Around Town

Exporting Highland Music Inc 1 lk‘t. \.IIIHII.II l.Il‘I.IIj~ HI \cHlIdIIII (icorgc l\' lllli gc. (Ci “~15 IIIIII I Icc \lh condor \IIIIIII llm'lnnc lolloux Ihc Inllllli‘} llIglI|.Ind IIIINc Inddc IIIIongh Il\ long lll\lHl’} ol II.I\cIIIIIg lIIc world and le HInI ll.lIllllHlI\ llc \kIlI Itwl. .II

IHIII ZIIIII ccnInI} IIIll\Ic [Illl‘llc.IIlHll\. \onnd fL'LHlIlllIfJ\ .Ind [IL‘IIHIIIIIIIKL‘ lll\lHl} Hookup: cxxcnlml

Artists’ DlY Soapbox \II \ IIcc. ('HIIL'LIIH' {LINN}. 3: :5 ( Ht l.I‘llllI \Iiccl. 33H IZNI h \IIIII IIcc (‘oIIIc .Ilong .Ind lind onI ‘u.II.II\ :onII: on .n IIIc ginxxioon llI \colldnd. .Ind hc Ill\[‘llt'il I\_\ \oInc oI IIIc \HIIIIII} K ncucxl \cnhncw ll _\oII'\c go! .I [‘lHIt‘tl _\ond IIlcc Io IIIoInoIc IoI Icn lllllllllt'\. coIII.IcI lcnxlcnhoxh “1 coIIchIwngIcI} III‘I oI c.dI III \I 33o Ijno

Curating Eardley \Ion III Du .\'.IIIon;II (Milt-r} ol \colldnd ll.‘I\\IlII|lllIIL‘lI l chIII'c lIIc.IIIc. lIIc \Ionnd. (II-I (LINN I3 I5pIn I Icc l-Ion.I l’mi'xon. ScnIoI (‘nmIoI .II IlIc ( Lilli-I} ol .\Iodcin \I‘I. [llt'\L'lll\ IIIc IindIngx ol IIcI chcnIcII IoI IIIc lundlc} mlnlnhon Christmas lecture: An Affectionate Portrait of the Royal Museum Inc I I l)cc. .\;IIIon.II \IIIxcnnI ol Scollnnd. (‘II.IInth\ Stu-cl. 3-1“ 4-133 “Inn L5 IL-I. IIIL'IIIIK'H lIch _loIn (icoll Smnnc}. \xlioxc Iiohh} l\ chcni'clnng IIIc III\II|llc.II gcogI'ann ol IIIc lllll\L'lllII. III .In c\pIoI;IIIon ol l5ll _\c.II\ oI le III\IHI'_\

Wor shops

Bits and Pieces, People and Places I IN 3‘) .\'o\. \nIIonnl (LIIIcI') ol ScollgInd: ('IoI'c Izdncnlion ('cnII'c. 'l IIc .\Ionnd. (II-I (CHI). tI. illnin -l, illpin, I'Icc‘ l‘Hlll \xcck coIIIxc, l-.\p|oIc IIIc .login l'..II‘d|c) c\|IIlnIIon loI' Inxpngillon. IIIcII cicnlc )onI o\\n \xork Inixcd on ll},'lllt'\. Inndxcnpc and collngc. l cd I\_\ ;IIII\I I);IIIII;III (';III;III. \\llll illl III;IICII;II\ \npplch. .'\d\nncc hooking I‘cqnncd Scottish Traditions of Dance Trust Sun 2 “cc. \gIIIonnI .\In\cnin ol Scotland: ll;I\\IIIoI'ndcn (‘oan 3 ('Iignnhci‘x Slit-cl. 3.17 III) |.-l5pIn t\ 2.-l5pIII. I'I'co IinIo_\ IIIc \oIIIId\ :Ind \pt‘c'lélt‘lt‘ Hi ;I \zll‘lt‘l} l‘l SCUIIHII II';IdIIIon;I| d;Incc\.

Drummers Do Sun I l)cc. 'I‘IIc .lill/ Hm. I ('ILIIIII‘ci‘x SIch. 33” JJ‘IN. 2pm, l'I‘cc. l‘czilurlng \L‘\\lllll\ h_\ Iocnl dI'nIIInIcI‘x. ()«kA \L‘\\IIIII\. chnm and lt‘L‘llllIUII inl\ IL'L‘.

SMG Ceilidh Dance Class \Vcdncxd;I_\\. llI'nnlslicld l’I'nnnI‘} School. I2 .\lonIpc|Icr. IlI'IInlxlicld. 53" 5-142.

7 “pin. U lt-ll. lnIoI‘Ingil dnncc cI;I\\c\. IIU L‘\|X‘I'IL‘IIL‘L‘ llL't'CWiII‘} l\\ L‘gll' I-Idl L'UIIIIUI‘IJIWIL' \llllL‘\l.

Shoe Swing \Vcdncxdu} \. (‘onnIIng llonw. \Vc\l \Icolmn SII'ch. NI“ “Nah, H.5(l \IIIglcx L'h’ conplcx It: \ik'lill dancing onI_\ It .-\ \\\ Ing duncc \on‘kxIIop run In Iidinhop c\cI‘_\ \Vcdncxdn) nigln. 'I‘IIloI'cd clqucx lI'onI "pin and \ocIuI dancing lI'oIn ‘IpIn fining d;Inch'\. IInd_\ IIoppcI'x and |I\L‘l'\ oI ;III pcI\II.I\Ion\ \cI'} \\ t'lt‘lllllt‘i \U llCL‘tl In hook. .‘Illd )iill don'l c\cn II.I\ c lo II;I\ c :I pnI'IncI‘. Contemporary Ballet Class l‘ndu} x ()uI ()l 'l‘lIc lllnc I)I'III II;III. ill-3m lhlmcn} SII‘ch. chIII. 555 “Hill (MIL Spin. [5. High cncrg} drop III ImlIcI claw \\ IIII IIIc CIIIPII;I\I\ on coI‘c \ldl‘llll}. I'clcnxc. \ll\[‘t‘ll\l0ll. Inuxicaln) .Ind IIIc LIIWI'Ic ol' \pgicc. l‘Ul' InIcI'InchuIc Io pl‘Ult‘lelldlvIL‘\L‘I tldllct‘l‘x

Frosty Mornings: Watercolour Christmas Cards ~\‘un ‘I IIcc l..llll'l\lUll (KNIc. In (‘I'nInond Road South. 53" 30M. III;IIn--3.3IlpIn. {'15. I’.IInI _\Ulll' o\\n (‘III'ixlnIax curdx \\ IIII .I IIIIIc Inxpirunon I'I'oIn llIc ;II'cIII\c collccnon oI I.;nII‘i\Ion photographx. Sinlahlc IoI' Iwginncrx.



28 THE LIST Qt) \.‘. '8 1‘0



Aotrnhos and I' is

Glasgow on Ice ( icwrz'c \ddizg. m " jIxI “will I‘LIIII IIII‘III 1‘ 5"

:2 Lo-

\ c II.IIIcc Io pcIIch _.~1:: IIIIoIIcIch 'Hl in It”.le Icl .»I III; «III- (icoIgc Squawk opcn .III Itc' Inn. Ichirnx IoI .InoIIIcI )caI .ltcl'lIII‘JIIIk'xI IV. non «my

Keeping Christmas at Pollok House l’oIIoL llonxc, l’oII~vl\( HIIIIII‘. link. IIWI l’oIIoLxIIdxax Rind. ox :1 Ni 33”: “ton 5pm :1 :LI IIIIch IX IIc'C‘ \ IIIIgc ( .IIIl\llIl.I\ chcIndIIon. \I. IIII IIIc “lllllk' llHlI\t' \Ik‘cHIdlt'iI II'l Illk' It‘\l|‘.t' \t‘.l\UlI. Cdt'll IIIIIIII III .I IIIIIL‘I‘CIII \I} IV IIIcIc \\Ill hc .I IlllIIIIlIL' l‘l‘t'.llxl.l\l, u. llllc'l \[Iole IIIII \KIIII IIIc l’ollol chd§ Iii-cox and \II\ ( ‘I.In\ \klll IIc IIIcIc Io Inch Ilh' cInldIcn IIIc lL-\l.llllillll \‘.III .ll\|‘ Ix'

\CH In: .I IIIIgc I.In§.'c oI Inhxc an Hook call} loI ('IIII\IIII.I\ Inc.d\ [135'

Santa Ski 8. Board Challenge \nn ‘* llcc. \xcdpc llI.IcIIc.Id. KIII}‘\ IncII l\’I'.I\I. llI'nclchd. Ilhfll 333 5h": III.IIII noon A I -IpIn L'III . lllllllllllllll \ponwnhn‘ ol

l_ I 3“ I L5 ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIII \I‘Illlvlhlllll ol

Lilli \\ II.II IIIK'\ hdllld «III (III lllk' Ullli'l ihl \I.l_\\ ol IIIc _\c.II '\\ II}. IIc \ka IoI cIInIII} oI comm: SkIch .IIId \IIH\\I‘HIIHICI\ .nc In\ Ilcd Io I.Il\c IMII In .I \l‘llll\lllt'tl 5km 1:5 IIIII\ HI lllL' \IUIK'I dounlnll cxcnl. \IIL'\\CII .l\ S.IIII.I. on Ic.II \noxx .II IIIc ncu .\'\( )'/onc \Iopc .II .\\c.Ipc II\ .III loI \loIncnIInn. IIIc \t'IIIlhll dImInIII} chunly .Ind \.IIII.I \llll\


under one festive umbrella. the secularIy-named Winterfest Glasgow. The main action happens at either end of Queen Street, with Glasgow on Ice (pictured) taking over the already lit up George Square, and the snow-laden houses and sausage-sniffing goodness of the German Market taking over St Enoch's Square.

I 3:: ;_ < x I -' - - -

’\ 'I\\.7\ I\\. c c ~II" u It: Christmas at The Hill House I r: Ilcc. I'1_'III7'II~~1I\\‘ I ( Ho‘sz ~11” \Ircq' Ilulc'nlmrih "‘3; 1"; ‘FW II.:II. ; WI‘III dwr‘..:!;w't\ \'I"“ (IIszIrrim can! on II.dII::' .1 t'h:\:c.:T ;‘\‘III‘IY1I.LYI\\‘ IYHIII III; Hairdo):

\cadcnxj. \canI (IIoIaH Itotr Icanowrr‘ .IIIII 3111 \IIopIHIIy HI‘I‘I‘IIILYIIIMN Linthouse Urban Village Christmas Market \;I Ilsa I‘m-rec? linl .-II (“min Ix’Imd. I'LIIII ipnt Irv; \II\.1H\I

\ I‘III\ \i.iil\.(-IIII\IIII.1\ \.‘.I\l\. I\I\\_ I‘IuIlw .Ind IIlUIc' IIII'Ic \KIII hc IIIIc-x III \.IIII.:K \IcI:'II IIoIII I I.IIII II‘III .III\I Inx -'I-~II.| uIII hc I‘I‘t‘ll IIIIIII lI‘III (.IIIc.IIli!C\ .thI Inc; InIIIIIIIIjk xxIII Iv .I‘~.1II.II‘I\' IIIIIIIIL'III'III IIIc II.I_\ II will ‘~‘-.IIII In \c I junn .I'.~.I: ;‘II'\III\I\. t'IIIiIII


German Christmas Market \I | noc h \illl.ll\" .‘HI “NIH I II|«{\ Ihc InNIc ‘Ill\l l‘lhllk'I‘I.1‘_'\'IIII|II\‘(l\'lII!.IlI(‘IIII\IIII.I\ llI.:Il\\‘l \‘-|III cIleoIIIdI} Iood .lllil dIInk Io mmplc .Ind \I.III\ Inn kcd IlIII III Io\ \ .IIId “.‘Ill\


Actmllos a; Iw.'<‘,‘-IIts Edinburgh’s Christmas l’xmm \lIch (i.ll\l\'ll\. III.IIII Illi‘lll IxxInchx IIgIIIx l‘l‘.’

2007 is the first year that Glasgow has consolidated all of its wintry activities


ll." \ \ ii| \ \\\ \.i \l“‘

M 'c‘lc (I c \ II‘I‘. I'

u i ::‘;‘\ \ c x i' ‘It

‘.' *‘l \ilt ' " ’\ \\l“ \ I" I'II.. \\ttc'c"(x ‘c \ InI 'lI'IIcI

do. n writ .x‘wx‘pc II' o c' I ‘ZI." \

‘.I.'.\ \I""“ ‘.;\ cw,

Winter Wonderland Ice Rink I‘Inn

\truc: (whims I .le l":II\c\ \IIt'cI

:".'.III 7.";‘::I t,\ '1‘ I.I:'I1I‘. IIch‘I 2 1“ \i..:Ic‘i’I1'c"_7I (Illilc Illci' .I".~'\'1 «II l.:II iris .: indifin Imus Iii?! \‘Illit'l .I..:\ on III; fit"? :11» \c' I'M-ms. I llIZII‘IilUlli .Ixilg ‘I :In‘u.1::II371II'I.:fHazinIcwI'IIchIv

(IIIleIIIm Inn

Nativity Carol Service \:III I‘ llcc \\\‘\I I".IIcc\ \‘Ich I l.‘.I\I\'II\ 1pm I Icc lilllll‘lll ‘II c Inn “A \ oIIIc II".'\'III\‘I IoI IIIc I‘It'\\|'l" wI 'IIc I :I\ ccnlrc II.III\ xx


Nativity Carol Scene \Im III-c \\\'\I I’IIIIcc'x \IIc'cI ( I.II\lc'II\ I lhu \.Ii|\II\ \cnc. “mini III UNI; In .llII\I lI:II( II.IIl\ wl( Indlc \\Hllc\ .lllil \I‘III'III\\II"‘.C\I I\\ \II IoIII .l|!\l I .IiIx l.IIIIIcI. I\ on '. awn. ili‘.‘.IlI oqu Ilh‘ hum; [K'IIIHI

Christmas on The Closes hum \.II \ llcc IIIc lx’c.d \I.II\ l\lII'.' \ ( ’onc. .‘ \\.IIII\IIIII\ ( low. lllt‘II \IIch II\ 'Il,‘ IN! Hill () ‘IIIIII L.\ ‘lIIUII I IIhI HlII \KII.II .l II.IdIIIoII.I| ('IIIleIIIm would Imu- IIccn IIlcc on IIIc I «Illllllllt'll \ Imcx IzoIn IIIc I‘IIHx WIN!» .IIId uln lIngIII.III.I\ l\ \o IIIII‘HII.IIII IIII\ \Idc ol Ilh‘ l‘lIlIlI'l. .Ind cIIIo_\ ‘I Ic\II\c IIIIInc Inc

The Holly and the Ivy - 3 Guided Walk \.II \ l)k'\, lx’omI liI‘IJIle (Llltlt‘ll IIcIIIIIcI.IIc I’.IIIII llonxcl. ln\cIIcIIII lx’oxx, SIN _“H' I I.IIII ll Inim .I \c.IwII.II \‘..lll\ .IIoIIIId IIIc lloIdIIIc (l.ll\l\'ll\ ulnlc |c.IIInII:' .Il‘HlIl III.IIII\ ol IlIlt'It'\I IoIII

nn Indc\ cnII} Io IIIc ( il.l\\lll‘ll\t"~ Christmas Concerts \Im ‘I In \illlillldl \Inchnn oI \ollhId lI.I\\IIIoIIIchI ( 'oIIII. .7 ( ‘II.IIIIIIcI\ \IIccl. 5-1” 1-13.? I -l5pIII. .7 15pm I\‘ 15pm lIcc llc.II Ic\II\c IIIIch [\cIloInch In Ill\‘.ll \‘llllll\

Christmas Ghost Tour at the Library Inc II llcc \.IIIoII.II I IIII.II_\ ol \culldlnl. (icIIII'c l\ llIIdjflc. (I); “15

.\ I5IIIII I Icc loin oIIIcI III.I\c \onl\ Io dcl‘. c IIIIo IIIc dinka \It'llllh ol ( icoIgc I\ llIIdgc \ \t'.I\Hll.lI IoIII \Kllll I.IIc\ oI \I.lll\ \Ik‘i‘il\ .lllil \ IU\L'I_\ i'll.IIIII'il Illll.ll\ \chch l’I.uc\ \IIIcII\ IIIIIIch


Traditional German Christmas Market \Ionnd \tllldlk', HII l’llllmW \IIch.-1“i iNIH Ill.IIII HpIn lIcc \ Lingc oI II.IdIIIon.II (icinmn cI.III\. Imx. loud and dIInlc Io gcl win In IllI' chnxc \I‘ll’ll

Highland Village Christmas Market I’IIIIcc\ \IIch (I.llllk'll\ I IN. l’llllck'\ \IIch. IIMIII \lnn lIcc \ lllL'IIl.IlI\I \lll.lf_‘L’\I}Ik'lll.1ll\c'l\‘IIIIIi'IHI‘HlIllk‘ I.Inj_'c Iood. dIIIIL. cIoIIIIn-J .Ind chu'llcu IIoIII .III H\L'I \coIIdnd

Portobello Arts and Crafts Market \II |)t'\ l’HIIIIIM'IIH

('oInIIIIIIIII} ('cIIIIc. I \chIIIII (now. I’III‘IIIIu-IIII. Nil) \3“5 I ill 5 {Ilium 5llp llllL'L‘ \cIchIon oI II.xndIII.Idc ( Inixlnmx ‘L'lllltllx‘\

Edinburgh’s Ethical Christmas Fayre \\ L‘II < llcc. ( -.I\IIL' \Ilct‘l.

I I.IIII 5pm LI (lac-I 3H cIInc‘II .znd l.Ill llille‘ IcI.IIIcI\ ~_'.IIIIcI III .I IIII-_'c Ingnqncc HII (I.I\Ilt' \IIL'L‘I IH 'Illk'l )«Hl (illllxlllI.I\

I‘Icwnlx v. III] .1 Ullhclt'lltk‘


Precious Little Christmas Things l‘Il q l)cc. l..IIII‘I\IHII ('.I\llc. 3.1 (.I’nIIIHIId Rlldkl \oIIIII. 53‘) 3W): 1‘) Winn Winn, t. l 2 \tlkl .I Pt.l\llllill lHIlcll III Illh ('IIII\IIII.I\ h} III.Il.In-_' ('III'I\IIII.‘I\ cnIdx. :III Legx IIIIIc How and '-‘-I.I[)[IIII‘_' Imps: (I'll’c'C .Ind II.I.'IcL' Inn Inclndcd