Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Activities And Fun

Kelvin-groovy Costumes In 1‘) ()ct. 11.30am lpiii (k 2 3. 30pm I-ree. Kelvingrove Art (iallery (k Mtiseuiii. AW} Ie Street. 276 9599 ('i'eale a costume collage at this informal workshop. lickets lii‘st coine-lirst~serveil Ages 5 l2. Ratatouille Rules: Learn to Cook Sat 2()()ct. 10. 30am 12.30pm. £15. (iathci in (ilasgow. 37 Ruthven I.ane. l)7‘)(i7 18851 3. You've seen the lilltt. (tow make Rat Pix/a with The lavents l)iva. African Folktales Sat 20()ct. I Iain it 2. i0pin. I'ree. People's Palace 8; Winter (iardetis. (ilasgow (iteeli. 271 2962. 'li‘adilional Alrican stories.

Fun with Fungi Sat 20 ()ct. I 3pm. l‘i'ee. Spi'ingbtii'n Park. Balgrayhill Road. 763 I863. Hands-on activities loi‘ children led by the (‘oimti'yside Rangers.

Funky Baby Sat 20 ()ct. 2 4pm. £3 (kids £5; prc walkers free; family ticket £14). Bar Budda. 16 Algie Street. 636 917 I. Move to some groovy beats at this alternimn nightclub.

Pattern and Rhythm: A Celebration of African Culture Sat 20 Oct.

2 4.30pm. I‘ree. Kelvingrove Art Gallery 1% Mtiseiim. Argyle Street. 276 959‘). A packed allet'ttootl of African entertainment for ages 5+. I’url of lilac/t History Month. DA Nelson and Keith Charters Sat 20 ( )cl. 3.30pm. l't'ee. \Valet'sloIIes .38 The Avenue. Newton Meai'ns. 616 3933. Apiwarances from Nelson. author of [)(ll'k [We and (‘Iiambers ol the ‘I .ee' books. MindLab Family Games Night 1-‘ri 26 Oct. 6 8pm. £20 per team of four. llteo's (‘ollee and Play. 380 (ireat Western Rd. 339 9171. Gather a teaiii of four players and learn how to play new games from around llte world. Booking advised.

The Great Hallowe’en Puppet Making Workshop Sat 27 ()ct. 10am. £6.50. Scottish Mask and Puppet (‘eiitre. 8 l0 Balcari'es Avenue. Kelv indale. 339 6185. Make a creepy puppet from the materials supplied.

Holmwood - The Home of Hallowe’en Sat 27 & Sun 28 ()ct.

noon 7pm. £5 (£1). lIolmwood House. (ll Netherlee Road. (‘athcart. 57l (HS-i. The house w ill be decorated for llltl\lllllllll spookage. with surprises around every corner. (‘ome dressed up. Seamonsters Ball Sat 27 ()et. Iptn. £tbc. 'l'Iic Tall Ship at (ilasgow Harbour. 100 Stohcross Road. 222 2513. Annual Halloween Party at the Tall Ship. with treats. terror attd tattoos.

Glam Cid Accessories Sun 28 Oct.

1 lam 4pm. l-"ree. Kelvingrove Art (iallery & Museum. Argyle Street. 276 956‘). (‘reate vintage-sly Ie hair and accessories with the help of a fashion designer. Please book in advance. Ages I5+.

Ghost of William Pedvin Tour Mon 2‘) ()ct. 8pm & 9pm. £8.50 (£5). The Tall Ship at (ilasgow Harbour. 100 Stobcross Road. 222 25 I 3. Step aboard the Tall Ship for a tour with a difference.

Theatre 8 Dance

A Clean Sweep 'l‘hu l8 ()ct. 2.30pm. £6. 'l‘ron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. Pltitot La Vie use clowning. dance and animation to explore the estraordinary' world of household bnishes. Ages 7 I4. LazyTown Live! l7ntil Sat 20 Oct. 1 Iain & 2pm (also Thu Fri 5pm). £16 £I8 (£13- £15). King's 'l‘heatre. 297 Bath Street. ()870 060 6648. Stephanie moves to |.a/y'1‘ow'n and meets the world's Ia/iest super-villain. Robbie Rotten. Around the World in 80 Minutes Fri 26 ()ct. |0.30ain & 1.30pm. £2. (iilmorehill (‘i I 2. 9 University Avenue. 330 5522. Join 'lheatre Sans Frontieres detective agency in this action-packed introduction to the lirench language. Suitable for ages 7+.

Three Little Pigs and Other Tales Sat 2" ()ct. 2pm 8c 345piii. £4 75

(£4.25) Scottish Mask and Puppet ('entre. 8 10 Balcarres Avenue. Kelvindale. 339 6185. Help the pigs thwart \Viltred the \K'olt‘s plans to eat them all up Ages 3+


Activities And Fun

The Big Draw l'ntil Sun 2| ()ct.

llain 3pm. Admission applies: £9.50 (£5.50 £8.50; tamily ticket £24.50; under 5s tree). Palace ol Ilt)l_\r(NXlII()ll\C. Royal Mile. 5565100. l)rop-in art activities and an activity (rail (or children ages 5 ll. StoryLab with Jean Edmiston In I‘) (M. 10.30am 1.30pm. £I2. Scottish Storytelling ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 5569579. Develop or discover your own storytelling skills with e\pericnced storyteller Jean lidttttsloti. Ages I2 If). At Home with Mrs MacDowell In 19 is Sat 20 ()ct. l lam 1pm 6'; 2 4pm. l’ree. National Mtiseum ol Scotland. (‘liainbers Street. 247 4422. Visit the home ol a wealthy merchant's wile from the 18th century.

The Big Draw Sat 20()ct. 10am 4pm. lice. National Miiseum oI Scotland. (’hambers Street. 247 4422. Drop-in to create an artwork inspired by the museiiiii’s collections.

First Impressions: Henri Matisse Sat 20 ()ct. 11am noon & I 2pm. £4.50. ()ut ()f'l‘he Blue Drill Hall. 30 36

l)alttteny Street. Icith. 556 7 I()(). See how

Islamic art influenced Henri Matisse and tise the same coiansitional elements to make collages. l'irsl workshop is Iot‘ .3 (i years and second for 7 12 years. To book. call Julie Dawson on 0795I 137218.

A Mile of Stories Sat 20 Oct.

1 lam 12.30pm. £4. Scottiin Storytelling (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 5569579. lixplore Julie l.acome's mural and join storyteller Bea Ferguson lo hear about its wonderful characters. Ages 6+.

Out of the Woodwork Sat 20 Oct. 2.30 4pm. £4. Scottish Storytelling Centre. 4.3 45 Iliin Street. 556 9579. Join storyteller Jean lidiniston to hear stories inspired by the sculpture of Tim Stead. Ages 8+.

Talking Tiees Storytelling Sun 2| Oct. 2 3pm. 1-‘ree. Royal Botanic (iarden. 20a lnverleith Row, 248 2968. The Talking Trees storytellers transport you to a magical land far away (ages 5+). Moving Stories for Wee Ones Tue 23 Oct. 1 Iain. £4 (accompanying adults tree). Scottish Storytelling (‘entre. 4.3 45 High Street. 556 957‘). Join storyteller Michael and dance artist Ximena for lively interactive stories and creative movement for pi'e-sclioolers.

Tell a Story Day 1-‘ri 26 ()ct. I 4pm. Free. Royal Botanic (iarden. 20a lnverleith Row. 248 2968. Search otit the storytellers on a story map.

Martyn Bennett Day - Workshops Sat 27 ()ct. limes vary. Free. Broughton 11iin School. (‘arrington Road. Music workshops in the spirit of the late musician. Martyn Bennett. Ages 12 25. Please book via A Riot of Colour Sat 27 ()ct.

10.30am 12.30pm & 1.30 3.30pm. £4. Lauriston (‘astle. -a ('rainond Road South. 529 3963. Try painting in an lidwardian style. Booking essential. Real Life Science: Fantastic Fungi Sat 27 ()ct. noon- 4pm. Free. Royal Botanic (iarden. lnverleith Row, 248 2968. Fungi may have a bad rep but they are a fascinating lot. .loin l)r Stephan Heller for some insider info. Ages 8+. What Secrets Lie Beneath Edinburgh Castle? Sat 27 ()ct. I.3(Ipm (S; 3pm. Admission applies: £I | (£9; children £5.50). Edinburgh (‘astle. Royal Mile. 225 9846. Join l.uath Press' storytellers on this story tour. Ages 8+. Giants, Bogles, Beasties and Heroes Sat 27 ()ct. 2pm. £5 (£3). Scottish Storytelling Centre. 4345 High Street. 556 957‘). Andrew Mackintosh takes you around the Highland stories. The Haunted Hermitage Sun 28 Oct. 1 3pm. l-‘ree. Hermitage ()f Braid Visitor


Macrobert, Stirling. Thu 18—Sat 20 Oct

Aimed at children aged 7+ and their families. Mischief is a busy mix of dance. puppetry, visual art, clowning, music and song. Oh, and foam - lots and lots of foam. Award-winning children's theatre company, Theatre-Rites. has joined forces with choreographer, Arthur Pita to create a fun new work in which colourful foam is transformed into everything from a forest to a friend. But while London-based Theatre-Rites has over ten years‘ experience in creating work for children and young people, this is Pita‘s first step outside the adult domain. How did he find the experience? ‘I think the process of creating dance for children is just as complex. just as rich and even more demanding than it is for adults.‘ he says. 'Because you know adults can easily sit back and accept something. But with children you simply cannot fake it, they have to understand everything and you have to interact with


Before forming his own dance company. Pita spent many years performing principal roles with choreographer Matthew Bourne. Did Bourne's accessible style and masterful storytelling inspire Pita to do the same? ‘I learned a lot from performing in Matthew’s works,‘ he says. ‘You develop a natural instinct as to what an audience wants and needs. you can’t be self-indulgent.’

Despite Mischief being tailor-made for young audiences, feedback suggests that the show’s playful quality brings out the child in everyone. ‘A lot of the adults who have seen the show say they felt like children while they were watching it,‘ says Pita. ‘And that's a great thing. I'm all for that.‘

(Kelly Apter)


(‘entre. 6‘) Braid Road. 447 7 I45. ('rafts and fun with ghosts and witches.

Hot Rocks Sun 28 ()ct. I 3pm. Free. Holyrood Park Ranger Service. Holyrood Lodge. 652 8150. Journey to the centre of a real volcano, touch 350 million-year-old lava flows and marvel at the magma. Musical Roots Family Fun Sun 28 ()ct. 1.30pm & 2.30pm. £3 (adults free). Royal Botanic (iarden. Inverleith Row, 248 2968. Make music from plants and recycled materials then make a lot of noise. Suitable for all ages.

Hopetoun Hallowe’en Walk Wed 31 ()et. 6 8pm. £tbc. Hopetoun House. Shore Road. South Queensferty. 331 2451. A spooky tour of Hopetoun Hotise woods with craft workshop and fancy dress parade. .Ages 5—9 years. Bring along a torch or lantern. Booking essentiai. Boo at the 200 Wed 3| Oct. 7 79pm. £16; member £14.50 (£1 I.50; member £10). Edinburgh Zoo. (‘orsiorphine Road. 3.34 9171. Hear the legends that surround the animals on this tour of the zoo at night. Booking essential. Ages 12+.


Children's Classic Concerts: Spooktacular Sounds Sun 28 ()ct. 3pm. £l0 (child £6: family ticket £29). Queen‘s Hall. 87-89 (‘lerk Street. 668 20l9. A spine-chilling collection of musical tricks and treats for Hallowe‘en with the orchestra of the Scottish ()pera.

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun Spooky Happenings t'ntil Wed 31

()ct. I0am 5pm. £4 (£3). Almond Valley Heritage ('entre. Milll'ield. I.l\ ingston. ()1506 414957. Scary cralts. gruesome games and a spine~chi1|ing trail oI terror. Hallowe’en Experience Sun 28 ( )cl.

1 Iaiii 4pm. Admission applies: £5 (£2.50). 'l'raquair House. lnnerleithen. 01896 830323. A day of ghastly family fun with traditional pumpkin carving and ghost stories. ('oitte dressed to killl Hallowe’en Capers Sun 28 at Mon 2‘) ()ct. noon 4pm. £5.95 (£4.95). New l.anark Visitor (‘entrc. New l.anark Mills. New Lanark. 01555 661345. Join in the fun with some spooky antics including crafty workshops and old—tashioned toys.


Discovery Film Festival (Tntil Sat 20 ()ct. limes vary. Prices vary. Dundee ('onteinporary Arts. 152 Nethergate. Dundee. 01382 909900. Scotland's film festival and showcase for international and homegrown films made by and for young people of all ages. |~'or lull programme see wwwdiscoverytilinl'

Theatre 8 Dance

Mischief - Theatre Rites 'l‘hu l8 Sat 20 ()ct. 'l‘hu~l"ri 10.30am (also in 7pm); Sat 2pm. £I0 (£6), Macroben. liniversity of Stirling. 0|786 466666. See preview. The Man who Planted Trees 'lhu 25 ()ct. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). liastgate 'Iheatre & Arts ('entre. Fastgatc. Peebles. 01721 725 777. Puppet State Theatre ('o presents this timeless tale about a simple shepherd who transforms a desolate area by planting hundreds of trees. Ages 7+.

18 Oct—t NO; 2007 THE LIST 53