
35¢ Lions for Lambs I I< I eeo

(Robert RL‘tlle\l.l 5. Zoo". Mer}l Streep. Robert Redtord. 'lom ('riiixe. Andrew (iartield ‘llmiri See Interxieu. page “I and .-\lxo Releaxed. page 42 (II [It mi N /( (m from /'/i ‘I Not

The Lookout I ISI eeo the 3007i Joxeph Gordon-[ex itt. Jell lLtttlelx. Matthew (iotxle ‘l‘ltttttt See

re\ re“. page 4| Sr/I I In] I'I'li (IN

The Magic Lantern Short Film Night Ilai I \‘arioux, l'Kltier'man}.

l‘N7 liltioi'l‘he regular night tor new. uork and eIIIer'giiIg talent in xhon tilmx Ix going; lrom xtrerigth to xtreiiizth. thix time teaturine new lilmx h) leriiale lilmmakerx (t '.l. (i/Irwuii

Malaikkotai ithI l Illoopath) l’andian. India. SHUTI Vixhal. l’rrynnarn. 'lamil tittixieal ('i/II’qu/I/ Rent/en .S'II'I'I 1. (Museum.

Man of the YearI 12A» 00 l,e\mxon. l8. ZtNiU Rohin \Villiamx. ('hrixtophei \Nalken. laura l.llillL"\. Jell (ioldhlum l llltllllt See Alin Releaxed. page-13. .VIIIIII me (tire/nu. (’oIrI/UiI/ee.

i Barr}


Mee-Shee: The Water Giant I l’(il IJohn llenderxoii. l'K/(iermany 3005i lil‘llt't' (il'eettVIoMl. l);ttttel Magdet‘. Joel 'l’oheek. ‘l5min. A )oung ho). Ix de\axtated \\ hen the planned \aeation \Nllll ltix lather ix eaiieelled due to an emergene) xtiluige intxxiori at a remote ('anadian lake. lint “hen he dixemer‘x the lake Ix known ax the home ot a mythieal ereattire. Mae inakex it hix mixxion to prme there‘x more to the \tor} than Juxt l'olklore. (iron-mm; (i/uierm:

Michael Clayton t 15! O... I'l'on) (lilro). l'S. 2007i (ieorge ('loone). Sean (‘tillerL Tilda Smuton. 'l'om Wilkinxon.

I l‘hntn. lnxpired eonxpirae) thriller in \ihieh ('loone} pla_\x an iiI-hoLIxe ‘li\ei" at a large New York eorporate law firm. The eareer ol' litigator Karen ('roudei‘ iSu intoni rextx on the IIIulti-Inillion dollar xettlement ol‘ a elaxx aetion xiitt that ('la_\ton'x lirm Ix leading: to a xeeriiingl} xueeexxlul eoneluxion. But when the l'II'm‘x guilttidden attorney Arthur lidenx (\Vilkitixoni xahotagex the eaxe. ('la)toii taeex the higgext ehallenge ot' hix eareer. Seleeml re/euxe,

Mistaken t IZAI IShahid Nadeerti. l‘K. 2007i Axim Biikhari. (ihilala :\\'ttlt. Jamil Jari’al. l ltlmin. ()ne xuinriier'x ewntng. the poliee htirxt into the houxehold ot. a (ilaxuegtan Axiaii ltiiiiil) and arrext the xon. All. on .xu.xpieion ot‘ terrorism. The Malik lamin .xooiI dixemerx what their .xon hax kept from them. and their li\ ex are turned tipxide-dou'n. 'l‘he .xereening Will he lollowed h)‘ a pattel dixeuxxion \Hlll Ineinherx ol‘ the ea.xt and ere“. (i/uyeou I’ilni I‘lieurre. (i/(M‘g’tlitl

=i< Movement (Rlevolution Africa tl’(lt (Joan liroxeh/Alla Korean. [8. 2007) (ISIIIIII. Nine Alriean ehoreographerx tell their xtoriex ol the emerge-nee ol eontemporar} African danee. \\ itli xttiiiiiing choreograph} that ehallerigex old xterk‘ttl)'lk‘x ol' ‘tt‘aditional‘ Alriea arid i‘e\eal.x the heaut} and traged} ol' the real

Falkirk Town Hall

Falkirk Council

Atonement (15) Mon 5th Nov ~ Tues 6 Nov -

A Mlghty Heart (15) Weds 7 Nov

Seachd: The Inaccesslble Plnnacle (PG) Tues 13 Nov I v." '

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box Office or on

the door from FTH Cinema

0 1 324 506850


“Mott l'rattk.

llxteentur} \trrea l’artot \lfit

\lottori [rim/roan [III/flurry:

Mr Brooksleoo tire.“- \ l'.\anx.l \. Ilfllfil Kexm (‘IIxtrIer llerrii \loore. l)ane ('ook. \\illiam llttr' l:"ll':tll liarl llrookx I(‘oxtnerI ix a \lltt\'\\3tl huxinexxriian xxho hax xo tar managed to

maintain txxo xeparate lix on: ax a generoux tamil} man and another ax at: emotionlexx xerial killer lint 'alteti aft amateur photographer ‘-\tlttexxe~ him \tleetlttll‘tll}: to a iiitirdeioux race. he tinle himxelt hunted h_\ an unorthode and letlaelttttx tlL'lL'ellH' I\loorev .IttIl lttx \int lle threaten to titllttle \I {I I ft I} II 'I I. \(

Mr Woodcock I t: \I 00 t tat'.‘ (lillexpted S. It'll-ii Hill} lloh lltointon. Suxart Sarandon. Searin \\illiam \ott ‘lllmin \lildl} amuxin; lllj_'ll \\lll“‘l eomed} ahottt xell help hook writer John I\\ottl

\\ ho til\tl‘\ eIx that lIix mother I\aiarIIloIII hax lalleti in lo\ e \xith hix mueh older l’l teaeher. \lI \\1Nttletkh lhorntorii. a man xI- hatelul that he Ix the xourte ot Jolin'x rIIaII_\ mental ixxuex lhorntort ttta_\ \\.Ittl to xiari talking to hix agent .Ihout type-eaxtmj;

.ht'lI'I It (I It’ll Ilu

Nancy Drew I l’( it C \ndteu l'lerriirtg. l'S. Still": I mma l\'Itl‘t'tl\e loxh l‘llllt'l’. \l.t\ 'l lllt‘ttul. l\’'l l etfjlt (look ‘Nmin. llaxt} update ot the \eneiahle teenage eumxhoe lldllelllu'. III whit h l'leriiing; tlll\\l\e‘l_\ attemptx to ramp up the eharm ol ('aiol_\II Keeiie'x old l.t\ltlI‘I1I'IlL‘.Il h} thioikine her into f_'ltl/) modern da_\ | \ l)e\ptlt' tlte peth til .t pitlhlteil xlttIllIt produetion. XIth \ I)“ it teelx ttiitormed. hollou and \aeuottx. (it III III/ II how

The Nanny Diaries I 13 \I 00

tShai'i Springer Herman. Rohett l’iileini. l’S. Illll"i Sear'lett Jolianxxon. Donna Murph}. :\lieia Ke}x Ill-1min Johanan plan a eolleee grad xtudent \U‘lhlllf: ax a nann} tor a \xealth} tl}\ \e\\ York tamil} III tlIIx ehildeare xatire that laekx edge. dexpite eoming lionI the huxhand and \KtlL‘ lllltlltlttkltt}: team \Iho titade [all/e .llrn Sum/rim Xr/I'I In/ It /I on Oh Sabella! (La Nonna Sabella) I ISI .0. tl)tiio Rixt. ltal}/l-ranee. WSW 'l‘iria l’iea. l’eppino l)e l'lllpptt. Renato Salxatori. 05min. .-\ uonian Ix deternnned to xee her graitdxon mart} a \\ ealth} \xoman. htit he mum to u ed hix true lo\ e and he Intendx to get hix grandmother'x hlexxtn; \Nhether \lte'\ tmar‘e Ul it or not. l’alt ol Italian l'lllll l'L‘\ll\.’ll. (ill/won l-r/m l/lt'tllh. (i/uxeuu.

Once l ISI .00. l.loltlt ('aine}. Ireland. Zoom (ileit llaiixar'd. Marketa lrglma. lliigh \Valxh. 88min. :\ hiixker xtr’ikex tip a lrIendthp \\ itli a xpark} )oiiiig ('leeh Immigrant on the xtteetx ot l)iihliri. :\x their relationxhip e\ol\ex. llaitxard’x o\\ It xongx are \HHL‘ll Into the narratn e. ll'.tll\lttl'llllll:._‘ ll into an under'xtated intixieal ax the} pla} their xongx tor one another. .81 In In] Ie/I (IN Patlabor t ISI .0. i.\l;imoru ()xhii. Japan. WHO) llltlmin. lII I‘l‘l‘). 'l'okyi'x

Sigur Ros: Heima

\1‘n‘, ll \ \ I u \ lI\t l r“ \ 5' I\. \ \ ‘\ \ \t l\ _ II is - \ “‘ \- \ \ \ ex e li,rexxIeI.II.I'eI. / ,, e

x.;'\” ; lion: ( .axerte. l zartee :“rtar: l?‘._' M Yum; : \T'xar‘. dzreetorx \Eiot :l‘. hlae k 't:; xhort l'Ivu \ I." Ix an attue depie lII‘ll o: l‘e';tlllllll‘_'\ arid eridrrisx l’azt ot \llhu. In \lotiori / "' 'I\I Princess IV C... \nderx \lot;'eiirli.:ler. l)\‘ll.'l1.:ll\e .‘Htth \oteex o! Him; I rtidliait. \trtte l Ixtltet( ltrixtettxert. lomm‘. lxentei “Minn \uetixt Il Indhart

tmdx oiit ahotit ltix lt'\t‘llll_\ deieaxed xtxter x

~ II. /.;."’2Ir." 1‘1 Pour la Nuit (For the Night) It [ ':litl“

‘:txt of tun tt‘llle'llll‘I‘\ f:1i:‘.x

xee Iet lite ax .I porn xtaI and mm x to \'\.l\l iexeiiee Ill thix animated tale tor eroun Iipx l ventrally. thix Ix a tirade .t‘_'.ttll\l the porn lllIltl\ll_\ pla} ed out ax a hriital te\ enee thriller and tendered til the hold xti le ot a lapanexe anime \eereHeu. page-1H

I ifnr In. “In (1.};ng Ratatouille II I.... Illrad llitdd \. jun“. \oieex ot l’attoii ( )xualt llrian l)erIrIelI_\. Hiad ( iaiiett llttmin llie latext l’i\aI lll.t\l\‘l|‘lt'\t‘ tolloux Rem} the rat

(I.’II'\\'I 'I'.

I\oited h} ()x\\.tll~ .Ix he thaxex hix Ilteam ot heeortiirij: a _-.'otirniet Iliet lliix ix |’i\ar at itx hext. otleiinj,‘ aiiIlientex hotli three diiiienxional Iriiaeex and xtoI_\tel|iIi;_' \Iith Itx thouelittitl tonxideiatton ot the relationxhip l‘et\\eett the eieatixe ptmexx and trieitdxhip \et lliid‘x eoloui‘liil [‘ltltlllellt'll rIe\eI xttritx on taxt. ltirionx tun. \\llll [‘le‘ltl} ot xiyht ".tL'\ .llltl e'll.t\e\ lltlItttgll lllt' \llt‘k'l\. \Iaie-Iua} xi xexxerx and dinner tahlex ot l’.tll\ (II III [tit/V Ir lit (HI

Reign Over Me 1* 0000 MM Hinder. l .\, IlNlfit \dam \andler. l)on (lieadle. .lada l’iiikett \mith l_‘»1min ('harlie Handler ix a xx Idouei \tllle'lllt}' liom l’oxt lraiiinatit \tit‘xx l)iondeI li\e )eah alter

‘l ll until lie humpx into ltix old tolleee pal \lan I( ‘headle. extelleiiti llIe tttatt} tonne iiiteiliidex and xide xtoiiex are lllet' htit tiltiiiiate|_\ detratt lrom \Iliat ix moxtl} a thoiightliil. e\etI xtupel_\m;: xtiiIlt eomed) ol human ll.ttll_\ (Mum \r IIII (jun-I, (I'I'IIIeoiI ()I/I III! III/I Alli/trim]. III/rifting}: Rendition I 1%.. I( ia\ in llood.

l S .\oth -\li‘Ita. Stilli'i ( )mar \letuall}. Reexe \\ Itlierxpoori. \iamix Kllllell. .lake (i)!lenhaal 123mm \n e\panxi\ e htit

xmall rmnded e\ploiation ot the phenomenon ol 'e\traorIlinai_\ lt'lltllllttll. the (‘l v\'x piaetiee ol tranxpor’ting: prtxonerx to eountiiex \\ ith Iltihioux human rI;_'htx l.i\\\ to he detained \\ Ithout trial and tortured liuidened \Iith good Intentionx. llood‘x liixt llolltuood ltltlt hax too man_\ e\traneotix xtoiiex and not enough loetix on real l‘tllllltdl \tllllt'\l to ie\ea| ari_\thinj: Iiieaiiinglul ahottt Itx xiihreet (it Hi Irl/

Icelandic band Sigur Ros’ enjoyany odd film record of the free 2006 two-week tour of their homeland. The series of gigs featured performances of reworked versions of tunes from their four albums plus two new songs, one of which, ‘Guitardjamm’. is filmed here in an abandoned herring oil tanker.

I GFT. Giasgoa: Mon 5

Resident Evil: Extinction HI

.. Rttxxell \ltilealn. l rartee \axtraliatIermanx l l\ l _\ \. I‘M" \lIlla louoxrelt. t lded l ehr. \lt l artei ~Ilmm lhe third rtrxtalrnent ot thix toniputer game haxed xtterite littron thiiller tiridx I.~\o\IelI‘x gun toting hahe kitkm; xotIIhie hiitt til the \e\.-.da dexert lor hoim tanhoxx \(,tI.'(.."'( lua\(

Rhythm Is it! H II lhomax ( IItihe

l rzrtatie \anehe/ l atixth (-ermanx. It“; lI'HmiI: lh\\llllle'\ tollouirte lieilm l’hilhaIIIIorIIe (ll\ll\‘\ll.t x tirxt hi3: edutation ptoiett tmdet \ir \Imon lx‘attle. Inxolxitie 3*" _\-‘tlll_‘.‘ people or met 3" riationalitiex \xorkrne together \\llll \eottixh

\ horeoerapher lx‘o_\ xton \laldoom to e Ieate a Il.tll\t' to \ti t\lll\h\ 'x lit. Km l’ait ot llarite lilrii ll" IIJ'IltI'JHI

.v' \l'tlll.‘\'


Rock My Religion Il tillatt ( Irahami lorrniilatinj: a liixtor_\ l‘t'f.fllllttlt;‘ with the \hakeix, an earl} relieioiix Ioniriiiiiiitx \xlio piat tited xell denial and et \l.lll\ tIanI e daneex. ( iraham\xex the einereeiite ot llkh lllll\l\ .Ix relieiori in the Ixolated xiihtiihan milieu ol the l‘Htlx. lotatine l“\ki\‘\k‘\li|‘l\‘l1‘lI‘ik-“l“}'l\lil\“lll‘-\l III poxt \\orld \\.II ll \lllk'llkd ('t \


Run, Fat Boy, Run I t.‘ \I 000

Illand \liuinimeid lxl \. .‘lNl'I llaiik \/aria. \inion l’eee. llxlan \loIaII ‘l‘min l’redietahle. xentiinerttal and l.tlll\ hIoaIl tomele ahout one rttari'x attemptx to \\ III haIk the e\ he tilted at the altar ht runnmr a marathon '\ pat} and ltinm xi lt't'llpl.t\ and wine great \l‘lllk peitoriiianeex mean lltt\ lINth xel to he otte Ill lllItxl \tttu‘\\ltll lt'el fjtmil ll‘lll\l'lll\ Hl llte tear \I lift In]


Saawariya Il’( O. mania} l eela llharixali. India, ItNl‘I \alman Khan. Rani \ltikliertee. Ranhit Kapooi \ee \lxo l\'ele.ixI‘Il. page 1: (I( [It [III I: h In. from III ‘1 \l'l

Saw iVI Mi .0. Il)arren | inn llotixmaii. l'.\. Illll'r‘i lohiii Hell. | _\Ii;' lik'lli. (.tl\l.l\ \l.ttttl\lttl. Settll l).lllt'l\till ‘llmin .ll;‘\.t\\ and hix apprentiI e -\Inanda Iiia_\ he Ilead htit l'lil proliler \eent \tiahm Il’atteixoni xtIll hax to ttiido hix hext laid plaiix. and \xlien \\\ -\'l ('ommandei Riey ilienti tx qulIlenl} ahdtitted the} Hill} lta\e a limited time to meteorite the killer‘x mtereonneeted tiapx Stixtained rieu outing: ol thix eommendahle lou hiidjget horror ltanelttxe (I'I‘III'III/ It‘lt’IlH’

Scottish Dance Shorts I l3:\l I\aiiotix. Stotlandi Hllmin .\ ereItIon ot xhoitx trom the hext Seottixh Ilariee llllllltldixlllf.‘ talent l’ai't ol l’dlltt' l'llllt H7 Ir/nI/rorw II/IIr/tru'e/r

Shoot First I l5i IVaIIotIx. \aiioux. \ariouxi “5min ladiiihureli'x Inonthl} xhoit lilrtt xlot that ainix to unearth lieu. talent h} maktnj: ll eaxtei tor tilinmakeix to ha\e then work xlonin l:mail

etl‘” \lttiIill-tl‘xlllltll utltt lttt llthL' irtlormation lilniliorm, la/lll/Hl/tfll

Shrek the Third II 1.. I( ‘hrix \ltllet. l’S.3th"i\oieexol \like'\1}L'tx. laddie \ltirph). ('ameroii l)ia/. Jtixtin 'limhetlake. l'.tltllt' \lurph}. Antonio llanderax 93min the green ogre More ed h} \l}eixi runx aua} lrom parental and ro}al Iexponxihilit} to go on a tourne} \kllll lo}al eompanionx l)ortke} I.\lur‘ph_\ l and l’tixx Iii lioon tllattiletaxi to xeek out another he]! to the throne I'l imherlakei 'l he third iiixtalmerit ol thix hloekhuxter phenomenon leelx a hit lor‘mulaie MIN. htit there are enough IIM hr‘ou tokex to keep tinder edtieated ehildien entertained (rm HUI/(l I’IrIL/rt In]. (Hawaii. ( “tenor/II lat/ur/Ime/t. ILI/rn/Imzlt

SiCkO t l::\t .C. lNltellael Moore. ('8. ZlMI'U llimm \loor'e'x latext exploxixe doeumentar} targetx the IS healtheare

x_\ xtem. eomparing ll lltlla‘Itttlrtthl) with thoxe- (ll 'le about exer} “here elxe on earth \loore hax a penerxe and honed e}e tor toriied) and .SII An Ix otten liilarioux. but hix iournalixtn lll}ttpl;t Ileadirn.r him to prarxe our own mueh-hemoaned NHS to the xktexi uridermmex hix attaek and ma). lea\ e Britixh audieneex nondering w hat elxe he hax tailed tor ehoxen not toi xee. XII/III ml
