
Control I l5i O.” tAnton ('orhiin. UK. 2006) Sun RIIC}. Samantha Morton. Alexandra Maria Lara IZZmin Biopic ol Ian (‘unix the enigmatic lead xinger ol Jo) Divrxion. haxed on the hiograph} written h} hix lormer wile. Deborah. Ioiu lung from (1 /)I\!um w (‘orhiin'x (lec'ixiori to xhoot In black and white captiirex the hIeak xettin: ol I‘)70x Macclexlield. and Rile} perlectl} iniitatex ('iirtix' chilling Inc [x'rtormancex A haunting portrait ol a man xtriigglmg to balance married lile. hix xtidden xuccexx. and debilitating epilepx) made worxe h} hix rock \ltll' lllextyle Se/r't It‘r/ I‘r'lr'uw' Convenazionl D'Arte ll’(il COO lAlexxandra l’opuliii. Italy. 3005i I00min 'l‘w'o portraitx ol ltaliaii conterriporai'} anixtx Pietro l-orturia and the totinder ol Arte l’overa. Jannix Kounellix. which otter an inxight into the work ol the two artixtx and explore the connection hetw een \(K'It'l} and Ilitll\l(lll£ll artixtic practice l'ollowed h} a dixciixxion hetween I‘ortuna and the director Part ol' ltaliaii l-‘ilm l‘extixal (i/uxeim I'i/m T/lr'rtln'. (i/(Hgmi

The Countedeiters (Die Falscher) (I5) 0... tStelan Rti/owit/k}. (ieririany/AUxtria. 2006) Karl Markox'iex. Auguxt l)ieh|. DCVHl Striexow. ‘N‘lllllll. Wartime thriller haxed on real eventx. ahoiit a Rtixxian Jew. Iorced to xpend hix da}x in a concentration camp irianulacturing lake currency with which the Na/ix attempted to flood the Britixh and American economiex the largext counterfeiting operation in hixtory 'I‘hix ix a compelling exploration ol what men Will do to keep themxeh ex alixe Xe/r’i'lr'r/ I'('/('(I.\i'.

Cyberworld 3D tl’(il lVariotix. t'S. 3000i .lenna lilllliitll. Matt lirew‘er'. Wooin Allen, 44min. Jenna Iill'man ix the cyher- hoxt who introducex tix to \arioux unrelated xegtnentx oi cyher animation. The Shir/mini and Ant; make 3|) appearaneex in a .xpectacular tll\[)l:l_\ oI today'x moxt imprexxive graphic technology IMx'IX Theulrr'. (i/uagoii'.

D'Artagnan's Daughter l lSi O. (Bertrand 'I'axerniei'. liraiice. l‘)‘)~li Sophie Marceau. Philippe Noiret. (‘laude Rich. Homin. When a daxtardly duke attackx her convent. young nun Marceau ix l'orced into action. xo xhe dragx dad D'Artagnan and hix mtixkcteer matex otit (ill retirement.

()rigiriall} a proiect tor director Riccardo l‘reda twho then tell llll. thix lackluxtre xwaxhhuckler wax picked tip h_\ 'la\ernier. hut hix approach lackx pi/la/I and good old ctit-and-lhruxt -\ lew di\erting tlourixhex axide. Dick I cxter did it hettcr [allot/true}: l'i/ni (rut/(l. lat/iIi/iureli

Daddy Day Camp il’tii O Saxage. IS. 2003 ('uha (iooding Ir. I,ochI_\ri Munro. Richard (irant. 'lamala Jonex 33min I'nloxcahle xeiiuel to the eqiiall} unloxahle I)tI(/(/\ lliii (tire w hich hailx a new low in (iooding‘x career ('rude and xeritiiiiental. the lilm reliex on hodin llurd gagx that IalI well xhort ol the harely- raixed har extahlixhed h} kiddie pratlall comediex xuch ax (‘lriu/ier Iii llll‘ /)H.‘r'll Sr'li'i Ir'r/ I‘r'lt‘uw’

Dance Shorts l l:.'\l t\‘arioux. \Lirioux. Varioiixi 80mm .-'\ programme ol the hottext dance xhort lilmiiiaking talent trom oiitxide Scotland l’art ol I)ancc l‘lllli 07 l'i/Nl/IUUH', lit/iiiliiirgli

The Dark is Rising l 13M 0

«hand I. ('unnrngham. t'S. 3007i Alexander Ludwig. (‘hrixtopher licclexton. Ian McShane Uh’min Inn! n/ [/H' Rriiex xt}'|e action ad\entuie ahout the tra\aiIx ot a young man who r‘ealixex he ix the Iaxt ol a group ol w'ar‘rior'x to ho e dedicated their li\ex to lighting the t'orcex ol the dark‘x hope thix ix where thix Iranchixe xtopx. (ii’lii'rul I'i'lr'mr'.

Days and Nights in the Forest mm C... (Satyiiit Ra}. India. l‘)(r‘)i Soumitra ('hatteriee. Sharmrlla Tagore. Shuhhendu (‘hatteriee I ISmm A delicate xtud_\' ol' relationxhipx l'our hachelor lthlI(I\ Iroiii ('alcutta dri\e to a hungalow in the L‘titllllr}‘\l(lt' tor a holida}. where the} eagerly tr) to woo the attr'actne local women. Suhtle and heaiitit'ul. l’art ol' Satyajit Ray xeaxon. Film/rouse. Ifi/iii/mru/r. Death at a Funeral t ISI .00

tlirank‘ ()I. (ieriiiany/l'K/I'S. 2007i Matthew Mael-adyen. Keeley llaw ex. And) Nyman. 90min. See re\ iew'. page 4 I. General I'r'lmlu',

The Descent l lh'l COO. iTx'c-il Marxhall. l'K. 3005i .\'ora»Jane Noorie. Alex Reid. Shauna Maedonald. 97min. 'I'hix chiekx with pickx potholing horror film from the director ol l)og Sir/(lien ix a grim treat. ()(ll’U/I .ill The Quin. (i/uxguii:


It's a cold October night in Edinburgh and five peOple are about to have a night they will not forget in a hurry. Scotland-based filmmaker Adrian Mead’s excellent multi-character feature film has just been released on DVD and The List has five exclusrve copies to give away. To be in with a chance of winning one. please send an email marked NIGHT PEOPLE to stating your name. address and daytime telephone by no later than Thursday 15 November. The multi-talented Mead was also one of the filmmakers who took part in The List and Metro Ecosse‘s One Minute Wonder screenwriting competition this year by directing one of the winning shorts. Read Mead's very personal account of making Night People at night-people-the-directing-school~of-hard-knocks/

46 THE LIST 1—15 NOV 2007

Dirty Dancing i t" 0.00 itinite .-\rdolino. l'S. l".\“i Jenniter (ire_\. I’atrick Swa) Ie. Jerr} ()rhach 100mm l‘he plot

in the xummer ot 106‘ had ho) Johnn} iSwa} lei meetx good girl Bah} lkitL’} i and teachex her hip grinding. exentuall} winning the rexpcct ot her parentx Sure it'x tull ot xtereot}ping. had dialogue and a pie teen xugar coated prtirience. hut Ill _\earx on I)lli'\ Him we xtill hax the ahilit} to xend a generation ot women all gooe} I‘art ot Dance l‘vtlin 0" Ii/nilioiru. Idol/truer} Dracula i IZAi O... i‘l‘erernce I~ixher. l'K. l‘)5.\‘i l’eter ('uxhing. ('hrixtopher I ee. Michael (iough 52mm The film that xet the Hammer xtandard and re\ italixed the \ampire count l.eeK Dracula ix \er) much the xeductne arixtocrat. w hoxe intluence

o\ crxhadowx the entire Iilm | Mid colour. xexiial \Hlll‘tilhIII and all in a print that haxn't heen xquaxhed into a tele\ ixion lratric. (‘i/ii'iior/i/ Ri'iim'w Sir: (I, (i/iixgmi. ('im'iior/d Iii/in/iure/i. Izdrnlirug/i Eastern Promises l law 0000

tI)a\id ('ronenhei'g. l'K/(Iiriada. 3007i Viggo Mortcnxen. Naomi Wattx. Vincent (‘axxel I lllmiii. (‘ronenherg‘x companion piece to .‘I Hixtori iii l'iii/i'ni i' Ix a perxerxel} entertaining crime thriller centred around midwile i\\attxi who ix drawn into the dark criminal underworld alter xhe xa\ ex the new horn child ot a Ruxxian woman who diex on the operating tahIe. Iea\ mg xpar‘xe cluex ax to her Itlt'lilll} A laxcinating Iexxoii in the Iiaxt/\\'ext urhari claxh that xtandx ax textaiiieiit to itx directoi'x prolicienc} and intelligence (re/tel'rl/ I‘r'lr‘ilxi‘.

=i< Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 12M .0. lShekhar Kapur. l’K/l-rance. 2007i ('ate lilanchetl. Jordi Molla. Samantha Morton. (ieollrey Riixli. ('Irxe ()w'en. ll-lllllli. See in iew. page ~10. (ienerul re/eme.

Evan Almighty tl’tii 0 than Shadyac. IS. 3007) Stexe ('arell. Morgan Freeman. Lauren (iraham 05min ()ne ioke comedy ahoiit a humhle coiigrexxiiiari t('areIli who ix \rxited h} (iod ta paintulh xmug lireemani and told to huild an ark. With animalx lining up two by two. I-,\an ix forced to quextion hix maker'x Ill}\lL'I'ltitl\ wayx during hix L'Ull\'L'r\ltill I'rom xtraiglit~ laced .xuit to m} xtic xage in thix tepid rcligiottx Iarce. lint/tire ('lirleliruik. ('lee/mnk.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 1 PG) .0 (Tim Stor). l'S/(ierman). 2007i Ioan (irutl'iidd. Michael (‘hiklix. Jexxica Alha llllmin. Alter the ‘oi'igin' xtoriex ol the Iirxt Iilm. the hull are texted againxt other super-powered heingx: Silver Surler and the planet-eating (ialactux Though xuperior to itx predecexxor in nearl} every way thix on't-l‘ooted retread of one ot Marvel'x iiioxt popular xtoriex xtill managex to he Iantaxtieally underwhelming. (‘rm'ii'nrlr/ Park/rem]. (iluiuoii ; ('ini'iior/rl Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Firehouse Dog (Wit .0 Holland. l’S/(‘anada 2007i Joxh Hutcherxon. Mayte (iarcra. Bruce (ireenw'ood. I | lmrn. Reux. the canine xtai' ol mm iex xucli ax .Illl'tlHlt Burk and Ierrii'r (1120,000I'i'et. liallx itito the lite ol xCht)(iIh(i_\ Shane lllutcherxoni when a xtunt goex horrihl) wrong and he gainx a more metal \ocation ax a maxcot at the local tire xtation. (‘Itiriixy Holhwood xatire. mixmatched xtuntx and cutex} ('(il place thix firmly in the poop tray ol modern multiplex cinema, ('iiii'ii'orlrl l’urL/rmrl. (i/usgoii ; (incisor/d [Li/Hibumli. [Lt/riilmre/i. Five Children and It rt; .00

(John Stephenxon. UK. 200-“ Kenneth Branagh. Zoe Wanamaker. Freddie llighmore. Jexxiea (‘laridge. Iiddie I/lard Hoicel. 89min. ('harming adaptation ol I: Nexhit'x claxxic children‘x hook. xet during WWI when a hunch ol cit} kidx are hundled oil to xta) with their l'ncle Alhert (Branaghi. Soon the} dixcmer a m) xterion creature IIHIIg in a xand} alcme nearh}. I.ike Harr} Potter with a heart. ('rneimr/i/ Purklteud. (Hawaii.

The Freshest Kids I lZAr ivarmux. Ixrael/L'S. 2002i ()Jmin. fixerything you need to know about B-Boying otherwixe known ax hreakdaneing ~ in thix comprehenxix'e hixtor). from itx originx in


\cw \ork to itx worldwide e\olution I‘art ol Daiic c l‘Illll ll“ Irittziaiau I.i:rr.".iieii The Future is Not What it Used to Be il' l iMika Iaanila' Showcaxing I'rkki Ixurcnnieiiii'x llllli‘\.lll\ e creationx. thix tilm xlzow x new: hetorc xeen archixal material liom the earlx xeaix ot electronic art and exceiptx troiii the creator ot Iegeridar§ lHMI xxnthexrxeix‘ own untiiiixhed e\periniental xhort tiImx lhe cote ot the film ix lxiiienniemi'x current [‘ll‘lt‘x t. .ttg‘tlal‘l) hix moxt xigriit'icant the taxk ot collecting entflhmg (l'l (t.,ti\‘\'i'l\

Germany Year Zero il‘t if .0. iRoheito Roxxellini. Italy. l‘HSi l'illltlllltl Mexchke. l‘rnxt I‘ittxchau. liigetiaiid lliii/e. I‘ran/ ()tto Kruger 1min l'he third part ot Roxxellini‘x \\ \\ _‘ trilog} depicting the xtiuggle tor xtii\i\al in war torn lierliii lilir'liiugii Ii/ni (int/i1 Lite/true}:

Good Luck Chuck t<i 0 Mark llellrich. l’St'aiiada. :00 'i liaiie cook. Jexxica .‘\ll‘.l. llan l‘ogler lltllmin See

re\ iew, page ~12 (ii'rti ml ri‘ii‘tru' Hairspray iltt ii .000 1 Adam Shankman. I S. Itill'i Ioliii |i.i\olta. \ikli lllttlhlx}. \marida |l_\iit x lltiiiiiii l'dllllltll adaptation ot the liroatlwax miixical rather than .i ieiiiake ot Iolin \\.iteix' I‘Ihh tiliii \lthoui'h darker eleiiientx ol the xtor\ are loxt in ptiixiiit ol Inn and a iiiairixtieaiii audience. thix all \III;'lllf._'. all daric mg teen tlick xhiiiex amid all the iioix_\ hloc khuxter xeqtielx 'lra\olta'x \llllllhllltllk endearing pertoi‘marice tin lull dragi ax I'dria Iiiriihlad tx the c helm on top in: I i/tit/iirIe/i ()4 mm, [din/inrth

Hands Across the Table it'. lMilchell l eixeii. I S. I” i"i ( and

I oiiihaid. I'ied Mac Murray Ralph Iiellaiii_\ Hllriiiii ('aiole I omhard ix at Iiei iiioxt delightltil ax a xliarp tongued iiiaiiicurixt out to marry a rich man. _\el putting oil the tedioux attentionx ol crippled iiiiIlioriaire Ralph llt'llttlll} iii la\oiir ol the more xuxpicioux cliatiiix ot caddixh lied MacMur‘ia} ()ld pio | eixeii liandlex it all with |tl\l the tight halatice ol Iii'ht comeih and ioiiiaiice A Upltdl illx xoiitlle ot a mox ie. IziliIi/iiueli li/m (rut/i1. I-i/iIi/iiug/i Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix i 13M .0 ll).i\ Itl Yatex. l'K/l 4S. 3007i l)ariie| Radclille. Rupert (it'llil. lirnma \‘valxtili litx'iiiiri With Hair} 'x tiIth return to llogwar'tx c‘tiltlex the lcaltxatliili that Viiltlettiiill\ return to pow er ix not the only Iactor that will troiihle him and he ix loieed to coiiliont a ditleieiit lotce that matchex hix growing paiiix Rowliiig‘x iiioxt coiiiple\ and iirie\en hook liax punch to he the moxt ditt'icult to adapt. Mixxirig the taleiitx oI a hig name director thix \llll coiitarnx xonie eiiiiwahle iiioiiieiitx courtex) ol newcomer lrnelda Siauntoii. [iltt)lll_‘,_' the latext I)elettec Againxt the Dark .-\i'tx teacher Sadl} expoxition oxei‘ action ix llll\ l-lllli'\ real tltitltiltl): Sr'li'i Ir'r/ I'r'lr'uu‘ The Heartbreak Kid 1 Iii COO tliohh} l‘arrelh/I’eter l‘arrelly I'S. 2007i Ben Stiller. Michelle Monaghan. Jet't'} Stiller. Izddie helle\cx he'x iiixt married the perfect woman until. on their hone}inoori. xhe xtartx to rexeal more and more perxonalit} ‘qiiii'kx' Iie waxn‘t aware of 'lo add to hix prohlemx. he'x hecomiiig increaxingh hexotted with another woman (relic/"(ll I'i'li'ilu‘

High Society I l 'i O... i(‘harlex \Valterx. 18. WSW Hing ('roxh}. (irace Kell}. I'rank Sinatra. (ielexte llolm l07min (‘Iaxxic iriiixical entertainriient trom the MGM xtudiox. in which a rich hitch pla}x hard to get with a xtring ol xiiitorx The plot ol' l’lirlmli'I/i/iru Shirt goex out the window. hut with xtarx like thexe. xt) Ie ix e\er}thing .Sr (IIVHUII .Sr ri'i'rir/ig Rim/ii. I'Qr/IIr/mr'c’ll The Hoax t lgl .... ll,axxc llallxtrom. I'S. 3006i Richard (ierc. Allred Molina. llope I)a\ix I Itiiiiin l:nio).ahle and thoughtlul caper moxie haxed on the true xltir}' ot iourrialixt ('lillord lr‘.irig who in l‘)7l talxel} claimed he had :nterxiewed America‘x rnoxt rCL'llI\I\L‘ man hillionaire Howard Hughex William Wheeler‘x entertaining ritt' on celebrity and media truth ix ax enticing and comincing ax itx protagonixt who ix pla}ed xuperhly h} Here in xomething of a return to form ('umm. Edinburgh