
‘llltltlk"l L"~L'Hl to eelehrate the ninth l‘tt'lhlal Hl tillt' til (ll.l\‘_'t"-‘~ \ eltll‘l‘lll: llt\’;7llllt'll\ \Mth lauieiit (LillllL‘l. \lani title t, littlt \litltlleloti. \alliatt l.1l.e'lt‘~et. lxll"\PilLC ‘ll‘-t". Hill} \mt}. Jainie lone» l’ete} \ .llltl l).t‘.e \llll\ eiontling the \lk'kit\ lllllll the wee llttllh \ee ptexiew page 4*

I Radar .il lllL' \\lNltl\ltlL' \«tt l.ll

1') input iain :4 a l)et ‘Ith linthtla} tor the tethno klllll With a like \et trout \tiek lit) .unl tlIL'llal \I\ll.ll\ trout Murine“

( lt‘.tlltlll\

I SIN at \otiiitlli.tti\ \Ian ;ant to '5». RH \m (ilaxgov. '\ tt'.tl lllkh .llltl tiietal

t luh night nith lL‘\l\lk'lll l).l\ ()u/A .llltl Kenn} ('unetit autl elaxxn rm k. tnetal. .tlteinatne .lllll trimmer \tlllll\l\ pattetl \'.llll tit'Jlll ntetal. hlatk tnetal. gnntltore .unl llt'll|\ll llt'ht' “1thltxehantld'utle ot l)l.tlll\, llellhouxe .llltl \lha (iu llrath. I Spiced at Hm ltipnt hm L" L" W \ll'. \loigan\ Spieetl hnng their tiaxelling lt!.ltl\lltl\\ to \totlantl \Hlll a ll\L' \el ol eleetio lioni llt‘\\l.llle t\iitt.t 'lunet [lllh .\l'.\l'\ lztltl} 'lentple \lttllh antl llugg} on the tleekx .llltl a \attel} ot \xeirtl .tlltl \wiitlertul eneulating pertonnerx

I Toxic Pop at liainhoo lllpiu lain, £5 \\eekl} (ieott .\l and ('t'aig l,.t\\\ pla} qualit} liouxe llllhlt‘ plux thi and hip hop horn (iann Sonunerulle Roek antl llltllt' \xrth eleetro ltorn Sme Ill the lounge

I Vacuum at Studio \Vaiehouxe.

ltlpin ~l.tl|l. L'the. it) .\'o\, ()liurnx antl ,\l\\ll'.l\'l .\le\\age |Hlll resitlent \loogrooxe tor the lll\l \aeuuin in II\ ne\\ permanent home. \'ee pie\ ten. page W. I Vibrations .tt ('Iame (irantl,

llptti iani. Until). \\eekl} l).l .\ltngo- (io tl)eatli l)l\\‘tH plux (‘axio t:\enal\i at llll\ neu eleetronte tlanee lllll\lL' night.

I Vice at the ('atliouxe llptii Rant. (5 tLit, \Veekl}. H] Martin liatex t.\l-\lt llti\l\ .tii llltllL' roek part} on leer tno \\llll tunex oltl and tie“. lroni .\retie .\lonke'\\ lU [t'l‘llt'llll

I XXI. at (‘nh ltlpin .ittlll. til i, \\eek|_\. lle\k_\ antl liig .'\l pla). hip ltop. tl.’uieehall and grime \\llll Ra} \Vootlx pl.t_\ltlg Ultl \kool L‘lawlt‘x.

Glasgow Saturdays


I The Beat Club Saturdays at the lieat ('luh. | Ipni .iani. l‘ree helore tnnltught; £5 alter. \Veekl}. In the Beat Rtmlll lirian .\le(iill play the hext iii llltllt'. eleetro. roek. antl e\er"\tliing in- hetxxeen. In the l)uple\ liar l)l\ Ke\ Stewih and ('raig tReeon l’rttreetx/Mttogroo\eI “I” he pla_\tng the hext Ill ttitik. alro heat and |;t//.

I Brother for a Day at (‘arnnal .-\t't\ (‘entre ‘lpnt Jam. 9;" tfit. 1 Dee. Diane litt‘l [‘lt'\t‘lll\ llllx l‘L‘llL‘lil litt' lll\'/.»\ll).\‘ ehant} the lert'enee lligginx 'l‘ruxt Seotlantl. See l.(ili'l~ panel. page (ill.

I Canvas Club at .-\rta. lllpni iatn. £5 tll'L‘Cl. \VL‘L'lxl). See ill.

I Club Antics at Bull}. l lptii Rant. £5 ttlli. \Veekl}. .\'e\\ Saturtla) iiigltt rexitlene}. \er\ trig tip a tleleetahl) uitpretlietahle nu\ ot llltllk'. ptittk. eleetro and eult elaxxiex tlexignetl to get )ou tlaneuig,

Club Noir: Smoke and Mirrors at ('arling .-\e.ttleni} (ilaxgow ‘lpin 3am. {l2 it‘ll. 1 Dee. .\l.tgie. Clldl‘llh and glamour tor tlte \\ itehing lltlllh. l’rotexxional hurlexque aet~ \\ ill entree }t\ti into the textne \eaxon \\llll hegtiiling .llltl enehanung pert'ortnanee» liarl} hooking t'eeonintentletl. ~\‘ee \\ \x \\ .eluhnoitteouk tor the“ eotle: the“ tip and ea\t or! _\our lllllll‘llltllh.

I Decodance at (tame (Brand,

llpiii Rant. £8. \Veekl}. .\'e\\ \xeekl) houxe night.

I Divine at the (ilaxgon Seliool ol .-\t‘t. llpiii 3am. £4 tifit. l l)ee. (ila\go\\\ longext-runiung elul‘ rexitlene} prexentx a unique blend ot' \oul. tunk. \ka and px) eh tlug tleep from the Do me \ountl arehnex \Vith \peeial |i\ e guextx. 'l‘he lin e .-\ee\. I Freetall at the .-\rche\. ltlpni 5am. L'the. 3 Dee. .\ \er} tine. popular night of hard houxe and tranee “llll rC\llelll\

\itnon lo} and \lan liehllaxk, mil: guextx latl} Dana. (\l} antl l'lla. .uttl \latk \het’t‘}

I Glamorama at “who it lupin 1am LN \\eekl_\ Rexulent l.1l. Rieh pla}~ a llll\ oi Hm hou~e. \(l\ eltl\\l\\. Rtkli .llltl hig than \oitgx tor _\our [‘lL‘.t\tllC

I I Love the Garage Saturdays at the (iatage l” Wth 1am 1‘ H5. \\eekl} linan .\le.\la\tet pla_\\ all _\out l.t\tttll'llL‘ elawiex iti tlte main hall \kllllL' Kenn} soarx through .tllL'rllalH e llltllk' and retro el.t\\lL'\ til the -\ttte

Ivy Birthday Weekender at the l‘~,\ ()l‘lli Iain l'tee l “Ct (.t'lt'l‘ldllll: a war in (ilaxgou eluhlantl. \kllll l‘reaktuenom erx. lionin \loiik Ben and Jatkniaxter. See ptex text. page W I Kaput at the iilllti tl‘ntlerneath llte .-\tlnurali, llptii .iaiu. U 1 Dee Roekahill}. roek'n'roll. kraut roek .lllkl all thing\ p\'\ehe trout Kitl 'luixt .tlltl tlte ho} \.

I Karbon Saturdays at Kaihon lthlpni iani. LN (UH. \\'eekl_\ Rxli. hip hop and \oultul tunk trout llll\ night at the tie“ en} eentre \enue.

I Miso at the l\_\, 3.30pm iani L5 5 Dee. :\ qualit} night ot eeleelie eleetroniea \\ tlli Rtih llall Ilieatl ol .\lanehe\tet‘ lahel Skatnt. (ilaxgou \ l)irt_\ litixpllill l)J\ tStex en .llltl .lolin lront Bixi and \Varp Reeorth anunator Kon\-()ni—l’a\.

I The Mix Element at Strathehtte Studentx‘ l'nion. ltlpnt .iani. £3. \Veekl). (ilaxgoxx \ lirxt e\ er \llltlL'lll .’\\ian niuxie night. an eeleetie nu\ ot hltangra. hip hop. lioll_\uootl and Rtkli \xith l).|\ liohh} ll and .la} Jagpal. and Shantl}.

I Nu Skool at the Bull (‘luh Illitlpiii .iaiu. Ui. \Veekl}. .\'iek l’eaeoek. ('raig 'l'honipxon. .lohn Row and .-\le\. pro\ itling a liite line iii tlixeo. northern \oul and all thingx lunk}.

Off the Record at Stilllltllllllh. Ilpni Jain. {liltfhl l l)ee. ()‘l‘R L‘t‘lL‘l‘rulL' IllL‘ll' lll'lli )L‘at' Lllllltl\l lllL‘ gruelling (ilaxgon eluh \eene \tith minimal teehno \etx troni 3 ('hannelx tl)trt}hiitl. 'l‘rapel. ('roxxtou ti Rehelxt. I)K & Solar \\ ()rxan Kart tli\ei. .\lr ('op} tlixei. l :\lll Blip tlnei ek .-\nitna| l‘arnt Mk.

I Ourhaus at the H) itig l)uek.

ltlpin .iain. U). l l)ee. Saturtla} night indie \Ullllti\ at (ilaxgtm \ lllthl genial

I Salsa at (‘laxxie (hand. I lpiii 3am. £5. \Veekl). liaeh antl e\er} Saturda) night leaturing The Latin Kolleetix e and 'ltunhao. li\plo\i\e l.atin heat\ and mute til lllL‘ llUllL'\l tl;tllL‘L‘t‘\ around.

I Saturdays at the (‘athouxe

10.30pm 3am. to 1H). \Veekl). l)J\ line ot't'erx elaxxie and eurrent roek. glam. metal. tunk nietal. goth and hreak heatx \xliile D] Hill) heltx otit hix regular hlentl ol hip hop. neu metal. alternatn e roek and intluxtrial. l Dee ix the ('atliouxe\ 17th hirthtla) part}. and there \\ ill he pri/ex and gixeauan oti the night.

I Screwloose at the (illiNgtHK Sehool ol .-\t‘t. llpm 3am. £4 tfil l. 1 Dee. lileetro tiiglit. leaturing guextx l)l.\l tli\et. l‘eli\ (’artal. l ant Blip tli\et. \tith \l\ll;ll\ h} l)oor\litllp;tlllk.

I Shhh at Seeret location \onien here in (llaxgoxt. L'the. l l)ee. Sonn} .\lar\ello p|a_\ at an untlixelosetl location. (heck out \\\\\\.lll) \paee.ettin/\hhhtughtx

I Subculture at the Sub ('luh.

llpni 3am. £8 before midnight; L’ltl alter. \Veekl}. llarri and l)oniente'\ extahlixhetl ltouxe iiNitutton eonttnuex to reign \uprenie.

I Super Saturdays at liur} .\lurr_\ \. llptn 3am. £51£4i.\\'eekl_\. l)J Mark} I) pla_\\ chart and eheexe dlltl RekB.

I Superfly at “mantle Social (‘luh Itlpnivlain. £5. l Dee. Dunean and Ian pro\ tde a meltering llll\ ol llllhlc and ma} hem. rolling together a ehoiee blend of meet \oul. \e\_\ ;i\\CLl funk. (ilk

px) ehe roek. hip hop. poxt punk and neu releaxex.

I Nisted & Brainfire Vs Impact at Sountlhaus. ltlpmr-iani. ill). 8 Dee. Hardcore lCL‘llllO. gahha and hard \I) lC

tron. \l.::tu l e \l.:ltl‘. l mute . .. ll iatite . \ltke llretl Re;‘l‘.I.'\ and :n.::‘\

I United ‘Colours‘ of America .z: the \iehex lt'pzn Kain :t'tx l lieu \nothet huge ( ’olouh e\tt.;\.:~_'.t:i/.: xx :tl‘t .1 might} imtei «it hi; train; \petial guexh llu~ tune it\ illeep l‘lt'nlll‘ l\'«“_'e2 \autheL latthl-ev' \hle'f lilin. an e\elu\t\e lll vet lion: ltixt laek lhe ('uhau lilt'lll‘t'lx lon \lattenu. .l.tlll.t. \ann (tee. (noxatnu l etn, l.1ttttel\’etll} and (itaeine \t‘tt‘h

I Utter Gutter at the ( il.t\;'i"~\ \ hoot ot \it llpiit Kurt :lt'vu ( i\ \ \tutlentw \ l)e\ lhe l tter (iuttei \nti \ltt.t\ part} lx’ewlent \l.nl.une \ piewntx a \toeking ltlll ot \xonk} tlixto glitth pop. \ktlll l.l.t_\\ni' hnnz'nte alone lll\ \aek ot tripp} hoino hip hop l tee ( tuner (I) tor the lll\l lHH lt'\t'll\'l\

I Wrong Island at \iee-tiNIea/i

llpiii iani U \ l)et llut} Ian}. learn} antl lllk'll\l\ the it tip \kllll .t \k'lk'klll‘ll til \‘l\l xehool. l.l‘-\', \ll\\“.

l‘lt'k'[‘\ .tlltl l‘L‘.ll\

Glasgow Sundays


I The Beat Club at the Heat (‘tuh

‘lpni iani l’neex \ai} \\eekl} See lltu I Discobadger at Hamth

ltlptn i.un £5 \\eekl\ l)onunie \lartin. l).l Kaxli .llltl \lmh do the hi/ exei}

\xeek. \l}\tt't‘} .|et\ pio\ ltlt' the intlie eentne guext l)_l \tilllltl\ on W l)ee. \\llt'll liatnhoo \\lll he open tllllll 5.th

Ivy Birthday Weekender at the

l\_\ ‘lpin .‘ani l'iee 3 Dee ('elehiating a _\ear in (il;t\gt\\\ eluhlantl. \\llll l)lk'\l\'l t'lt‘u 'l'houghtxt and the lieatonie l).l\ \ee prex ieu. page V I Jumble Sale Sound System at the l-l)ing l)uek, ltlpin 3:15am. l'ree helote llpin; [-1 alter \Veekl}, .\ rag tag ttxxtll'llllt‘lll ot \eeontl hantl lttlte\. pla}etl through lotx ot reqeletl xpeakerx.



I Junk .-.: '_.".e li..?7( 219-» 1.x: :1 \\ee.-. \ \l.-.'L.\ \l.:?\1‘I\‘\e‘7ifl\.:7.1\'t‘11~‘l ~:‘..21..:‘\ l'fie Y. k~ a? l‘te l»...f lzke 't‘ t.:.. 'T "F

I Liqui Cool .-.1 t ornznon “pit: Run :t'fx \\eeklx \l. l\:!\ l\ee.'.::: anti l.:t‘. l"

:.'.u.:_'e ant! fit-axe to .'. \ tut‘ :‘ae kett \\ :tlt.

impel tietlottntte .‘t'wtt‘.etl:;:‘.;‘ :euetlerx allot ‘~\l‘.~‘2l‘.\t‘t‘t1.lttll.;\t'li‘lz‘t‘lleilfll.:l tl‘.e_\ ti.:\e xxoik ill the titontntz'

I Not for The Faint I-Iearted at the (iataz'e llpn. Run :‘ r: :- \\.-ekl\ lirian \lt \l.t\te: irtt\e\ erudite“ tioin ln\ tleeatle tlet\:n:' piax :l\'. nut lutline \tl\ mm “1.! title

I Optimo (Espacio) .'.l the \nl‘t tatt llpni iazn 1" it!» \\eekl\ (.lawo-a \ litte\t untletz'rounti \ lttl‘l‘tll;' llhllltlln‘t‘. lll\‘\ to put the lianeoxei tioin ll\ tenth l‘ntlitlai \t'lel‘ialt-‘nx lteitnttl ll \\ttlt .: like \et tioin l nitlo ( I.t\k on .‘ llet telel‘iatine then lfni tele.i\e on ()ptnno \ t )\t \lx’lx’ l.il\el the ‘.et\ next tl.t_\

I Spank at the ( .tlllt‘ll\t‘ l lpni iain { i tllt'k“ (ix'l .2 i't‘t‘tl \l‘.tlll\lll‘.' on the \.il‘l\.tlll \ltetnatne punk llaxxtt totk. hip hop inetal .tntl \ ttt\\t~\t‘l llltlll\lll‘ll tor a late \\'\'k'l\\'ll\l \ ioxxtl

I Spectrum .tl \tte'anea/t

llptii iani 2,? \\eel.l_\ \t'llll\l\l‘l the toxinm .llltl trite pop tlttlt\t'll\t' iii a heath lll.tt'l\llt'lll ot \oiut tleathxtapex \\ llll Hee.t\lilll.tl l.1lltlt‘lll appeaiatitex l\\ \agueh l.tllltitl\ tolk

I Stay Classy Sundays .ll l lll_\ \lun_\\ llpni iani tltt it \\eekl_\ l).l \oii L'nex _\out \keekentl the \entl ott ll tle\et\e\ \ nu\ ot mum

I Sunday Surgery at l'\.til\ott

llpiii iain ‘51:;- \\eek|} \nothet \illtlt'lll night tioin Ramon llieinetl lllL'lll\ trout heaeli painex to \l“\ \ .tntl iiui\e\ .lllti llt.t}l‘t‘ the I‘llkl \t hool «li\e o are in the oiling \\ llll litp hop llt one room .lllkl llltllk‘ pop and \llltlk'lll \ lawn \ lll the other

tonight-I: m rr ' musigr? (‘1


.d 'nk 0U

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