Wsual Art


Gnoup snow. RE-M‘AVKE/RE-MODEL Sorcha Dallas. Glasgow. until Sat 26 Jan 000

becomes a red plastic bag and a pair of ugly white court shoes hung on the wall. The reduction of the female form to a collection of objects could be viewed as a kind of mock misogyny. ln ‘Detained Chain', for

OPEN Corn Exchange Gallery, Edinburgh. until Thu 20 Dec 000

Parachute by Martin Soto Climent

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while the il.l(llll' int-rim it A.” ii .1

Marrigniiilit:iri't; 'Miiillwl .l man lilt‘tfillllillf'» lltftlll ( )i illll' ‘.‘.’llli" in ‘.‘..l“" '3l)l‘.,‘{lti ()VH.’ .‘i liiirik ()i lllt‘i.ll irirttiiiitirgilw, .i lumiiii kiwi (ii itllllltllliilll that", {lllfd‘l‘l i‘l‘.i*‘.'.’lli'l»' |[J;l‘.’l(l ‘)lllll Him

instance, the female torso becomes a pair of

Contemporary art curators and gallery owners no longer merely show work because it's good but because it somehow justifies itself through weighty themes and explication. This is art‘s loss. The exhibition of work by Linder, Sophie MacPherson, Babette Mangolte. Martin Soto Climent and Jimmy Robert at Sorcha Dallas - all very interesting on its own suffers from the enforced curatorial logic pinning it all down. Linder‘s collages are occasionally interesting, featuring the faces of women obscured by fleshy roses, reducing their sexuality to the level of cliched metaphor. ln 'Charming Maid‘. an appropriated and augmented LP cover featuring Karen Carpenter is cut open. A bouquet of roses can be seen in her slashed,


Chartreuse knickers on two beer bottles suggesting that the body is not only in ruins, it has become

The works on show in various ways relate to the idea of performance or the performative - two distinct terms that are conflated and confused by artists and art writers alike. What is exhibited are works that appear to be quickly made and realised, or in some way relate to performance art, its documentation and the debris left behind after the event.

It‘s a joy to see Trisha Brown dance in Mangolte’s ‘Water Motor’, a film shown at a regular speed and then slowed down. but this imposition adds very little to Brown‘s original work. The only thematic relationship

cadaverous body, blossoming like Les Fleurs du mal. between this film piece and MacPherson’s “White ..I The female body is also present in the sculptures by Screen‘ is that both could be said to invoke a sense of ' Climent, although this time represented only by the theatricality and artifice, of life before and after the film

things that signify its absence. ln ‘Parachute' the body

Head III Rallou Panajiotou


fades to black. (Alexander Kennedy)

12;“,w >l‘: ,l... WEIRDING AND THE UNCANNY Glasgow School of Art, until Fri 14 Dec 00.

Cum?" i ii. (hwy 8’ "()(Jl “if Art MiA Tilllfifflll l (M HANDS. :irirl i‘h’llllflll’] ital/gfrir». iv xi. (iii/x. i 'lirwiiiirziii College at Art. [*(liriliiirqir‘, iridium; (taller.

"Halal: i’rirflii'iri. Ururgmri, Mr: E; 10:: l‘) lirilitl, {)51’.i‘":’lill“1 lrt'r. l?

;i"<li".:1l~_: i'r‘l "‘ “"lvztu rut/iii: ‘Jflllf,’U‘IYMUH‘ill(:lll€1il(;(L’Jllffi‘fiUll Ulilllli‘,ilf,llii‘,‘:lll'l'l. Iii ’l tiw- 11. Mi", ‘,‘."l(i!‘, Ill (mam, lilli there arr: oriuuql' :irlr/l .(l‘m‘, lit“: '1, 7W“ '1‘" 4',('.“"Tl‘:ll .':i:.‘.:r~r;.

i'ww-t ‘.'.’a writ. 'Jti'icy: .Jwi.’ i)f‘:‘)l(il.'l(}. Near the Crow. mt Spartail WI". "2’ <‘ iii: (l'iftl'ir’l text .'.'l‘l’,i'l utters. little llllfi‘;f')ié1ll’iil‘!’} Hitimiit explarm’m. or

N." we . “tunic: fsafniri. [Nil lll‘) ather .‘mrk 15a [Rtlllbiétkllitfl/ iirirriuriarlr: .":f‘,:(,l! 0‘ art "I" ii' .; 51.15:. A 'mr". sharia-rt lmx displaying a small prUJectr/l plinth/graph arr}

:: .2 .w‘ m”? ari'w "ewnwl tr, 0 M tier seen or liear'l NI Tum. li‘ll "07 u I v I ) 1 I I

I ' a' "i ' M. :‘fer‘. . 'r. 'l tile is, a fairl, standard but xifstiall/ arresting y'all :2? ' . 1;:éi‘,‘)‘:.‘;n'7 aixaute'mouthrefstirigoriamirror, Nl’lllf: Rim; Barker", 332’ 1‘ ' i r " t “as. a'x: Outs/arms. a plaster block drier} aroiirvl sheet/1f :. 2 f' . '*';:,’~f:*)?~;i;‘; Tiw’; 'ii He" .'."_:51L’.Yi(:‘,f) of her rriaterzals. Nat Ari/1min", 'T'ir: White

A!" "r "ravages tr. ~:;r\~:;ea(;<:. partly because it IS the most iritrusi/r; A ',lflll)i‘:l?1l)‘: '- " f'ie arts; slut/wig five titular Beatles; alburri a Cappella. iii'. self ,r -_ :; CULT attempt l8 Masai}, r/ noclastic. lDaxirl Pollock,