Around Town




* Eilidh’s Daily Ukulele Ceilidh Day 347 of Eilidh McAskill‘s ongoing quest to play a ceilidh, on her ukulele. for every day of 2007. Catch her while you still can: time's running out. Tchai Ovna. Glasgow. Thu 13 Dec.

it Wobbling on the Shoulders of Giants 1980s kids‘ telly favourite Johnny Ball the walking definition of warm and fuzzy delivers the annual Royal Society lecture. George Square Theatre, Edinburgh. Mon 77 Dec.

it Torchlight Procession The nicest possible beginning to Edinburgh's massive Hogmanay Clambake. everyone marching together in the company of Up Helly Aa's Vikings (pictured). Pillaging optional. Meet at Parliament Square. Edinburgh, Sat 29 Dec. It Night More Monster Ceilidh See it you can strip the willow down the entire length of George Street. Good for anyone who overindulged a bit too festively. as you'll probably be two stone lighter by the time you make it to the end. George Street, Edinburgh, Sun 30 Dec.

Mistletoe and whine?

ht sOn

Gagging on the gliihwein? Unable to stomach another twee carol concert? Kirstin Innes rounds up some more unusual things to do over the festive season

llll hoth lidinhurgh and (ilaxgou running

dcdicatcd ('hrixlmax licxli\a|\ lhix }L‘tll‘.

tapping itilo lhc ream \pirit ha\ uc\cr hccn so cax). 'l‘hc cit} ccntrcx arc hoaching \xith lakc \now cappcd (icrmau markcl \lallx punting mulch \\inc. and \uddsnl} thcrc\ a l'air_\~-lit icc rink in c\cr_\ puhlic \pacc higgcr than a postagc \lamp.

But \xhat is thcrc otit thcrc l'or pcoplc who don't likc to do thcir Yulc-h}-numhcr\'.’ \Vc'rc not lttlklllg ahout _\our hardcorc Scrooch hcrc. juxl llltl\L‘ indcpcndcnt \tllll\ \xho rcmain unmoxcd h} angclicall} —harmoni\ing_'

primar} \chool choirs. |.cl\ l'cdixcmct thc rcal \pirit ol

('hrixtmax. pcoplc: sharing. tradition. cclchralion and childile hcdonixlic glutton}.

ll.\ lltll lL‘\ll\ c in L'\L‘ll lllc‘ ltltl\L‘\l \L‘ll\L‘ til lllL‘ \Mll'tl. hut \xritcr Magi (iiltxoll and artist .-\Illllotl_\ Schrag'x c\hihition REBELLAND l(ila\g_'o\\. (i().\l.r\. tmlil Sun lll l’chl. picccd togcthcr from thcir oulrcach \xork \\ ilh )outh groups in thc cilvx marginalixcd communiticx i\ \xiltv intcrcxting and important. 'l'hc c\hihition. compowd ol collahot‘ato c photograph} and uriting gcncralcd \\hcn (iihxon and Schrag cncouragcd (ilaxgou tccnagcrx lo c\plorc \xhat \cctarianixm.

lc‘t'l‘llot‘} and idcnlil} mcant to thcm. l\ part ol'

(i().\l.-\\ ongoing Blind l-aith pt‘oiccl. looking at human right\. racial and rcligiotn di\idc\ in contcmporar} (ilaxgou.

So that\ _\our gooduill to all mcn \ot'tcd. lloucwl‘. l)cccmhcr ix al\o a timc lor rcl'lcction. and mu\in:_v on timcx paxl. Christmas on the Closes l'l'hc Rcal .\lar\ King's (‘loxcx lidinhurgh. until Sun 23 l)ccl t'ccrcatcx traditional (‘apilal ('hrixtmawcw from thc

lillllx to thc I‘lllllx. and imitcx locals to cxaminc \omc ol~ Scotlanth strangcr scaxonal traditions: lind out uh} c\actl} )our llogmana} lirxt—l'ootcr ought to hc a dark— haircd hunk hcaring hlack hurt and coal inc think it‘s prctt} c\idcnt. tllll‘\L‘l\C\l. ll this \ccrx pcrilouxl} clmc to ('hrixtmas kitsch l'or _\ou. \hock it all aua} with City of the Dead’s Festive Fright Fest glioxt lt)lll'\ tRinal \lilc. lidinhurghl. \xhich \lart on 'l‘hu 27th l)cc. and [ll'tlllll\c 'l'a—la—la-la—laaarglr l'ot‘ lhc holida} \cason.

()nc of thc lllcc\l-\(llllltllll:_' cclchralions .-\round 'l‘ou n lltl\ llctll'tl ill~ llll\ llltllllll l\ thc Golden Hour ll'hlll'LWl (itllc‘. litlllllltll'gll. \Vcd l‘) l)cci. ‘ll.\ 1t \til‘lil \pokcn \tord caharct thing. hut \iith a littlc \ptil ol' c\cr}thing that makc\ lhc I'orcxt ('alc thc l‘orcxt ('alé. too; music. a liltlc hit of" lilm . . .‘ \a'u dangct'oud} laid-hack maxlcr ol ccrcmonicx R}illl Van \Vinklc. uho llttx hccn running (ioldcn lltltll'\ lor \xcll owr a _\car. ‘lt'x a curatcd cwnt: a to“ troll clioscn cmct‘gcnt \trilcrs. throu in a couplc ol cartoons lh} .\'Y(' artist Dan \lcthi. and lhcn lllllxll thing up \kllll a hig party 'l'hc l‘orcsl'x choir haw hccn practising \arioux \ccular cat‘ol\ tor a propcr \ingalong. hclorc ccding the stage to rcggac li\c-plccc l)idd|} Squat. who arc ll} in}; up from l.ondon l'or thc c\cnt. ()h. and it's BYOB. too. which ought to \oothc thc llltlxl \ilngL'l} shoppcd-out nallct.

lloucwr. tor a propcr lustnc l'rcn/‘x. h}pc )ourscll up on thc ncon lights. pumping tuncs and sickly succl conlcclionat'} ol~ lhc tum-traditional Irn Bru Carnival «Sl;('('. (ilaxgou. Fri 31 Dcc Sun l3 Jun. not ('hrixtmax l)a} l. Noise. colours. and snogging like tccnagcrs round thc hack of thc wall/cm. That's how no” he \pctlding thc l‘cstixc scaxon. l’rohuhl}.

-' 1/ ,3": THE LIST 33