MUSIC PALMSTAR POPPY Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Fri 2 & Sat 3 Nov

Composer, pianist and vocalist David Paul Jones returns to his roots as a solo artist with his new piece for piano and voice, Palmstar Poppy as part of Glasgay! The title of the piece is inspired by a fleet of Norwegian oil tankers individually named after flowers that are present in the seas all over the world. The show itself is a collection of nine songs dealing with a sailor‘s lover who is supposedly lost at sea.

Jones elaborates on the sailor’s mission: ‘He has to go and look for him or her - actually it’s a him but you would have to listen very carefully to see if you can get the Brokeback Mountain of it all.‘

As a self-confessed ‘die-hard romantic‘ Jones also celebrates friendship and broken hearts in this work. ‘lt’s an enquiry into love and loss and the words themselves are very enigmatic, which is typical of my vocal work.‘ He has collaborated with the Cocteau Twins in the past, and, like Liz Fraser, many of Jones’ vocal parts take on the hauntingly beautiful cadences of sound poetry. Yet, his fondness for playing with these sounds is not as obvious in this piece as in previous works. ‘These songs are probably the most direct, the most clearly in English that l have done, but they do drift off into another world and then come back again.‘

(Sandra Marron)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


I Stick It in My Party Hole Q! (itlllL‘l')'. S7 8‘) Saltmarket. 552 7578. l’iitil Sat 3 .\'o\. 7.30pm. {3. See llitlist. I’ur! riftiluseur.’

I Venus as a Boy (‘iti/enx‘ ’l‘heati'e. Ill) (iorbalx Street. 42‘) 0022. l'ntil Sat l0. 7.30pm. L'l2. ‘In a room in Soho. a dying man is turning gold.‘ Adapted l'i‘oin Luke Sutherland‘x aeelaiined tto\el. l'enm m u [for ix an e\plo\i\ e and haunting stor} about the lllll‘uL'llltilh power ol' sex. (‘o-produeed b_\ National Theatre ot‘ Seotland Workxhop and Burnt (ioods. l’ur! o/‘(ilm‘euv’

I Little Johnny’s Big Gay Musical The Arches. 25.3 .-\rg}lt‘ Street. 565

1000. I’m” Sat 3. 8.45pm. L") (to). The wee l'ella with the big stor} to tell is back. taking ll\ through hix teenage )earx and failed hrllsltes \\ ith tame. I’ur! or (I/ux‘eu'v.’

I Klnky Pinky The Tunnel. SJ Mitehell Street. 204 1000. l l.30pm~-.‘~ain.

£4 (£3 studentxi. Ga) elubbing at \tudent prices.


I Robopop GHQ. 4 Mandy Place. 550 1780. 10.30pm—3ain. £4 (£3; tree before llpm). See Htlllsl.


I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. 7.30pm. £l0. See preview Purl ofGlus‘gaiz'

58 THE LIST 1—15 NOV 2007

I Carol Laula Sl x\lltll'e\\ \ Slt‘t‘t‘l. 252 7578. Split. U2. See llllll\l. l’tiri or (i/meiir'

I Burly lllt‘ .’\l'L"llt'\. ill \litllttlttl Slt't't‘l. 565 I000. llpiii 3am. Hit. With inaeho \0tllltl\ t'i'oin i‘exident l).| .\il\lll\.'l and



I Audioaerobics (lllt‘). -t l’lt'dl'tl) Place. 550 I780. 10 illpin .3ani. [5 (H; tree below I lpiii l. .lon l’leawd and Luelx) |.ueiano bring an international attitude to eleetro lltllISL‘. \\ hile l)eia_\bii'd t'i‘oin l-ui' Burger \pinx indie. hip hop and elaxxie danee tunes.


I Palmstar Poppy: Songs in Search of Love Lost at Sea 'l'ron 'l'heatre. b3 ’l‘rongate. 552 42b7. 27.30pm. (ll). See l-‘ri 2.

I Tamburlaine Must Die 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. b3 'l‘i'ongate. 552 42b7. l'ntil Sun ll. Spin. t'l-l tLllll. .-\daptation ol l.0tll\t‘ \Velxh‘x aeelaiined lili/abethaii lllt‘tllL‘l‘, l’l‘t‘\it‘\\\ 3 «k 4. I’ill'l of (Human '


I Boutique (NH). 4 l’ieai‘d} l’laee. 550 I780. l0.30pin .3ani. l'ree belore llpin; [2 (UN alter. With l)t-i;i§lwii'tl inxtitiiting a \triet no-eheexe polie} met in (NH) and lileeti'o and home lroiii l iielt} l.ueiano and Don/er.


I Comedy Explosion The Stand. 33.3 Woodlandx Road. 0870 (ile 6055. 7.30pm. £7 i£5i .-\n exening ot‘ entertainment from ga) and not-\o-ga), Hosted b) Stixan (‘alnian l’urr u/ (i/uveuv’

sweeter I Pink Links Il‘; \tvpet. .‘ l‘:..i:.:-. l’lme. 2.2 \["!‘ :2 \g‘eetldnli'lg‘ lot eat ill; ot l5 three minute date» hithlli‘: of' \Kllll .; tlztiii» icteptioii .lllil Lall‘eN to hieal. the me Hook taken oitii'ie oi .i: lllt‘ \llt't'l. i‘l \l‘lllel l t.’/ie .i'. tooli//ie' lli‘lll‘i.tll .oiii

I Hifi ( illl‘). ll’i..iitl} l’late l0 illpiii ;.tlll 11'1‘.ti.'el\efoie lll‘llli \ee llllll\l

I Tastebal‘alel \i‘ll.illt'. ;" ;\ lilalt Stieel. 2.200120 llpiii 3.2m t\ it“ iiieiiibeix. :5 betoie ll lltpiiil It iheie \\.l\ mm .1 IN ot (Lo llllll;‘\ lo llo iii lilinl‘uigh Heloie lhe \potaltiue.

\l.lll\ lllf.‘ the night .max .:l l.i\le \toultl be one ol thein

Monday 5

G asgow

I Passionality Huxlm. l mi t). \leiehant Stiuaie. 2l \lbioii Stieet. 55.‘ ‘8‘” ll lllpiii 3.iiii t_3it.‘i I)l lx’oheitx t‘laMllp \lltlll llll\ toi the

ga} 'llll\t'tl eioutl

2;“ .12


5‘tl l2\ii


I Outta“). .1 tumult l’laee. 33o l2\0 l0 illpin Run L 1 it. 3. liee beloie llpiiii l),l l.iiiie\ lellei tlllt'\ lll\ bit to keep the \\t't'l\t‘lltl \piiit .ili\ e

Tuesday 6


I 3 Minutes 0' (i.illei_\. S2 S" Saltiiiarket. 55.2 252K 2 30pm t..\ Spt't'tl tl.tllll_L' Iii.iil\ltti\\ liil lltt‘lt .illil \\oiiieii. ga} .iiid \tiaight. .iiid t'\t‘l}llllllj,‘ Ill l‘t‘l\\t't‘ll ‘mi or (i/iixe-tix'


I Vibe l'go. l~l l’Ieaiil} l’ e. -l2b 713-1 Ill 30pm iain L31 lloaxtiiig .i \Ulltl ini\ ot daiieeable tune\ and t heap di'iiikx until the earl} lltllllx ol \Vednexda} iiioining. Vibe l\ the mid \xeek elubbing e\pei‘ienee )oii t'.tll eoiint

I Fab ( illl‘). -l l’leattl) l’lat'e. 55“ I250 W. 30pm 3am (-10.3; l‘l't't'l‘t'ltllt' llpini ()n the othei hand. it _\oii'ie lllt'tl ol daneing to the (jinn m Iii/l theine .llltl 'Santaiiiai’ia' e\ei'_\ l'iiextla} night. )00 eaii pop iie\t door \xhei’e hopeliill} I).l |)ale l ll\ll \\lll li.i\e \oniething llt'\\ up lll\ \lee\ e

Wednesday 7


I Wicked Wenches 'l'he Siantl. 333 \Viiiitlltttttb RtHItL “322” (illll (ill55 7,3llpin. m it'3 Hi See pi'e\ ie\\

I 3 Minutes 0' (iallei'). s" w Saltiiiai'ket. 552 2523 2 illpiii LS See 'l'ue o

I Allure 'l he luniiel. S1 \llltllt'll Sheet. 204 I000 ll 30pm 3am (3 l\llltlt‘lll\ txto tor onei. ('hee\_\ pop \Hlllltl\ lioiii l).l l)ai'i'en and the gii_\ \ behind l);l\\lttll.llll}


I Wanted (ill(). »1 l’ieard} l’laee. 550 |7S0. l0. 30pm iain li'ee betoie llpin‘. £4 itii .iltei‘ \litlueek eliibbing li'oiii I).l .\lie|ielle loek up _\our \llltlt‘lll\.

Thursday 8


I 3 Minutes 0' (talk-r}. A" so Saltinai‘ket. 552 252’S 2 30pm LS See hit" it

I License Pending lt'oii 'l llt'.ilt'e. (‘3 'lrongate. 552 42b2 l0pin :5 Seoithh \poken \\tll'tl L'Hllt‘eltu‘ [’40] of (i/il\;'i1\' I Kinky Pinky lhe 'liinnel_ S1 \htehell Street. 201 I000 ll 30pm 3am {-1 1L3 \tudentu See Hm I.

Glasgow I The Big Gay Prom Saint \ndreu \ in the Square. 1 St .-\ndre\\ \ Square. 55‘)

“"‘2 2 “that :T‘ \‘e llitim I 3 Minutes 0' (Milne \ \\l

\.~.ltiit.-.i7xet_ 552 '*.\ l"l"ii :\ \ee lllt‘ "

E Vlrtt‘g - Hi

\I \5 k4

I Audioaerobics ( All). 1 Pi. .mlx l’i.i\ 55" i \0 l" ittpiii Kari: 1‘ it 1.

\‘e l ll

ltee l‘etoie lipm»

Saturday 1 0


I 3 Minutes 0' (Lillqix. \ W \.tlllll.tll\t‘l. 5‘.‘ '52\ ' ittpiii t\ See lue o

I Craig Hill‘s Makin‘ a Big Song and Dance! lioii llte.illt‘_ 0‘ lli\llf.‘.ilt'. 552120. lllpiii tl.‘ 5t"! l0. ('i.ii~_' Hill :‘elx Ill tout h \‘.lll‘ lttx iiiiiei lllt‘t‘il\ L'I‘lll I'm! u/ (i

I Utter Gutter‘s Fancy Dress BaSh lllt' ( il.t\;'i\\\ \e lll‘t‘l ol \il. 102 lx'eiitiext Stieet. {‘1 1520 llpiii 3am 2. 10 See llllll\'. l’mf


l (llltl)tltt]ll I Boutique ( All). ll‘itaitlx l'l.i\e. 55” li‘Ml lll illiini {Juli llpiii. :2 iUo .zllt‘l

(ilz is‘t l( )W

I Scott Capurro the \lJlltl, 33% \\iit|tll.llltl\ i\’ll.l\l. ll\ ill (\llll lll"2

30pm 1‘) it2i \kl‘ll (".ipiiiio lt'llllll\ to ( il.i~;'.i_\' \\ llll .i 'l’ieiiiatuie t iilt‘ lhe patkage l|llf_‘lll not he toi e\ei_\one but .it leaxt it\ \ oiiie t'.lll\

I 3 Minutes (‘)' (..iilei_\. S" .\‘i Saltiiiaiket. 552 22 ‘\ ' “ll‘lll LS See lllt' (t

llt‘t‘ l‘t'lttlt'

\tk' \.il ;


I Hi'i(illl‘). ll’lt'dltl‘. l'’t'. 2‘“ l '5” l0 illpiii Kiiii !_l M3 tiee beloie llpiiii See Sun 1

I Taste ( ..ll‘.llt'l \Ioltaite. ;0 *3 lll.iil Sheet. 2.20 0| 20 llpiii 3am {K it!» iiieiiibeix. t5 heloie ll 30pm» See Sun



I Passionality li}l\lti\. l mi i). \leiehanl Square. 2| \lllltin \HWI‘ a3» ibtlS ll {llpm Lu“ L l .1“, \H. \1‘”.


I Outfllll). ll’itaitl} l’lat e. 550 li'Sll l0 30pm iaiii t 1 if. V liee heloie llpiiii See \lon 5

Tuesday 13


I Vibe l go. ll l’itaid} l’ e. -l2S 2-13-1 Ill 30pm 3am Ll See lllt'(\

I Fab ( illl). ll l’ieaul} l’lat e. 55” I2S0 l0 illpin idlll t- 1 it. i. [he beloie llpiiii See liie 0

Wednesday 14


I Allure 'I he liiniiel. Si \lllkllt‘ll Street. 201 lllllll ll illpiii 3ain t.‘. \llltlt'lll\ tuo toi one See “ed 2


I lcebreakers('(‘ lilooim. 33 2-1 (ii'eeiNde l’laee. 55!» ‘Hil 2 i0 ‘lpiii l-i'ee Soeial group toi people who want to make nev. ti‘ieiitl\ lll llill'l toiiipan} I Wanted (illl). ll’ttalil} l’latt‘. 25” 1230 10 30pm 3am l‘lt‘t' beloie llpiii; L4 ‘1. it .tllL'l‘ \L‘t' \Vt‘tl 2

Thursday 15


I Kinky Pinky lhe 'lunnel. S1 \lllt‘ltell SlrL‘Cl. :‘lJ l‘lllll.

ll 30pm 3am 2.4 it: \tudentsi See Thu 1.