Name Christopher Doyle

Born 1952, Sydney. Australia Background Doyle went through numerous occupations before becoming one of the world's great cinematographers. He was a merchant marine and supervised irrigation in India. He also sold drugs in Amsterdam. He even claims to have sold quack medicine in Thailand and taught English in Hong Kong. Oh, and we shouldn't forget the taxi driving in Paris. He says he also thought of becoming a Greek sailor but he ‘wasn't ready for the double penetration'. Doyle was never much of a filmgoer. insisting the only reason he went to the cinema when he was young was to feet up his girlfriend. Eventually he fell into his “proper job' shooting Chungking Express. Temptress Moon and In the Mood for Love. as well as Psycho and Rabbit Proof Fence.

What’s he up to now? He recently showed a series of his shon directorial works at the Edinburgh Film Festival and also shot Gus Van Sant's new film, Paranoid Park. He seems especially proud of the shower scene in the film, 'where you condense the intuition of the shoot into one Or two key moments.’ What he says about Paranoid Park “What I learned most from the Paranoid Park experience was how to remove oneself. Most directors expect me to find the visual: Van Sant wanted things as mundane as possible.‘ Interesting fact Though he hangs out sometimes with other great cameramen, including Darius Khondii. Seamus McGarvey and Anthony Dod Mantle. he still doesn‘t watch many films and his main inspiration comes not from cinema but books and music. He loves Bukowski and Bataille. Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen.

(Tony MCKibbin)

I Paranoid Park, selected release from Fri 28 Dec.

62 TNE LIST 13 Dec 20074 Jan 2008

Sigur Ros: Heima l< 0.00 ilk-.ii: Deliloix. Leland. :WlatV—lllllt \tter corilpleting .i orie~_\ tour of their lci‘lllc .ilbum lull. Sigur Rox returned to their hoiiiel.ind of Iceland. \\ here the} [\‘lll‘llttetl mi» \\ L'L'lk‘ of tree xhoux .iround the citllllll} ll!'l"ltl. Icelandic for ‘.it home‘. ix the record ot thoxe tx-r‘toriimntex (it'tixew. lifn:

Ill! tli'lt (i/(1\L'i’i'r

=21 Silent Light (Stellet Licht) lit 0.... t(‘.irlox Re}

\leuco l'rtince \etlierl.iiidx'( ierrimn}. St N Vi l:li/.ibeth l‘ehr. J.icobo Kltixxeti. \1.ui.i l’dliledl/ l-iomiii \ north) \xinner ot the Grand Jur} pri/e tit (linnex. \ii'i ii! I ielir ix .i continuation of Re}' \milx looking .it lox e and dexire. .ind llH\\ the} pill men .it oddx \kitli xociet} ltx long xhotx. tiriielriiiiie .iiid xptiixe di.ilogue .ire deliber.itel_\ challengmg. urging ux to interpret e\eiitx on it moral and lexel .'t\ the liliii tixkx \xhat trul} ix iicceptiible behm iour‘ ()utxt.inding (i/ingrm I'r/m Hti illlr. (ilu’vguii, (tint: t‘. [xi/iIi/tureli

The Simpsons Movie it’( it .0.

(Din id Siht‘llllitll. l'S. lellW \'oicex of [Mn ('tixtell.iiiet;i. Julie Kmiier. .\';uic_\

(‘iii'txx right Homiii lt'x not going to change the world ttlitl. .it (it) minutex. it xlightl} r'iiiix out of xtetim but thix ix noriethelexx .i liiiil} L'lllti)€thlk‘ big xcreen outing lor ewrymeK lmourite l'.imrl'\, The plot. ;t\ e\ei. ix xecondtu‘): lloiner ilL"\‘ltlL'lil.tll} pollutex the Springfield \xiiter’ \llppl} tind eiiuxex ti llltt\\ e\odux. While the xtrong piiliticgil xtitire ot the earl} epixodex hiix long been repliiced b_\ pop culture relereiicex. thix u ill xti|| be one of the xui‘elir'e hiton the xuiiiiiier. (.Illt’iit’l'ltl lit/Ill/HHL’II. I'.i/inlmre/i.

The Singeri l2:\i COO. ixuxiei (imnniili. l’rgince. Zilllol (iCl‘ltl'tl l)ep;irdieu. (‘eeile de France. .\l;ithieu .-\liiitli‘lL‘. I liniui .-\ French Lost in 'I‘I'tmx/ittiu/i-xt} le tige gtip rointiiitic tirilliitl. .-\ liilx-been crooner ll)ep;irdieul \xorkx the diiiicehtillx illltl rextiiuriintx ol’ tin unremarkable l-‘r'ench cit}. until one night he ix introduced to ;i betiutil'ul bloiide L‘illlL'tl Marion lde l‘l'ullc‘tl. The} tire iriimediiitel} dt‘mxn to one tinother from it xenxe ol dixplticed longing tiiid begin to negotitite the ter'mx ol~ tin urilikel} li‘lL‘litlxlilp. (imrw. lat/in/iureli.

Sleuth l 15) O. 1 Kenneth liriiiiiigh. l'S. 3007i Jude Miclitiel (lune. Hh’iiiin, llm ing Pitt} ed oppoxite Laurence ()li\ ier in the originiil. ('tune mm x“ itchex i'olex tix the itl'Cli toriiientor \\ ho im itex liix \\ if‘e'x much younger lo\ er tl.m\ i to liix countr} houxe for it diiiigei'oux gguiie ol' ciit tuid inouxe. Vixltatll) dull, and dexplle xiinie terxe ditilogue b) llgirold l’inter. ti largel} cluelexx iif'tliir. ('iiine tippeiirx to be hm mg fun. but [.mx 'x xinug. chtirinlexx xigniiture tict ix xxetiryngl) meruxed. (i/uyemi [Vi/m Theatre. (i/uwim:

Southland Tales l lSi O. iRieliui-tl Kell}. (ieriiitin) /l S/Htuice. Zlitlhi l)\x;i)ne Johnxon. Setinn William Scott. Sarah Michelle (ielltir. l-Hmm. It ix July 2008. xoeiet) ix on the brink of xoeiiil. economic and em ironmenttil colliipxe. An tictiori xttir/boxer. ti porn xttir' and ti police officer tire mulxing ti liixt xttind in their on n peculiiir \\;t_\.x. l’mnl'ull} xophoiiiorie iiiid demid of the \x it. intelligence tilltl paithox thtit ingide Dumue Durko xuch ti unique e\perience. South/mid Iii/tax ix ill-concen ed and poorl) executed. xhot through \\ ith xliipxticlx

\ iolenee rind xiiiug jokex. (‘im'mirli/ Rt'ltft‘t'it Xll‘c‘t’l. (:‘lttsg'rm .' (‘lllt'ittll'ltl Iii/inhiujeli. Iz'tlirilmre/r.

Standing with the Students itii 00min. l)tK‘lltthtll;tT_\' l‘olloxxing the xtrugglex of xtudentx from the l'nixerxit} of Bueu in Cameroon. u ho hme been ctimptugning xirice 3005 :iguiiixt ttli illegitimate ban on till t‘ormx ol‘ protext. and mini} of \x hom lime been killed or injured b} the (‘tiineroon milittir) in the procexx. ('(‘.-l. (iliixemi. Stardust l PUl O. lMtittheu \Ziughn. l'K. 2007 i (‘hgirlie (‘o\. ('luire Dunex. Robert De Nirti. Sir Ian McKellen. lfillmin. ln ti countr) xide to“ n bordering u iiiagictil land. it )ouiig mun intiLex '.i promixe to hix belox ed that he'll retrie\ e a fallen xttir b} \enturing into the miigictil reiilm in thix xl;ti’-\luddcd t‘untux} epic adapted from the nox'el by Neil (human. Cox lticlxx pizza/1 ;h the itdxenturer Trixtun. \xhich Vaughn otil}

eiiipli.ixixex bx pitchinghiiii.ig.izr1xtonebig name .itter .iriother .tlltl 'xxhile \.'..'.:.ix.' h.ix \i‘lli'c‘ eiiter'i.i:iiiiig iii-iriieritx. ll loolxx fated to :oiri I new: .ititl lei [LU .‘x Run; on the bo\ ottice‘x.ittl ot t.iiit.:xj. pilot L'lli‘il\ (1":(’(‘..I(ii(is‘\(

ST Trinian's illx -( )li\ er linker li.:rri.ib_\ lhoinpxoirl ix. 2W7 Rupert l ‘xetett. (‘oliri l llllt. .ltKllk' \\ littl.ikt-t \ee \lxo Rele.ixed. page <~1 (u m m. u .( .ixi 'u-nr / r: 3/ I)! t

Taare Zameen Par ll‘\ '\.tlllll Klidll. lridi.i. I‘Nlfii \.iiiiir Khan. lixc.i

(‘hopra l ight )e.u old lxh.i.iii ioxex pl.i_\ing outdooix more than he tloex doing hix hoiiiexxork \\ hen he ix xeiit to l‘i'.tl\ltllj: xchool .ill cli.iiigex but he xtill xtrugglex unit the \Kt‘llx \\ hen .i new .ul lk'.i\llk'l .u'ii\ ex. lxhti.ui|_\ lindx he h.ix .i xoul m.ile lle.irt\\.irriiing lliridi di.iiii.i

(ii/rt Hi'I/(i/ Rt Iiilr'ii \tn ( .', (liilx elm

Tales from Earthsea (Gedo Senki) il’(ii... i(ioio\li}.i/.iki.J.ii\.iri. Zoom Jlllllclil ()k.:tl.i. .'\Ht lexlum.i. liimt.i Sug.i\\.ir.i ll5mm lit/.uie exeiitx xt.irt to bliii the liiiex betxxeen t.irit.ix} .iiid lt'dlil}. .llltl lliL‘ \\1/.ll\l(ik'kl lx \k'lll lt‘ tll\kl‘\t‘l lllt‘ c.iuxe -\ decent enough .imin.ition u itli .i teu iiixpired iiioiiientx. but the benign \xorldxieu iii.ide .\/’llli't i/ \HtH xuch .i re\el.ition ix xoiel_\ iiiixxiiig from the xt.uL ‘giiittltt‘x .ittil l‘diltllkW' \lcllllt‘dllull illlt'tt‘tl liete (irmii Iiul; (i/iixeiiu

Tales from the Crypti 1.xi 0.00 ll'reddie l-r.iiicix. l'S. I‘VIl .ltmll (‘olliiix. l’eter('uxhing. Ro} l)otrice 02mm l~i\e

people meet iii .i er} pt .iiid he.ii him the} rue

going to die lrom the Hi} xteiioux ci'}ptkeeper Superior .-\iiiicux horror \\ ith .i \ei'} line pedigree thiit iiicludex xe.ixoried ciiieiiiutogriiphei .ind tilmm.ilxer l'l.tllL'l\ .uid ti ,\oulhl'u| ('ollmx iii the lL'ittl i'ole l’lux lher‘eK liiii llendi'} .ind Patrick .\l;igee iii \lliitllL'l rolex Reeliiiiiiieiided. ('uniiw. l'fi/rIi/tiu‘e/i.

Talk to Me 1" COO ‘l\.t\l leititizonx.l \. :liVI lion themlle. (‘hixxetel l‘lti‘li‘l. t‘ediie the l l.:r.:ii l‘ lleiixon li\iiiin \ee iex iexx. p.ige - (inn; '-'. IL": Iii: ..."t (r.l..\\'i".t /.'.":':w.ixi l..‘;':"';i'ei:

30 Days of Night l*i COO \lmle. \e\x / \. .‘tNVi .loxh littllllt'll. \le ixx.i ( ieotge. lien l'oxter lllriiiri In .in \l.t\l\.tll li‘\\lt the l.ixt r.ixx of light .iiixoiie \xill xee lot .1 iiioiith .ire

ill.“ hl

tmliiig. .iiid .i bloodthirxtx gang ot \.iriipiiex h.i\e tome to pl.i_\ in the d.ii'keiied xtieetx liiiprexxixelx xc.irx .id.ipt.itioii ot \texe \ilex' gitiphic iioxel xeriex tiom the \lllt‘cli‘l i‘l Ilti'il ( ‘ttl’lla'v\ \t [it :( t4" ’r .V( H'H This Christmas t l 3 \i .0.

il’iextoii .\ \\ hitiiioie H. l \. .‘lNl ‘i llelrox l iiido. Idiix l ll‘.t, l oiett.i |)e\ine ll"lltllt l .iiiiilx ('hiixliii.ix ‘tli.iiiiedv‘x .it lu.illx better _\oud think l't‘.tltlllli_‘_‘ an .ill black e.ixl. It'iix ( trun'ruux ix centred .irouiid .i l.iiiiil} ‘x liixt holid.ix xe.ixori together in tour xt‘.irx \t I. . it if u it me Tough Enough (Knallhart) i 1M .0. illellex liiiclx. (it‘lllldlt). .Tllllm l).i\id Kioxx. _leiiii_\ \elxeix. l'llidll l'nue ‘lbiiuu \ coining ot .ige dr.uii.i .ibout .i box forced to telocdle to .i poorer neighbourhood xx ith liix mother. \xho riiuxt le.iin to cope \x ith the il.iilx xtruegle of mu i\.il in .i place “here dtiiiger luikx .iround excl} eorrier I i!niliuiixi I .liri/iiueli 12:08 East of Bucharest l l_‘-\i C... 1(‘oriieliu l’oruinboiu. Roui.iiii.i. Zoom \1ll\t‘.l.‘\ll\llk'k'\\ll. Ieodoi (‘oilqu loii S.ipd.iru .‘x‘liiiin l'he debut le.ituie from ('.iiiier.i l)'( )i' \x iimei l’oruinboiu reteix to the e\.ict liiiie Roiii.iiii.iii illeldliit \lc'‘ (Intttxext tl .tl‘dlc .iled

poxx er on 33 December I‘lb‘l Sixteen )e.ux Ititer .i group of people gather .it .i i.idio xt.itiori to xh.ire their iiieiiioiiex oi lliiil Heulxltttt liix .t cle\et. .l\\L'\\ll\lk' .tlltl geriuiiiel} likeable tilm lull ot mt ident.i|


Win Th Darjeeling limited Soundtrack

' iii .- ‘t. v €;=d "3

op. ali of his feature f'i'TlS. C'eatng r have won ‘.‘.lOllCl‘.‘.’lO€ accolades 3ng awards. Anderson and Poster ria/e Chosen a diverse musica. baCKOYOt; for this film. inputting tracks by The Kinks. The Rotting Stones. Joe Dassin and Peter Sarstedt aJOng wit.r music from both Merchant Ivory and Satyajit Ray films inczuding The Guru and Bombay Ta/kie. The blend 0‘ traditiOnai Indian music ard 70s rock makes for yet another unforgettable SOundtraCk. The List has he copes to gut; away. To be in with a Challce Ol ‘-""”"'”g Of‘e- 8WD“; 8600 an email marked Darjeeling OST' to OTOWOIiOflSQilSICOuK with your name. address and da/time telephOne number by. no later than Thursday 3 Januanr 2008. USual List rules appl/.

Universal nave Just released the SOunrltraCk for Wes Anderson's new filrri Hie Darjeeling Limited. Anderson. has ‘.‘.”‘t‘r<9ft with mug”; supervisor Randall Poster

are arid remarkable saun’i‘fracks. which