h. \xcll Ii mm \uiIIixh. .mti sun'n‘ :v Axxrmn; \‘illik‘ llleli. til \UIHC pnml g g N ’W‘ 3’ wmmmc I\ gum; In ILHI _\nu .i\ “the a, 3 if V‘s. a ncu Ian Rankin until {hes icincmlwi. nu. a L _' JCIUJH} Lin Rdiiklli I\ Will thew \lc\ (ii.i_\ imx

' "1 ' ' been described .1\ the (ilaxxwgmn Itin Rankin

» ' l.m \ntlcrwn gets 11 as \wll. I Ihmk‘ Stuart \Iuclirldc bearded. tummy. Lite Nix. lhh Muir's \\ innu Hi llk‘ (‘1 mic \\ inch

0 .Muk‘lnllulik Hmhcx In Ihc l li\i.u_\ lligfgci l\ perched in a (It!!! iii the pair n1 I)Ull\lk'k‘ ('unlcmlmmr} .\r1\. \t‘iiux [IIL‘ Lihlc |\ \ll.lli (iulhrlc. ~1H. mmc HI less plum \lmwn. Iccluml.

\cgcturmn. and current huhim n1 th' iniitulnusl) prestigmus l'hmkxlun'x (“d I’m'ulici ('rllm' \mcl Hi the Year ,\\\.ml the \cnuc um phmcn us an uppmprmlc (mural [‘Ullil lu-lchn Aberdeen i \\ licl c \Li( “I nlc In L'\i .iml lidinhurgh in here (inllmc Ines i. \\ hilv lhc unnpun} \\;I\ hand picked h) l/lr‘ lixi'x gum-m

guest ulimr uhu helium. qullc lllelll}. Ill.”

Messrs MucBridc and (iulhrlc .m‘ [\linlllx‘llifj

Rankin. As writers such as Denise Mina, Alex Gray, Ray \lmm-urmt- mth ext-um; mm tit-nmm-uumi .u llL‘ IHUIHL'IH.

Banks and Val McDermid continue to win awards and m. Wm.” m. .\ Hm him mlhcr Ul llk‘xc\\it1_\.\\cll Inanncluimm

ncilhcr Ul \xlinm lime display“ .lll_\ Hh\lHll\

genre known as ‘tartan noir', and investigates why \m'iupulhic mum mt- m 3...... iii uuluuimum'c mm d law ilrmmu up \HIIIL‘ ml

[he mm! unl’linchingl} l‘l'lllul immicr scent-x I‘w


Slum! MucBrldv, loll, and Allan Gullmc, qull, an- two loadlng exponent. ul W! has been dubbed 7 ~~ “bran nolr'. though it‘s a L “9M vlcw as lllllc mou- than I marketing tool

18 THE LIST‘ \c. t "