
Events Em


100 Favourite Scottish Football Poems llnrdcrx linnlcx. Uh Buchanan SIrch. 332 7700. () illpin l'rcc linnk launch lnr llll\ cnIIchInn nl ScnIIixh lnnIhalI [inc-II} c.’ipIuIin;_' Ihc In} .llltl lruxIraIinn nl Ihc _L'.'Illlt' \HIh yucxI ilp[X‘ilrilllCC\ erlll c'HIIIthIIlIII}: pitch


Crime Scene Edinburgh: 20 Years of Rankin and Rebus Naiinnal

Librar) nl Scntlanil. (ic'nrgc IV llriilgc. (ill 3345. l’nIil l3 Jan. Mnn Sal

Illaui 5pm, l"rcc. Rcli‘nsiwcmc nl' Rc-hux and hix Irmailx in lzdinhurgh'x uiuik} criminal undcrlx‘ll). cninciiling \\ uh Ihc I'clcaxc nI‘ Ihc linal hnnk.

Favourite Poems to Read Out Loud lilackucllx. 53 50.81)th Bi'iilgc. 622 8222. “DIN. l-‘rcc, A cc'lchralinu nl' pncIry'x \c'rhal IrailiIinn In launch /I)() I'in'nurilc' SI'UHlA/I I’m'Im In li’i'm/ ()ul lnml. SuggcsI a l'amurilc pncui In hc rcciIcil nr ch up and mad nnc )nui'xcll. Getting Into Poetry Scnllixh l’IK'lI'} l.ihrar_\. 5 (‘richInn'x ('lnxc. ('aunugalc. 557 2870. 0.30 h'PIII. ’l‘hc‘ lll'\l nl‘ a Ihrccr xc‘xslull inIrixlucIinn In pnc'Ir} and him In apprnach iI l'nr mmimum i'c‘uaril. l’lc'axc hnnk in ailx'ancc as \paccx arc luniIcIl. [l0 ([0) Mr :Ill lliI‘L‘C \xnI‘kxhnpx.

Luath Press Book Launch Slillx. 23 ('nclxhurn 8mm. ()2) (i200. (L5llplll. l-‘I'cc. A hnnk launch ltll‘ Slim: Sn: and Ski. a cnllc‘cIinn nl' Nnrinan Hixxcll'x pncuix and ()\L‘;ll' .\lai‘/arnli\ phnIngraphx. and .\‘an .-\I/uIIIiA Uri/I. pncnix and pllnlux nl' Shcllanil h)‘ RnhcrI .-\|au Jaiuicxnn.

The Big Word 'l'hc .la/I liar. I (‘hanihcrx Sum. 33“ 420K. Hfillpin. H ID). A packccl pncII'} and lllll\lL‘ linc-up nt'l‘im 'l‘urnhull. l-‘inna Linclxa). \'i\ (ic'c‘. 'l‘rihal ’l'nngucx and niuxic h‘nui (‘hrix Bradlc‘). all hi)le h) .lc'nn) l.llltl\;l). (‘nnIacI jcnn} llllkl\il_\ (U gmailcniu ni' 0708‘) 508 436 l‘nr IIIUI‘C inl‘U.


Reading Group: Nothing but the Poem ScnIIixh l’ncIr} Librar). 5 (‘richInn\ (‘lnxcz ('annngatc. .557 2870. 0.30 8pm. £5 (£3). Rc‘ninxing thc prcxxurcs nl' rm ic'u. criticixui and h}pc. and \xilhnul rching nu lmckgrnunil knimlc‘clgc. [his gc‘nllc rcailing gi‘nup ch h) Julic' Jnhnxlnnc Incuwx nn Ihc Icatlcr'x rcxpnnxc In Ihc Ic‘\I. l5nr hnnking and Innrc clclails plcaxc phnnc‘ nr c'Inail rcccplinnmsplurguk.

Tuesday 20


Mutimedia Photography and Poetry Exhibition ()ran Mnr. 73l -735 (ircat “csIcrn Rnad. 357 hZIXl. hpm. l-‘rcc‘. A ~special an and pncIr} c‘xcnI. cnllching phnIngraphx h} Ihc laIc ()xcar

28 THE LIST 15—29 NM. 303‘

\lar/arnh .llI‘llL'\|th pix-Ir} h} \nrnian liiwcll. uhich Lich Ihc \lc'\\L‘i lixIt-ncr nn a Inur'nc} lInIn (ilaxgnu In \If.'}ll


Travelling Hopefully \.iunn.i1 l mm nl Scullanil. (ic'nlgc l\ I‘llklyk'I (C; “:15 "pin l‘rcc lhc munch nI Ihc SHU— RUlX'I'l I Ull|\ \Ic'H‘INHI l cllmuhip “an! Ihcu \xnik and ihxcuxx lllk'll mpcricncw aI Ihc llnlcl ('hcxillnu. an inIcIuaIinnal .utx ccuuc in l‘l‘.tllL'L‘ \\ llll l) lit-nth) and llanmh \\ h}lc. Brian \lc( ahc. Ian Macphcrwn and Jill Unlmm. .llltl inlrnduccil h} Janicc (i.lllI\\\.I_\ l'lll.Ill cwulxm lll\ uk In hunk

Wednesday 21


Poems Aloud: Norman MacCaig ScnIIIxh l’IK'll'} lihiar}. 5 (‘IichInu‘x ('Inxc. ('aunngalc. 557 2376 1 2pm l'Icch :\ IchIal nl \ni‘nian \l.ic( Xup'x \L'l‘\c" l’lcaxc hunk lll thancc,

=3: John Richardson in Conversation with Elizabeth Cowling \alinnal (iallcu nl Scntlanil llaulhnrmlcu l.chuIc lhcaIIc. lhc \lnuntl. III-l (CM). hpiu. In uiaIk Ihc llllltl lll\l;llllllt'lll nl lll\ cpic lungraph} nu l’ic;i\\n. .lnhn Richarilxnu \xill Ialk In lali/ahclh ('nu lllljJ. athnI' nl I’n u'\\u' XIV/i" (llll/ Valuing,

Duncan Glen and David Purves Sc'nllixh l’nclr} l.ihi‘aI‘_\. 5 ('I'iclnnn‘x (’lnxc. ('annuggalc. 557 33W» 5. illpiu. L5 (U). ’l‘un cihlnrx and [Inch \xhn ha\ c ilnnc much In cI'caIc a \ccun' [IlaIlni'ui lnI Ihc Scnlx languagc Icad h‘nni Ihcu nun linguixlicall) I‘Ich [inc-nix. (ilcn \\ ill Icail l'I‘nIn hix ('n/lu‘Ii'i/ Purim IWI5 3/105 and I’Iii‘wx lH‘IIng hix llwrlx Ill/ml In lilc.

Thursday 22


Hillwalking Books Night lilackucllx. 53 5‘) Snulh lh‘iilggc. (ill 32:10pm. l'I'cc. Ian R \lilchcll. aulhni' nl Hit/Aura III/'Itllg'll .X'rnI/iuul'x [In/UH. \xill gnc an illuxh‘alcil talk ahnul Ihc lll\lUl‘) nl hulking in ScnIlanil linin ancicnl lllllc‘x In Ihc pi‘cxcnI ila}. and \harcx Iipx nu Ihc hc‘xl walking Inuch in Ihc cnunIr). Getting Into Poetry Scnllixh l’UL‘ll'} l.ihr;u'_\. 5 (‘I‘ichtnu'x ('Inxc. ('annngatc. 557 3870. (Lil) Spin. [5 IUI. Scc 'l'hu


Bridge Reading: Kevin McNeil .\'aIInna|‘aI‘_\ nl ScnIlanil. (icnrggc l\' Bridgc. 033 3845. 7pm. licc. 'l'hc \H'llL‘l' and pncl \xnrking in hnIh (iaclic and tinglixh I‘cailx I'rnin lllx unxcl. .S'Inrnnum lliii. \cI nn Ihc lxlc nl lcmx. Izuiail cxcnlxm lll\.lll\ In hnnk.

Tuesday 27


The End of the Line .\';iIinnal l.ihr;u'_\ nl ScnIlanil. (icnrgc l\' lh'iclgc. (£3 38-15. 7pm. l’rc‘c. MIN 20 )c'arx. DcIchixc lnxpc‘cInr Rchux lgiccx I'cIu'cInc‘uI lrnui Ihc l‘ni‘cc. Ian Rankin Ialkx In Rnwuiai} (ini'ing: ahnuI him hc planncd Ihc manxnng nl lztliuhurgh‘x lllU\l ldlllttlh le‘lCL'll\C. liniail cwnlwl In hnnlc.

Thursday 29


The New Edinburgh History of Scotland Bl;l(l\\\cll\. 53 5" Snulh lil‘ltlgc‘. ()3: i523: (Lillplll. l‘I‘L‘L‘ IIickcIcili. launch nighl lnr Ixxn ncxx hnnkx puhhxhcd h} lzihnhurgh l'nncrxn} l’l‘L‘\\ a\ pan nl’ Ihcir \c'nm. 'I‘ln' .\('H l'.-(/l-II/’lll""/I l/MIIIIW 1” Si ('l/Illlil. .'\lL‘\ \Vixill'. author Hi I'I'nm I’Ii'I/imi/ In .l/lm. 3W Ill-'1) and Michacl Brnxxn. athnr nI 'I‘ln' lliirx n! M I’l/Illl(/. [3/4 /.\'"l “I” hc jninc‘cl h) \L‘I‘IL'\ cdilnr Rngcr \lamn. l’lL‘;I\C hnnk in aihancc



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