Name Daft Punk aka Thomas Bangatter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Chrrsto.

Who? Techno boffins who brought the funk back to French dance music.

So what are they doing In the film section? They've worked with some of the best names in music videos (Michael Gondry. Spike Jonze and Roman Coppola) and produced a full- Iength animated feature (Interstel/a 5555 directed by anime legend Kazuhisa Takenéchi). They obviously picked up a few tips directing their own videos for ‘Fresh' and ‘Technologic' amongst others. Now the duo have branched out, writing and directing E/ectroma. a beautifully shot road movie which follows two robots as they journey across the desert.

Why the move from music to film? ‘I made films with Thomas when we were about 12 or 13-years-old.’ explains Homem—Christo. ‘For maybe 15 years we've been watching movies together and sharing this love of cinema. And after all we had done in music and videos, I think it was a natural progression for us.‘

What should we expect from this directorial debut? ‘E/ectroma is more close to painting, like surrealism. than just a movie; it's really meditative and slow. Having no dialogue emphasises the emotion and is a way for us to give the audience more freedom to make an interpretation for themselves.‘

Should we expect a disco- fled eiectronica soundtrack? Surprisingly not. It's all 703 country rock. classical music and tracks from the likes of Brian Eno. Todd Rundgren and Curtis Maytield. “For the first time we've not put any Daft Punk music on a project.‘ says Homem-Christo. ‘So for us. it's just a little step. or maybe a big step because it's making us go beyond just music; it's another dimension for us.’

Arie Daft Punk giving up the music for directing? ‘We still love movies and we still love music so I think a combination of the two works well for us.‘

(Henry Nonhmore)

I Electroma (Warner) is released on DVD, Mon 22 Oct.

42 THE LIST 18 Oct-1 Nox 200.“

Brain Damage i tn 0... tl'tattk llenerilotter.l S. l‘M‘i Rick llerbxt. ( ii-rdori MacDonald. Jenriiter l.ow r} Stirrim Sa) hello to l‘lmer. a rather phallic creature who burrowx into lirian’x brain. irituxmg him with a euphoric ibut addictixei liquid Soon. lirian ix teaxting on human bramx himxelt l‘nxophixticated corned} horror about a ho} and hix paraxite troiri the man who brought _\oii the tackil} xttpcrb [huh I (in:

(i/irieuw I (hit I/ri til/i. (i/irieriw

l'l/"l/ll‘llH I'a/llll’lilL‘ll

Bratz: The Movie i H it 0 «Main .\lc.\'ariiara.l S. Zlitl‘i l.ogatt lirowririig. Jariel l’arrrxh. \athalia Ramox. Skiler Sha_\e llllniin the popular dollx lirat/ tinall) come .‘tll\L‘ in their tirxt lt\e action teature trim a xhallow. deprexxmg attair that xendx out mi\ed riiexxagex about earriaraderie and conxumer'ixrri lznr/rru (‘lit/t'lnmk. (Jule/nutk

The Brave One i tsi 000. men Jordan. l'S/:\uxtraha. Stilt—7i Jodie l'oxter. Naxeeri Andrew x. 'l‘err‘erice lloward. Nick} Katt. ll‘imm. l‘oxtet‘ pla}x radio hoxt ltrica Barn. whoxe world ix thrown into turmoil when xhe and her fiance l.'\ittllC\\ xi are attacked in ('eritral Park No longer xate on the xtreetx ot the town xhe lr\ ex in. liam bii_\x a gun to protect herxell and xetx herxelt up ax a \ rgilante. l)expite the tilm'x tamiliar teel. director Jordan know x how to pla} to hix actorx' xtr‘engthx and the lilm‘x xuperior pertorniarieex enxure that it thcx w ith a light all itx own. Show me (illi'l’lll. ('(trltltI‘Ii/ei. (i/uwuii.

Britain’s Mental Health Scandal rl~_i 1(‘ltttltltt'l -l. l'K. 2(Nl(il (ilhmnv ;\n undereoier' reporter xperit xi\ monthx in three xepar‘ate NHS 'l‘ruxtx that care tor the acutel} riieritall} ili in hoxprtal. ‘l‘hix tilm xhow x the m erw helmirig lack ot r'exour'cex tor px}ehiatrie care that xhe unearthed. l’ar‘t ol l)ocuriierit 5. ('( It. (ili/icon.

The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (Hit 0.... (Robert \Vierie. (ier'riiari_\. l‘HUl \Ver'rier Krauxx. ('oiirad \'eidt. l.ll l)a:_'o\ er. Ultmin. .-\ landriiark ol~ e\pr'exxronixt cinema. t'eaxtmg the L'}Cx with bi/ar're. angular \ ixualx dexpite ilx technical cr'udit}. The acting and directing are xuperb. and the xtot'} ot a tarrground h_\pnotixt who tixex a xleepwalker' to earr'} out murder'x xtill retarnx a unique xenxe oi horror. l'l/Ilt/lltllu'. Iii/inlirire/r.

Camcorder Guerillas ll'.) .-\ xliowcaxc ot t'ilmx and documentariex addr‘exxrrig xoeial JUSIICL' ixxuex trom the (ilaxgow -haxed \oluritar'} collectix e ot' independent radical l'ilmmakerx. acti\ ixtx and ar'tixtx. Part of Document 5. ("(24, (i/uwuii.

Carmen tl’( it C... t('arlox Satit'a. Spain. Whit Antonio (iadex. l.aura del Sol. l’aco de Lucia. I l lmin. (‘hor'eographer (iadex eaxtx unknown del Sol ax the lead in hix flamenco ballet production ot' ( tll‘lm'll. and ti\ the t‘L‘ltL‘ttt‘xttl period gttlltet'x momentum pr‘oceedx to tall in low with her. The concert ot lite mirroring art ix the oldext in the book. but who carex when the dancing ix ax beautit'ul and ax highl) charged ax it ix here'.’ Part ol’ l)ariee:l’ilrii ()7. I'r/m/iuuie. lz‘i/rrrlmre/i.

Charlotte’s Web di .00 ((itti') \Viriiek. l'SA. Zoom Dakota l-‘anmng. \oicex ot' Julia Robertx. Sam Shepherd. Ste\ e Bli\L'L‘iiil. 07mm. (’hirp} tot l-erri tl‘arimngl t'excliex \Vilbur the pig l'rom a cruel ltlfili}tti’tl late l‘or lo\able arachnid (‘harlotte to eientuall} xa\ e the da} ma bitterxweet tinale that touchex on practical matterx ot’ lite and death. Somewhere between the ctitex) Hit/re and ()r‘w ell‘x political xllllllirl/ I'itl'm it xhould draw in children and rioxtalgie adultx alike. ('rnenorltl Park/rem]. (i/memi .' ('r'neworlt/ I'alrrtliru'e/r. lat/rrr/rrrre/t. Children of Solidarnosc ll‘.l iRat'ac-I l.ewandokai. Poland. Ztltloi Umm. ('oriibiriirig material than the period ot the (idanxk xhip}ard xtrike in NS“ with prexerit-da} ret‘leetrom on the e\ erit. ('lrr/tlre/r or Split/untrue e\plorex the idealx the Solidarit} mmement xet tor itxelt‘ and whether thexe hax e been t'tiltilled. l’an ot Docurrient 5. ('('.-t. (i/trxemi.

Children of the Golden Horse and On a Tightrope tlil i('laudia l’elz/l’etr Lorri. ltal_\/.\'orwa}. ('anada. ENVY/2000i Z‘J/bttmin. The tirxt t'ilm follow x a ten-)ear- old member of a hill tribe in the rriouritainx

if northern harlarri who according to lliai

aw do not have c ili/erixhip arid riiar‘._\ of whorri Me in pouert} t'v: [anthem xhowx clzildreri Iron: a goxerritrierit orpl‘iarzage in the \iririarig pro‘. irice ot (haia who are learning the ancient tradition ot tightrope w alkirig l’art ot liociirrierrt S (t t (I...\"r"i\

Clean Slate (Coup de Torchon) IV iliertrand la\ermer. l rarice. l"\l l’hilrppc \orret. lxabelle lltll‘tk'tl. .leari l’ierre \lariellc lZSmm liaxed on the Jim lhorripxori rioxcl. [5 /_‘\H. thix tale ot

lac kluxtre lawman ( 'ordict \orret ix ltaltxt‘itxcil to l tcttclt “ext \lrica in l” {S ('ordier dec idex to e\terid hix c lean up operatiorix be}ond the call ot dirt) rriurderirig hix wrte arid trammg hix :iirxtrcxx \ line and e\prexxi\e e\ample ot tilm iron. in which .\oiret'x irrational and perplenng characterixatiori tiridx ilx lll.ll\ h in xchoolteachel llttppcrt litre/awe}: [rim (rut/it. lt/rn/iriIe/r

Control i 15i C... i \ritori ( "orbiiri. l‘l'x'. .‘lltitii Sim Rile}. Samantha \lortoti. -\le\aridra \laria l ara lllmin liiopic ot lari ('urtix. the emgtriatic lead xiriger ot _|o_\ l)i\ ixioii. baxed on the biograph} written b} hix torriier wile. Deborah. loin lime from i: [hi/unit ('orbirn'x decixiori to xlioot in black and w lirtc capturex the bleak xettrrig ot l‘ifillx \lacclextield. arid Rile} pertectl} irriitatex ('urtix' chilling li\e pertorriiaricex .\ haunting portrait ot a man xtr'iiggling to balance married lite. hix xiidderi xuecexx. and debilitating epilepx} made worxe b} hix rock xlat ltlext} |e .\( In It i/ It‘ll tlu'

>11 The Counterieiters (Die Falschel‘) i l5i O... iStetari Rii/owit/k}. (ierrii.iri)/.-\tixtria. .‘lltthi Karl .\larko\icx. :\uguxt l)ieh|. l)e\rd Striexow ‘itx'mm \\artime thriller baxed on real exentx. about a Rtixxiari Jew. torced to xpeiid hix da)x in a concentration camp riiaiiulaeturirig take curreric} w rtti which the \a/tx attempted to flood the Britiin and .-\riierrcan econorriiex the lar'gext eounterteitmg operation in hixtor'}. 'l‘hix ix a compelling e\p|oratron ol what men will do [it keep lllL'ill\L'l\L'\ ali\e. .Si'li‘i It'r/ I't’Ir'ttu' The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la crule'.t O... liiir‘iuel. .\le\ico. IUSSi .\itr'oxla\a Stern. lzrnexto .-\|onxo. Rita Macedo. H‘imm, 'l'he delirioux lttlll‘lte} ot- a iiientall} dixordered man. obxexxed w ith committing the perteet ermie .\lid period gent trom thrx brilliant tilriirriaker. I'alrIi/iru'e/r l’rlm (int/ll. [climbing/i.

Crying Sun and Haibah tl'.) lSL’l'g} Korriariw. l'S/Ruxxra. 3tltl7/2tltt5l Ill/Zfiriiiri. (‘rirne Sim explorex the iriipaet ot war on the iiiountairix ol (‘liechri_\a. lri Iliu/nr/r the lilriiriiakerx \ ixit ('heehri}a and xpeak to the xur\ ixor‘x and rehab ex ot the 70“ people rriaxxacr'ed b} Stalin iii the riiountairi \illage ot llaibali. l’ar't ot Document 5. (‘( It. (I/rlsemi.

Cyberworld 3D rl’( it t\’ar‘iotix. t'S. ltltltli Jenna lzll'mari. Hall New er'. Wood} Allen. 44min. Jenna lzltman ix the c}ber hoxt who iritr'oducex ux to \ar'ioux unrelated xegmeritx ot' e_\ber itiillltttllttit. I'lrt' Slur/mini and Ant. make 3|) appearancex m a xpeetacular dixpla) ot loda) 'x moxt iriipr'exxi\ e graphic teehriolog}. ItlxlX 'I'ltr'itll‘t'. (i/tlieiiii.

Daddy Day Camp l Ho 0 il-rct! Sawige. l'S. 30th (‘uba (ioodmg Jr. l,ochl}ri Munro. Richard (irarit. 'l'arriala Jonex. 33min. See re\ iew. page *8 Sela ml I'c'lt'rlu'.

The Dark is Rising l t3.-\i 0

(Band I. ('uririirighaiii. l'S. 3ttll7i .-\le\arider‘ l.udw ig. (‘hrixtopher lzeclexton. lan MeShane. 93mm. See :\lxo Releaxed. page 4t). (ii'rrt'm/ re/euu'.

David Lynch and Donovan l.}tich dixeuxxex hix new book. (tilt lime [IR lire In/I.’ .Ut't/lltlltrrll. (rum lr'l(\lll'\\ (Ult/ ('n'urri rrx. ax w ell ax hix tilmx and hix new l-ouridatiori. which bringx 'l‘rarixcenderital Meditation to 'at rixk‘ xchool children. l)ono\an celebratex hix collaboration w ith l.}nch'x t'oundatrori w ith a ll\ e concert of hix greatext xiiligx "Hill the Nb and .“llx. See .-\round 'l'own. (iltrigow l-r/m Theatre. (i/ttwoii.

Day Watch (Dnevnoy Dozor) t tSi O. i'l‘imur Bekrriambetoi. RUxxia. 3006i Konxtantiri Khabenxk}. Maria

l’aroxhiria \ l.-.di:ii:t \lerixho\ 3 13mm (ii-H lx‘tixxiar‘. tilrr: with time tra\clliri;_' \arripirex and an rxrrniirictit apocabpxe \ man who xct\ex lit the war between the totccx ol l tght arid l‘ark ci‘llic‘\ into poxxexxiori ot a de\ ice that could rextorc lite to \toxcow lat t’ .m- I.::r:":rr;rr

Deep Sea SD l‘tii .ttowaia llall ('atiada l S. It’ll!“ \oiccx ol li‘lttllt\ ltepp kale \\rrixlet Azlltlllt \ i It digital e\ploratiori ot the oceari'x depthx arid itx

\ reaturcx Ii! H let ...'u t,.'..»-\-.-.

Don‘t Let Employers Get Away With Murder l ‘t\.tlli‘li\. \arioiix. \.tlli‘ll\' I'Hmm \ xcrceriirie ot tour tilriix dealing with emploicrx dixregard lot the xatet} ot their workerx. .itid the tr.i§.'ediex that rexult l‘art ot l)i‘\lilll'c'tll (t \ (l-iii;\‘\'tll\

A Drama of Jealousy (Dramma Della Gelosia) I“ it iriiit-\. l‘l”ili \lomca \ itti. \laicello \laxtroiaiirir (ildlk atlo ( il.tlltllltl lll 'miri (lorriit tart e teattiririg .i dream team ot ac torx .tlk holed bx the xubliriie \delaide i\ rtti i. the obiect ot two men‘x attectionx l‘art ot l eading l adiex ot ltaliari ( 'iriema xeaxoii (i/trxeoii lifm

[hi (Hit. (Ialu'u'i'l'.

Eastern Exoticail “(mitten \llllt'l. Slo\ak Republic. .‘lNltii "mm \ retlectioti on the unique _\et ordmarx lrxex ot l ondori iriiriirgrantx \ewl} aimed l axterri l-uropearix tell their xtoriex about ext .tl‘lil'.‘ narrow tiiiridx at home. xleepirig in parkx tiridirig work. t'iridirig a xtolen purxe in the bin. liridirig xelt corittderice. and the contlitt between capitalixt and \ onmiimixt riieritalitiex l’art ot I)l’\lllllk‘lll \ t ( \. (I'lil\‘\’4llt

:11 Eastern Promisesi 1M .00. il)a\ id (‘rorieriberg l k '( 'ariada. .Tlltt ‘i

\ iggo \lottenxeti. \aorm \\attx. \ lllkk'lll ('axxel llltmm See reirew. page W Il/nr/tiiriu'. la/rrr/rme/l

Eating Out 2: Sloppy Secondsi Iii tl’liilip liartell.l S. Show Jim \errarox. l:mrl_\ lirooke llandx. lirett ('hukerrriari 85mm 'l'here'x a hunk on campux and l\\ le will xtop at nothing to get him in thix xaxxi. \e\ pitxllnc xctltlt'l to I ill/He ()tll l’all til (il;ixg.i}' Jill)” (i/ihfiuli /I/HI “trill/i (r/tliervii.

Ecoute le Temps 1 l5. 0.. l \l.tlilt' Ka\aite. l-raric e. .‘thi‘i l‘lltlllt‘ l)ei|uctine. Mathieii Hem}. l.udmi|a \likael. lactlucx Spiexxer ‘iiStiiiti low budget. high \UllLk’l‘l drama abotit xourid engineer (‘harlotte tl)et|ueririel. who tc\ ixitx the \ illage where her tiiotlier wax reeerith tourid murdered \Vhilc iixing xound eqmprricnt to carry out her own iri\extigatiori irito her death. (‘harlotte dixco\ erx that xhe can hear and record \orcex hour the paxt .-\richored b} l)et|ueririe'x compelling. otten wordlexx lead pertor'rriarice. thix ix a \et} promixirig debut trom w rrter/director K.t\.tilt' (amen. l‘a/rIl/iru'elr

Encounter Point ll.l IJtilld liactia/Roriir x\\iil. lxrael. llltltii .‘hmm l./JillllI1/l'l I’umr tollowx a burner lxraeli xettlcr. .i l’alextirirari e\-prixoriet‘. a beteai ed lxraelr mother and a wounded bet‘ea\ ed brother who rixk their ll\ ex to promote a non \ rolerit end to the coritliet. e\p|ormg what dri\ex them til then work tor gr‘axxrootx xolutionx l’ar‘t ot l)ocuriierit 5 (‘( It. (i/uieuw

Eternal Light t l‘.l l :\lgirnaritax l’uipa. Lithuania. I‘)H7i \' Kelrrielrte. I) Sturbrarte. V l’etkaucitix. ‘Dx’mm Lithuania. IVS!» .'\\ the impact ot Sm ictixation hitx the xmall rural eomrriumtiex. l’uipa‘x beautitull) xliot poetic drama parallelx itx political dileriirria with the romantic tribulationx ot a tarrrier torn between two women (ir/nmn/ir/l (i/B. (ili/wow

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind 1 l5 i O... I.\lichel (iondr_\.l S. 2004i Kate \melet. Jim ( are). ’lom \Vilkirixon. Kirxtiri l)urixt llltx‘mrn

Screeriw rrter ('harlic KautmanK xecorid collaboration with director \liehel (ioridr} latter Hrmrrm Nil/urn ix hix bext tilrti )et lake Bertie Ju/m Uri/km It It. Hermi/ Sims/true ix a wildl} imagiriatn e tlight ot tantax}. 'l'hix lilm'x gloriouxl} balm} conceit xeex ('arre} 'x lmelorri loxer. Joel liarixh. hax trig the paintul rrierrioriex ot hix girltriend xurgieall} remoied. lt'x an outrageonl} demented ride. but underlyng