38 THE LIST '3 ' ~1

Here More Than You Probably the best short story collection of the year with the LA performance artist happily eschewing the awkward to get to the heart of her characters' fractured lives.

Clive Staflord Smith Bad Men The horror stories of Guantanamo Bay are brought to vivid and terrible life by the British-born lawyer who has become a real thorn in the side of Bush and co.

Toni Davidson The Gradual Gathering of Lust Back after a long hiatus post-Scar Culture. the Ayr~born writer gave us a splendid set of short stories about the stuff that moves the loins.

Joe Hill Heart-Shaped Box Stephen King's little bearded boy did his dad proud with a spooky as hell tale about a fading rock star buying a ghost on the internet. Which can never turn outgood.

Don DeLlllo Falling Man It wasn't half inevitable that this chronicler of the US psyche would dip into the soul of 9/1 1. And he does so with impressive and infuriating vigour.

Niven Govinden Graffiti My Soul Disaffected British youths may not be the easiest lot for 30-something writers to tackle but this Goldsmiths graduate picks the lock of Veerapen Isaac Prendrapen to sordid perfection. Dave Eggers What is the What The cocksurest writer of them all produced his most audacious affair to date. the story of a real- life refugee fleeing the Sudanese civil war. Which might not sound invigorating to you. but then you'd be quite wrong.

Charlie Brooker Dawn of the Dumb The guy who grumps and groans about rubbish telly on BBCA’s Screenwipe has his Guardian ravings collected up. Bloody funny they are. too. (Brian Donaldson)


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to cate.simpson@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Cate Simpson.


Mists and Monsoons \\ nit-ix' \itl\t'lllll. lad} \lau'x (low. I .mnrnarkct. 52‘)»1‘lll| l‘nlil Z‘l\1.u lllain <l‘lll l‘rcc v\n c\lnh1lion likuxuig on contcrnporar} \H'llt'h ol Scotland and thc Indian \uhcontincnl to mark thc (ill yum \lllct' thc partition ot India and I’akhtan

Years of Rankin and Rebus \alloltal l.ihr‘ar} of Scotland. (icorgc |\ lirnlgc. (Ci i545 l'nlil lVlan Mon i'll

Illani Spin; \"at Illani 5pm. l‘rcc Rt’llnxlk'cllu‘ Hi lilL' le'L'dl tiL'lL‘cllH' Rt‘i‘lh and ill\ ll.l\;lli\ lll lathnhtugh\ inurk} cruninal unticrhcll}. \ituatcti in lhc \cr} placc \xhcrc Rankin \xiotc niuch ol thc first Rchth liou‘l. Knuh (mi/ ( .I'I'\\('\, 'lihc c\hihilion trackx lhc dcwlopnicnt ol thc crcator and ill\ cicalion. ax \xcll ax that ol thc cit} ol Iitlinhurgh. ilwll a pronuncnl L‘ilill'aL'IL‘l' lit lhc htitik\.


Reading Group: Nothing but The Poem SL'tllllxil I’octl‘} lihrar}. 5 (it‘lchloHK (‘loxti ('anongalc. 55‘ 33”“ (Lil! Spin. l5 lUI. chioung tlic prcxxurcx ol rcx icu. ci‘ilicmn anti h_\pc. anti “llillllll rcl} ing on hackgrounti

kno“ lctlgc. lill\ gcntlc rcathng group lcti it} JUIIL' .lohnxlonc lticll\L'\ till thc [Ctltik'i.\ l'L‘\poll\L' lo lilC lL'\l. l'ot‘ hooking ttllti litol'L' ticlailx plcaxc phonc or cinail

rcccplionlu \plorguk

The Guid Crack Club \Vawrlc) Bar. 1 St Mar) \ Strccl. 550 ()57‘). 7.30pm. £3. 'l'hc cluh \xclconicx gucst \lor}tcllcr Jan .-\lltil'L‘\\\, (‘onic along and Il\lCll or join in.


Paul Smith \\';ltcl‘\toltc\. IS: 157 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 ‘llllS. 12.30pm. i‘rcc. 'l‘hc author ol' Runut'rx ' ( lull He'rmw \ignx copics of thc hook. ioincd h) lhro\ lcgcntlx \Villic Johnxton and ('olin Slcin.

Tuesday 18 Edinburgh

Favourite Family Books at Christmas National l.ihrar_\ ol' Scotland. (icorgc |\' Britigc. (£3 38-15. 5pm. l'rcc. Bring along _\our lamuritc ('hrixlniax hookx and hcar and \harc talc» \Vith \tor)lcl|cr liuan McVicar anti poct ('hrixlinc tic |.uca. \unthcrx arc \lricll} linntctl. cniail c\cnl\w lli\.llk to hook.

Wednesday 19 Edinburgh

The Golden Hour i‘orcxl (lift. 3 “into l’lacc. Elli-1538. Spin. i-‘rcc. |.oo\c caharct cwning \xith \xorth. littl\lL‘ and \idcti inadncxx. li‘attu‘tng Rohcrt .-\|an Janiicxon rcatling front ill\ ncxx hook. Nor! sir/inier Ill-ill. ('anatlian-haxctl \xritcr Bcn l.anca\tcr rcatiing \ ia \atcllttc link. holitla} -lhcuicti fiction front Jaxon Morton. and llill\lL‘ from “w |~orc~l ('hoir and Kcnn Mollo}. B“ )B.


=i< Big Word 'l‘hc Ja// Bar. 1 ('hanihch Strcct. 3le 42%. k) 1 1pm. £4 «U I. 'l‘hc la~t \iillll poctr} caharct of lhc \caxon fcalurcx a rarc lk‘l’IUl‘lllitllCC lroni Big \Vortl prtkluccr Jcnn) l.lllti\il_\. a\ \xcli ax lllll\l( from (iithgtm \ Mark Rat'fcrt} and poctr} troni Jcnnifcr \Villianh and (Lir) Rohcnxon. author of (:1ng of Hum/n. 'l'hix inonth'x \pccial gumt hmt l\ Roh (icc. For morc inlorltialion contact

icnn} illlLlVJ} ta gniailcoin



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Spider-Man: The Icon




WILL EISNER Life. in Pictures 0...

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'MAnTIN 8. ASHLEY wooo Tank Girl: Th