontaneous entertainment might happen if two swappers get into an argument over a nice pair of trousers. ‘The rule is, if two people want the same thing, a game will be played and the winner takes the clothing home,‘ Graham says. Stalls selling 005, accessories, and jewellery by local designers We Are The Robots will also be on hand, all giving a percentage of monies made to Oxfam. Check out the Pistol Whip ( site for full details - actually, if you‘re at all interested in vintage clothes, you should probably check it out anyway.

Fest“. .1 :1

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival t nnt t lt I” t kt \.ilti‘tl\ \enuex. lllttt'S \.i:\ lltete are \llll .i teu exerttx attil e\hthrtton\ on in the last eouple or tla_\ \ ot lltt\ enellent. \xttle ranging textual See

\\\\\\ rttltle\tt\.il torn tor lttll ll\llll_‘.‘\ Govan International Festival t It I" Sat :7 t )tt \ttltt‘llx \entrex. ( i.~\.itt. ~11" t'l‘N lrrnex \.ll\ l‘rrte\ \ar_\ \ nine tl.i§ testoal ot rnirxtt. literature. theatre. tlant e and. lot the lll\l ttrne llll\ tear, ttlrn See

\\\\\k \eotlantlrneuiope ore e\eut\ tririg'e htrrt tor lull prograrntne

* Festival and Freedom Walk: A Celebration of Glasgow‘s African 8- Caribbean Heritage Sat .‘tt ( let (ieorge Square. if“ * l lllattt hprtt l‘lt't‘ SUV llllll\l

l ()(t(l S Dilltlx

Broth Mix l rttrl Sun .‘l (hr (‘i \I N. .Sauthrehall Street. i‘.‘ NH“ lree In ()etoher the ( '(' \ ;_'.illet\ spat e \\ Ill he llilllSll‘llllt'tl into a tree \i‘f.'t'l.tlt.ttl i ate and plattorrn tor \ll.lllllf.‘ ll‘llll. ltlk'JS antl protliree. llllt h} .tllt\l\ .lllil hat ketl h\ the rexourtex ot the torntnunrh lt \ou \xoultl lllM' to help out. t ontatt htothintw’ _:.'oo;'lertiarl t om

Queen’s Park Farmers' Market .Sat 2” ( )t‘l (‘lllk't'll‘S l'.ttl\. 7)“ l .itlf.‘\ltlt' l’ark. :57 i.‘ 'i "am .‘prn lotal ptotluee ltortt ltk .il people

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 37 ( )tt .\l.tti\lleltl l’atL. l’arttt k.

til“ iS ll‘M it! ‘tarn iprn lree ()rganit \egetahlex. liantl rnaile hioorns anil happ} haeon You ean hti_\ it'lltt’lllllif on lhtrtthartott lx’oatl tlte\e tlat \


WWE - Smackdown Survivor Series Tour litaeheail \rena. KlllfJS lllL'll Roail. SSli S Will (i {ttprit St )I l) ()l llt‘ lt'dl tlt'ill \\ \Vl‘ \tllti‘l\\ til l'S \HL‘Slllllj.‘ hrtrrg the pain to the l K \Vaaatagh'

>l< The One Game Sat 3o ( )ti l’earte lllSIIllllt‘. Silt ( ioxan Road. 3.7" “I” (tprti. l'ree See llllllSl


Talk and Musical Performance on the Abolition of Slavery, a Liberian Perspective Kel\ tllL'ltt\ e .'\r‘t (ialler) ix \lttxeurn. .'\rg'\|e Street. 37095‘)” I345 lrlilllll l'lt't‘ .\ luneltttttie talk h_\ .lerr‘_\ liov. eh. .\ l,rhertan lllllSIt'litll ’m/ or li’liril III\IIII'\ .Uuiil/t.

Conversation Pieces: Sir Jackie Stewart “ell Z-l (let Rit).‘tl (it‘llt't'l'l Hall. 3 Sauehtehall Street. iii Still“

I}. m[tin {Sit-1 rnaihaneet 'l he umner ol three l'l \\tit'|il ('harttpionxhrpx and non \ltL'L'L'lelll businessman tllSt'HSSLN lllS llL'\\ autohiogtaph}. lit/mute ix Nu! l'JIiIlltf/l You hax e to axl-t _\our'\ell \xhat Hull/(l \atrxl} llll\ mart’

Nowhere to Belong 'l tie to Her (itlrnorehrll (ill. ‘) l'niter'xtt} :\\etrtte. “it 5533. 7 .S. iliprir LES (Uri Respeetetl laittl oltert eoittrm L'l'Slilll polrtteal eommentator Yasmin .-\lihhat Brown e\plore\ a lrle-lottg lo\ e ol Shakespeare


Flamenco Masterclass 'l llll Ix ()er RSAMI). lth Renlreu Street. “3 5057 (tpm. l'r'ee ttreketedr. \Vtth ("aponata .-\rgatttaeho.

Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group l'.\er} 'l‘hurxila} 'l‘he Annexe. ()a Steuartx tlle Street. l’at'tiek. ‘57 67-17. 7.l5 ()pm. USU. l’llltl _\our write and ltll }()llr \plrllS at the multreultut'al singing group open to all. No experience neeesxar}.

Djembe Drumming l'.\er} 'l‘hursda}. (iather in (ilaxgou. l'pper Hour. 37 Ruthx en Lane. 07967 ISHS l 3. 7.459.15prtt. LES tL'l tor (lrurn hirer. West Atrtean drumming and pere'strtin \kllh teachers l'tl' ('ook and Bob ('ull. Please note that the number of drums axarlahle for hire IS limited.