Audio Bullys

A touch of class

David Pollock checks out Cabaret Voltaire’s new Clubbing experience as The Speakeasy launches at Sugabeat

hen The List yisited (‘aharet Voltaire there

were two—and-a—hali weeks to go until the

opening night of the Speakeasy the

(‘ah's rey'olutionary new second floor ~ and

rel'urhishment work was huilding to a frantic pace.

.-\s tools were downed tor the day. the ('ah‘s

manager Sarah I)ayid showed its around the space.

situated in one of the many old yaults on Blair

Street where the secondary y'enue will he situated.

and the grand plans she has for it can he seen starting to emerge from the timher and tile dust.

()nce complete. the Speakeasy won‘t he so much

an extra cluhhing area as a whole different way of

experiencing your night out. While the party" goes on downstairs in the main cluh. the new space will offer sunken seating and tahle drinks scry'icc. with plasma screens around the walls presenting a liy‘e t‘eed ol‘ the night's DJs and liye acts. There will also he a small stage to accommodate intimate acoustic gigs earlier in the eyening. while street ley‘el access means it can he hired out for priyate l'unctions.

‘As people get to a certain age they don't suddenly stop liking underground tnusic and go off to listen to \Vestlil‘e.‘ says Dayid. 'They jtist require something extra from a night out: seats. heing ahle to hear the conyersation. and heing ahle to get a drink with your friends. So you can hook a tahle here at no cost and get all that. hut you can still see and hear the club or eyen head down to the main

dancelloor knowing you'll still hay'e a seat on your

return. and he a part of the scene. ‘Lots ol‘ cluhhers don‘t like haying to queue sey'en

32 THE LIST :9 Wu '3 Dee

deep at a har. and speaking lrottt personal experience when girls can allord nice shoes they don‘t want to he on their l'eet all night. ()l' course the

Speakeasy's lor eyeryonc. hut it helps older

cluhhcrs come tor a night ottt and not leel alienated.‘

I)a\id and her partner 'I‘im \lakiit working tirelesst on the redeyelopmenl since June

haye hcett looking to expand the (uh since they took oyer almost three years ago. Yet. the Speakettsy\ l'ormat only came to her when she was in the (‘ity ('ale with a grottp ol l'rtends. who were all pttt off going to the ('ah come lattt hy 'the queue down the street. the packed stttokittg area. and the steam rising l‘rom the cluh‘. Where any popular. good quality eluh might hecome a y ictim ol' its own success in a similar lashiott. the Speakeasy seems like an attempt to raise expectations ol' what can he achieyed within the nightcluh lormat.

‘.\Iost underground cluhs are yery much spit‘n‘sawdttst.~ says I)a\id. 'I'nl'ot'tunately it's now the norm that people are iust packed in. So w e're trying to oil-er a hit ol exclttsiyily. httt without the pretension.‘

’I‘hc (‘ah's motto is 'Iireaking Boundaries tn Mttsic'. and the Speakeasy should proy e they‘re doing so mttch more than that.

w ho has heett

The Speakeasy will open its doors at Sugarbeat Club, with Audio Bullys (live) and a DJ set from Stereo MCs, Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Fri 30 Nov.

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Ivy Birthday Weekender

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