xtill a xignilieaiit IxxllL‘ hit the eniiiniuiiit). '.v\ geiiei‘atinn agn _\nii didn‘t get xn iiiaii_\ _\niiiig penple thinking at that }niiiig age ni' eniiiiiiittiiig ax iiiain ei‘iniex like \anilalixiii xn I ilnii't think that the ehange [in helia\ inui‘l ix iinagiiieil. lliit I iln think iileax ahnut gang eiiltiii'e anil hnniliex ean he e\aggei'ateil.' he xa_\ x.

‘.\Ian nl the eallx \xe get are M an e\ti'eiiiel) IIIIIIUI‘ nature. lt‘x kiilx Initei‘ing nn eni'iiei'x. heiiig lnuil. ina_\he thi'nxxiiig xtniiex ni' ili'inkiiig. ’l'liat ixn‘t tn xa_\ that a big i‘n\\il_\ gi'nup xtaniling nutxiile )nui' liniixe l'ni‘ \\eekx nn enil ilnexn't heenine an ixxiie. But the iiiaini‘it_\ eaii he ilealt \\ith.'

But that xtill lea\ex a \ei'_\ xtiek) iiiinni'it_\. 'l‘hei‘e ai'e ai'nunil li\ e pei‘xixteiit _\niing nt‘teiiilei'x in l.eith eui‘i‘entl}. ageil lwtneen l3 and In. \\liii eniiie t0 [inliee attentinn \xeek at'tei‘ \\eek t'ni' 'the \xhnle ganiut' nt' ei'iiiiex li‘nni \aiiilalixiii tn IIIL‘I‘I tttttl :txxttllll.

()ne. \xhn liax iiixt tui‘neil It». hax enniinitteil ITt) nt't'eneex in .lllxl tun )C;tt'x. 'llix nt't‘eneex enxei‘ the hill range nt anti-xneial helia\ inui‘ t'i‘niii iliet'tx aiiil ilixhnnext) tn \anilalixin. \inlenee and iiitiiiiiilatiniif xighx Rennie. ‘lle‘x heen III\UI\CLI in hate et‘lltlL‘. xtealing eai'x. thi‘nxxiiig hikex nll hiin laiiilingx in I‘ltk‘lxx nt' llatx. urinating in lit‘txf The team hax nn\\ applied tini‘ an .'\ltll Sneial Beha\inui' ()i'ilei‘ i.-\.\'B()i IUI‘ Iiiiii (ltL‘ hi'nke pl'L‘\ IUII\ {\CCL‘PIJI‘IC Beha\ inui' ('nnti'aetxi \xliieh \\ ill rexti‘iet liix nin\einent.

‘l'xualh there are a te\\ lint xpntx that \\ e juxt ili'i\ e ilnxx n in and take a lnnk.‘ e\plainx l)_\ er. ‘I{\ en it~ thei‘e‘x nnthing happening .iuxt ltU\\. \xhen

penple xee the \an t|ie_\ lxltH\\ \xe‘i'e nut anil aliniit aiiil men that ix linpelu||_\ a hit nl a \ICIK'II'CIII,'

Snnii l)_\ei piillx the \an tip alniigxiile a pnliee eai that hax xlnppeil tn appi‘ehenil tlii'ee teenage gii‘lx that the \ \l nllieei'x eniitixeateil alenlinl lt'HlH iii theii eai‘iiei pati'nli lt xeeiiix tlie_\.‘\e iiiaiiageil tn get linlil nt nini'e. \ltei‘ a iiuiek eniitah. the V \l x are lelt tn ileal \\Illt it

'I tlinuglit _\nu gii_\x \xei'e gning tn he nn tinuhle tniiiglit.‘ xiglix l)i'_\ei. ax the gii'lx xlii‘iek in i'eengiiitinii. 'l’lie_\ .‘ii‘e l‘til\lL‘lHll\. lull nl gnnil xpii‘itx hut \\ll_\ are the} xtill ei‘iiixing the xti'eetx'.’ l'lie pi'nhleni. elaiiiix ll _\eai' nlil l)iane. ix that ‘theiex iintliiiig elxe tn tln‘. She kiin\\x that the ailiiltx leel tlii'eateiieil h} then heliaxiniii' hut xhe‘x nnt i'eall} xiii‘e \\I1_\.

‘Sniiie nt them are alright. hut iiinxt nl' theiii iiixt think \\e'i‘e \\ee ai‘xehnlexf xhe xlii'ugx. Sniiietiiiiex the} gn tn the unilei'»l3x eliihx in 1mm. ‘lIiit tlie_\‘i'e iiixt xliit.‘ e\e|aiiiix .\xhle_\. \\hn x;i}x that lii‘iiiging teeiiagei'x l'i‘niii all «net the eit_\ tngethei‘ eaiixex lighth

I'llltlll} the giilx ealiii tIII\\ ii and the nt'tieei'x get haek iiitn the \an. \ i‘epni't eninex in met the iailin nt xniiie _\nuthx Illt'H\\ iiig lii‘iekx at a gi‘nunil l'lnni' i‘exiileiit‘x \\IIIIIU\\ neai'hy B} the tune the

[cam getx In IIIL‘ aililt'exx lltet’eix IIH

\Igtt HI IIIC e‘ltlpl‘tlx. ttlttl IIIL' I'L‘xlilcttl. \k‘gtt'L‘tl HI i‘epi'ixalx. ilnexn't \\ant the nttieei‘x tn \I\IIi lnxteail the} \\il| plinne tn i'eaxxui'e liiin \xlien the} get haek tn the xiaiinii.

\Vhile thix entnplaint ix a \aliil nne. nllieei‘x are alxn xenxiti\e tn the laet that lnealx ai‘e xninetiiiiex iiiei‘el} iiitiiiiiilateil. "I‘liingx ean get lilnuii niit nl pi'npiii‘tinn.‘ x;i_\x .lnliiixnii, "I‘lie _\niiiig peane iiiight iint i‘eall} he ilning aii_\thiiig hut the puhlie pei‘eeptinn thexe ila}x ix that a gi‘nup nt _\nut|ix ix nn gnnil.

'll that ix the eaxe \\ e are alxn quite happ} tn gn aiiil xpeak tn the i‘exiilent and tell them that tea”) the kiilx ai‘e nnt ilning an} liai‘in. .-\|xn xxe xpeak tn the kiilx and ti} and get them in iiiiilei'xtaiiil.'

.'\IIUIIIL‘I‘ hui‘xt nl' xtatie l'i‘niii the i'ailin hei'alilx a eall ahnut a gi'nup eauxing a ilixtui‘hanee. pi‘nhahl} ili'iink. \Vhen the} hear the xti'eet name the nllieei‘x gi'nan. 'l‘lie} knnu e\aetl} \xhn it ix.

'l‘hix tiiiie nne iii the gi‘nupx nt' gii'lx [hex i‘an iiitn eai‘liei’ hax gi'nxxn tn ineliiile a enuple nt hn_\x. and the} are all xliniitiiig aiiil xei'eaiiiing tlieii‘ luiigx nut.

'lt’ thix ilnexii't xtnp I‘ll need in take _\ntl hnnie.‘ xa}x l)_\ei‘ ax he geix nut nl the \an. liix tniie mm. tai' lexx li‘ieiiill}. 'I ilnn‘t \xant tn lia\e tn eniiie haek anil xee _\nii lnt again. Keep it ilimii. l'iii \L‘I'ItilIx.

II} the time tlie}‘i'e linixheil. .lnhnxnn iixhei‘ing tlieiii (I()\\Il IIIL' \II'L'L‘I \\ltilc I)_\L't‘ lttll()\\'\ in the \an in make xiire they tlixpel'xc. ttttit‘c eallx are eniiiing in xtniie IIH‘tHk'IIIg. \anilalixiii. underage drunk and Llixnt'ilet'liex are itll xtanilai'il l't'iila} night lare. (ilanint'nux it ix tint.

'lt inight xeein quite xiiiiple hut thix ix u hat it \xill take tn ehange thingx.’ x;i_\x l)).er. lle gi‘iniaeex ax he \xatehex the teenagerx ilixappear l'i'nni \ ievi.

'III \\e gi\e tip nn thexe _\nung penple. the} will juxt gix'e up nn ux.‘ In the \an the radin eraeklex again ~

it‘x time In take the next call.

2 ' THE LIST 17