Music Classical m2:—


I Acoustic Triangle l<Sv\.\ll ). lull Reiilren Street. “2 505" lpiii L" it5i A unique trio dedicated to peitoriniiig innoxatne and \pontaneoux \l'lltk'll\

I The Four Seasons By Candlelight Ro}.il ('oiicct't Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. {5* MN)“ " illpiii US {2-150 lhc \lo/ait l'extrxal ()r‘chextra. irr lull period c'HSllllllL‘. PL'l'lUlllh \ i\.ildi\ masterpiece I()p S i. . “ell ax \xorkx h} llaiidcl. llach. l’achelhel and l’irrccll \Hlll Robert llii\\.tllll on the ll.ll[l\|cllUltl.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('it_\ llallx. ( ~airdleiiggx. l5l 3000

7. lllplll. l. lll L2; Sec \Vt'tl 2|

I Sound Thought ( il;l\:__'tl\\ l'iii\er\il_\.l lll\t'l\ll_\ ;\\e. lllllt‘\ \ar). l'ree :\ tno da} llltISIcttl e\eiit h} pmtgiadiialc llltl\lc students at (ilaxgon l‘iuxerxrt} leaturing original L'Ulllpiixllltlth, \tltllltl lll\l;tll;tltilll\ and talk\. 'l'oda} the ladiiihuigh ()uaitet |Ulll\ them lor an opening perloi'rnance at Spin. Please see nnn.xiiundthought.rnlo


I Organ Recital: Christopher Stembridge Reid (‘oircet't llall. lidinliurgh l'iinerxit). lti‘ixto Square. 050 2427. l.|0pirr. I‘ree. .\ltl\lc h} Hintehude. l'rexcohaldi and Marcello. ax pla)ed h} the Italian til'gttllhl.

I Scottish Opera: ll Barbiere di Siviglia l'cxtnal llk'tlll'L‘. | i 2‘) Nlc'olxott Street. 52‘) (illllll. 7. l Spill.

[H [50 l/ll' liiir'ln'r‘ til .Si'i'r/li'. directed h) Sir 'l‘hornax .-\|len and \xith a cast that include\ Scottish rile/lo Karen (‘argill and Dutch haritoiie lllillltth ()llc‘llldllS in the title role. \llllellg‘ lllll\lc such as I‘igaro\ legendai} aria ‘l.argo .\l l'actotrim'.

I Grieg 100: Essential Grieg Queen's llttll. 57 S‘) ('lel‘k Street. (108

Saturday lst December 2007 1.00pm & 3.00pm Glasgow. Royal Concert Hall

The Royal Scottish National Orchestra

comic-(ted and presented by Christopher Bell Glasgow Box Ollice Ol 41 353 8000

2010 Spin Ll5 i {12! Jane lru in. v\|e\ander .lanic/ek and (iracirie \lc\aiight pcrlorirr \Hlllc' ol the lllll\lc (illc'j: c'lliHL' lilt lll\ itlll) \c'iillhll conceit hack iii IN)" l’art ol a \t‘llL'S ot citllcc'l'l\ ctlltllllc‘lllillttllltg lllk' cc’lllc'lldl} Hl the death irl lid\.tltl (ir‘ieg

Saturday 24


I Sound Thought ( ild\f_‘tl\\ limerxit}. l nixerxrt) ;\\e

u n u ,xouiidthinightiiito 'l llllt‘S \ai'} l‘rec :\ tuo da} rnuxical e\eirt h} poxtgiaduatc llltl\lc students at (i|a\go\\ l'ni\ei\it_\ leatrrr'irig original ciillll‘rit\lllltll\. \ourid lll\l.tll;llltlll\ and talks. ending \xrth a perlorinarice ol poxlgi‘adtiate \xoi‘kx h} |)re\\ llairiiiiond and “and Duncan \xrih the lzdinhui'gh ()llitl'lt'l. l’leaxe \ee \uxn,xouiidthoiight.irilo

I YouthWorks Students’ Concert RS:\.\ll). l00 Reiilren Street. 332 5H5? ~lpllt. l'l'c‘c‘ lllckc‘lc‘tll. .-\ perloriiiance tr‘oiii the RS.-\.\l|) Youth\\'ork\ \Vrrid Orchestra. conducted h} .loliii Miller:

I Glasgow Chamber Choir: Voyage a Paris! St Mar) '\ l',pI\copal (Hilltc'tll‘dl. lllll (il’ettl \Vt'flc't‘tt Rittttl. l57 2.\’(r2. 7.30pm. U) (Uri. l'or' llllS )eai'\ autumn concert the choir \\ Ill he per'loi‘inrng Maurice |)ur'ulle\ Ri'i/ltli'lll. l’r‘ancrx l’oulenc\ l.l/tllll('\ (I It! lie/cc Nor/2* and .\lolet\ hour the l‘rench Baroque. ()oh la la'

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Belshazzar’s Feast Royrl ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. i53 S000. 7.30pm. (l0 £30. The oi'chexli‘a. RSM) ("horns and har‘itorte Roderick Williams [lc‘l‘litl'lll Walton‘s lr’r'lsliti.‘.'urs /’('(l\l. a \}rnphon_\ ol' llihlical prophec}. under the baton ol Richard llicko\. .'\l\o on the hill is lli‘itlen'x Sin/unit! i/ri Ix’i't/rii'i'm and

2‘ l J' I /i " C jg] E/f Classic Concerts


Sunday 16th December 2007 l 1.00pm 8. 3.00pm

Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh The Orchestra oi Scottish Opera

eariduclod and presented by Christoph

Edinburgh Box OllichwabB 2gp .3.


nu- Kr?” l 9 :\lb

smurfiéfi‘o l '\


_ nd party games - v . what a cracker at a concert

hr .~ .. » liclorr B

mung with the cm' www.childrensclassicconcerls. couk "

78 THE LIST 7:3 2:) Nox 200

\l.tlllct\ Rut kt I! limit I' “left t\ .i We conceit talk at 45pm l\_\ (‘hr‘rx l lltlt'HMNKl


I Scottish Opera: Seraglio l'c'\ll\.ll l‘heatre. l i 2" \lc‘illMtH Street. 52‘’ (r000 5 l5pin tel-l £55 l'ohiax lloherxel and linogen Kogge xtage a new production ot Mme/in. taking a lrexh look at one ol Mo/art'x illit\l e\tra\agant. intricate and einotne \c‘iitt‘\ Sung in lillgllxll.

I Edinburgh Bach Choir Sr (‘uthhert'x ('huich. 5 l otliiart Road. 223 ll55 " illpin {l2 it‘ll .\'er| Mantle cotiductx the \IllfJL'l'S in a iwrlorrnance ot Schubert's l)r'lll\i Ire .”('\\l'. llruckiicr'x ,lltiu \o 2 ml Hurt“! and (ialtrIehK .ltl/ll/illi' lli'il

I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (ire_\lr‘iar\ Kirk. (iii-)liraix Place. 225 Mill 2. illpiri. L” i945) (ierard lloheit) coiiduch .i pei'lor'iiiairce ol l’rokolie\ \ lieutenant A'i/r Siirrt. \rattinian'x Ir'rmr/rt't ('om (Ho and lchaikm \k\ \ Sim/thorn .Vo 5, l

I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra and Chorus .\lcli\\an llall. ltrrxto Square. 0.5” 2427. 7.30pm. {the Verdi's Requiem conducted ll} Rtlxxc‘ll (‘tl\\ It‘SUll tllltl chorus inaxter' linan Armstrong. 'l‘icketx li‘oin eriiiixpuhhcit} (H ginailcom

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir(‘anongate Kirk. I53 (’anongate. S l0piri. £7 it'5i. Religious lllll\lc' h} l’ur'cell. ll)rd. 'l'horpe. \Vood. (irreg and more hour the lllll\L‘l‘\ll_\ choir. 'l‘rcketx l'rorn euchamher'chirirw hotiriailcoin


I Concerto Auditions RS‘AMI). l00 Renlreu Street. 332 5057. l2.l5pm. l‘i‘ee (ticketed). Watch music \llltlt‘ltlx compete lor‘ the opportunit} to pei't'or‘rir a concerto \\ illr one ol the RSAMI) Youth\\'ork\ |)epartrnent\ orchestras.

I Yamaha Music School Sli(‘(‘. l‘irmiexton Qua). 0370 040 4000. 5.30pm. L'h'. 'l‘he lrighl} respected Yamaha Mrrxic School t‘c‘lltt'lh nith ke_\hoar‘d. guitar and \ocal students \ho\\ca\iiig their talents.

2:1 Cappella Nova: Strathclyde Motets St Andre“ '\ in the Square. St Andre“ 'x Square. 55‘) 5002. 7.30pm. L'l0 U250 i£7 £0.50i. See Thu 22.

I Grieg 100: Essential Grieg The Old l-‘ruitmarket. (‘andleriggx 353 3000. .S'pm. [l5 i£l2.50i. See Hi 23.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llttll. 37 h") (‘lc't‘k Street. 003 200). 2.30pm. £12025 Uli. Peter Hill introduce\ this pc‘t'ltll'lllzlllc‘t‘ ol Maxwell‘s Quarter for [lie liml of lime. cotttpoxed in NM) ulule he “as a prisoner ol nar. Maximiliano Martin (clarinet l. (‘ltt'ixtophet‘ (ieor‘ge l\ tolttt l. l)a\ id Watkiir lcellol and Peter Hill ipianoi l'orin the quartet.

I Glasgow Chamber Choir: Voyage a Paris! Sr (tilex' (‘atlrc-tlral. Ro}al Mile. 220 0075. hpm. l‘ree. See Sat 2-1.

Monday 26


I Music on Mondays: Scott Mitchell RSAMl). llll) Renl'ren Street. 332 5057. lprn. £3. The RSAMI) \lttll member commemorates the 70th birthda) ol American minimalist composer Philip (ilaxx in a programme olv his music lor solo piano.



I Scottish Opera: Seraglio Unwrapped l'exti\al l‘heatie. l; I" \lcitlullt \llc‘t‘l. 22" Ni)“ i‘l‘lll l'ree -\ behind the \cenex look at li‘l‘ldS llohem-I and Imogen Koggc\ xtaging ot .\«''io. “Inch 1\ currentlx touring around Scotland l‘ree \xrth .r ticket tor an\ [\‘itorrnancc ot the opera 5

Tuesday 27


I Edinburgh Quartet Reid (‘oucert llall. l'dinhurgh l‘nncixrty llrixto Square. (‘50 2-122 I lllpni l'ree \ prograiriine ot lleethmeii'x Qua/rd lll l U/rin /t\' \o ‘. Shoxtakoxich'x Quaint \o 2 and \\el\ern\ \ii litigate/ll \ hx the long e\tal\li\hed quartet

I Scottish Opera: Seraglio l-exinal lheatre. l l 2" .\ico|\oir Street. 52" Milli) 2 l5lllll {l-l LON \r‘t‘ Natl 2-l

I St Mary's Music School‘s Chamber Music Concert RS \\ll ). lllll Rt‘ltltc'“ .Sllt'k‘l. {l2 “liq l'r'ee l’upilx ot Scotland's \Pt'cldlhl lllll\lc \chool pla) llttt\lc including (‘orelli. l’urcell. Schubert. Mendelxwhn. Schurrunan. l‘lg‘dl. lhert. l’ia/olla. .\la\\\el| l)a\ie\ and a lllc'illt') ol traditional Scottish lllll\lc llc'ht‘lS hour ()I i] 538 7200 or oil the dool

Wednesday 28


I RSAMO Wind Orchestra l<S.-\.\ll ). I00 Reirlien Street. “2 505‘ 7 illpiir lg” il;5i. Bryan .‘\|len and .ltllllt'\ (ioriila) lead the orchextia in a piogiaiiiine ol lllllSIc lioin Rll\\ltt and Ital}. including lllll\lc‘ t'i'oiii Sti'ax lll\l\_\. Shoxtakox icli and Rexphigi.

' lllpin


I Scottish Opera: It Barbiere di Siviglia l'extnal l'heatic. ll 2‘) Nicolxon Street. 52‘) 0000 7 l5piir

U4 [50”. See l'll 2 l.

3:1 Exaudi (ireflrrarx Kirk. (ilt')lllttl\ Place. 225 l‘llN) 7 ~l5piri {Ill (Ur. schoolchildren ti‘eei. Mimcal treatx hour the e\citriig )oiing nen lltll\lL' L'll\t‘ll|l\lt' directed lt} Jatltcx \Veekx

Thursday 29


I BBC $80: The Romantic, the Revolutionary 8. the Rebel 2 (‘rn llttll\. ('andleriggx. ‘53 8000 7. illprn, U) £2l.50. (’hrixtoph Konig critttltlclx plttllhl Nelson (ioer'ner in ltrahnix‘ l’iiiiiu ('mri'erro No / III I) IlllIlUI'. llai‘tok‘x Dance Surte and Heelhoxen'x Suzi/rhino .Vu 2. With a pre~concert talk at ().45pirr h} Simon Lord and Rachel liecklex \Villxon and a post concert coda h). (ioerner'.

I Edinburgh University Composer’s Orchestra Reid (‘oircert llall. lidinhtirgh l'nnerxit}. llt‘hlt) Square. 050 2427. 7_ illprn. l'ree ltlttllttllttlhl, .-\ \L'lL'L'llUll ol nen llltt\lC. including L'lllltptlxllltllh h} \tttdetltx. lilllilll \.l.parr'} (u \irix_c~tl.;ic.iik lot more iiilo.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rinal ('oricert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. ‘53 X000. 7,10pin. U0 £30. The legendary itL‘L'HrtllUlllSl l’hil (‘unrrrrrgharn and liddler Al} Harri present Phil and Al} "x RSNU ('erlidh. nrth the promise ol traditional Scottiin \(itigS. \[K‘L‘litl guests and a reall} good part).


I Scottish Opera: Seraglio l'extnal 'l'heatre. l3 2‘) Nicolson Street. 52‘) (>000. 7.l5prri. £14 1.58. See Sat 24. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's Hall. X7 8‘) ('Ierk Street. 063 201‘). 7.30pm. £8 £45. Kenneth Montgomery conducts SUsan (iritton. ('hristirie Rice. lexiyn Danes. Joshua lillicot. l)a\ id Wilson—Johnson and the S('() (‘horus in a performance ol Handel's 'I‘lrmtluru. written late in his composing career.