
price includes champagnc rcccption. thrcc-coursc meal. Vklllc and 9; 10 casino tun money.

Winter Wonderland Ice Rink in 2% Nov Sun (i Jan. l’rmccs Strcct (illrtlL'lls lzast. l’rinccs Strcct. 'limcs \ar}. £8.50 (£4 £7.50. lamil} tickct £27.50) (ilidc like an anch or topplc Iikc a toddlcr on the ice rink sct below lidinburgh (‘astlca as the ('apital gcts its Nev» York on lot ('hrtsliiias.

* I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas Sat 24 Nm. National l.ibrai‘_\ ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' Bridge. 02‘ 33-15. l0am noon & 2 4pm. l'rcc. Scc llitlist. Water of Letth Winter Walk Sat 25 Nm. ('olinton Dc”. 0) Slatclord Rd. 4-17 7l45. |0am noon. l‘rcc. A wintcr walk along the Watcr ol [cult and through lhc l)clls. l’lcasc bring viarm clothcs and waterprtxils. Booking csscntial. Ages 8+. Discover Edinburgh by Bicycle Sun 25 Nov. 'l'hc Bicyclcuorks. 2‘) 30 Arg} lc Place. 332 3442. Illam 2.30pm. l‘rcc. .»\ lCl\llfL‘l}’ social ridc trom 'l'hc liic‘yclcworks on Arg) lc l’lacc lo ('rainond Villagc and back. exploring mainly ol’l' road c)clc paths and quict routcs. 'l‘hcrc \sill bc plcnt) oi rcst and chat stops. aitd c\pcricnccd c)clists on hand. Booking rccommcndcd.


Back to the Future: Sir Basil Spence, 1907-1976 “can (iallct‘). 73 licll'ord Road. 02-10200. l'ntil Sun l0 l‘cb. 10am 7pm; l0am 5pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc lirst tilajor rcti‘ospcctnc ol' Scotland‘s most renowned modcrn architcct. This celebration ol' Spcncc's brilliant and divcrsc carccr. Coincidng \\ illt lltc ccntcnary ol' his birth. \iill bc thc lirst National (iallcrics of Scotland shim dcvotcd solely to arcltilcclltrc.

The Edinburgh Art Fair (‘orii lixchangc. l l Ncu Market Road. 477 3500. l’ri 23 Sun 25 Nov llam opm‘.

l lamrSpm. £5 (l‘rcc £4). The chancc to pcrusc and pick tip artwork lrom mcr (i0 exhibitors l'rom the [K and thc rest ol' liuropc.

It Didn’t Happen Here .\liiscum ol' lidinburgh. lluutly llousc. I42 (‘anongatca 52‘)4l-13. l’ntil Sat 2‘) .\'o\ (not Sun). Mon Sat |0am 5pm. lircc. lixhibition examining lidinburgh's links with the slavc tradc.

Food and Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market Saturdays. (‘astlc 'l'cn‘acc. 052 5940. 9am 2pm. More local. qualit}. cthical produce than you could shakc a stick at. Jolly Toper Tastings Thu 22 .\'o\. 'l‘hc 'l'olbooth 'l'axcrn. lo7 (‘anongatcz 5% 53-18. 7.30pm. £20. Long-running bi» montth whisky tasting session at one of thc best-stockcd bars in timn. t}picall) including lixc malt \shiskics at cask strength. 'l'ickcts must be booked in advance: call 0| 3| 550 580-1 or email cthmwmcadcnhcadcom to rcscn c.


The Truth About Food: How to be Sllm 'l'hu l5 Nov. llcriot-Watt l'nixcrsit). lidinburgh Business School. Riccarton. 473 2000. 7pm. £3. Jill l"ullci1on-Smith. author ol‘ 'I'lie- Trill/l About Him]. rc\ cals there is more to being oscmcight than sloth and glutton}; llerc she talks about how our bodics tell our brains it's time to eat. and explains hon )ou can lose weight without feeling hungry Sounds rathcr like a live action version of those scar) makeover-tell) icinbots. but we‘re sure she's lchl)’. I’ur! oft/1c Ift/iIt/mljg/i Ix't'luri's‘ 2007/8.

Observing Evenings Friday. Ro) al ()bscn'ator) Visitor Centre. Blackl'ord

Hill. («is 3401 " \ .fipin £1 '1‘. tainil} tickct £l0 <0» Vic“ imagcs ot thc sun salcl} U\lll_'_' thc l<ii_\al ()liscrxator} is sulal tclcscopcs and kccp _\oiii c_\cs pcclcd tor sunspots Hooking csscntial

Scottish Opera Unwrapped I’tm 2.‘ \ox. l‘cslHal lhcatrc. l‘ 2‘) \icolson Strcct. ‘2‘) 0000 0pm Scc pittuic caption. right

Muriel Spark Society Annual Lecture l'l'l to \o\ \ational l ibi.ii_\ ot Scullantl (ic’iitgc' l\ lil'ltlflc'. 0:: ixl‘ 7pm l'tcc l’iolcssoi l)an (iunn tiom thc .-\Iiicrican l‘nncrsit) ol l’aris gncs a talk cntitlcd ‘Rcioicing in thc lights‘ (iunn ll;t\ rcccnti} L'tlllt'tl .t tlitsstct callctl Hit/Ame on .liI. \shich includcs pic\ toiisl) unpublishcd malcrial b} thc latc do_\cnnc (ll Sc'iilllsll lL‘llL‘l\ l.lll.t|l L'\L'lll\“l Ills llls lU hunk

Celebrating Success Hon 1” \m. National \liiscuin ol Scotland. (‘hambcrs Strcct. 2-17 4-122. 0 5pm l'lt't‘. National Miiscums Scotland annual opcn mccting. at which thc past )cai's achicxcincnts arc cclcbratcd. plans tor thc lutuic arc hcaid. and attcudccs gix c thcii \ lL‘\\\. Hooking rcquircd on 0| il 217-152 or

inlolu runs.ac.ulc

Travelling Hopefully Inc 20 .\'o\. National l.ibrar_\ ol Scotland. (icoigc l\ liridgc, (i2i 38-15. 7pm. l'rcc. l'hc \\lllllt'l's ol thc 200'7 Robci't l.ouis Stmcnson l‘cllois ship rcad thcii “ink and discuss that mpcricnccs at thc llotcl (‘hcx illon. an mtcrnational arts ccntrc in l-rancc. With |)iana llcndr} and llannsh \\'li}tt'. Brian .\lc('abc. laii \lacphcrson and .llll l)obson. and mtroduccd b} .lanicc (ialloua). liinail c\cnls<” nls.ul\ to book


Contemporary Ballet Class l'l'ltl.t} \ ()iit ()l ‘l'hc liluc Drill Hall. 30 Ko l);tllllcll_\ Slt‘L'L‘l. l.citlt. 555 7 H”.

0.30 8pm. £5. lligh cncrg} drop in hallct class \\ ith thc cmphasis on coi‘c stabilit}. t‘clcasc. suspension. musicalit) and thc labric ol' spacc. l'oi‘ intcrincdiatc to prolcssionalAlc\ cl danccrs.

Three Dimensional Theatre Sat I7 .\'o\. 'l‘raxcrsc ’l‘hcatrc. (’ambridgc Strcct. 228 I401. l0.30am 5piii.£l01£oi.'|'im (‘rouch lcads a \ioi‘kshop c\p|oring thc relationship bctnccu tc\l. pcrl'oi‘mcr and audicncc in thc crcation ol a pla_\. l’laccs b) application onl} contact l.ouisc Slcphcns in thc 'l'raxci‘sc l.itcrar_\ Dcpartmcut

tlouisc.slcphcns(N ti'axcrsccouki or call 0l.‘~| 228 3223 [or moi'c inlormation. SMG Ceilidh Dance Class \Vcdncsda) s. llruntslicld l’rimar} School. l2 MontpcIicr. liruntslicld. 337 5.142.

7 0pm. £7 (£0. lnl'orinal dancc classcs. no c\pcricncc ncccssar} in car l'lat coml’ortablc shocsi.

Shoe Swing \Vcdncsda} s. ('ounting llttllsc‘. \Vc‘sl Niculsntt Sll'ccl. 007 0370 £4.50 singlcs £8 couplcs l£2 social dancing onl} l. .-\ brand ncn s\\ mg dancc \iorkshop run b_\ lidinbop cxcr) \Vcdncsda} night. 'l‘utorcd classcs from 7pm and social dancing l'rom 0pm. \shcn somc ol' thosc hip \cgas'. daddics opctt up their rccord bo\cs. Sn ing danccrs. lind_\- hoppcrs and jiscrs ol‘ all pcrsuasions \cr) \sclcomc. .\'o nccd to book. and )ou don't c\cn hax c to ha\ c a pai'tncr. bah}. Primate Behaviour Workshop Sat 24 .\'o\. lidiuburgh /.oo. (‘orstorphinc Road. 334 ‘ll7l. 10am 3pm. £25 tincinbcrs £22.50i. .\ \ioi'kshop csammmg thc llcublc-lingcrcd annual group. uhich incliidcs monkc} s. mcn. and big baboons “ho. b} the light ol thc moon. go combing thcir auburn hair. lunch includcd ‘iuon the bananas? Booking c‘sscttlial. :\gcs 10+.

Oil Painting Masterclass Sun 35 .\‘m. l.auriston ('astlc. 2a ('ramond Road South. 52‘) 3903. 10am 3.30pm. £l5. .\n intrmluction to oil painting in thc inspirational intcrior ol' tltc castlc. “(lilting c‘ssc‘llllttl.

Yamaha Sax Demonstration .\loti 2t) Nm. The Jan Bar. l (’hambcrs Strcct. 220 4293. 0 Split. l'il‘L‘L‘. [.5 MM star (icorgc Shclb} \\ ith a workshop and demo plus a ‘tr_\ out this sa\ scssion'.

Around Town

W W W Go behind the scenes of Scottish Opera’s latest productions, The Barber of Seville and Seraglio, with all-new evening sessions designed to ease even the staunchest aria-phobe into an appreciation of all things operatic. Talk to the performers, meet the characters, and maybe even watch a couple of fights (on stage). I Hrw Harbor of Si We" (/1 l‘.‘.”.'l/)[)i ‘( 1, Hit/ 1’." Nov; Sumo/xi) l/rmrri/i/ititl. Mon 90 Hm. hot/W loaf/1M l'ioai’wn Idiom/igh.

Centre tor Reproductive Biologv

FREE public talk Everyone welcome!

Let’s talk about... sex and babies

Welght and pregnancy

A big problem getting bigger Come and hca r how Scotland’s obcsily crisis is affecting mothers and babies, and find out how researchers at lidinbuigh’s Centre for Reproductive Biology and at the Simpson arc helping, to solve these problems.

Tltllrsiltii/ 22 \ot‘t'iiilti'r, o. 30pm, (JUN 11's \Ii'ilii ii/

Ri’s‘i’iirt’li liisliltilt', Mac I (fruiting/1 Ix’oi/ii/ Iii/ii'iiiriri/, Lillli’ I I'll)!(('

4 c \ Refreshments 0“ served after the event \ 6 AG

To reserve a FREE ticket, visit www.crb.ed.ac.uk/letstalk

3-23 H0; Z’ffl THE LIST 25