

The List has two pairs of tickets for the Africa in Motion 2007 opening screening, Xa/a, on Thursday 25 October. The two lucky couples WI“ also receive passes to the opening night concert at Lava 8. Ignite Nightclub. To be in wrth a chance of Winning these much sought after tickets email promotions©listcouk stating yOur name. address and daytime telephone number by no later than Mon 22 Oct. Usual List rules apply. See preView. page 37.


A Ink of Ailunatlvo Hula Lists

10 Bad Dates With De Niro is Faber's fantastic new book of alternative film lists. Have you ever wondered what films you should avoid on medication? Or what are the best animal perfOrmances in cinema? It so this is the book for you. With an international list of contributors including the Coen brothers. Steven Soderbergh and of course The List's film editor Paul Dale this is a must for Christmas. It you can't wait that long, we have five copies to give away. To be in with a chance of winning one send an email marked DE NIRO to promotions© stating your name. address and daytime telephone number, no later that Thursday 1 November. Usual List rules apply.

44 THE LIST 18 Oct-1 Nov 2007

Human Nature Iii... ‘\Tlciik'i (iondr).l S. Illi“i 'l’iiii Rohhinx. i’dtilcld .-\rquette. Rh}x Ilanx Within the upx and dounx ol an ohxexxixe xcientixt. a leniale naturixt. and the man the} \il\ul\ er. horn and raixed in the \\ ild (ii/iii o I i/ii:t'iireii Hyenas'12!\lll [nap Mainhet}. Senegal. l‘NZi ~\ini lhakhate. l)|ihril l)iop Slainhet}. \lanxour l)iout. Mailiadou Mahouiedia llinin l’oxert} hangx mer the cit} ol (‘olohane ax Rainatou xxwepx in h} train l)ri\en out ol ('olohane in dixgrace ill )cat‘x eatliei. xhe hax returned ax a millionaire \xith idealon hoiiext} and itixtice But her iuxtice ix that ol a \xiathlul goddexx. and her honext} ix xoon \diik'ti into quextion See pie\ie\\. page i" l’ait ol Alrica in Motion l-i/iiilioim. /:t/iii/iiiie/i

I for India tl’(ii I... «Saiidtna Siiii. l'K. letlfli 7lliiiin l.o\el_\ dm'uiiicntai} \xhich tellx the xtor} ol Yaxh l’al Sui'i. an immigrant lroin India to the [K in 100*

\\ ho kept in touch \th liix laiiiil) hack home through a xeriex ot Super S'iiiiii

liitl\ IL'S. (ilihg’iili I‘I/lll lillt ill/1‘. (i/inuim. I'i/iiilioim'. lat/iii/iiii'e/i

I Knew Her So Well (Io La Conoscevo Bene) l lSi .00

(Antonio l’ietrangcli. Ital}. t‘loSi Stelaiiia Sandrelli. Nino Stanliedi. l‘go Ttlg'lid/ll ‘)7iiiin. A )oiing girl lioiii the countr} ix xeduced h} the allure ol the hig cit}. hut ix unahle to hunt a ineaninglul ielatioiixhip there. A hlllL‘l'x\\L‘L't coined} ahout innocence crtixhed h} xocial reality l’art ot Leading l,adiex ol Italian ('ineina (i/meim l'i/m I'lii'iili'i'. (i/iiwim.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larryi l3.-\i 0.. il)eniiix thigaii. l'S. 2007i Adam Saiidler. ch in Jaiiiex. Jexxica Biel. l)an :\'\t\ro'\d. llSiniii. (‘huck tSandIeri ix xo determined to help liix hext l'riend |.arr} (Janiexi m ercoiiie the death ol hix \\ He that he agreex to iiiai'r} him in order to gain theiii doiiiextie partner henelitx. When the pair liiid thenixehex xtigiiiatixed hecauxe (it their percen ed hilltitwculilhl}. the) hegin to change their attitudex touardx gay rightx (ii'iiem/ release.

In Debt We Trust and Who Owes Who? llil (Dunn) Schechterfl'erexa Martinel. l'S/t'K. letloi H/(itliniii .-\ startling liliii ahout the hurden ol deht that inillionx ol‘ .-\inericaiix xtruggle to keep under control. lotto“ ed h} a liliii aimed at raixing auarenexx ol‘ the ecological deht generated by rich uorld econoiniex. l’art ol Document 5. (’(DI. (i/mgim.

Inland Empire i ISi 000 ll);l\ id l._\neh. l'S. 200m Laura Dern. Jerein} lroiix. Harry Dean Stanton. leliiiin. You e\pect 1.}neh liliiix to he eonl'uxing hut out) the llitlxt die-hard l.}nch l‘an u ill lind merit lti thix tedioux celluloid rune. l._\neh and liix digital camera \enture into the e\cexxex ol .xplit narrath e. talking rahhitx and an ohxeiire .xtor} line ahout a laiiioux actrexx tl)erni u ho get.x toxt in a liliii role. (i/iiiemi I'i/iii 'I‘lieiilre. (i/meim;

The Invasion l W O. t()ll\et‘ llirxchhiegel. l'S. 2007i Nicole Kidinan. Daniel ('raig. Jerein} .\'orthani. ‘l‘linin. Another rexxorking ol claxxic I‘l5llx thriller lin'mmii of the [for/i Shiite/nix. .-\

Ill} xterioux epideinic ix xxxeepiiig the uorld. and when a l)(‘ px_\chiatrixt tKidinani dlxco\'er.x itx extraterrextrial origin. xhe and her colleague t('raigi iniixt \xork together to tiliti a cure below the) heconie itx ne\t \‘ictinix. A \naxte ol' celluloid. (iem'm/ I't'lt'tlfiv.

Iranian Kidney Bargain Sale titl (Ninia San extani. S\\Cdcli. 2tlll7i 53min. .'\ terril‘) ing gliinpxe ot the underhell} ot Iranian xoeiet}. \\ here (\xo people in desperate pmert} are about to er| their kidney through one ol inan} xtate- xanctioned kidne) ageiieiex. l’art ot Document 5. ('('.-l. (i/iixeoii;

It's Time . . . to Die in Huntsville lift .0. t'l‘hoinax (iieler. (ierniaii). 200m 48min. .-\ documentar) about the Hunt“ ille death chaiiiher. \\ here l-‘rancm Newton ix about to hax e her death xentence

carried out. l8 years alter heiiig com icted of

.xhooting her hUxhand and two children. Part of Document 5. (‘('.-l. (iluxemi.

The Italian Doctorilii ilixben Hanxen. Denmark. 2006i ZS‘inin. l)r Alberto ('airo ix head of the Red (‘roxx ()rthopedic (‘entre in

kahtii. '. .. t. ‘llll‘ut mine 2 ictiiiix to nail. .:L‘.:ll1 lliix liliii lolli

iouinejx to tecoxerjx and hack lttti‘ \tehari \tklk'tS l‘ait ot t)i‘\lltllt'tit " t t l ti . Jab We Merl-_‘\i.. 'Illllld.’ \l: liidia. .‘W'V \liahid l\aput. lxaieeiia lxapooi \ditxa Kapooii ix hax lttL' tioiihte


lax T.\.~ ot tiix {\lilct !x on '.l\ll

il<tlllll \xith hix huxinexx hut \xoixe xtill the ‘_‘lli he lo'xex ix :cttiiig iiiaiiied \\ hen hix lite heginx to diilt he liiidx hiiiixell in xoiiie xtiange xituatioiix on and oil the l‘lli‘itx tianxpoit \SSTK'lll\ ot \oithein India \tztdh enteitaiiiing Hindi lilllldllxt'l with a hipp} lieait than nioxt Hi1} oi: l.' l’tr (J.ii.\ (It!) iii: Iii/f AJV'THXHI It.".'ii"'.'ii;": Johnny Belinda il’t '.» 0000 \t'gtilexeod S. "»1\irl.ttlt‘\\_\tll.lti llllniin l’oueilul adaptation ot l-liiiei Haiiix' plat. iii “illcil \\}iii.iii'x deal iiiute



gill |i\ ex \\llii hei lather and iexentlut aunt Ull .t i‘h'dh \U\.l henna t.tltll \ttel .l itkdi ho} iapex the gill. a xeiiex ot exeiitx lead to liei heing put on tiial loi iiiuidei llappin the xtagiiig ixii't too lilt'dltledi. iioi the ptoeeediiigx too lllt‘iiliitdlildtle ('oiniiieiiioiatiiin xtieeiiing Iii/nine“. [xi/iii/iiiizjli

:i: Juju Factory i lR i .... «Haltilu liakupa K.tll}lliti.t. l)L'liIH\l.lll\ Rt‘l‘lli‘k ol (‘ongo. lellhi llieudonne lxahoiigo. ('aiole Kaieiiieia. Katik lloiiatieii ‘V'niiii \ uiitei |l\ ing in \latonge. the \liitaii dixtiiet ol liruxxelx. ix \tltllllihxltlllt'ti to \\lllk' a hook on the ( ‘ongalexe \tllllttllltllt} the ediloi \xaiitx a light totiiixt guide, hut the \\lltt't ix iiieieaxiiigl} diixen to “me .i tiue tit‘l‘lxlltttl ol the toitiiied xoulx he nieetx dining hix iexeaich l'acing liiianeial ciixix. he iiiiixt th'eltlt' \\hleh xtiil') ttl lL‘iI See [‘ltW lt‘“. page ‘7 Part ol \liica in Motion la/iii/iiiig/i

Kamp Katrina i la ll).i\ ill Rt‘tlllitlll/'\\hh‘} Sahiii. l'S. IllllTI ~-liiiin I)ocuiiieiit.ii} xct Ill poxt Katiina \e\\ ()rleanx centred aiotind a Vi _\ old \atne .-\inerie.'iii \Hillldli uho olleix her haekxaid to people di xplaced h} Katiiiia ax the} rehiiild their hoiiiex aiid h\ ex I’ait ol Document 5 ('(l (i/iixeoii

Kenny i l5i see i( 'ta_\ton .lacohxoii. .-\uxtra|ia. Illlltii Shane .lacohxon. 'l'ia\ ix (iolland. ('hi‘ix l)a\ix ltltiinin Kenn} Siii_\th ix an uiiappreciated cog lll xoeiet} ‘x inachine. l)e|i\criiig portaloox. Kenn} niggch xeuage \xith liix imll laiiiil) tenxioiix ilx he tl.‘I\ L'|\ til the Mecca til hlx limit" the International l’unipei‘ and ('tcaner t'\po in .\'axh\il|e. teiinexxec (Junk) toad coined} ()i/i'iiii lli'xti'i Hui/m, la/iii/iii/g/i

The Kingdom i |5i O il’etei Heig. |)eniiiark. Itlti"i Jainie I'o\\. ,leiinilei (iarner. .laxon Hateniaii lll‘liiiiii .-\ teaiii ol t'S go\ eriinieiit agentx ix xent to iii\extigate the hoiiihiiig ol an .-\iiieiican lacilit} Ill Satidi :\rahia. Setting ilxell tip ax a xeiioux


political drama. l/It' A'iiiei/oiii tuiiix out to he

an e\ercixe iii anti \liddte lzaxt propaganda in which the C\ll'L‘llll\t ‘laction‘ tuiiix out to include xeciiiingl} L‘\cl'_\ Saudi in the countr}. hen the action xetlueiicex aie horiiig. (ii IN IN] It'lt'llu'

>l< La Nouba i is. see. Algeria. Whit ll5iiiiii. l.ila ietui‘nx to her name region |* )earx alter the -\lgeiian xxar h;l\ L'litlt'd. Ui‘Sk'\\C(i h} lllcllliit‘lex lit the “at that dL‘litlL‘d her childhood .\ lliii\ lllj..' portrait ol xpeech and xilence. ineiiioi) and creation. paxt and pt'excnt l‘ollou cit h} a

panel dixcuxxion ol lciiiale .-\lricaii directoix.

including liliii theoiixtx and hixtorianx See prexieu. page i“. l’ai’t ol .-\li'ica in Motion Ii/iii/iiriiu'. Izi/iii/iliIg/i

Laaga Chunari Mein Daag i Iii il’radeep Sarkar. liidia. Ztlli'i Konkoiia Sen Sharina. Ja_\a tihaduri. :\htiixhek Hachchan l Winin \ataxha iRani eiiterx the \xoild ol the ltexh trade to xa\e her laiiiil} lioni linancial ruin. .Xt/(t in! n I: (IN,

Lagerfeld Confidential l m.

.0. iRodolphc Marconi. t-rance. leIlTi 38min. See interxieu. page 3% and '\lxo RL‘lL‘RISL‘tl. page J” Si /( i It i/ It [’('(1\(' tl‘iiln I'I'l :0 ()4 1.

Land Without Bread ilii O...

ll.qu Bunuel. Spain. I‘l33iAhel Jacquin. :\|e\andre ()'.\'eitl. illniin Rare xcreening ol Buntiel'x docunientar} portrait ot the remote and undexeloped region ol llurdex. xhomng hou the local peaxantx

i.-\xxia l)ichat.

Liiziittex ."‘(i‘i.‘,..' I ""‘i’ "

e .xithotit the Illi‘x'. “axzc it..'ih.l'\>I-./ .. The Last Legion \ .0 letter I \l |\ t tame \io‘xa (will) l iith. lien l'xiiiexlew it'itttltl

[lone kin.\. 3"“ ' \ixft'aaua lx‘..i See to ten pare i" \A I. 'i

Last in the Line -l ‘ilhial‘. I‘iiitxiiiiond l |\ ,‘iiiwi l.‘iiiin \ iiio\iii;j poitrait ot an the hatlad xiiiz'ei Sheila Steuxait I'ai'. ot lhktltlte‘ltt * (t I ti...x.'.‘.-.

Last to Know it -\tait Handel lloite ltanla' .‘iNltn

llociiiiientai} to\ tl\tli;' on three ( ieiliiati


lieiiiianx '.‘iiiin laiiiiliex who had one or more :iieiiiheix iiiipiixoiied h\ the toiiiiei l axt ( it‘llll.lll iez'iiiie that \t‘ll\l\i\'t\ the xtill te\eiheiatiii:' \ liliii ahoiit \i'tt‘illlllllle ation and ti‘tlllllz' to teiiiix xxiththe paxt (t \ (damn-.2

Letter to a Hostage and we are the Saharawis il ultolu-ii.»

Io/ano \taita l einaiide/. Spainl ix,

_‘iiii" jiiiiii. "

ellet tx \aiixed h\ iiiipiixoiiiiieiit

_‘\tiltli \ Saharan ieliiz‘ee ielatex liix \ ixioii ol toiiltitl iii the hope that the \oitex ol lhoiixaiidx ol people .ihaiidoiied h\ the international \ oiiiiiiuiiit\ iiia} he lieaid Hi In {in \..'i:.;ii..ii\ t'\l‘hllt‘x the il\e\ Hi the \.til.tlti\\ lx. .t ieltit'ee \«llllllllllllH e\pel|ed lioiii their hoiiietaiid iii the I” 'llx uho .iie xtitl \xaitiiif.’ l’all wt i)i,\lllllk'llt * (t'l ti'.’i;x-.;oi-.

License to Wed l.‘ \i O ikt-n T\\\.l[‘l\.l S. .‘llll‘i Rohin \\i|liaiiix_ \l.iiid\ \tooie. lohii lxiakiiixki "illllll \\heii onehiidx Sadie i\looiei and llen ikiaxinxkii i‘t'ullllt‘ engaged Rexeieiid i‘ldllh i\\ illiaiiixi pulx theiii thliillt'h .l toittioiix iiiaitlage ptepalatioti totiixe to xee

loi theii late to he \i\'\ ided

it the_\ dexei\e to he iiiaiiied lll t hint h \oii would ha\e thought that \\ illiaiiix “ax TT\ h enough h} no“ to he .the to axoid xt.iiiiii-.' lll xeiitiiiiental pink iliu' thix \ i'i . t. it

It /i an

Little Old-Fashioned World (Piccolo Mondo Antico) i IN 000 Alarm Sotdati. Ital}. l‘l‘ll l \lida \allr \laxxiiiio Seiato. \ita lloiidiiii, \iiiiihate Helione lthniiii iiohle dexeent. iiiaiiiex I.uixa. the dauglitei

l'iaiiio. a \tlllll‘.‘ iiian oi

oi a huinhle \ leil. liiit a teiiihle tiaeeih xoon challeiigex theii iiiaiiiai'e \t‘lliilll‘.‘ luixa teetering on the htink ol iiiadnexx l’ait ol l cadiiig l adiex ol Italian ( 'ineiiia (Ir/ll\‘.y'l'i\ ll/IH I/ll'tllli. Il/Nl/lllllw‘, liliii/iiiie/i Living in a Minefield il ll\T.lllt (iicitxen. Noun). .‘lllltii *(iiiiin \ii \i il\t'\ lll Soinloth. a xiiiall \illage lll ( 'aiiihodia


\xheic. iii oidci to piox ide lood loi heixell and her children. xhe liax xtaited \ llitl\.tllll'.' land kiiiming it ix toxeied \Klth iiiiiiex l’ait ol [hullllit‘tlt S (t '\ (i/iixiguii

Liza and Black and White il ll lonienkoil )a\ id (iillandeix. /aiii Saliiii. l'kiaiiiext ’K. Zilliiii Iti/j‘lniin lxxo liliiix ahout hoiiielexxiiexx int Liaiiie l’ait ol |)octiiiieiit S ('( .l. (i/iiiziim

Losers and Winners i l< l 00. l.\TlLil.lCi l.oel\eii/l 'Iiike l‘tanke. (it‘llllilll_\. :HtNll ‘Nillilll '\ \.llltilti tool. at the etloltx Ht ~llltl ( ’liinexe \Ntllhk'h. xtiperx ixed h} ill (iciiiiaii lotciiieii. to take apart a \UIli‘JTIL' plant xo it can he tehuilt in ( 'hiiia \n e\ploiation ol the dice} L ultiiial d} naiim x hctxxeen the people ol tuo ultllltllt'S lating \L'l} tllllclclit ltltlllcx (i/iIHjim III/ll

l/li (1[I(_ (“infirm

* Lusophone Documentariesi lit .O. 1(i.thllci \toiidlaneRichard l’chppa. \tii/aiiihique/\iigola. :“Uflijth’fil jti (iiinin 'Ixxo docunientaticx lioiii l’oi'tuguexe colonial Alina. heginiiine xi. itli to: \m Iii/iiii. \khlkh lolloux the inloiiiial cliniex xet up h_\ LilllltllL'I'Llili xex wuLeix on the xtiectx ol Sto/aiiihitiuc to protect thciiixehcx againxt lll\ Iii the xecond liliii. .lllg'Ii/r! Siltlr/(lr/iw [Him the (lit: iii/III /,iiii \ iii“. an unlitno'an narrator icadx lettcrx “hth dexcrihe a iourne} acroxx dillerent realitiex ol tile in Angola. lroiii xtreet ho}x to laxhioii iiiodelx l'ollimed h} a ti|\Lll\xltiil \x itli the tilTL‘LtHrS. See prex iexx. page *7 Part ol Alrica in Motion. l'l/Hi/IHIIH’. [Li/iii/iure/i.

Madeline l l 'i .. ll)aix} \‘on Seherler. l'S. I‘NHi l'rancex \lel)oriiiand. \igel Hawthorne. Halt} Jonex K‘hiiiii \ladehne ix a h}hrid ol the "ailiiiahle pre-