

flatshare cont.

I‘:‘ ('.I I Room available in :- » l’.

1" .‘ u Wu. M. I Nice smallish but .. ~ :. 'nm' I " Il'_'.:' ll'."yv t ‘i "-(|-' f\I:. If ".nIIqI 'lI*I\‘~'.‘ I As flatmate is ~r: \ttlyr; .; I maxi .: "

I Large double room

I Looking for double :7. T..:7 nth“: IIicIfl‘. ..:T‘ "'\ ' III'JI. \ZIIJ Ill..,\,. I.IIII.. \In.I?\l:.1.‘q 3.1.2: I t:.':..ii‘. .\ \uul.IIllc It}; "

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V I Saw You I l'lclltII} II'I\II

I Single room available -

I Double bedroom in Rm: (ll ll \\III thin :..I l .\ 'vix .- I. I Murrayfield. Large double :nnt‘. .9..;:I.;"..' III”

“I If" szll'. I..t:.:\I;.‘.I.\ .III II ‘-.:\I.l I.....IIII

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V I Saw You Ix’ltIInItI \\.' llth IllIIIIlIt'x .II‘.llI .lIIII ll.~\.'l tlnxth lelle IIII‘II \\c Illccl III .I I.l\l III I lllIM'I‘llIL' I III..‘ lII.lI I H IIII' I\ll\".\ III'\‘. III.‘ III.- t'II.lIl;.'llI§.' I‘I.III\ ;'n I\'\ I “II II

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Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more. the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses. so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.

Gotowwmflstmukuidclickon ‘flatshare'atthetopofthepage You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent.numberofotheroccupantsandtypeofpersonsought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be laced using our online booking service. For admin stration purposes, advertisers must suppl their full name and address (NOT for publication). he Flatshare service is for eople seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will e acce ted for publication in his section. Adverts for rent ng a whole flat must be laced in our 'Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It is compan policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of enslve or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat. or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

' THE LIST 101