

Cap ive adience

Steve Cramer talks to Ed Robson, artistic director of Cumbernauld Theatre about imprisonment, torture, justice and Greek classic The Oristeia

\en |lolt_\\\ood has turned. ol reeent times. to

the siihieel ot e\lraordiiiar} rendition. But it

the somexxhat glamourised approaeh to the suhieet piomised h} the lilni li’t'Iii/i'liun. looks like eieating .i moral \llllptlelt} lo the stihjeel \\hieh tliiealens to i‘lll'_\ it under |a)ets ol' gaud} eolour. the daikei tiullis ol the sithieel might well he horne otit hi ('uniheinauld \e\e|1_\itl\i ()i'i \li'lu lrilog_\ looks like prmiding a \ei'_\ intimate e\aniination ol the suhieel. ('uinheinauld's ai‘listie direetor. lid Rohson sits heloi'e me at the li‘;i\ei'se. his long. dark. he|o\\ the sliouldei hair training a pale. slim laee aho\e a hlaek shut in a manner lliat suggests something het\\een a ioiiiantie poet and one ol Sit/i ()ualro's haeking guitarists. But the (ieordie aeeenl dispels man} t'it'sl impressions. as does a glanee at his impressn e reeord ill the lust |.\‘ months ol' his tenure at a theatre. \xhieh lias. despite its geograph}. started to heeome a signil'ieanl \enue l'or eutting edge work in Seoltish thealie. llis ne\\ initi;ili\e. .\iii'/i'n\. eneotirages }otittg eoiiipanies to eome to ('umhernaitld and hring e\perimental \\ot'k to a more eomplete le\el than the a\erage sei'ateh night or reading. the first produetion to eottie out ot this initiali\ e looks like something ol a

eotli in produeing a one-man show h} one ot

Seolland‘s most eelehrated _\ot:ng aetors. Rohson is hound to atlraet theatre-sa\ \} audienees from all o\ er the eounlr}.

Sand} (irierson “on this Muir‘s ('XI‘S hest aelor ;i\\at‘d for his perlormanee in ('ommunieado‘s It runs Iii/nun]. and follow ed this up with a splendid turn in Vanishing l’oinl's Sir/mat at the I'dinhurgli l-ringe. lt's testament to Rohson's otit there artistie polie} that (irierson’s ne\l sho\\


theatre. where a re\i\a| ol

should take plaee at (‘umhernauld. \\ here a lrunealed. one—man \ersion ot a trilog_\ ol' \\al‘. murder and \engeanee seems to hegin at its end. with the eenlral eharaeter. ()resles. e\plaining the slzi}iiig ol' his mother and her loxer in relrihution l‘or her murder ol' his lather enduring torture in a eountr} he ean‘t idenlil‘).

"the sleep hanking ol' the seats at (’umhernauld. the \\a_\ that the} lo\\ er in er stage all helps. the audienee aels as the iur}. and this one small man gi\es his aeeount Hi- the e\ent.' stt}s Rohstltt. ‘He does the whole thing ill \tl'ess [liisilliltr lie and the dll'eetiit'. l)a\id .lohnslone assumed this litisllltlll in rehearsals. When the} first started the} eould on!) hold it lot" a minute. No“ it goes on for an hour. though. illL‘\tt;lt\|}. heeatlse it‘s so painttll. he hills in er no“ and then. The shoek on his hod} is reall_\ quite an e\traordinar_\ thing. the ehallenge to his audienee is thtlt the} get to see the \tlt't'et‘lllg Hi the ehoiees the} '\ e made ahout iiistiee.'

Rohson l'eels that this is the right time to he staging (it‘eek ettt‘ssltN. "I'here‘s eertainl} tl kllld Ht /eilgeisl ill the air. \Vhen else this there heen three Setlttlsh l‘l'liduelions of' the (ireeks in sueh a short time'.’ .-\l'ter il'llt' Burr/luv til the t‘iestluli. there‘s .t/Illg'll/lt‘ til the iron and this at the same time. One ol the questions ill the heart til it” these Pitt} s is tthiltlt 'itlsttee Lttld him it \xorks. 'lto\\ on earth ean \\ hole nations he held responsihle l'or justiee'.’ \Vhat indi\idua| ean possihl} he responsible tor \xar'.’ in the [is eonte\t alone. \xe‘re ha\ing to ask how justiee is ser\ed h} this. Is this about justiee. or is iustiee inst a eomenient lzihel or proeess tor some kind of politieal meehanism ol'

sileltli eillltl‘iiiir

Cumbernauld Theatre, Thu 18—Sat 20 Oct.

to a jur}. alter




til A Midsummer Night's Dream Tim Supple's highly- acclaimed, life-affirming production of the bard's most popular romantic comedy brings together actors. creative staff and languages from India, Sri Lanka and the UK. A must- see, even for the most hard- bitten critic. See preview. page 77. King '8 Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 23-Sat 27 Oct.

It! The Onstola See preview. left. Cumbernauld Theatre, Thu 18—Sat 20 Oct.

3|! Only the Men Reeling and Writhing‘s new work tells the story of a middle-aged photographer's dilemma upon returning to the croft he has inherited following his father's death. The supporting characters and environment are represented through a specially commissioned score and live, onstage flute performance. See preview. page 77. Byre Theatre, St Andrews, Thu 25 Oct; Platform, Glasgow. Tue 30 Oct; Brunton Theatre, Edinburgh, Wed 31 Oct; CCA, Glasgow, Thu 1-Sat 3 Nov.

* Living Quarters John Dove's powerful production of Brian Friel’s 1977 classic explores the disorientating effect of celebrity on a Donegal garrison. when an Irish army officer saves the lives of a number of his men and ends up being beseiged by journalists and politicians. See preview, page 78. Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 26 Oct—Sat 17 Nov.

* The Pearlflshor In his final production for the Traverse, artistic director Philip Howard helms this epic new work by his frequent collaborator lain F Macleod, set among the post- WW2 traveller communities in the West Highlands. See preview, page 78. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 30