Black Watch tour of duty headsover the Atlantic



,/ ,

/," World party

A roll-call of the finest Scottish and international musicians

announced for Celtic Connections 2008.

eltie ('onneetion launehed in impre\\i\e \t_\|e last

\xeek ;t\ organixerx elaimed \ueeexx in 2003 eould

lead to the muxie e\ent heing super-\i/ed l'or Zlilll).

The 2005' e\eltl. held throughout January \\i|| mark the liexti\al\ ISth anni\er\ar} and hoaxtx a lineup that inelude\ eontro\er\ial .\meriean \inger Stew liarle. lxieking ol‘l‘ his lturopean tour. and axxardruinning (‘anadian ehanteuxe kd lang. Hill \\'_\man. the lormer Rolling Stone\ htt\\ pla} er. l\ a|\o on the hill with hix hand. the Rlnthm Kingx. Home- groxxn \eteran\ \ueh ax l)onnie .\lunro. \\ho \xon alhtun ol the §ear at the Seotti\h ‘l‘raditional .\lu\ie.'\\\ard\t|1i\}ear. \\i|| alm leature as part ol' the lineup. alongxide .lttlie

l‘tmlix. the l’eathog l‘aerie\ and (‘apet'eaillie I’opttlar

\inger Kate Rthh} \xill he juxt one ol the aets joining a huge joint \exxion in the opening e\ent. ('ommon (irottnd. 'I‘he eomplete Ititih‘ programme \\il| inelude more than 300 eoneet'lx. eetlidhx. \xorkxhopx. talk and other e\ ent\ in more than a do/en \enuex. Sinee the le\ti\al\ inauguration

w in Anna Millar

in I‘M}. its main loettx has heen on eelehrating the root\ ol traditional Seottixh muxie l'rom home and ahroad.

Donald Shau. loundittg memher ol ('apereaillte. and organixer ol' the e\ent hax alums maintained that he planned to \xiden the remit ol' the immr 'l'hux. thix )eat'. [no ol~ (ilaxgoxx'x moxt popular \paeex the Tall Ship in (ilaxgou llarhour and ()ran .\lor on (ireat \Vextern Road hax e heen added to the \enue line-up. In lell‘). the lexlt\.i| ix eonxidering taking the Ullllll»\t';it Seottixh l:\hihition and ('onl'erenee ('entre in line with the lextnal'x groxxmg reputation and \\ot‘|d\\ ide prolile.

Shau leel\ that hringing the likes ol \\'_\man. Iang and liarle ttdd\ some 'real eoupx to the hill'. He addx: ‘Some ol the Hunt e\eiting muxie att}\\het‘e in the lield ot lolL Ilttl\ie ix eoming ottt ol' North .-\meriea and this \\ ill he an e\eiting eelehration oli that.‘

Celtic Connections 2008, Wed 16 Jan—Sun 3 Feb.


Participants sought for charity sleepout

007 LICENSED TO THRILL AT ECA RETROSPECTIVE I A rare life study of Sir Sean Connery has been included in the Edinburgh College of Art Centenary Exhibition, Ten Decades, at the capital‘s City Art Centre.

The oil on canvas, which captures the star in barely there undenivear, was painted by Edinburgh- born ECA alumnus and jazz musician Al Fairweather, a student in the School of Drawing and Painting when Connery was a life model at the College in 1952.

While Connery went on to worldwide tame, the artist also went on to enjoy success, in his musical career, recording with the Fairweather- Brown All Stars and working with famed clarinettist Acker Bilk. The painting is on display alongside more than 80 works from esteemed alumni including Dame Elizabeth Blackadder and John Bellany, and more recent graduates such as Graham Flack and Janice McNab. Admission to the exhibition is free and open to the public until Saturday 19 January next year when it transfers to London’s Fleming Gallery. (AM)

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