Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sporthichomk for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Activities and Events

RSAMD YouthWorks Music Open Day Sat l7 Noy. RSAMI). lllll Rettlreyy Street. “3 5057. llam. l'ree A day lor proxpeetiye xtiiilentx to tinil out moie about RSAMI) Youth\\'orkx. meet eurrent xtuilentx and xtall and attend \Htt'kxltitpx, rehearxalx and elaxxex. Regtxtiatioit lroiit ll), illattt.

GoMA Guided Tours Saturday x it Suitilayx. (iallery ol Modern Art. Royal lixehange Square. 32‘) l‘)‘)(t. Noon (S: 3pm. l-ree. An intoriital tour around tlte gallery and itx eurrent exltihttioiix yy itlt plenty ol tlixeuxxion anil interexting laetx to tell lrtenilx at luture ilinner pattiex.

>i< Creative Careers Weekend Sat l7-Sun lh’ Noy. (iallet‘y ot Modern An. Royal laxehange Square. 32‘) |‘)‘)(i.

I 3.30pm. l‘i'ee. See llllllxl.

Danzones Dance Event Sat l7 Not. l’ollokxhayyx Burglt llallx. 3035 l’ollokxhayyx Roatl. (til 5M |. 7.30pm. U». l)an/onex ltoxlx a itigltt ol ilaiteiitg through their library ol traditional and eontetiiporai'y hallrooiii and l.attn numherx. BYOB.

Kylie: The Exhibition Gallery Tour Kely ingroye Art Gallery it Mtixeunt. Argyle Street. 376 050‘). Sat l7 & Wed 2| him. I l l 1.45am. l‘ree. l‘inil out more about xeleetetl itemx l'roin tlte eurrent Kylie exhibition. l’laeex are limited and on a lirxt-eoiite-tirxt-xei'yetl haxix.

* Kylie Karaoke Sun lk’ .\'o\. Kelyingi‘oye Ait (iallei'y it Muxeum. Argyle Street. 276 050‘). 3 4pm. l‘ree. See lltllixl

>l< Glasgow's Christmas Lights Switch-On Siiii IS Noy. (ieorge Square. l‘ree ttieketetl. maximum lour tiekelx per household). See llitlixl.

Stars Over the Botanics the In Not. (ilaxgoyy' Botaitie (iarilenx. 730 ( ireal W'L'xlet‘lt Road. 33-1 3-123. 7.l5pttt. [4 (£3). A xtai=galing xexxion \y here telexeopex anil hinoeularx \y ill he ayailahle for all to xpot the moon. xtat'x. planetx and deep \k)’ ohieetx. l’leaxe L‘ttttlacl tlte Botanie (ittl‘tlettx lot' itL‘ketx on lll~ll 5.5-1 2422.

16 Days of Action to Eliminate Violence Against Women Thu 22 Nov. (ilaxgoyy Wonten'x library. 2nd l’loor. Sl l’arttie Street. 553 85-15. (i.3()itiit. liree. l.auneh itigltt tea party tor the In tlay'x ol' aetion. l‘intl out about tlte L‘\’t‘lll\ planned and xee tlte Spaee 44 hanner oyer tea and baked goodx. Glasgow on Ice Sat 24 .‘x'oy. (ieot'ge Square. llS7l 200 5940. U) {3.5 (£3 UH. A ehanee to perfect your pirouettex (or at leaxl let go of llte xiilel ax (ieorge Square'x open air iee rittk returnx tor attother year aeeompaitietl hy non-xtop

1999 Design Medal Exhibition The Lighthouxe. l l Mitehell lane. 32] Mol. l’ntil Stiit l3 Jan. Mon & Wed Sat 10.30am 5pm;'l‘ue llaiit 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. The W‘N l)exign Medal ix ayyariled eyery year to a graduate from one ot‘ (ilaxgoyy ‘x tiinlter and higher edueatioit inxtitutionx. 'l‘hix exhibition .xhoyy‘eaxex tlte winning ilexign and .xhonlixted entriex.

Blind Faith: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (iallery oi' Modem Art. Royal lixehange Square. 33‘) NW). l'ntil Sun 20 .latt. l()am 8pm; I lani» 5pm; 10am 5pm. .-\x part of the Blind l-‘aitlt oiitreaeh programme. anixtx Anne lilliot. l.i.xa Fleming and Jane Melnally haye been \mrkiiig \x ith young people and (ilaxgoyy taxi driyerx to deyelop new work

24 THE LIST 15—29 Nov 3007

exploring xeetarianixiii. identity. {Lilli'it anil tei'rttorialtxtit

Kylie: The Exhibition Rely iitgime \it (iallei'y t\' \luxeuin. .-\tgyle Street. 2"“ 959‘) l'ittil Suit 1 Jan \1on lhi. t\ \ai lltatii 5pm. l'l'l & Sun ilaiit 5pm liee (‘oiite \yoixhip .it tlte teiitole ot tlaitee Lives in Motion \ltixeuiti ot liaiixpoit. KL'lHll llall. l Bunhouxe Roatl. IV 3531’ l ittil lit 3‘) l eh \loii lltii A Sat

lll.tlll 5pm. Hi t\ Suit llaiti 5pm liee .v\n exhihition eimitlinatetl hy the Rexearelt (‘eitti'e tot \liixeuinx .iiitl (ialleitex. l'niyei‘xity ot leieextet. .ihoiit the tole ol tiattxport iii the liyex ot tltM’lltlt'tl Pt‘l\ltll\.

Mind-Forg’d Manacles: William Blake and Slavery (Gallery Based Talks) Burrell (‘olleetioir jttott l’ollokxhayyx Roatl. IS” 355“ ll! lo Noy. Siiit IS \oy. ltie 30 .\o\. l'll 3* \oy. Sitit 35 NM. 'lue 35 \oy. l ii iH Noy. Sun 3 Dee. 'lue ~l l)ee. lit 5 Dee. Sun ‘) l)ee. ltlt‘ ll l)ee. l'll l-l l)ee. Sun lit l)t'L‘. 'l'llL' lS l)ee. l‘tt :l l)ee. Stilt :5 l)ee. lth 35 l)k'k' k lit :3 |)k'\ ipttt l‘l'L't‘. (ittllt'l'y ltaxeil ltilkx. tltltttilttetttg the e\hihttion ittaiking the Ittilth anniy'erxary ot the .'\ltitllllttlt ot the Britixh Slay e 'li‘aile. leatiii'iitg \yoikx by William Blake.

Verrocchio (‘( ';\. t5“ Salielllt'ltitll Street. 3.53 l‘mtt. t'iiiil Sat 3-1 \oy tttiil Sun/Mont. llaiti (ipiii. lhe (‘( '.\ ix one ol the iitoxt heautilul and outlet uxeil litiildiiigx lll (il;ixgo\\_ xo it'x good to xee people like play “right l)a\ til I eiltly titakiitg iiitagiitatiye tixe ot the tloating upxtaii'x eoi'riiloi'x, lt’lliti t liio ix part xoiintl ittxtallatioit. part eolleetion oi atttlio-aeeexxetl xhort xtoiiex.

Voices from Africa Part 2 St \tiiiigo .\ltixeuiii ot Religioiix l.ile and .'\l'l. I ('axtle Street. 555 2557. l'ittil Sun 11 l‘elt .‘yloit 'l‘hii & Sat Hiain 5pm; l'l'l & Sun llaiit 5pm; llaitt lpni. l'i'ee l’ioieet that \Htt‘kx yyith iiteiiihei'x ol the

(ilaxgloyy ‘x Alriean aitil :\ll'lL‘;tll (‘arihhean eoiitiitiinitiex in the t'eiiiterpi'etattoit ol many ol the ohieetx llt'ltl iit xtorage iii the St .\lungo .\luxeuiit. 'l'lte ittuxeuiii hax alxo L'Ulltltllxxlttllt'tl a neyy artyyork hy (ilaxgoyy-haxeil artixt Betlt l'ltltlt‘.


Body and Soul Fair Sat t7 Sun Ix .\'o\. Royal ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. (llfioh' 8(i27l7. l lam 5.30pm. £3.50 tyyeekeittl tieket [5; under lox li'eet. l‘eatui'ittg demitnxtrationx. talkx. tarot reatlerx. elairyoyantx. axti'ologerx attil xtallx xelliitg jewellery. eatttllex and aromatherapy produetx.

Glasgow Craft Mafia Suit Is Not. Mono. l2 Kittg'x ('ourt. King Street. 553 240i). lpttt. Hut 2‘) .\'o\. The l‘niyerxal.

5“ 5" \.tiltillt'fl.tll l .iite. ‘1- 5 "pit. \laxxett gatheiiitg ot etiteigeitt \ottixh tiexigneix .lllxl \ tatteteetx. \x ith a

range ot hatitk iattetl texxeilety. te\tiiex


ant! .l\\'\'\\l‘llk'\ on x.:'te Don't eiitieixe the

ttixhet. though you tloit't yyaiit to \xake tip with .t hftlllt‘tl itittxox head to your


German Christmas Market \.t( .‘t \o\ Suit 3; l)e\, \t l ttoeh \tpiate. .‘lkl WW) I iiioy the huxtle .llltl huxtie ot a genuine ( ieiiiiait ( 'hiixtiiiax titatket xx itlt tiixtontai'y tootl .lllkl think to xaitiple .llltl xi.tll\ Pilt'hk'tl ltlll l‘l ll‘.\\ .lll\i g'lll\ Christmas Gift Fayre \at 3-1 Sun 25 \it\ llte l.ill Slttp .it (ilaxgoyy llatltottt. ll“l \litl‘xlttxx l\'t|.til. :Rli

ll.ittt ~lpiii liee \ lk'l.l\k'tl xhopping L'\l\'\llllttll on the lall Ship

The Marketplace \a 31 \o\. (i.tlltt'l in (ilaxgmx. l ppei l-looi. ‘5 Rtithyeii latte. it“‘to“ I535]; ll.tllt 5pm ltee (ilaxgoyy ‘x tinext .iitixattx. eiatteteeix .lll\l xtallholileix eottyeige oit ( iathei iii (ilaxgoyy lot the iiioitthiy lll.lllxt'l[‘l.t\ e

Food and Drink

Queen‘s Park Farmers' Market \at IT \oy (‘lllt‘t‘th l’.iik. 53” l .itigxiile l’.itk. IS" "35‘ ‘kiiii Spin. loeal I‘ltttlll\'t'. lioiti loeal people

Mansfield Park Farmers' Market Sat _‘»1 \o\_ .\l.iiixtielil |’.iik. l’aitiek. ill“ ‘5 it‘ll it). ‘laiii ipiit l‘tee. ()igaitie \egetahlex. hand made hioomx .llltl happy haeoit You eaii htiy tutti/tine oit lluitthaiton Roail thexe tlayx.


UEFA European Championship: Scotland v Italy (Football) Sal I? \o\ llaittptlen l’at'k. l.ethei'hy l)i'i\e. (tlo oooo See pietiit'e eaption. lteloyy.


Charles Rennie Mackintosh: The Evolution of a Designer I’ltii t5 Nov .\laekintox|i (‘huieh. ()tteeit‘x ('ioxx. S7“ (iarxeuhe Road. (No («too I -l. illpiii

i; ll). learn .ihoitt \laektittoxh'x eaieei' at the \laekiittoxli (‘ltiireh. anil exploie the

ilillerent \yayx ot titterpietiitg the huililiitg.

Astronomical Society of Glasgow 'l‘ltu l5 .\'o\. l'niyei'xity oi Stiathelyile. Room R345. Royal ('ollege. 95” Will). (i.~l5piit. l'i'ee. l)i‘ lintlxay l'letehet' ol the l'tti\ei‘xily ol (ilaxgoyx leatlx a talk oil the xtitt at ltiglt inagititieatioit. \ott iiieiiiherx yy eleoitte.

Vertibrate Taxidermy and Specimen Preparation Tue 20 .\'o\. (ilaxgoyy .\luxeuiiix Rexoiiree (‘entre. 30H \Vitttilltt'atl Rtttttl. \llxlttll. 27h ‘) illH. 'l'iiitex \ai'y. l'i'ee. l-intl out lttt\\ to bring aitiittalx haek to Iile or at leaxt ltoyy to make them look lite like yyith laurenee

\ittiitten \o. teally Booktiigx ittuxt he made by 5pm the day hetoie

Curator’s Favourites \\ett .‘t \o\ Btitiell tolleetiott. .‘llhlt l‘ollokxltayxx Roail. IS” I55tl 1: lo lpttt l-tee \'i\ieit Hamilton lookx .it xonte ll.iit ltyitaxty huttal .t\\\'\\\lllt‘\ l’leaxe ttteet iii the Biiiiell ('ouityaitl

Jimmy Reid‘s Glasgow [hit 2.‘ \o\ l)L‘l‘l‘lt'.\ l,.tl.t\'t‘ \\ \\ llllt'l' (\lL'lt\. (ilaxgoyy (iieeit. I“. .‘Wt: lpttt l'iee

l iona llayex. (ilaxgoyy \liixeuitt'x Soeial llixtoiy (tit‘dlot. t.i‘ikx about .lllttlll\ Reiil itt ielation to ( ilaxgoyx 'x ltixtoty to. \k'lk'i‘ltllk' the painting ‘Jtmiity Rent ‘5 \eatx

Dear Green Place Sun :5 \ox. l’t‘itple'x l’alaee t\ \\ tttlet kl.lltlt'll\. (ilaxgoyy (iieeit. Tl 3W»: .7 ipttt l'tee .\ tout .llltl iltxeuxxion toeuxxiitg oit notioitx oi .i itiiilti l.ttllt ( ilaxgoyx .llltl the \‘itttu‘pl itl he“ SLle


Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group llllll\tl.l_\\ ’l'he .-\nite\e. "a Steyxai‘ty ille Stieet. l’.irtiek. *5" on"

" l5 ‘lpiii t5 5” i'llltl yotii \oiee and hit yoiii xpititx .it the inultieultural xingiiig gioup open to all No expeiiettee neeexxaty

Improvisation Masterclass iii 3% \in l{S.'\\ll). ll)“ Rt'llllt'kk Sllt't‘l. H: 505" 2. ittpiit l'iee itieketetli \Vitlt .-\eotixtte 'lttangle l’lie gioiip. itot the trieky to niaxtei pt'iiitaiy xehool inxtrunient.

SoundJourney Relaxation 8. Meditation Siiii 35 Noy. (iatlier iit (ilaxgoyk. l‘ppei Hunt. ‘7 Rutliyen lane. tt7t)o7 1835“ I”. Want l2. illpin. U2. A Souittlloiit’ney ix a relaxation and iiieilitation xexxion to \Hlllltl. Relax and unyy llltl to the pitie healing tottex ol

ery xtal and lllX‘ldlt xiiigtitg houlx_ xyniphonie gong aittl tlitlget'itlixi .'\ll(l xtop xeollittg at the haek tltere. Roll llarrix ix a wry ehilletl out man.

Marimba Masterclass Thu 3‘) Not. RSANll). lUll Reltlleu Slt’t‘t'l. 5‘: 5057. (i. illpin. l-ree itieketeili. With l-.rie Santiitut.


Activities and Events

Sparkling Hearts Ball l'l‘l Io Nm. Roxhui‘ghe llotel. 1x ('hailotte Square. 2-10 5500. 7pm. LN). A launeh eelehration lot the lteyy t‘ltat'ily l.uke-ll.tle. t‘rt'illt'll lit raixe ltinilx loi premature hahiex and to xiippoi't i'exeat‘eh into ptegnaney»telateil illnexxex. 'l'hix eyent in partieular aimx to raixe enough to buy a Bt~l’ap niaehine tor the lttltnhiirgh Royal Infirmary. 'l‘ieket

W My This is it, folks. The big one. The day when our nation discovers if we can turn 400+ vs years of entrenched pessimism into something beautiful. No, we don’t think we’re

overreacting about this at all. Get your lucky rabbit’s foot out, let your epidermis come into contact with as much wood as possible, and try not to annoy any black cats, alright? I Hamooeo Park. G/asgoxu. Sc 77 Net. my». 5)" (i: to