Music Classicglg-glg;


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne© Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 18


I Edinburgh Quartet llIc \IL'lc'lllllll IIHUSK'. lll I iI'HIjJI‘ SIIIMII'. 3:“ 14-1-1 |3.-l§pIII. LIIII IIIL' lIIulIl§ .IcI‘laIIIII'Il IZIIIIII‘lIIjJIl (JILIIII'I. I'IIIIIpIIxIIIj: III-u lllL'llIIlI‘l 'l IIxI.III (iIIIIII'} .Ilunjgxnlc l’lIIIIp HIIIIIII Hll \ IIIIIII. \lIclIIII'I “L'k'SlHll nu \lHl.’l :IIIIl \I.Iilx HIIIII‘} Hi] all“. pI'IlIIIIII llIIIlL'I"x IllHl lI/\//\ .lllII I‘.I_‘._'.'ll ‘x I’ll/[III UNI/III I. \\ IIlI \lc IlUlih :\SlllHll Hll pI.IIIn

I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Krh III;!I'n\I' .\II (iIIllI'I'_\ Ik \IIIxI'IIIII. .'\I‘L"\lt' \lII'I'l. .‘qli 950‘). \IHII SIII. llllll: l'II'I'. I'Icc lIIIIclIIIIIII' III'gIIII II'I‘IIIIIx I‘M-I) (III) h} IlIllI'II'III Ul‘L‘dlllSlS I Caponata Argamacho Trio and Canita (Il;l\;_'Il\\ l 'IIIch‘xIl} (‘IIIII‘I-I'I lIIIII. l‘IIIwaII} \wIIIII'. Hll ill”)

I III 3pm. l‘lk'k': lumlul xupI‘IIIIII x;I\.

\ IIIIII. I‘II'cIIIc IIIIxx :IIIII l'|;IIIIcIIcn gIIIIIII I'IIxI'IIIlIlc. pIII} lllj.) \‘lilSSIL'ilI \uII'kx IlUlll Spain and HIII/Il :IlnIngIIlI' l'l.’IIIII'IIcu :IIIIl lIlt‘Il' mm I'IIIIIpuxIIInIIx

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Naked Classics Rnxul ('IIIIL'CI'I HIIII. 2 SuIII‘lIII'lIulI SII‘I'I'I. 35* SHIN). 7.30pm. ‘4 Ill: \IIkI'Il (‘luxxch Ix II xI'I'II-x ul pI'I'lIIIIIIIIIIcI'x. IIIII'IIIIIIchl h} I’IIIII RIxxIIIIIIIII. lI'uIIIIIIIg: \IxII;I| I'llI'ch. on xlgIgI‘ IIIIcI‘x II-ux :IIIIl IIIIIxIcIIl mlruclx: :I pI-I‘lccl \\.’l} ul IlIxch'I'III): IIIIII‘I' :IlIIIIII clgixxIcIIl IIIIIxIc'. 'I'IIIIIglII‘x pIcI'I‘ Ix lil‘L'III‘x / rug/nu \iII'II/Imm. cuIIIlIIcIcIl h} (inn) \Vullxcr.

Classic Concerts


o ‘. " A x, «In. 4" . I.‘

Sunooy 4th November 2007


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()llc'c'll‘S \~ \" ( lt‘lk \llc'k‘l. “I” Illl‘l zllpIII :\ LI; \ llll‘lllc'lll \IL'Ille‘|\\l'llll pqu IlII' I'I popular \IIII'II: (Mr. I Iru '.\Illl lIIx \}lll[‘lllllllx IlHllldeL‘ In SIIIIlJIIIl. \rngxw'IMg \u

IlIc chch known mulun' III: III/I

III I'uxI/n Ix HI] IIIxI \\ IIlI \ Ix I.IIII' lI.l‘..'llL‘l I‘ll \ InlIII .lllII l I.IIIx HIIIjgchI IIIIIIluIIIIII'


I Royal Scottish Academy Brass l<S.\\ll). lllll Rk'llllk'\\ \III'I'I. “I *HV lpIII L“ IN: “Hull \llI'II \‘lllllll\l\ .l [‘lllledllllllL' In IIII'lIIIlI- HIIIleI IIIIIIpan'I .lIIII.IIlI:III l)II\I"x ‘(/1"\ .'/'II Hit/K. I)III\IIx' Sun I I. I '\ l/I/III III/II .IIIIl \Iclxc'n'x l/III/I/III

113 Scottish Opera: Seraglio llIIuIIII- Ruxdl 3S2 llan- Sim-I. IIS’WI lllill («If " lipIII 9) US llll‘lJS llnlII‘IxI-I .lllII IIIIoggI'II Kuggc xI.I;_'I' .I III-xx I‘llulllcllilll ul Slum/III. l:ll\lll_L‘ .I lII'xlI lunk .II I‘llL' nl \lu/III'I‘x lllIl\l I-\II.I\.I_:.IIII. llllllcdlk‘ .IIIIl L‘lllUlHL' xI‘uch Sung; III Illg'IISIl

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (II) ll.Il|x. ('.IIIIl|cI'I;:j:x. ‘5‘ Mill“ “I‘llplll. {Ill [3‘ SW llIII IS

I We No Boys Together RS \_\ll ). lllll RI‘IIlI‘cu SIII'I'I. “3 SUV \pIII {ll IUII llI'II/IIIIIII lmI’IIuIII- \l.IIIIII'Iu \IIchIx Ix |lllllL'll h} pI.IIIIxI l’;III| \l.II' \IIIIIIIII III IlIIx \IIIlI'l} \III'II'Il [‘lHledllllllL‘ Ill lllllSlI‘ “lllc‘ll Ix xquI In lllill'xL' IIx IlI-lIIII .II \"cu ank‘x (‘III‘III'gII' HIIll \\ uh .I pic I'IIIII‘I‘II Igilk :iI “.ISpIII. I’IIII I" (i/mgm ' .‘IIII~ I Sax-Ecosse .\IlI-l:uIlI-‘x. 2W “dill Sin-cl. 'III'kI'Ix: llWl‘l INNS-S. SpIII. IHI. .-\II I'I'II‘I‘III‘ llll\ III cI.IxxIc.Il and Ian x;I\IIplInIII: lI_\ SCUIIilllIIS ;I\\;II‘Il



I Duncan Ferguson \Ic‘lzugm Hull.

Sunday 28th October 2007 3.00:3m

Queen's Hol‘, Edinburng

The Classic Concerts Orchestra .Cl:I :‘DU’IC” 30 £1" III/QR Box 0“ m: C " 3.00pm Coird Hull, Dundee

le‘) Orcl‘wslvo 3" Scottish Opera

.C'“ s"':"-I: 89-:

C“ U.‘ 1:382 434740

Come in costume for spine-chilling fun at the creepiest concert in town!



74 THE LIST IS OI‘l—l NO‘. 33c“

Swmds .

llIleu \pmlq (I‘ll i lllpIII l Icc ()I;.:II lllil\!\ h} \\ llllllklx. \1.I\I‘llk'l\I‘ll. SI.IIIlI'§. \Ik'llxlt'l\\l‘llll. RI'SL' .lllxl lll'\\‘\'ll\

I Edinburgh Studio Opera lx’I-Ill ('IIIIII‘II Hall. I «lllll‘llltll l IIIwaIIx. llIIxIII Squaw. IVVI‘ S‘ll NH \pIII L“ IN. \ Lug-ll pIIIggI.:IIIIIII' ul xuln .lllxl \‘llSL‘llll‘lk'\l.l\\|\:ll \II\.Ilp1I\I‘\ lIILIIl ‘lIIIIIImIl \l‘lll lI‘l llclu'lS

\I‘c It‘lul \ I‘M"

Saturday 20

G asgov.

I Scottish Opera: ll Barbiere di lllc'dllc' Rn}.Il. HIII‘I' xIH-I-I. IISWI llhll mil“ Hpm pi {Rx \lldllxllllfJ llI‘\\ l‘llnlllcllilll ml I/II lid/In r m \I III/I \lllk'\lL'\l h} SII IIIHHMS \lchI .lllII \\ uh .I I:le IIII'lIIIlIII; \cnlllxll Inc/m lquI'II (LIIgIll .IIIIl l’lllcll l‘dlllllllk' llIuIII.Ix ( )llc'lllJllS III IlII' IIIlI' Inlc

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Raul ('IIIII-I-II ll.Ill. _‘ NIHIIIII'IIJH ~\llc'c'l. lg; .\llllll Sllpm tlll L ill l’I.IIIIxI “HHS HI‘Ic/ian. I‘IIIIIlIII'II-Il lI_\ (i.III_\ \\.I|l\cI. IlI'lI'IIle lIIx II'III.II|x.IlIlI' II'pIII.IIIuII III 'I \'ll.lllxll\ xk} ‘x I’lunu ( 'uIII I'IIu \u / \Illl‘L'lldll

\\ IllI.IIIIx' IIIIIIIIxIII MI I: llu-Im /I\ Illt'lllifl [III/Ix .IIIIl l'lj.‘.ll.\/Il1;'ltlu' lu/IIII/um .III' I'IIlII'I xIIlI‘ nl II


I The Chameleon Ensemble lx’I-IIl ("IIIII‘I'I'I ll.Il|. l-IliIIlIIIIgglI l'IIIu'IxII}. llI'Iqu SIIIIJII'. (fill 3-127. " illpIII, LII

ll; i l. \IllSII‘ II} lIlL‘ I-IIchIIlIII- .IIIIl Ul'fJillllSl .lnlIII KIII'lII‘II IIII‘IIIIlIII; \ln/III‘I‘x Sump/nun \u 3‘) IIIIII Hilllklt'l.\ (hum (I'm I'I'Iu HI (2 III/IIUI/IllIl/HI', ()/I J .Vu /


I Kelvingrove Sunday Organ Recitals Kchingmw .-\I‘I (iulch) Ix \lIIchIIII. :\l'j_‘}lc' SII'I‘I'I. 37b 050‘). liwI'} Sun. 3 MISpIII: l‘l'L'L'. SIIIIIIII} l’I‘uIIII-Ilmlc I'IIIII'I-I'Ix \\ IIlI IIlIlL'l'L‘lll III'jJHIIISIS.

I St Andrew’s Classical Series: Catherine Coulter and Andrew Robinson SI .-\IIIlI'I'\\ ‘x III lllI' SIIIIIII‘L'. SI .»\IIIlI'c\\ 'x SIIIIIII'I'. 55‘) 5002. 3pm: (7 IUI. (lilSSlt‘ill. SI'IIIIleI. II'IIIlIIIoIIul and popular lilll’llpt'illl :IIIIl .-\IIIcI‘Ic;III IIIIch Il'Ulll IlIc llIIIc :IIIIl gIIIIaI' IlIIo. 'I'Ickclx l'I'uIII \\ \\ \\.xcc\lI';I.cIIIII HI' 0370 (Hi ~lllhll.


I Strathclyde University Chamber Choir: Choral Eucharist SI .\l:u'_\‘x lipixcnpnl (';IIlIcIlI';Il. 33 l’;IlIIIcI'xIIIII l’lucc. 325 (I203 IlHlluIII. I‘I'cc: Ilk' L'IlUll'. \\llIl III‘uIIIIIxI l):I\IIl lluIIIIlIIIII :IIIIl coIIIlIIcIIII‘ .-\|;III 'l’gncIIcr. PL‘I'IHI'IHS Ill/nu II’rI'IIx h) .IIIIIIc-x .\l;Ic‘MIl|:III IIIII'IIIIIIIIg lllc' \mI'IIl [‘lt'llllk‘lk' ul IlIc (i/urIuI :IIIIl SI‘IIIIleI I‘cIIaIxxIIIIcI- pol}p|IuII_\ h} l);I\IIl PL'Cth\:

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Chamber Concert ()uccn'x Hall.

H" S‘) ('IcI‘k SII'I‘cI. (IIIS lelll. Jillpm. £13: .-\ cliuinhcr cIIIIch'I h} IlIc S(‘() IziIxc'IIIlIlc chIII'cIl on [IIL' \Hll'lx ul Ixm gI'I'III cIIIIIpuch‘x :IIIIl lI‘IcIIle: BI'ulIIIIx :IIIIl l)\nI‘;Il\. 'l'hc pI‘ugI'IIIIIIIIc IIIc‘lIIIlcx QIIIIIII'I III (i and Xt’llt'l III If III/I.

I Strathclyde University Chamber Choir: Choral Evensong SI Slurx'x liPIxc‘HlIIII (XIIlIc-Ilral. 23 l’IIlIIIcI'quII Plan: 235 (Ill)? 3.3llpIII. l'ru'. 'l'lII' L'llUll'. \\Illl III'gaIIIxI l);I\IIl IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIl conduclm' ,-\|IIII linc'llc'l‘. PL’l‘llirlllS Sir .lIIIlll 'lawncr‘x cclchrulcd xIIcrcIl IIIIIxIc and ('I'aIIIIIcr'x PIK'IIL‘ lIIIII'g}.

I St Giles’ at Six: Phoenix Wind Band SI (IIlc'x' (.LIIIlL'kIl'ill. RII};II \Illc'. 320 III)". (rpm. l’rcc. .-\ prIIgI'IIIIIIIIc ul‘ popular claxxch Illl‘ \\ IIIIl hand Including (irIIIIIlIIIIIII'x SI uIm/I R/Iu/IIIIIII. xclchIuIIx lrlllll III/{Ill!/l('. lilgzir‘x Sir/III d‘l/IIHIII' :IIIIl cwcrplx lrIIIII Sun: “I .VUI'IIIII.

I Stuart Montgomery SI Sliclmcl‘x l’;II‘leI (lunch. I Slgilclord Road. 4-73 96%. (rpm, £6. .-\II organ rchIal «It IlIc IIIIIxIc ol‘ Bach. l’rI/cIIIIIII. llaIIdcl. MIIlc-I and nlhcrx.

Tuesday 23


I Katharine Durran RJlllxlli‘lll lIlL'JllL'. "N lllg‘TIIlll \lle‘l. “f V13"

1 1* 3pm Li I'l.:xxI: \I‘ll.Il.l\ llillll pI.IIIIxI l\:llll:llll‘u‘ lllllldll III p.IIIIII‘leIII‘ \\ IIlI SclxIxImII (‘nIIIlM‘Iu I‘IIII: :le (UHI\[ \HIIl IlII‘ l I‘ll\II‘ll \lu/aII l’l.I\I'Ix

I Scottish Opera: Seraglio Unwrapped llIIzIIII- Raul. 3S? llupc \III'I'I. ll.\‘ll lWl Nd“ I‘l‘lll lII‘I' \ I‘k'llllhl lllL' \xt‘llL‘S li‘I‘l: :ll li‘l‘IJS lli‘llx'lu'l IIIIII IIIIngI'n lxirjggc'x xI.I:'III;.r III \( mum). \klllx'll Ix I'IIIII'IIle lr‘llllll‘.‘ :IIIIIIIIIl SIIIIIJIIIl Ilk‘k‘ \xIIlI .I IIIkI-I li‘l .III\ pI-IIIIIIIIJIII‘I' III lllk' I‘l‘k'ld. I

I Cantemus Mixed Choir \l \II‘_\\lll\‘ (lililx‘ll. RI‘SI' \llI'I'l, (i.llllk'lIllll. SIS“ SNVI illpIII llnII.IIInIIx \ l‘lll III .I I'IIppI‘lla lllll\l\ IIIIluilIIIy /I‘ll.lll Kmlal) h\ IlIIx .l\\.llII \\llllllll_‘.' llIIII;'.III.III I IlHll


I Edinburgh Quartet lx’I-IIl (‘nnmi Hall. I IlIIIlingglIl lll\I‘l\ll\. llIIxIn .SIIII.III'.l\*ll_‘-1.‘w l IllpIII l'II‘I' I‘lII' popular xIIIII_~_' IIIMIII-I pcIluIIII llI-IIIIk

l kk-U\.N1llrii [(III'I'I‘NM R.I\I'|‘x (jinn/I I' .lllIl \I’lIIllmx SuIIIlax‘ Vle lluu 1mm

Wednesday 24


I Sarah Chang with the English Chamber Orchestra lx’uxdl (Emu-II lIIIll. 3 Saucluclmll SIII'I'I. ‘5‘ hllllll

lllpIII {IS I.“ SI'I‘ pII-in-xx. IIIIlII


I Edinburgh Quartet Kmp'x llllllillllfJS. (il.l\\ .\lc.'IIlI‘. \X'llmil III ,-\§_'III‘IIlIIIIc. l‘IIIwaII} ul I IllllI‘lllfJIl. M;I_\lII‘lIl RIIIIII. (fill *7”: l IlSpIII III-c

SL'L‘ [INC 3‘,

Thursday 25


I TRIO 37 from Niirnberg (iluxgim l'IIIwI'xII} ('IIIII‘I'II HIIII. l'IIIwaII} .‘\\L'llllt'. “ll-ll)”: I III ZpIII I'II-I- \Vullgunj: '\llL'l IllIIII'I. .\II_I_'I'III.I /|ll_L'k'llk' IIIIIxxImIII .‘IIIIl .‘\l\ll\H Kmlula IpI.IIInI pcI'luI'III :I pIugIIIIIIIIIc nl lk'kk'lll cuIIIpuxIIIuIIx h} I)lk'lk‘l “lluk‘ll. RIII} Rink: .lIIIlll Mann-ll (ic'llilcx. J.IIII'I Hm and \I\ lL‘llllL' “Inc

:3? BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series (It) H.Illx. (‘IIIIIlII'IIpux l“ Mlllll

.lelll U) DISH. l’II'III'lI‘x IIIIIIIII'xxI-nliul RIIIIIIIIIIII‘ xIIImpII-I k'. \lU/lll (IIIIII I‘I'lu Nu I. um] pim I'IIIII II;IIIuII:I|IxIIc \wrkx lI‘IIIII SI'IIIIJIIIl'x l'.(I\\;ll'Il NILI Illlrc' lSIIHI'I I’ RI HI I {IN/H III! .VI'I/ (III/III '\ IIIIll'l 'l/Ig/I/IIIII/ RH! / 'I and (‘A'cli IIIIIxIcI‘ :\lllHllllI I)\Iil£ll\ ISIIII/I/IHIII .\'u 7i. ('IIIIIIIIL'IL-Il h} .-\|c-\:IIIIlI'I lllH\ lllL'l'k' Ix :I pI'c-cIIIIcc-II pI'c-IIIIlc ill (I “pm III th' (iIIIIIIl Hull. IL'illlllllljJ .\l;II} r\lll| Kc‘llllL‘II} III cunchquIuII uIIlI l‘IlIIIIIIl .\lc(iIIII‘c_ and :I pIIxII'nIIchI IIIIIII

III\nl\ lllf.‘ HllL’ nl McliIIIIIVx (Illllplhlllltllx


I John Kitchen SI (‘I-cIlIu'x Hull. NIIIIlI‘} SII‘ch. (fill 3-127 7 lllpIII I'lk'k' MIIxIc h} l-ruhcrucr. Hitch. (‘IIIIpcIIII :IIIIl ScuI'lallI on IlIc clzmclIuI'Il. lIIIIpxIclIuI'Il IIIIIl Illl'IL‘plilllH


I Simon Walker \lclzuan Hull. Bllxlli Squarc. (I50 2427, 1.10pm l'rcc- ()I'jJaIIIxI SIIIIIIII \VIIllxc-I'pl;1}x Ihc lllllSlL'HI BI‘IIlIIIx. Vic‘rllc. Him c'llx unil ('Hc'lxc'r,

I Portmanteau SI (iIlI-x‘ (‘IIIhc-Ilrul. [(0)111 3111c, 326 “(I-,7} 7.3llpm. l'rc'c'. .-\ xclcclinn ul lIglII IIIIIxIc III IIIIl nl Ihc lIuIIIc-lcxxncxx clIIIrII}. l-rcxh SIarI.

Glasgow LIT Scottish Opera: Seraglio 'llIcuIrc