
Sigur Ros: Heima I IS. .000 Ihcan l)clilolx. lccland. lel-‘l 97mm -\IIcr complcnng a onc-}car Iour of IlIc-II lu‘lllc album In“; SIgIIr Rox rcIurncIl Io IlIc-Ir lIoInclanIl ol lccland. Ixhcrc Ihc} pcrlormcd Iwo ucckx ol lrcc xlIIMx around IlIc

country lIc/mu. lcclanIlIc lor ‘aI llHlllL". Ix IlIc IccorIl ol Ihoxc pcrlorrnanccx (ilmguw. I‘Ilm 'l'lrr'ulrr'. (j/uwmt

3ilkil5).. Il'ranconflIranl. ('anada/l'rancc/lIal}/l'K/Japan. 2007I KcIra nghllcy. MIchacl l’III III‘IIIIIII \cc ,-\|xo Rclcaxcd. mm 42 (irm'm/ H'II'IIH’ Imm III ‘/ .‘VIII‘.

The Simpsons Movie Il’( ll 0..

Il)a\I(l Sll\Cl’llléIIl. l'S. 2007I \‘oIccx ol Dan ('axIcllancIa. JuIIc Kamcr. Nanc} (arm rIglII Xhllillll lI'x not gomg Io chalch IlIc \lelti and. at 90 mIIIuch. II xlIghIl} runx oIII ol xIcaIn hul IlIIx Ix IIonthclc-xx a laIrI} cIIIo}.Ihlc lug xcrccn oIIIIng Ior cxcr)onc'x la\ouI‘Ilc lamIl} ’l'lIc plot. ax c\cr. Ix xcconIlar} llomcr achdcnIall} pollulcx Ihc Sprmglicld \HIlL‘I xupply and cauxcx a Inaxx cxodIIx, \Vlnlc Ihc xIrong poIIIIcal xaIIrc ol Ihc carl) cpIonlcx lIax long been rcplaccd h} pop cuIIIIrc rclcrcnccx. Ihlx will xIIll hc onc ol Ihc \UIL'llrL‘ lIIIx ol IlIc xummcr, Sir/m It’ll I‘r'lr'uu',

:2: Son of Mam ISI ooo (Mark l)ornl'orIl-.\1a). Soth AlrIca. 200m Zorro SIIlloyI. l’aulmc Malcl'anc. Andllc KoxI, 86min. An amhIIIoux ncw InlcrprcIaIIon ol Ihc ()oxpclx by Ihc Soulh Alrlcan Ihcalrc and lilm cnxcrnhlc Dimpho l)I Kopanc. 'l'lIc Sawour Ix born amid a civil war III Ihc licnonal African xIaIc ol JuIlca. Ax hc groux up he chx oul Io lrcc lle pc-oplc l'rom opperxlon through an thch ol~ non~\ IolcnI proICsI and xolidarily. Part of Africa III Motion. /'I/III/I(III\('. Iz'I/III/mrg/I.

=2: Sous Ia Clarté de la Lune (Under the Moon’s Light) ll'.l IApollInc 'l‘raorc‘. Burklna l-‘axo_ 2mm ()0IIIIII. 'l‘hc xccond ol' [\in conIcInPUIaI'.‘ lilrnx h) lcmalc Al'rIcan Ilircclorx 'l lle llllll lollowx a journcy ol IlIxcoxcr} hclnccn a InoIlIcr and daughter xcpaI'aIcIl aI hII'IlI. and IlIcII' xIrugglc Io ch Io knmx onc anoIlIcr clcprIc Ihc \‘IIxI cullural IlIl'lcrcnccx hcmccn Ihc-m. l’arI olAI‘rIca III Monon. I‘I/IN/IHIIH. Iz'IIIII/mI'g/I.

331 South African Documentaries (l2) (Aryan Kaganol/VInccnl MoloI. Soulh Alrlca. 2002/2007) 32/h'0min. 'l'xxo

IlmIIIIIcnIarch h) \qulI \IIIcaII IlIIc-clwrx locuxIn: on onIIc III IlIc iHlL‘I'llc'l‘. anti IIIargIIIalIxc-Il lllxlI‘Il'c'x oI Inc zchoII KdgdllIIl ix lie \{I II.‘ J ‘l ‘I t'\l‘l\'l'c‘\ lllc‘ gcnocnlal IacIIc x c'llll‘lI‘}L‘Il h} (It-IIIIaII colonIal Iorccx .IL'.Illl\l IlIc IIIIlIchIoux llcrcro pcoplc oI \.Illlll‘l.: l‘x'l‘ukc‘t'll l"I L1 and 100" l/‘IIII III limn'x um! I. [III II I! lolloux IlIc IlIIchoI'x II-IIIIIc} Io lillki oIII

xx lIaI IlIo\ c \oIIIlI \IIIcax black xolIlIch Io IoIn IlIc IaIILx oI IlIc (\llch' \oIIlI \lIIca c.llllp.ll_'._'ll IlurIIIj; “orltl War II l’aII «II .'\lllc.I III .\loIIon lI/m/quu, IIIIIII'IIuc'iI Stardust I M II .. I \lalIlIcu \augglIII. l l\fl 200"» ( 'lIaIlIc ('o\. ( 'laIIc l)ancx. Rohc-II l)c \IIII. SII Ian \1\ l\clchI liHIIIIn III a coIInII'}xIIlc Ioan hoIIchIII: a

lllafflcal l.lllIl. a )oun}; IIIan llldle‘\ a l‘lI'lillxt'

lo lllx l‘c'ln\ c'Il Illal lIc-ll IL‘IIII'H' a lallc‘II xlaI h} \L‘Illllllllf; IIIIo IlIc lll.I_L'lc'.Il IcalIII Ill IlIIx \ltll"\lll(lklk'(l lanlax_\ cpIc atlaplctl lIoIII IlIc nmcl h} \cIl (iaIIIIaII (‘o\ lackx [‘I/ltI/l ax IlIc aIl\cnlIIIcI 'lIIxIaII. \IlIIclI \auclm onl_\ cInplIaxIxcx h} IIIIclIIIIj: lIIIII .Ij.’.Illl\l oIIc lnj.‘ naIIIc xIaI alIcI anoIlIcI .lllIl \xlIIlc \{IIII/IIII lIax onnc cnIcrIannng IIIoIIIcnIx. ll lookx lachl Io loin luluuun and III: [MIA 1\ Hum: on IlIc liox ollicc xcrapyml ol l.Illl.I\} leoI cllorIx (inn I‘u/ I'I'Iulu

Superbad I ISI 00.. IIiIc-g \lollola. [8. 2007') Jonah llIll. .\lIclIacl (‘cIa. .\l;II‘IlIa .\laclxaac. |l2IIIIn (‘Iackmg auIIIhlograplncal Iccn lanlax} I\\Illlk‘ll h} Kmu AI'II ('p xIar ScIlI Rout-III IlIaI lIaIkx hack to IlIc glor} Ila_\x ol II‘IIAI lIIn/m \\ and l‘t'l‘l'H Bur/In '\ IMI (I/I lI‘x ouIragcouxl} I'IIIlc anIl cIIIIlc. )cl onIIclIIm I‘cInaInx hoIlI xophIxIIcaIcIl and L‘Hlnpuxxlnnalc‘ III llx c‘HIIxIIlL‘I'IIllon Hi \\lI.’Il Inach IchIachx IIck ("IIII'IIIII/Il II’I IIIu H XII/(Tl. (;l(l\L'I‘l\. (-INI IIIII‘II/ /.I/III/’III;'/I. [CI/III/IIIIL'II

Surf’s Up Il’( i) .. I.~\xlI lirannon/ (’lII‘Ix Buck. l'S. 2007i \'oIccx Ul .lc'll lil‘ltlgcx. Slila l.;Ilic‘IIIIl. /.IH‘L'_\ l)cxclIancl. 85mm. .-\ I'caxonahlc IIIIprmcInc-III on IlIc lIc-II\)-lIIIIIIlc'Il cmII‘oIIIIIcnIalIxIII ol I;le )c'ar'x lIIl [III/’[H l't't'l. Brannon anIl liuck'x anIInaIIoII Ix a coIoIII‘l'IIl paI’oIl} ol xIII'ch' IIIo\ ch. lfinIcI'IaInIng and chccrlul hut noI quIIc good cnough Io Inakc xchng anoIlIcr ('( il pcnguln Ino\ Ic an appcallng proxpccl. ()Ilmm .-ll 'l'hc' Qum. (i/uwmr

Pakistani Film, Media and Arts Festival

Now in its second year this Glasgow-based festival returns with a strong programme. The film arm of the festival even has its own name - Duseri Dharkan which means ‘second heartbeat’. Things kick off with the first UK screening of Pakistani blockbuster Khuda Ke Liya (In the Name of God) at Cineworld Renfrew Street on Saturday 3 November. The following day the first ever South Asian/Scottish co-production Mistaken (pictured), a feature film set in Glasgow about anti-terrorism hysteria will be shown at the GFT. The festival is also screening a number of documentaries, short films, Q&As, community and school screenings. Wsit or call 0141 287 9509 for more


I Cineworld Renfrew Street. Glasgow. GFT. Glasgow 8 Gl/IITOfe/‘II/lGlg. Fr 2~Sar

70 Nov.

50 THE LIST 1—15 Nov 2007

Switchblade Romance 1x \l‘x.\cllllilL. \‘I.. llaflc‘c‘ :‘N’; lIaIzcc \l.:I'.ch‘.'I l c licxcw, l’l.:llz;‘c \.:ll«‘f‘. lIaIIcl. l‘\ll.:llI'III‘. "l’lfllii \larzc .zntl \lc\ so In xpcntl vaIIc IIIIIc aI \lc\ x IaII'alI lIolIIIaI llI‘lllL‘xlt‘Iztl III IlIc l Ic'llcli tIIIIIIII}xItlc' liIII an :IIIc\;\chctl \ Ix:I.~I tIlIl‘w'x Io caIIxc lIaxoc .l'lIl lll.I}lit‘lll \IIpth lIIclI IcIIonII, blacklx IIIIIIIt. \cI} l IcIIclI Iakc on IlIc xlaxlIcI :cIIIc \ cIIlI lI‘llI“~\lIlL' Ix cIIaIanIchl Ha". l.’ [m 0.4”". (IL-Ignaz TIG! for the Morn's the Fair Day II lIIII \caI. l K. I‘V‘II <1IIIIn liocIIIIIcIIIau IocIIxIIIg on IlIc l .IllL'llI‘llll (‘oIIIIIIoII RIIlIIIQ. llllllk'xl III coIIIIIIIcIIoII \kllll llaIIIleI lchIIchonI lIIIIoIlIIchl h} lllllllllalu'l lIIII \caI ‘x\llll lllIl\lc lII‘lll lIIII ()‘l caI} .lllIl( .IIIIcIoII l\'I‘l‘\I‘l1 on IIIlIllc and f._‘llll.Il .lll\l ll‘ll|‘\\k'\l h} lx'.;.'I'I.I.." um: I «III/II. a xlIoII IIIIII III\t'xIIc.IIIII;' IlIc Iolc «II II.I\c|chx ax IlIc [\IIIIIc caIIIch III \collaIItlk IIIIIxIcal aIIIl lollxloIc IIaIlIIIoIIx (III/\Irsc' \{II am /( \.'II..’I' lain/II um II/HrIIIIrg/I The Thing IN 00000 Iohn ('aI'pcnIcI. l \. l‘l.\2I KIII'I Ruxxcll. \\IlloIIl liIIIIIch, l)a\ lIl ('Icnnon lINIIIIII \c IcIIIIxIx on an -\IIIaIcIIc chcaIclI xIaIIoII lll.I\\ out an alIcII cIcaIIIIc IlIaI Ix ahlc Io clIaIIcc IIx xlIapc .lllIl llllllIlL‘l lIIIIIIanx llIIx Icnxc

xlIockcI IIxcx IlIc ccnIIal c‘IIIIIIIIck IIoIII IlIc oIIgIIIal xlIoII onI_\ III a \\a_\ IlIc l‘I‘l \L'leon IlIIl IIoI (II/I I’II l.’ IIII QIIIII. (thqunI

30 Days of Night I ISI 00. Slatlc. \c'\\ /c.IlanIl/lf\fl 200W Jmh llal'lllc'll. \lc'llxxa (iL‘HIfJI'. licn i'l‘\lk'l ll2IIIIII \cc -\lxo Rclcaxctl. pacc ~12 (It III IIII II‘II'IIH

Through a Glass Darkly II’III .... IlngInaI lchgInan. Suctlcn. l‘IIIlI llaI‘IIcI .\nIchxxon. (iunnar IlIoIIIxIIanIl. \la\ Von Sylou. l.aIx l’axxgganl ‘llIIIIn .\ _\oIIn§_' \IoIIIan'x IlcxchII Inlo InxanII} .II lIcI loncl} xIIIIIIIIcI homc Ix play-d aggaIan a cold hackgIounIl Iolall_\ laclxIng.‘ III laIIIIIIal .IllchIoII iit‘lflllldli IIIInx \\ll.ll coultl xo L'.I\ll} hax c hccomc IncloIlI'anIa mm a lachnaIIng: clIaI'acIcI' xIIIIl}. noI onl} oI IlIc IIIcnIall} IlIquI‘thl j..'ll'l. l‘lll alxo ol lIcI cIIIoIIoIIaII) cIIppIcIl laIlIcI anIl Incllcclual lIIleMIIIl [LI/IIl/NII'L'II I‘ll/II (I'm/II. l'J/III/IIII’L’II The Tigger Movie Il'I .... IJIIII l‘alkcancIII [8. 2000) 77mm IIIcnIIcal III IIIIIII) \\;I}x lo l‘I‘Imx IIII' .lIIIIII .lI/II Illlllr \ ()I ll'umu' I/Ir ’Im/I. IlIIx )arn hachl on :\.-\ .\lI|nc'x clIaI‘acIcI‘x linle l’oolI. l’Igch. 'l'Iggcr cl al xIIll hung: a clIaI‘IIIcIl |Ilc ol Ica paI‘Ich and alIcI‘noon napx. ()nl} IlIIx IIInc. IlIc \I cc xII‘Ip) l'clla‘x IlchIchl hcmg: onc ol a l\lll\l Ixn'I quIIc ax cool ax lIc-kl liI‘xI lllHllL‘lll and xo a qucxl lor IlIc 'I‘Iggcr l-annl} lIcc cnxucx. I‘I/mlmuu'. Int/m/mrc/I

Tough Enough (Knallhart) I ISI .0. Il)cIlc\ Buck. (icI'IIIan). 200m “and Kroxx. Jcnn_\ .-\c|\cI'x. l'.l'll.’lll l2Inrc ‘IXIIIIII. ;\ coIIIIng: ol .I}_'c IlIaIna ahouI a ho} lIIIc‘L‘Il l0 IL'lIIc‘IllL' lo ‘1 [\UIII'L'I' IIchIIhoIIIlIooIl \\llll lIIx InoIlIcI. \\ ho InIIxI lcaI‘n Io copc \\ IIlI IlIc IlaII} xIIIIgglc oI

qu'\ I\al III a placc \\llL‘I'L' Ilangcr lllll\\ aI'oIInIl c\cr} corncI (i/mgm: III/n I/II (lllt'

Il)a\ lti


Transylvania I 151 ... I'lon} (iaIlIl. l'I‘ancc. 200m ,'\xl;I ’\l:_'ClllU. \Inna (‘axar liII’ol l'ncl. \larco (‘aonltlI 102mm [IngarIIIa I.'\I'§_'cnIoI aIrI\cx III 'l'ranx} l\;lllI;I. III IlIc lIcarI ol RoInanIa. Io Hack Il(l\\ll lIcI lo\ cI' .\lI|aII I(‘aonlclI l. a IIquIcIan \IlIo lIax ahanclonctl lIcr. lca\ Ill}: lIcI coIIlIIchl anIl prcgnanl. :\l'IcI lIc rcIchx lIcI. /.Ing_'arIna llll‘Imx lIcrxclI Inlo Ihc xlrangc lorhIIlIlInc loI‘chnncxx ol 'lranx_\l\anIa. 'llIc llllll xullcrx lrom clunk} IlIaloguc and II c;le pIoIIIng: hIII Ix \Ixuall} qunnIn}; and a Iinc c\aInp|c ol (iaIlIl 'x umquc lrcclorm c‘IncIIIa. (II/m II. [LI/III/IIII‘L'II.

The Turning Point um O.

Illcrhcrt Roxx. l'S. l‘IMI SlIIrlc} \laclaInc. -\nnc liancroll. \lIklIaIl

liar) xhnIltox ll‘IIIIIn :\ onr} ol cn\} and IchcI IcaIurIng; a halch compan} hale on IlIc .-\IIIcrIcan Ballcl 'llIcaIrc. \IhIch L'\pl0rc'x llic‘ rnalr} l‘c’l\\ L‘L‘Il [\HI Llanccrx. and IlIc IrIalx and IthulaIIonx ol bcIng In a lcacllng hallcl company I’III'I III Hum I" I‘ll/I1 07'. l’r/m/quu. lat/III/mrglr

No Women (La Ciociara) I 1m

... IVIIIorIo l)c SIca. lIal}. I‘NIIII

\oI‘liia I own lcat‘. l‘aa: lic‘lITlI‘Y‘ItlI‘

IlI'ItiII‘ chtt.-. lotcn Ilccx Rom: \\Ill‘. lIc: tc'cIIacc \ltlllCilic'l IIIIIIIIg thc \ctontl \\oIlIl \\.II l‘lll.Ilc"71l‘lc’iftzgc'\l§ along III; \\a\ lcatlx lIcI Iv xIIlIc: a I'vc'aluloun l‘.~.:: III lcu-alnI; l atlch of ll.lll.l?1 Ikzzcziia

l In I

Un Chien Andalou Ix 00... .I an llIIIIIIcl lIaIIcc, 1".‘\~ \llllx‘llt' \laIcIIIl l'IcIIc lialclIt'Il l.-.IIIIc \lIIaxIllcx \alxatlor llIIll IIIIx liIIIIIIcl xIIIIIlIx tlcatl Junkwa i‘IIIIII I'laxxIc \I‘aIIleI xIIIrc.;lIxI'I \\Illl IlIc l.IIIIoIIx c\cl‘ali \lllllll‘,‘ xtcnc .IllIl a :‘It'aI tlcal III l‘l.".lllc‘ IIIIaccH .llltl nl‘xc IIIc IIII‘MHHL' l':IIIIIIIch III‘l calex IononII'II \ l’atI ml lllllI‘Illhll-‘ll In lIIIoI‘caII ('IIIcIIIa /. H "Haw law“ La Vie En Rose (La Mome I.‘ \- ... ll lll\l\'l ll.Ill.IIl ll.lll\\'l l\ I .u'clI lx’cI‘IIl‘IIc. 200W \1.lll\'ll(-|‘llll.ll\i \\ I\ It- iC‘llhi, I).‘.\\.ll (Iltz‘1'l‘l\

lll.l\i\'ll‘l\.\ \-

llI‘IIIIII llIIx lII;‘lIl_\ xleIxI'tl IIlIII IItot lIt‘Ix lIc-mum IlIlchcnI IIIIIc pcIIotlx oI lIcIItlI xIIIz'cI

l IlIIlI l’IaI K II I'llllJIIl' ltlll‘illc'lll IIIc IlIc l‘llt'l antl olIcII o\cI\\Io:I-.'lII xtcncx .llt‘ onIIcIIIIch ll.Il«l Io _:'I.IxI\ \\ IIlIoIII l‘lli‘l knmxlctlvc oI I’Ial but I olIllaIIl'x \I'llllJl lll‘ \}llclllllL’ l‘I‘llI‘llllJllxI‘ Ix lll.lf.'lllll\ I‘lll “with”. [In min /.I"II:."‘:III3I:

The Visitor (La Visita) 1*» .0.

\IIIoIIIo l'IcII.III~.'clI lIal_\ lIaIIIc l‘IIIiI \aIIIlIa \lIlo. l l.llchII\ l’cIIcI \laIIo \Ilorl. \IIz'cl.I\lIIIcI\IIII lllllIlllll \ \kHlllJll .IIII‘Io.IclIIII;' iIl \\Illt‘\ In .I xIII:'|cx column. and cnle IIII \‘~|lll a \I‘I'llllllt'l\ coIIch\.III\c lMokonIc t lcrk \\lIo mum on! Io lw a IIIIlc. IlIIIIIkI'II xlol\ llIII xlIc lorgncx llllll lIIx xlIoIIIoIIIIII;'x .lllIl IlIc\ \I‘k'lltl IlIc III;'lII IIIchlIcI l’aII o! | I'.lIllll_t' laIlch ol lIalIan ("IIIcIIIa szmlzuuu III/II/Iulc'l:

The Wicker M8“ I l‘l ..... Rt‘l‘lll ll.ll\l}.l l‘lr‘ “l l’Il\\.llIl \\UINl\\IIlIl lillll l'klantl. |)Ianc ('Ilcnlo. IIIg'IIIl l’III (lilhlul‘llt‘l lcc l0.‘.InIII cclIhaIc polIchIIan I\\ooIl\\aIIlI aIII\cx .II.

\ IchoInlx

IcInoIc \coIIleI l\l.lllIl Io IIIchIIztalc a \c'llHHlL‘lll IlIxappcaIancc .llltl lIcIoIIch In\ol\cIl III l|‘\.li pagan IIIIIalx ‘\ llaIIIIIIcI claxxIc \IIIlI onIIc c\IIcIIIcl\ \\.ll_\ .IllIl cIoIIc IIIoIIIcIIIx Iimumw. (Ifu'xzjuzz

:i: The Wind I l‘l ..... I \oIIIcI lll.lIlI‘ ('Ixxc. \lall. l‘l.\2l l‘Hll\\I"\lll \deilui. (ioIIIIIIo ( lquxc, .\laxxIIaII Hallo lllllllllll SocIal xaIIIc Iac HIan IlIc ucncIaIIon t'ap III l““l I'IIlUlllal “'I'xl -\ll|\.I lllI' lI'l‘L‘lllHllx IlaugglIIcI ol a [Mount Ial IIIIlIIaII I'ochIIoI lallx III lo\c \IIIlI a Icllov. IIIIIxcerIj. \lllIlI'lll, lllc‘ Ilt‘xct'IIIlanl ol IIIII' Ill \lalrx c lIlI'lx III .III caIlIcI acc. Io IlIc Ill\lll.l_\ oI hoIlI IlIcII laIIIIlch ,\ llll\ ol [‘Hlllh x. IoIIIaIIcc .lllIl xocIal coIIIIIIcnIaI} l ollom-Il h} a pancl IlIxcuxonn on IlIc IIIIlcx lIcIIIchI IlIc \llltJll oIal onI_\IcllInj.' ll.IIllllHll .IllIl \llltJll llllll ax a conIcIIIpoIaI} lllL‘Illlllll ol IcllIny onIch l’aII I>l .\lIIc.I III \lIIIIIIII III'm/quu lat/In/Iu/q/I

The Witnesses (Les Témoins) I IN .... I.\IIIlIc lcclnnc l'ldllL c. 2000» \lIclIcl lilanc. l.IIIIIIaIIIIc|lc llcaII. \aIIII llouanla. Johan l.Il\cIcaII ll‘IIIIn llcaIIlclI .llIIl IIIIcIIIchII IlIaIIIa ol \llllllllf.‘ lo}.IlIch anIl licklc allchIoIIx xlIoI acaIan IlIc haclalrop ol IlIc Hllx \ll)\ cImchnIc Vlt‘klllllk' pc‘llc'c'll} Ilc'plclx IlIc xlIIIc l, Ivl llII' ,-\ll)\ cpIIchIIIc alch IlIc lIapp} caIclcxxIch- ol IlIc "0x xcxual Ic\quIIoII. .lllIl II‘x chIuIIIcl} lIaIIoIIIIIc Io mlncxx IlIc calc‘llc'c \lanu Il.ll\L'lI'.IIlI Ilcxccnll IIIIo hIIIcIIchx .lll\i lquIIaIIoII .Ix lIc \llctlllllllx Io IlIc Illxcaxc' \Ic'l llllx Ix UllC llllll alMIIl IlI'allI llIal Ix I'L‘ll'L'\lilllj.‘l} lrcc ol IIIcl.‘IIIclIol_\ .IIIIl LlU}lllj_' xcnIIIIIcnI .lllIl. Ullllllalt‘l}. |Ilc allirIIIIng (i/IIII'IIII lI/m IIIIIHII, (Ill/\Z'flu'. Yella IliI ... I( 'lIIIxIIaII l’cI/oltl. (iL‘I'IIMIl). 200W \IIIa lloxx. i).l\lIl SIIII-xI llInncI'lx Schoncrnann H‘IIIIIII \\III_\.

III} xIcrIoux IlraIIIa \Vorkmj: III a ncu Ioh III II «lul‘IIqu .IrL'a Ill lilIaIIcc‘. \lc'lla IllIIxxI liIIle lIchcll conlroIIIcIl h} IIIcIcaxIIIgl} xurrcal xIIIIaIIonx xxlnlc lk‘lllf.’ lIaIIIIIcIl h} IlIc IIIcInor} III lIcr ‘.o|aIIlc lIIIxhaIIIl (mum. Int/I/I/Iurg/I

Zulu I l2.-\I O... I('_\ landlicltl. l K. l‘)()-<lI Slanlc} littlccl. \llclIacl ('aInc. Jack llaulxInx lih’nnn (‘laxxIc acIIon IIImIc IlraInaIIxIng Ihc Baillc ol Rorlcx l)IIlI. In “lilcll lirlllxh xIIlIlIcrx lIIchl .‘III oxcruhclmm}; Zulu arm} (II/I un,

[LI/III/m/ 3/1