Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Pm “O t'l‘err} (iilhuin. l'S. l‘)XXl John Nexille. Suruh l’olle}. l‘.rlL ldle. Robin Williurnx llornin l-‘uhulotixh expenxne lhth eentur} luntuxiu loetixex on u bexeiged 'l'urerh eit} entenuined h) the lull tulex ol Huron Munehuuxen. (iilliutn'x extruxugunt \rxuul xenxihilit} gtiidex thix munie epie through tlx xtlek)’ putehex. and there ix \0 much to look ut und enough geriurne luughx thut hix relentlexx eumpuign uguinxt rnedroere eomention ix more thun Jtixtilied. (iluwim I'll/n Theatre, (iluxgon,

>i< Africa Paradise (Africa Paradis) (l5l “O (Sylxextre Amouxxou, Benin/lirunee. 200m Stephune Roux. lzriq lihouune). Sylxextre Arnouxxou. Kornrn. Biting xutire on the experieneex ol Alrteun unrnigruntx in liurope. 'l'he _\eur ix 2033 und the tuhlex huxe turned on glohul eeonoiniex. xo thut ewry liuropeun dreurnx ol going to the United Stutex olAlrieu where work rx plentiful und wur und pmert) ure thingx ol the puxt, The film lollowx u lzuropeun eouple'x utteinptx to erntgrute. who rnuxt rexort to working lor u horder runner w hen they luil to get \‘lxtl\. l’urt ol'Al'rreu lli Motion. I'll/nirvana lit/Inluuje/r

Alien Adventure 30 tt'r 0000

(Ben Struxxen. Jupun. 200] ) Voree ol‘ John Boyle. Bouli l.unnerx. 37min. An ulien ruee looking for u plunet lo eolonixe lind eunh und unl'orlunutely enter u theme purk where they euuxe tnueh urnuxing lliil}’llL‘lil. IMAX Theatre. (iluxgon:

Amu (l’(i) (Shonull Boxe. lndiu/l‘S. 2005) Brindu Kurul. Ankur Khunnu. Konkono Sen Shurmu. l 12min. The .xlor) ol' Kuju (Shurrnul. un lndiun Amerieun wornun who returnx to lndiu to \‘ixit the xlunix und roudxide eul'ex where xhe dixemerx thut u horrifying genocide holds the key to her own originx. Glasgow I’ll/n ’I'lreulre. (ilmgmi:

Atonement 1 IS, .0” Joe w right. l'lx'. 2007i Vunexxu Redgrux e. Ketru Knightle}. Jurnex Mex-Mo} ll‘unrn lt'x u rure thing tor u lilrn to luxe the literur} quulitrex or u greut noxel with drumqu power and unernutie grundeur. hut xltmrt'ment doex |Uxt thut l‘ine. heud} .ind ernotne pertorrnuneex trout the out und weuxionul xeenex ol uxtoundtng \I\ irnuger} meun thut the trugre lo\e xtor} ot childhood xweetheurtx Ktttghtle} .tllil

Mt .-\\o_\ rernurnx ux eoinple\ .ind heurttending ux lun Meltwun'x originul noxel Si’lt't It'll I‘r lc’tlu‘

>l< The Band’s Visit: 13m 000. tlirun Koltrin. lxruel/l-runee. 200‘. Suleh Bukri. Rorut lalkuhetL Suxxon (iuhut 87min. See re\ new. puge 40 St ln l( t! I'('/('(l\(' front I‘I‘I ‘/ .Vm Basket Case l no 0000 Henenlotter. l'S. l‘lh‘Zi Kenn Vunlluntenrttek. Terri Stixun Smith Bexerl} Bonner. Robert \ogel 91min low budget wrekerwork horrortext. w hieh lollowx u wee nerd und hix huxket-euxe brother who xet out lor rewnge on the twinpho xurgeon und \et thut done him wrong. (lore und gurixh ehurueterx uhound in thix ehurmingl) e\oked xleu/o xide ol me in New York. I'Ilm/muu‘. lat/mlmrelr. Bellissima l IS) tl.uehino \‘rxeonu. ltul). IUSI 7 Annu Mugnuni. Wulter (‘hrurL 'l'inu Apieellu. llr‘llllll. lntenxe drumu In whieh u mother. w hoxe lite-long dreurnx ol inuking ii in the lilm world huxe lulled. triex to ptixh thexe uxpirutionx onto her duughter when u turnoux direetor' eornex to town. l’urt ol ltuliun l‘ilrn liextixul Glasgow I’llm 'I'lteum'. (i/uxeon:

Bhool Bhulaiyaa ( l5) (Proudurxhun. lndtu. 2007) Akxhuy Kutnur. Vid)u Bulun. Shiney Ahuju. l30rnin. A Hindi lunguuge remuke ol the 1993 hlillil)illtlllt hloekhuxter. Mmm'ltitrulltuflru. ()tleon .-l! The an; (ilmgow;

The Big City (Mahanagar) (I’m 0”. (Sutyujit Ru}; lndiu. 1963) Anil (‘hutterjee. Mudhuhi Mtikher'jee. Ju}u Bhuduri. l3lrnin. Suhrutu‘x xulur} u.x un ueeountunt ixn't enough to xupport hix extended luinil)‘ who ull li\'e under hix rool but when hix wile getx u joh ol her own to


r J ~‘3' *


If the avant garde is your cup of fish you won‘t want to miss these late night and

matinee screenings of Matthew Cremaster Cycle Barney’s new film. This time out Barney casts his peculiar experimental gaze on the land of the rising sun and the Shinto religion in particular with the help of (among others) Bjork. On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 November the film will be shown in a double bill with No Restraint, a documentary about the

making of the film.

I Cameo. Edinburgh, Fr/ 9-Su77 7 7 Nov 8 Thu 75 Nov.

help out. her deetxton xentlx wux ex ol drxeontent through the lulttll} Suhrutu lellll\ her ernpltwrnent rnukex hrrn look like lexx o! u mun. und her _\oung xon rnounx .md \llC\ when xhe leu\e\ tn the morning llut w ltul elxe wrll the} do l’urt ol SJUJIII Ru} xeuxon [Hm/1mm. lat/mlvure/r

The Bishop's Bedroom (La Stanza Del Vescovo) t IM eee tl)ino Rixi. lt.il_\. l‘l‘“» ()r‘nellu \lutr.l go 'l‘ognu/lr 110mm .-\ weulth} rnun t’l'ognu/lit lindx hunxell uttrueted to hix prudixh xrxter-in-luw t.\luttt llut when unother mun ix .ilxo druwn to her u ehuin til C\eltl\ l\ unleuxhed leudtng l0 ieuloux}. ullutr‘x und. tinull}. u murder l’urt ot ltuliun l‘tlm l'extt\ul (iltrxgou Itlm Ilrnrtu (;I(I\L'l’ll

Black Sheep l l5) 0... «Jonuthun King. New /.eul.ind. 300m \uthun Meixter. l)unielle Muxon. l’elet l‘eene} 87min. l’urt \ixeerul ehiller. purl hluek corned}. Blot k Sher/v lukex pluee on u xheep lurrn in New / where the two hrotherx lll ehurge one rnortull} ulruid ot \llL'L'P. the other u l'llllilt'\\ l‘thtnexxmutt who hux genetieull} rnodilied hix xtoek inuintutn u teinrx-xttioux relutionxhip When u puir ol' ununul uetnixtx hreuk into the lurrn und xteul xorne genetie wuxte. it'x not long helor‘e e\e'r"\oite rx ter’r‘ortxed h} llexh euling ox inex und rnonxtron xheep hurnun lt}hl‘td\ Sl'll'llt'l/ I'r'lc'uu'.

The Bourne Ultimatum I 12A» 0... tl’uul (ireengruxx. ('8. 200"» Mutt l)urnon. Juliu Stilt-x. l)u\id Struthuirn ll ltrun (ireengruxx' xutrxt}ing eoneluxion to the xp} ll'lltlg} huxed on Robert l.udlurn'x hookx. ill w hieh luxon Bourne tl)urnom getx hix mentor} logged uhout hix pre\ roux identit}. lindx out e\uell_\ w'hul the 'l'reudxtone orgunixution did to him. and linull} getx xoine luee-tune with the eluxi\e orgun—grmder rexponxrhle und not the ('IA monkth he'x hud to deul with before. Ax xrnurt. deeepto e und hurd driven u.x the xuper-xp} hirnxell. ()(ll'l’ll For! Ktmtuml. I'jt/IIr/mre/r.



Brain Damage l 0000 .t-mnk llL‘ttettloitel. l S. l".\m' Rrek llk‘tl‘xl. (iordon \luelhutuld. .lenniter lowu Munro Set} hello to Miller. .1 ruther phullre ereuture who l‘urrowx llllt‘ lirtunK l‘rutn. tntuxtng hun with .t euphqu nhut uddietnei liquid Noon. Hildll ix leuxttng on hurnun hruinx himxelt l nxor‘hrxtreuted eomed} horror .ihout u ho} .ind hix puruxtte tront the mun who brought _\ou the t.iektl) xuperh Iimki .' ( the": l-ilrnhouxe. l'dinhurgh

The Brothers Solomon I IS.

. illill‘lldettklllx. [-3. :llll‘l

Will .-\rnett. lee Murorx. \\ Ill l'otle ‘Hrnrn See renew. puge 42 MM In!

It lulu

Chinatown t IV 000.. tRUlltJtt l’olunxkl. l'S. l‘lfi-lt Juek \Ieholxon. lune l)t1nuw.i_\. John lluxton lilmin l’rnule e_\e Juke (iiltex lukex on .i routine \ .txe u WV l r\ und endx up unetwertng more thun he liurgutned lor Splendid eotixpiruex thriller with .i hundxonte period look and .i qurte xuper'lutne euxt l)expite rurnourx xpr‘eud lw Nieholxon .ind l’olunxkt. though. the noxe xlrtttng xeene wux luked ()(lt'llll .‘ll Iltr' Quin. (l/il\‘."t’l\ Confessions of a Dangerous Mind l l5! 0... t( ieorge (‘looney IN. 200‘» Sum Rot kw ell. lirew

Burr) more. ertge (‘Ioonet ll znun (ior'geoux ( ieotg‘e\ duet true dehut turnx

out to be u reul Ireut liuxed on the .iutoluogruph) ol the \lk'Jll'l ol \ll\ll durnlwddown :\lll\‘ll\.tll eurne xhowx .ix Iltt' Hull/re (hum iw hteh xpuw tied out (“All Illllltl /)lll(’l. (it'llll'\\lilll\ lt'll\ lltt' xtor} ol (‘huek llur‘rtx. .i mun who inxixtx he wux ulxo u ('l.'\ hitniun w ho perlortned 33 uxxuxxinutionx tor the ['8 goxernrnent ('le»er|}. ('loone} und hix xeriptwt'iter ('hurlie Kuulrnun tuke llurrrx‘ word with .i pineh ol' xult. p|u_\ing the whole lillli .ix .in ollheul. hluek eotned) Rm kw ell‘x imperxonution ol liurrrx ix unpeeeuhle.

w hlle ('loone) gnex hirnxell .i plum eumeo ux u gu} ('l.‘\ opetuln e ('tmu'o, lit/Inhure/r.


6 Barber. of Sevflle if "ti: Mischief, mayhem l'au‘ghslfrom 'Rossini's , -


a ;,,;_,..;ofan egqmal.,fa.vou,. .5 H. j", ._.’ i I"... V-rE‘jlr .

__‘i“ «a "I" 1 r “w ‘f. l v 133‘. ‘, J,ij ,ge; . 1-, é V_fi_ ’, l._ .A t V":- .; Egg-hf; gs. 1‘ 1,...) «I; it}: y m. x v. .a Z." if“? 15:}? .5.“ *5 .d- u, vex “w' . mg,- .. 4a 1 1 . _- . . " I -")';I'. " WIC. " " '3" x. 7- ‘L' in, we, ,3 3.8. 94 Va . . I. 7443f ‘3' tr gt ‘1 v .. V a _ ~ .g ,, M

£10 TICKETS . for U265

1-‘5 NO: 2007 THE LIST 45