
Farewell to Helensburgh's celebrated movie goddess. Kerr died in October this year after a long

struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Both cities honour this ironically- labelled ‘quintessential English rose' this month. In Glasgow a short season of three of her best kicks off with Powell and Pressburger's Black Narcissus (pictured) followed by The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp and Jack Clayton‘s marvellous Henry James' adaptation The Innocents. In the capital two screenings of Black Narcissus mark the great lady’s


I (if 1. Glasgow from Sun 59 OM; l‘i/ni/ioiizw, {militia/grit, f it; '. i .7 iv

The Thistle and the Lotus it'i ((irahaiii Kitchener. l'K. ltltltii Joiniii l)octiiiieiitar) following the I-ltli l).i|ai |.aina'x \ ixit to ladinhiii‘gh. .v\n lnterlaitli .-\xxociation prexentatioii l-i/ni/ioim'. lailiii/im‘e/i.

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg il’t ;. O... tJacqticx l)ein_\. l'iance. l‘lti-li ("atherme l)eneti\ e. Anne \‘ei‘noii. \iiio ('axtelniimo 02min. Romance hetxxeen a xhopgirl and a garage attendant ix rekindled “hen the) meet again alter )eai'x apart. lieliglitltil xcreen operetta tixing onl} xting dialogue. \\ itli deltnexx ol camera

iiio\ eiiient and delicioiix production dexigii maintaining the interext \\ hen the plot ciealxx. l’art ol' l)em_\ xeaxon. (ill/won li/ni I'Iii'iirri'. (iliiiemi; l’l/Hl/lUllH'. laili/i/iiii‘e/i, Wateri l2.-\l .0. tl)cepa .\lelila. ('aiiada/liidia. 2005i Sarala. l,ix.i Ra}. Seeiiia lllx\\tt\, l l7min. 'l‘he ‘l'oronto haxed Indian liliiiiiiaker thll\L‘l'\ tlie liiial part ot her eleiiientx trilog) Set in NW. eight _\ear old (‘hti) ia tSaralai. alread} a \\ itli)“, ix xent to an .-\xliram run by a dexpotic old lat \xoinan Madliiiinati i.\laiioriiiai l'lie l'iliii'x making it ax dela)ed h} coiitro\ei'x_\. and the rextilt l'eelx xlightl) coiiiproiiiixed litit reiiiaiiix a ri\etiiig tearrerker \\ itli xtiinning \ ixtialx. 'l'hix xcreemiig ix prexeiited h} .-\miiext} lnteriiatioiial'x lo l).i}x ol :\(lltill againxt gender \ iolence. and \\ ill he

lolloxx ed h) a panel dixciixxion l‘ree .-\ninext} International xci‘eening. I‘l/Hl/lr’llu'. lit/Hi/llll't'll.

The Wayward Cloud (Tian Bian Yi Duo Yun) t IS) 0... llSttI Ming-hang. 'l‘aixxair/France. 2(Xl5i lx'ang-Sheng. (‘heii Shiang-(‘h_\i. l.ll Yrt'liing. l 12min. Tainan ix e\perieneing an iinprecedented drought and xtiddenl} \tatermelonx are looking a lot more appealing. In the xtitling heat lo\ e groin hemeeii Sliiaiigclni (Chen) and porn xtar llxiao flew in thix idiox)ncratic lo\ e xtor}. \xhich l'eattirex e\p|icit xe\ xcenex and camp iiitixical numbei‘x. See e\cltixi\e inter\ ie\\ at

\x \\ \ Part of 'l‘xai Ming-hang xeaxon. film/1mm: I-Itluiliure/i.

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? l ISA) O... iRohert Aldrich. l'S. Noll Joan Lid“ lord. Bette l).i\ ix. lR-lmin. l)a\ ix pla}x the Cpflli}llltill\ Bah} Jane. \\ ho burned hrightl} ax a child xtai ol the xtage. \xhile (‘rrm ford ix the once xidelined xixter \\ ho hecomex one or llolhuood'x biggext xtarx. onl} to he crippled in a car accident. and ix no“ confined to a \xheelchair and the totalitarian care of ‘Bttlfi lane. “to Ix wemx to re\ Cl In the hideouxnexx other character. a grotexqiie

52 THE LIST '39 him—73 39c

and l‘lllt'l child liiit (‘iau loid‘x iiiideixtaied iole cannot he tindeiextiiiiated. the patliox xhe cieatex ax xlie liecoincx mm more trapped in the claiixtioplioliia liei xixtei ctcalcx ix c\telletil ll/IIl/Ii‘lln. It/iii/rii/g/i The Witnesses (Les Témoins) i l5. 0... lx\lltllt' lecliine l‘iance. .‘lllllii Michel lilanc. l'iniiianiielle lieait. Saiiii liotiaiila. .loliaii lilicieaii ll5iiiiii lleaitlelt and intelligent draiiia ol xhiltiiig lo_\altiex and l'iclxle .illectioiix xhot agaian the hackdiop ol the Mix ,\II )S epidemic Vl-L‘L‘lllllt‘ pei'lectl} tlt‘iilclx lllt' \lliick til lllt' AIDS epidemic altei the liapp} carelexxiicxx ol the ~llx xe\tial ic\oltition. and it‘x

gciitiiiiel) liarroxxing to \\llllt‘\\ the caieliee

.\laiiti\ercaiii dexceiid into liitteiiiexx and lriixtration ax lie xticctiinhx lo the dixeaxe. \et tliix ix one liliii ahoiit death that ix relrexhingl} lree ol iiielaiicliolx and c|o_\ing xeiitiinent and. iiltiiiiatel). lile .ill‘tt'mtng. Ii/iii/iuiixi. lat/iii/rii/g/i Wristcutters: A Love Story t 15» 0.. i(ioran lhikic. l'S. ZtNl‘i l’atiick l-iigit. Shea \Vliigham. Sliannin Soxxaiiion ‘lllmin. .-\ii ahxiirdixt ptirgatorial romantic coined) i}ex. another one ol [lie/Ill lol|o\\ing a depi’exxed _\oiiiigxtei ll'tlleli tliiotigli a poxt-xiiicide limho land ol xoiillexx retail parkx and pi/la placex llc takex oil on a road tiip \\ itli a iiioioxe Rtixxian rockei i\\ liigliami and a xaxx} (iolh girl iSoxxainoni. pitching tip at a

\\ eii'd trailer park coiiiiiiiiiiit} lllll h} hene\o|eiit old codgei Knellei ia pei’lectl} caxt 'l‘om \Vaitxi lt'x an iiixpiied. c|e\ei and olllieat xpin on l/It lligiin/ or 0;. ol cotii‘xe. \xith \\'aitx xtandiiig iii loi the \\ l/

.S/ioiii (1H ('iiii'iiiti. (lair/Hitler. (i/tixguiz. .S/iuiii UH (‘im mu. l’iil\/(‘\. l’tiixln

You Kill Me I l5i C... «John l)ahl. [18,:(NlulllCll Kliigxlt'}. lt‘d l L'Ulll. l lllxt‘ \Vilxon ‘L‘imn See re\ lL‘\\. page i:

(it m m/ I't'lt ti\( rmiii /Ii ‘1)“

The Young Girls of Rochetort (Les Demoiselles de Rochefort) ll)( i. O... iJactiiiex liem). l-iaiice. lWFi ('atherine l)eiieti\e. l‘l'.tllc‘itl\c |)or|eac. (iene Kell}. .lactrtiex l’ci'iin 125mm Sixteix Delphine il)eiieti\ei and Solange il)oileaci ha\e dreamx t'ai he}oiid tlieii xinall hometoxxn ot lx’ochelort. piiinaiilx the dream ot liiiding titie lo\ e l ittle do the} l\llt“\ that then pet‘lecl inatcliex ate \xandering the xtieetx ol their oun touii 'l'liix ix a lilm about being xo meicoiiie \\ itli emotion that _\oti hiirxt into xong in the xtreet a xort ol iiitixical lo\c xong to the idea ol iiitixicalx l’art ol Hem} xcaxon (i/tiwmi Iii/ii [in am l’i/ni/iuaxi. Iztliii/iiugii

(mixer iii.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Glasgow _

“it Saizcliieliali Street lli'i‘lxlllL'S Hl ol 1‘: NH" l’iitex \a:\

A History of Die Todliche Doris l »

The Magic Lantern Short Film Night . l ~

Clneviiorld Parkhead

lllt' lt‘l‘._'t'. l’.lll\llk..l\l .‘llll l‘iiiilxlllt‘S \\ min ox"! jiiii jiiiiii \dulrc 1x 'iiflgx \loii lliii lieloie *piiii. (‘hildieii Ll

it i “ii \loii llitii. Stiideiitx Ll «1‘ *ll \loii llllll. ()\l’x t-l l.iiiiil_\ ticltet L lo lai|_\ hiid iall peitoiniaiicex heloie nooni t i “ii \lo\iex loi liinioix «Sat aiiii ‘-l \eail} paxx iiiiiliiiiited iiioxiexi thl W) per month

American Gangster. 1.x) Iiiiiim. Duo. 5 if x In

AugustRushititi. llllllaiii. I to. Vii), (\ 3n. iiiiii

Beowultuljxi I: iii. Hii. h ill. 600d LUCK Cl'lUCK i lbi .S St)

Into theWild i I4» lllltlaiii. jlii. % lo. 335.

Ratatouilleit'i noon. 3‘ ill. Shroomsilx» 131*.235. 5.15.

stardUSltl’Ul lltltill.

Rtiii. ‘xll .1 to. hit),

Hill. (illll

l \V‘I‘V.“ \‘I 1'

American Gangster l is. Hail}: Sill August Rush l l’( ‘. l

l‘l'l 'l'tie. IHSHam inol Sati. 355 inot Siiiii. (rill. ‘Hlti. Beowulf l I3.\i

Hail}: lllll. ill). (ivlll. ‘l lll. Evan Almighty ll’( ;.

Sat: llfillaiii.

l:de Clausd’th

Hail}: Illulllam. ll”. ‘5”. till),

The Golden Compass l Ij.\i \\edt\ llltl. ltl,~15;iiii. ll.~l5am. lis. 345. 4.15. 515. 715. Si;

Hitman t 15i

Hail}: noon. 3,3”. Jill. flit). ‘l l5 Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium it i Sim: Hill,

The Nativity Storyd’tii

Sat: llHlllaiii.

Ratatouilleit i

had}: lltli 35. M5. "‘35. Shrek the 111le ll i Sat: ltlllllain. Shrooms l 1.x.

l'l'l lllt‘l ‘lllll. The Simpsons Movie i M ii Stilt lllllllam, Starduslil’tii

l'l'l l'tie' lllll. 3.3”. frlll

Cinevvorld Benfrew Street

" Renlreu Street 24hr hookingx tk iiilo ii.x"| jiiii jiiiiii Bar (\tiulh it) {5 Sir _\loii l‘l'l hctorc Spini. (‘oncx L-l -1H. l'amil} ticket t l ' it I 5 (ill Siin lliiii l'arl} hird tall ticketx helore lpiiii L4, \cai‘l} paxx Iiinliiiiited lllit\lL'S' L HUN per month.

Ill-15am iiiot \loni. Still. l‘.


American Gangster « 1.x. noon. 1 iii». 34!). 4 5H " 25. x to|m

August Rush l‘ti War... 3:“.

\— 1i). \Lti Beowulf~i.‘\ 1: ‘w tjo. (no.

Beowulf (SD Digital Presentation) 1.‘ \- Il it'aiir 1H 1". S 1‘

BrickLane 1V rim, moo

The Darjeeling Limited 1.» Iowan.

:1). liitr h lit \l:|l

Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal t i .‘ \

liiii \litl Eastern Promises No x :o Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1 _‘ \ ll L‘aiir _‘ iii S_‘ii \tlll GoodLuckChuckiik i,‘ :o_ anti~

(\llll \l [R

""0 therld l‘- "l Wain _‘ llil x xii

The Jane Austen Book Club 1 f x.

l,‘ iii

LionsforLambs l‘ llii 1w xiii Ratatouillert ll Wain, .‘ .‘li * ltl.

Rescue Dawn l .‘ \. x xll‘ \ iii

ll Wain _‘ ill.

Shrooms ix lllll'.:i‘.i I:.. too (\fll' ii In

Sleuthii» lltltlaiii l,‘tt_ liii. iig‘ti

Stardustit’iil llll‘lttlll‘ .‘HH. *iiii.

S It)

30 Days ofNightiim l.‘ 1o, < iii.

h it). «i _‘ii

Aaia Nachle l’( in

[mix 1_‘§ii. lllll‘ ‘Rii

\lxo l.llt' I ll .\ \ai Iii 1* American Gangster ix.

l).iil§ noon iiiot Siiii. \\ed .\ llllll. l UH. zlit iiiot \lon. \\ed .\ lliiii. {ti inot \\ed t\ lliiii. .S 1H

\lxo late I ii .\ Sat II I” American Gangster (Subtitled) . Ix. Sim noon

\loii i W

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford « IR.

l'll .\ Sal I], It). too. ' to. II .‘H Siin Hm I: ll). 13”. S till

August Rush i M ii

llail} noon. (illll

Beowulf « I: \i

l‘ll Inc I: it). *3”. (i ll). ‘Hl‘ \lxii l.llt' l ll \\ \.tl ll g“

Beowulf (30 Digital Presentation) 1 i: \I Had) ll lilam. I-lll. i it). S ill r\l\ti late l it t\ \al ll

The Darjeeling Limited i Iii

l)ail\ lllStlaiii. l ill. it)“. til”. ‘llll.

-\l\it l.llL' l‘tl t\' \al ll all

Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal i I: \l

late I ii .\ Sat lll )4

Sun l.‘ 3”

Earth il l

llail} I ;ll. ti Ill Iiiot \\cd t\ lliiii Fred Claus Mi.

l);|ll} llllllalli. Jon. < no. Sill) moi 'liici

,\l\it ldlt' l ll «K \dl' ll llll

Godfather: The Legend Continues « iii Hall} 3 ill. .S W

The Golden Compass i I 3 M

“ed tk lllll lll Wain. ll tiliaiii. llitiaiii. 13‘”. I‘ll. lell. 3 ill. Hi). iii, firm. i to. ii in to. Hon. .x' ‘xii, U to

Good Luck Chuck i H:


l'i’i ltic 12 ll). HitiinotSiini. (itli). S-lll

Hitman l‘r

|)ail} Illlllaiii. l 4H, lllll. (i “l.

it IS

.\lxii lalc l'l‘l «k Sal: ll ‘1‘)

The Magic Flute it’( i,

l)ail} ll illaiii. 3 ~ill. § ~11). S ‘1‘

Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium it 4

Sim: Hill

For films slioiiiiiq between