Bruin Dmmldmm unl'. .ill tnmlul at the homily .iml lmrmlnin Within :i now 'snl nl (luiiim'.

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, . . ... ... THE NOT DEAD Channel 4. Mon 12 Nov, 9pm 0000 M (3 .l 2. w :' : 1-! » There's always a danger that with the constant barrage of rolling news ; i‘ll'nil‘i'f if, t .. .’ z i‘ coverage, dramas and documentaries that we may become immune to the ‘w r‘ :5» i M -' i’ horrors of the world, particularly the terror of warfare. But while there are w. r‘ M -’ it ' ~~ individuals with the raw talent of filmmaker Brian Hill and poet Simon \l!‘.i"‘- in.» it ‘Hki".lt. "‘ w i 2‘ t it '~ Armitage around, there‘s every chance that we will never be allowed to get

H -' K tn"! : 1 '- -' too blase about the realities of military conflict. Min mu»- li'. Inwi 3ii' it Damn nah hm. ii iii ".l ‘1'. :'~- " ti -' i The pair have previously collaborated on Feltham Sings and Mn mu hunt «n .2‘: .111 1.»; Am; t. ,z :. l \ififii‘w; a. w t '.'.:. L~ v 2 Pornography: The Musical in which, variously, young offenders and sex

" i - " ' A i '2' .. .' ' w 2 " w workers told their stories through interviews and songs. But it must have

in m-ri. .m i w...- 'w .1 a iii .13 r ’. {i a .‘ N. " Britz ' :' ' ~ «7 been too much of a stretch to ask three post-traumatic stress disordered «\Ht‘thi" a makiy: l :2" . ? ..iz, ti item ' U5? 7; ., ' .. '2 soldiers to exercise their vocal chords, and instead Armitage puts his own nwmi vim: f' . .'~.' - ‘. ‘. " : " poetic take on events into the mouths of three very troubled men.

Nu «ni- .: an“. i“.‘\“1 ther SW 000. q: l .li'. f A: w .5. ,1 Rob has been in constant bother with the law ever since returning from 23:81 mil .ic; ix: .zr. 'w- rut .: Arm" in; “w :r‘ :‘ W Iraq, drowning out the memories with drink and drugs. While he may l‘vtti-i mi. tut .I‘ t- '1». .' ..‘l *i- ‘w m: malt. 1. ti», 11K w 1' 1:» f " believe that all this mental torment will end one day, Cliff‘s story is unlikely of? imminalr; .-.::;'rw._: to 5.2. w f'u- :uaxxit. t w'~ :w i' to be a comfort. Aged 78, he has spent the last 50 years suffering night i-ilil‘l"‘t'f?tl, In Kim m; um. .amt-l r: x ° " terrors after the bloody slaughter he witnessed in Malaya. And Eddie was a l‘wm, .Ii ‘r‘wrl :ma; .a uni.) :1" xi: «wt :;i-i~:;.iz:nm.n;t a \ 1 (T H T : blue-capped UN peace-keeper in Bosnia who had to stand by and watch Itizi"it‘<-' mm: Elk“ P‘Nnh" ' any 2"".12' : ..: '11”: b: ' z w as ethnic cleaning carried on around him. The scars he carries now are .iftwux iil‘tl rum- t 1:: :aa'k-z .u ' :5. : ix both physical and mental. Fighting in wars is one thing, but trying to fit . Mmm- Sim.“ illOl‘m :" Ti tx- back into society afterwards is quite another, and with moving testimony .Jov Hm: i‘mni as": n -a and stark footage, these stories will embed themselves in your mind like a lodged bullet. (Brian Donaldson)

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