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I i 23:31. 45‘ It a . _ 'I s x I: '

Don McCullin has been taking pictures of people in turmoil for half a century. Brian Donaldson looks back at his career and flicks through his latest collection

on .\le(‘ul|in might went like \ome kind ol

anaehronixtie heaxt among the top

photographers toda}. .\'ot lor him the \impering \anitiex ol eelehrit}hood; he hax a|\\a_\\ heen lar more interexted in the real problems that laee ordinar} people on a dai|_\ l\1t\l\. \Vith hi\ latext eolleetion ol‘ old and ne\\ photographx In line/unil. _\oiir \ti'iiggle to \pot amone t'amoiix “ill e\ettttt;t|l_\ he i'eixarded \xith images ol 'l‘he Beatlex. .lohn Betjeman and British liixeixt .lohn 'l‘}ndall. but the) ai'e ox erxhadoxx ed h_\ pietiirex ol' peaee eampaignerx ot‘ the Whtis. iirhan deprixalion in the l‘)7tl\. aiid l.adie\ l)a_\ at :\.\eot in Ztlllo. 'l'he _\a\\niiig dixide heNeen \eetorx tit \oeiet} ill Bl'tlililt itit\ been ;1\ important a \iihieet to .\le(‘ii|lin ax the \hellxhoelxed e\pre.\\ion\ on the laeex ol _\oiing (il\ in ‘.\'am.

Born into an impo\eri\hed London home in I035. .\le(‘iillin gre\\ iip d}\|e\ie hut \xith a hand} knaek l‘oi' dra\\ing. Hoxx e\ er. hix dreams ol~ going to art .xehool taltei‘ed at the age ol l4 \\ hen hix lather died and .\le(‘iil|in \\;t.\ l‘oreed into heeoming the Itottte\ hreaduinner. .-\t‘ter doing national \er\iee in Kema. he eatne haek home and bought a Rollieeord \xith \xhieh he took imagex ot‘ the gang\ he gre\\ up hexide in liinxhury Park. The blood} alterinth ol a street hraxxl in l‘)5i\‘ ga\e .\te(‘iillin hix tirxt big break \\tth a piettire printed in Hip ()lm'ri'i'i‘ and ol‘l‘erx ot' \xork hegan l0 easeade itlx \\;t}. B} the end Hi. the (i()\. .\le(‘ii|lin'.\ reputation \xax roek solid and his image\ from the \\ar /one\ ot' Vietnam. ('amhodia. lil Sahador and Northern Ireland are no\\ part ol the pltotoiournalixt eanon. So el‘leetne are hix

28 THE LIST‘ ‘5 \*

reprexentationx ol horror that he \\;l\ harmed h} the 'l‘hateher go\ernmeiil l'i‘oni tra\e||iiig with the tioiiln to the i‘alklaiidx. a lael \\hieh lelt hiiti dimiieaxl: 'I tell that I‘d earned it \xilh in_\ blood and \ueatf he told the Irili'rniiliii/iir/ l/i'i‘ii'li/ li'i/iii/ii' iii I‘Nfi.

In lune/iiiii/ marks \oniethtng ol a \xatei'xhed moment l'oi' .\ie('ulhn. ‘I don‘t ha\e the ioler'aiiee or \tamina to eontinue mueh loiiger.‘ he little\ in the |a\i\h liook'x introdtietion. 'I am not at the end ot lll_\ \\ork. hut I‘m eloxe to the illltll\ ol \\|t;it lean aeeomplixh." the _\ear\ ol' eonl'rontiiig \Hllle teirihle litiiit—titade tli\a\let\ ha\e taken their toll and \xheii )iiii ha\e been beaten up h_\ ld' .\min\ \tlitilL‘l\. literall} \a\ ed li‘oiii a litillet h_\ _\our \ikoii eaiiiera oi‘ eome under llllL‘ll\e \helling in ('amhoilia. it’s pei‘l'eetl} underxtandahle that a man \\lii llH\\ opt to ha\ e a da_\ at the t‘;iee\ or eaptut‘e the i'e|;ili\e|_\ peaeel'iil drama ol' land'x land or Stonehenge.

\ou li\ing in Soiiierxet. he lindx trips into London to photograph Shia proeexxioiix. \\ hileehapel'x :xtitllil or the l’alaee ol \Vextminxter ax a trip into \llllle ltii‘aua} land. ax Bialra muxt ha\e telt to him in a put time. "l‘hix is not the langland ol NSF . . . there are ne\\ phenomena \ueeping the land: ohewt}. xeltixhnexx and the hand :JL'\ltll'L‘\ and [‘tl\lttl'c\ ol the _\oiing that l eaniiot undeixland." \Vhile .\le(‘ullin ma} he nearing the point \ihen the pii\\ er ot ill\ \ioi‘k will \olel} lie in the retrmpeetue. the arehi\ e he \‘.lii lea\ e hehind ix a remarkable one.

In England is published by Jonathan Cape on Thu 1 Nov.


:11 Denise Mina & Leonardo Manco ": '

>i= Alice Sebold The celebrater‘l author of the l eve/ix Bones drops in for a signing event to mark her new atlair. Hie Nines! MOO/i, which. to be blunt. has received a mixed reception. 'v’i/aterstone's. Eri/rnlflrrgh, Fri 9 Nov.

=2: Carol Ann Duffy 8. Liz Lochhead Two ot the nation‘s favourites read from their latest works. and launch Vital Syriz. a new poetry somety for Glasgow. Oran Moi; G/t'isgow. 7i 1e (5 Nov.

=3: 100 Favourite Scottish Football Poems Some folks have been spouting off about a new dawn for our game. and maybe some of that ‘spirit of 78' will be in evidence for this launch of a new poetry volume. Sportsters Bar, Fifi/inburqh, Fri .9 Nov; Borders Books. G/asgow, Thu 75 Nov.

>21 Don McCullin The London born war photographer gets personal wrth his new collection. In Eng/and. See prevrew. left. Jonathan Cape. Denis Johnson While McCullin made a name for himself with his ‘Nam images. this author has taken that conflict as the basis for an impressive doorstopper of a debut novel. Tree of Smoke. See reView. page 29. Picador. >21 Steve Niles 8: Scott Hampton Niles scared you witless With 30 Days of Night and now frightens the bejesus out of his adoring public with a monthly DC debut. Simon Dark. See reviexr. page DC.