Action man

Rosie Lesso looks at the work of Roman Signer at The Fruitmarket Gallery, and is left reeling at the artist’s energy, urgency and endless ideas

int‘t‘ tht' l‘lTllx Sxxixx artixl lx’ninan Signcr hax

been making eccentric kinetic arl. t‘nliwning

hnlh IIllll\L‘II antl Intintl nhict'lx \\lIIl t‘lcincnlal l‘nrt‘cx xtlt‘h ax “IIItI. lirt‘. \xatcr nr uplnxin. .‘\t l‘irxt glant‘t‘. Sigttt‘rK climning arnttntl \L‘L‘III\ In lack xuhxlant'c. licrhapx tluc tn itx pla)ltil ilnnicdiat‘} antI inxtant at‘t‘t‘xxihilit). hnI giw it Iiint'; thcrc ix Illlll'C In it titan nit‘t'lx the ow.

I)n\\nxlairx. an t'inphaxix ix platul nn Signt‘r'x \itlcn \xnrlx. \xhit'h ix .iIninxt al\\a_\x xcl nuttlnnrx. In thc l‘irxt rnnin a l‘i\\\ nl lt‘lmixinn innnitnrx xhn\\ lihnx in uhich tIt‘xtrtlt‘Iiu‘ .it'lx takc plat‘c. In llIIL‘. a bridge ix t‘nnxttinctl h_\ lirt'. \xhilt‘. in annlhcr. a l‘liinx_\ tahlc ix tictl tn xt‘wt'al l‘t‘tI Itallnnnx. Iht‘ lath xtat'tillg a bit] Int‘ lrt‘ctlnni hcl‘nrc cat'h hallnnn ix xhnl \IU\\II h_\ Signcr'x ril'lc. bringing the tahlc craxhing tlnnn In carlh. Izlxcxxhcrc. largcr xt‘rt‘cnx Ilixpla_\ lilnix nl‘ Signcr taking part III innck-tlcxli'ticti\c at'tnilicx xuch ax hnltling lit I-II'C\\\II'I\\ Ill L‘aL‘Il IILIIItI. IIIC Illl't‘L‘ HI- lIlL‘ '.‘\PIU\I\L'\ making hix rcxnlxing chair xpin rnnntl and rntintI. nr hcing ’attackctl’ h) thing ha} iSignci‘ ix a ha} l'cxcr \tlIIt‘l'Cl’l. 'I'hc .nntixing CIICUI\ .irc innrc xinirk inthicing than laugh ntil Intitl. hut. al'tcr a \xhilc hix hatl hchminur hcginx [n xccni rathcr inclanchnlic. IIItICL‘tI. thc xight nl‘ an c\pi‘cxxinnlcxx. tlrahl} th'cxxctl inan partaking in xlrangc xnlitar} actix iticx in thc \\iltlcrncxx hax a tragic air.

Signcr hax a rcpt‘rtnirc nl' l'nuntl nhicctx hc rc-tthx

IICLIIICIIII} in hnth hix \itlcnx and xculpttircx. ()nc nl'

IIIC\C ix thc ka}ak. “high hax hccn Ilixplaxctl in thc gallcr} hcrc allcr hcing hlnxxn intn thrcc parlx h} uplnxiwx. 'I‘hc harrcl ix alxn cnntinnn. amicaring hcrc in t\\n \IIIICICIII guixcx: xitIing upright with a \icning xlit cut intn it ax '(llm‘t‘mtinn 'I‘nxxcr' il‘l‘ll i. and

clxcnhcrt' \L‘I in inntinn h_\ clct'trit‘ lanx. rnlling hack and l’nrth hctnccn tun \tiintlcn \xctlgcx. in ‘Rnlling Harrt‘l' llllll7i. IIIC\C antl nthcr utilitarian nhicclx arc allnut-tl tn hccninc IIIICUIHL‘IIIIlllliII. hatll} hchawtl. crcaling a hrcak \xith thcir tixual rnlc in pnlilc xnt'icI}. In nlhcr xt‘tllpturcx \xc lintl L‘tll'ltlllx cnlnhinatinnx nl IlllllltI nhict‘tx. xtit'h ax arinhantlx placctl nn \I\l\. nr an unihrclla l'irctl thrnugh a \lllIL‘;l\L‘ h} a cannnn. 'I'hc xignil‘}ing clitch nl axxncialinn arc ruptured: in thc Iatlcr \Mll'Ix. x§iiiliiilx til the null tn tln i'cpt'cxxctl huxincxxtnan arc rcplacctl h} aggrL‘xxinn antl \IHIL'IICL'. It ix thix ahilil} In tranxlnrni nrtIinar§ nhicctx \\IIIL'II I‘ruitinarkct t'tiralnr I‘inna Braille) callx ‘alt‘hcnn antl inagic' Hi‘atllc} ix alxn Men In cniphaxixc thc inipnrlancc nl Ihc ianant. giwn llllllllL‘llI in Signch \\tll‘I\. xharing hcr \it-\\ that. ‘\\hclhcr lihn. inxtallatinn nr xculpturc. it cxixtx in thc gallcr} antl lnr lhc \icucr ax an inxixtcnt prcxcncc'.

Signer can he xccn ax part iii a lincagc nl’ arlixlx \xnrking in thc l‘l7llx \xhn inatlc l'nuntl nhiccl \\nt‘I\\. hut lI ix a particularl} .\incrican. inininialixt lcgac} \xhit'h hax inlnrinctl hix attiIttiIc that nhich—Imxctl xcnlpturcx xhnultl nnI hnItI nr crcatc pcrxnnal narrth ox. IIc lt‘clx rcninwtl t'rnin lhcni. xa_\ing inxtcatl. 'I am Ihc Ill'llxl. ll ix Ihc nhicct.‘ Yul. lll xpilc HI lIllx xtlppnxcd tlclachincnt \xc arc giwn IiIIIc gliinpxcx intn hix charactcr .IIIII Signth xcnxc nl tirgcnc} ix rcwaling. ax il' hc ix a man hurtling tnxxartlx lalcr lil'c mm a tear nl' nnt lca\ing behind a legacy .\lthnugh hc ix brimming with cu‘r innrc ritlictilntix itlcax hc rcccntl} xaitl \xilh rcxignatinn. "l'hcrc itixt ixn'I time In H} c\ci'_\lhing.'

Roman Signer, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, until Sun 27 Jan 0000

Visual Art



>2: Monika Sosnowska: Display Sosnowska presents a new srte specrlic architectural-inspired work at the Talbot Rice Gallery. The artist uses the language of architecture against itself to create models and environments that create a growing sense of unease in the viewer. See review, page 89. Talbot Rice. University of Edinburgh, until Sat 8 Dec.

=i< Quentin Blake: 50 Years of Illustration lnk. watercolour and pastel drawings by the country's best- loved illustrator. The work on show spans Blake's entire career, highlights being the characters he created to accompany and bring life to the children's books of Roald Dahl. See review. page 88. Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, until Tue 7 Jan.

Smith/Stewart: Enter Love and Enter Death This installed sculptural environment by the Glasgow—based artists brings the themes of Love and Death into the Georgian exhibition space. Black rectilinear monoliths cut into the space at head height. preventing the viewer from seeing the whole piece at once and the faces of the other viewers in the room. Royal Botanic Gardens, Inver/eith House, until Sun 20 Jan.

=l= Gillespie Kidd and Cola: 1 956-1 987 The work of the Scottish architectural firm best known for their application of late Modernist and International style ideas to churches is exhibited for the first time in Scotland in this comprehensive exhibition at the Lighthouse. The work includes animations, blueprints and models that capture the simplicity and brilliance of their realisations. Lighthouse, Glasgow, until Sun 10 Feb.

' 1 .7 THE LIST 87