l-Jrit it", Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Street Party that lllrt'i“. the maprtal wit a‘. the l)l(‘t(;(,‘ to do for a tllllllll‘: Near Year err it:'|‘:llt,‘i'_ arirl. ‘.‘.'lti"! tliree liw: lllli‘w’, stat res, and tar i riiant sr H:‘.:l‘if». the. ,ear l'. no epti< in. hit: ‘-.".’ai.ri;rlr:. Stage is; headlined l‘iirir; (erw it: aka l r“: tlit‘fi-‘i sinner t;<iririi.'.riter Kenn, Anderson t‘iirrt-r‘rtl. rlelirthtinri fans and critics ‘.‘.’ltit his latest alliiitri. Uri/ribsliefl lle‘, ‘itltth‘ilthi l). a iiltt' tip that irir;liirle:; ettinn traiit:e rlani‘e (irriiiri lrans (itehal Underground thtt inrlie (irritar pop trnrri tip; :r:rl liarirl l iriiirt- 5). ()n the Scott Mriiiiinierit Statie lirirrieiirnwri talent. the Neil llot Uhilli Pipers inin lorees; Witil British Asian liision tianrl Kissnii-t. while rlanw: lllllhl(?f$ r:an thrill to the sounds (it the (treat (Zalverto, lM Hands. (to l ern System and New ( )rrler hassist Peter llonk'u DJ set

/\3) ever, thr- liiririest names of the night have heen reseryerl tor the Concert in the Gardens tl )lllltitft‘» Street (iétl'titflltl lrorri itillltli, headlined this year by Kasahian and :xiippruterl liy Seottish start; (Zalviri Harris and itiit?\‘./li(i isee lealiire. ririliti. While around three quarters of the tittkets haVe already heen sotrl tor this event street party p, sses and tickets are still axarlahle trorii wwxaziatlintiiirtihshritiriiariay.i:oiii.

l or those iiriahle to lay their hands on a golrldiist tieket tor the path, lit the gardens. the skies \‘.’lii lie lit up hy the Citywide Fireworks displays. littllttjliml lrorii titliiihiirgh Castle and other stirrotiiirliiig hills at the hells. and easily yisihle troiii \(tlltttgt? points aeross the (Jttllltéil.

lliroiighoiit the week between Christrrias and Hotinianay the l ilriihoiise Will he ser‘eeriinrt a series ot hillle inspired by the 1.’()()7 (:elehratiori ol

Highland eiilttire. entitled Highland Myths isee

teatiire, pane l;%‘i. Meanwhile. hangover tree histor\‘ lovers earl make their wax tip the eehhles the morning alter the night lietore asl rlinhurgili Castle WI” he tlllUWlllg] open her doors: for the lirst time on New Year's Day.

While some ol us are content to spend the lirst day ot the year lying on the sota inratehing TV. there are a riiirriher ot events for aetix e types. As well as the annual Loony Dook into the water beneath the Forth Rail Bridge. them's a gentle. orie—rriile One O’Clock Run from the castle to Holyrood Park as well as a kids (liiathlori. Meanwhile. more serious athletes are iriVited to take part iii the Edinburgh Bicycle Triathlon tl-lolyr'ood Park. tidtlprri‘i. while Edinburgh's Dogiiianay iHolyreod Park. l.;%tiprrii features elite eariirie athletes earripetirig on a series of displax races. For full details. news and updates. \isit wwwedirthiirgrishoomanayeorii

For further information about Hoqmanay events see listings in What's On section, from page 33

14 THE LIST ' .12



\el \i





Finishing their year as one of the main attractions at Edinburgh's Hogmanay, Idlewilcl have achieved a lot in 2007. They talk to Mark Robertson about growing up, good music and getting their own way

s met-nine kno\\s heiiig in a roek hand is a total seam. l’aities. lree sttitl'. norking an hoiiraiida—Iiall a da}. it titl‘sltl reall) (Illtlilii) its tl Pl‘l‘IX'l' liih dries it.) it's the L‘lldeauilll' ldlexiild ha\e heen engaged in tor a deeade non and \xliile tlieyw _\et to qtialil} tor their :\llt} Sehool ot Hedonism eliih nieniherships. thefw tra\ersed the planet. anips eranked to te—and-a-hall. delhering their charming hi'and ol' roek in their o\\ri inimitable st} Ie. l-i'ontinan Rodd} \Voonihle sits at home nursing a eiip ol' tea and a reeentl} hroken toe he had it ei'tished h_\ an amplifier \xhile helping unload a \an tor his one .»\ilidh Lennon‘s hand Sons and Daughters. its a mess.‘ he eonl'esses. “the amp just tell and smashed the top. l‘\e to he on. it tor the \xeeks.‘ I point out llogniana} is on|_\ tour \ieeks ;t\\;l_\. ‘( )h )L‘ilh. .-\eh. it‘ll he line.‘ their appearance heside ('ahiri Harris and Kasahian at l’riiiees Street (iardens hrings to a elinia\ one ol‘ the most prodiiethe _\ears in the hands histor}. \\'hen it‘s llogmana_\ is a lull stop on a l'ren/ied _\ear \\'oonihle is qtriek to point out just hon manageahle it has heen. '()n paper \xe‘\e had a l'renetie war. _\es.' he admits. 'lt started “ith the li’rr/ltrr/x or I/lt’ Book in the spring. Then the Idle“ ild reeoi'd Lila/w .trruI/rer lliir/r/i earne out in March and \\ e did a tour. p|a_\ ed a ten testiuils


suggested thL‘ll'

met the summer and then put out our Best ()f

alhtim and toured tor that. .-\nd l'\ e just linished the Biirnsong proieet \\ ith the likes ol‘ Midge [re and Norman Blake tol‘ 'leenage l‘aneliihi \xhieh


\\as great in a sliglitl} shaiiiholie \\;i_\. It looks like quite a hus} _\eai'. hut lor the lirst time ex er it \\as paeed eot'reetl}. We \iei'e ahle to Iiaxe a normal lite and also he in a hand. heeatise generall}. it's norinall} one or the other?

the hand split \xith Iahel li.\ll iri lllllti. a mine that signilied a ehange ol’ heart tor the hand. ‘\\e iiiade a deeision alter Hit/71mgx/l’nimrw'i iii ltltli that \ie new going to he in eharge ol’ \xhat \\L‘ dth s;t}s \Votiitihie. ‘We \\ L'I‘k‘ltd going to ehase this earrot dangling in tront ol‘ iis.‘

\Vtitilllhie L‘ltL's “lien and Pearl Jam as e\anip|es ol' hands \iith a similar inspirational ethie. hands keen to trade on their own terms. under their onn steam. .'\sked lor his personal highlight ol 2007. he nanies three: a guest slot at Pearl Jam‘s \Vemhle) shim tthe hands toured .-\ltlL‘l‘tL‘;l together ill 3””). Hul/m/x Hf Illt' Him/x eoining to il'tlltltlll and the hands headlining spot at ('oiiiieet I'esti\;il.

'(‘onneet \\tt\ the first time \\ e'd L'\L'l‘ done a Seottish headline shim and it “as a great l'estixal. It‘s one (it. the ten e\ents that lL‘L‘is like its doing it properly he sa_\s.

'I'hei‘e's one last chance to add to that list with their hriel' hiit signilieant part in the rexelr} in l’r'ineess Street (iardens at Hogniana}. ('harged \\ ith the ioh ol \iar'ining up the hordes in the run up to the hells. Idleuild are no strangers to the l'esti\ ities so u e should he in sale hands.

'l'\e heen it) it three times. )L'al‘s agti xx hen I iised to he a student in lidinhiirgh and it “its paeked. I remember one _\ear. it must hai e taken me ahout two hours to get down the Hound. 'l'her‘e \\ ere so man} people. I lost exer}one l \\ as \\ itli and ended up drinking 'l’ennent‘s lager \\ ith a random huneh ot strangers.‘

Main Stage, Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, Mon 31 Dec.