
Alvin and the Chipmunks I l I

8le It Sun III NLIIII. ill”. i iii hill) American Gangster I in

Hall} I: << IIIIII \.Il. Sun I\ llllll.

J K IIIIIl \ml. \illL \M-Il Ik llIlII. \ Ill IIIIIl \M'Il I‘m 'l lIlII

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford I<I

I).II|} 13M. 11”. \ 1*

Bee Movie II

l).IIl\ ll l‘aIII. l ‘5 ill”. (I ;H. mm.

'\l\n lIllL' l’il I\ \.Ii ll lll

Beowulf (30 Digital Presentation) I I 3 \I l).lll} 'iiHl \\k'\ll l IN, ‘Hill

Deck the HallsII’lII

\Il llllllMIIi

Enchanted II'III

l).II|\ IIIIIIII. lIIII. j-li i-l‘. ill. (. iii: ,\ IS U I<

\l\il \Il .\ \IIII lH “LIIII

\lxli l.lll' l H I\ \.ll l l llll

Fred Claus i l’( il

anl} l.‘ .‘H. ill). (NH lllHl \lHil Ik \\L'lll. \ ill

The Golden Compass I I.‘.\»

l);IIl\ ll Ilium. IIIIIIII. ii ill. 3””.

3w: I5. is”. s as, “35 Si). x in. I) i

\l\l) lillL' III I\ Sal ll llll

Hitman I ISI

l).ill) .3 Ill, 5 Ill

lAmLegend I Ii.

\\I-Il "I (ll)

It’s a Wonderful Life I I’( i I

\Vt'il. lit”. HIS. 5:“). H l”.

Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium l l ‘I l).IIl\ ll Ilium. l *4. illi. () Iii~ sum

x\l\(l lulu in I\ \Xli Ill”.

The Nightmare Before Christmas 30

l’( i I

Dull} lilHl \Vt-Ilii I l_,iil;IIII. lfiii. (ISM. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause l l

Sal lllllllulli

The Simpsons Movie ll’( iI

Sui: Iiilliinlll.

Southland Tales I ISI

Hull}: I |,llI;IIII. 4:15.

.-\l\ll lulu l'l‘l IK $.lli lll.»l5.

We Own the Night I ISI

l)ilil}' I2 III, Hill R i sill

:\l\II lult' l'l'l Ik Sal: I l. Welcome I my I

'llllll lllll. -i_|li. Nil). You Kill MBIISI

l.;llL‘ l'li'i I\ 5.11. ll.35.

l.\’ \t‘xxlmlilc l‘cl'luct'. (‘(' blinking: (ilil liq -l77l.lilin1lll_‘\l 4—17 2M)“ and 4-17 3.15“. .'\Llllll: Simulqu L57“. Supt-rim" UMIII. (‘Incnm {Ill L'iIlIlI. \iIIII l‘l'l l‘t‘lill'k‘ (Ipm: Slunllunl L117“. Supcrmr L-il‘lll. (‘mcmll iIJ L5H). ('IInt'cxxlunsK'lIllIlI'cn: Slundgu'd Lilli. Sllpcl'lnl L5 (Iii. ("ilk-mu iI-l Lilli l’ullnmnx. .\llL‘lllUUll UH)“. l‘wmng L115“. 511le Rct‘llncrx: \llclnnun: L75”. l-wmn; LIISil. ('Incnm I Sui;ng MIL-Ilium” L" 51). l‘.\L'lllll:_‘ L85”, SllIIlL‘Ile ISlIn lililll Lliill Inclutlcx .I drink l'illllll) llt‘kclx imm £3.41) pol pcrwn. Part-III and hub} \L'I‘ccmngxi [3 lm cut‘ll llt‘t'IIIIIp.III_\Ing_' .Itlllll,


American Gangster I I.\I “fin.

BHCK Lane l l5l .\'_3li.

Code Name: The Cleaner Il’l ‘II Kill). 5.30.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age I I:.-\I III). 715.

Fred Claus mm 2.30. Sufi.

The Golden Compass I I:.-\I :IIII. 5_li(i_ “fill.

ERIDAYL‘I-l 'IilLlRSD.»\\ gt?

Bee Movie Il'I

Hull): 3.15. 5.20 lliUl Sail. "Ni. .'\l\0 Sui & Sun: Hill.

Enchanted Ii’l‘II

Dull}: 31M). 5.40. 8.30,

Also Sui & Sun: l2..‘~ll.

66 THE LIST '3 393-1; t .K'Qr“

Enchanted (Parent and Baby Screening) II'( .I


Fred Claus I I’( .

l ).Il ‘~ < zll

The Golden Compass I_I__‘ \

l).lll'\ :liil giii)~ "‘x\

W Magorium's Wonder Emporium ll

l).IIl} §1|l_ 1;

\lxII \II I\ \lIII I III

Edinburgh Film Guild

l'IlIIIlIIIlIw. I\I\ l Hllildil anl. Hi *1 23\ Sims \lt'iiil‘k'i\lil[‘ L i; (lilt'\l

ll\ kch [In \t'II'I'IIIIIj; U) l’lL'JM’ llHlL‘ llI.Il lllt'lt‘ .III' IIII ll.lllt'l\ Hi .IIl‘.cIl\ .IIIIl \\ II‘I'IIIIIj:\ \l.lil.ll()iilllifiiilll\\t'1ll \ll.ll[) \lk‘illl‘t‘i\ .liL' Illvi L‘llllllt‘xl iii .lllk'lltl l'llL' Iii llII' llliil\ l‘t'lll}' \t II'I'III'Il I») my l‘llllilillllu‘ with \IIII mulling lIII ilIIllIcI \lL'lIlll\ \L'L'

\\ \ux l-IlIIIlilIIg'llilllllylillll \l‘ill

~) ,’ ‘l[;}of f ~It

Bad Santa I IR. (Iiiii


XX |,IIillI;ilI RH.IIl. ill {I 338 3088, Ruxllulmnl l \L'iillifJ \L'lL'L‘lililf._‘\ IlI'IIIII SIHIII' Lint-15m \l.IlIIIt-I'\ ll‘t‘lHiL' 5mm: L—l5liltil. l‘ll l‘.ll_‘_‘.llll iliililiiL‘L'V Li Rll I L2 I.

’ll llJliSlMI’ ' 2 [ll (L

1. The Magic Flute Il’( iI I III). .1 ill) Pilton Video ll)(li "III

2. Across the Universe I ISI 2.15. 13H,

The Magic Flute II’( ‘II xi 3. Anna M I ISI ZIIII. 3.15. The Band’s Visit I I 2.-\I ~i

l'liIUAY i-1 [ll (i

1. Once I ISI 2.3“. mm.

It’s a Wonderful Life ll’( ‘II x, I S

2. Princesses (Princesas) I IxI IIIII. (IIIII.

Youth Without Youth I ISI 3.: 3. Les Chansons d’amour I IS HAS.

Talk to Me I ISI HI). Mi

5. him I iii).

S/‘xlllliUAY if) [Jl (I

1.OnceIISI 2.3m, MS.

It’s a Wonderful Life II’( ‘II 5.30.

2. Princesses (Princesas) I I.\'I IIIII. (villi.

Youth Without Youth I ISI 3.35. 3.3” 3. Les Chansons d’amour I ISI IAII. 3,45.

Talk to Me I ISI HI). (I, I S.'saWonderfuiLife I'II \ . Once i< mm

2. Princesses (Princesas) ,\ YouthWithoutYouth :4 I3< \ ;.. 3.TalktoMe I< tIII \ 5

Les Chansons d’amour ;~' ;.I.I I. .

1. It's a Wonderful Life (Parent 8. Baby Screening) III. III III.IIII OnceI1* .‘AII ‘lliii

it’s a Wonderful Life l’( .I < ;< 2. Princesses (Princesas) I

Youth Without Youth I*I ~ \ ‘III 3.TalktoMeII<I I In \ L~

Les Chansons d’amour < 1 III» II I <

\. iliilv

1.0nceII<I .‘ m

It’s a Wonderful Life IN .I x 1‘

2. Youth Without Youth In iIIII. \ m Tough Enough (Knallhart) I l‘ II I III

3. Les Chansons d’amour I<I I H I.

.\ I14

TalktoMeIliI 4m II I*

1. it’s a Wonderful Life PM 3 III~ \ Ii Once ISI mm

2. Youth Without Youth I I<I Hm. x m Tough Enough (Knallhart) I I<I II III

3. Les Chansons d’amour I I‘» I N I.

x H


rllir’fn _' .It-’saWonderfulLifeII’(‘II 3 III. i III.

.\' I5

2. Youth Without Youth I ISI Hill. .\ ill Tough Enough (Knallhart) I IS. I. llil

3. Talk to Me I ISI I :II, x Il<

Les Chansons d’amour I Ii. .I III. II I4

rHIIJMI. .)t I,

1. lt’saWonderful Life ll)(ll 3 :II. I\ I< Earth Il'I (rill)

2. SickoIIJXI I III. (Iilli

Dracula l IJ.\I .l IIS. x15

3. Les Chansons d’amour I I<I I Ii. IIIIII

Youth Without Youth I ISI I III. II Ii

ssxx'l IIIIII‘I‘I I»?

1.EarthIl'I_‘1lI.IIIIII lt’saWonderfulLifeIl’liI .\ IS

2. SickoIl2,\I iii). (Ilili

Dracula I I2.\. IIIIS. .\.l<

3. Youth Without YouthIISI I Ii. \ m Les Chansons d’amour I HI Ii IIII. II 1*

1. Raymond Briggs Trilogy (Parent 8. Baby Screening) l I III

Earth I III» \ 1‘

it’s a Wonderful Life l’( . ~ III 2-SiCko l_‘\ li' (will

Dracula .‘ \ ;II~ \ 2‘

3. Les Chansons d’amour ‘I ~ ".

Youth Without Youth I‘ ¥ ‘w II I‘

1. Raymond Briggs Trilogy (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I I III

Earth .lI lIIlI

It’s a Wonderful Life II'I -- II m

2. Youth Without Youth I \ l IIII

3. Les Chansons d’amour I \I % II I.

ii l‘

1.The Kite RunnerII.‘\I lllli zIIII

2.EarthIl I :II

Youth Without YouthIIM €-l*_ I. Hi 3. Les Chansons d'amourIIM I

The Rocket Post I.‘ \I II III

1.The Kite RunnerI I: \I 2 HI. *1» .\ Ni

2. Youth Without Youth I IiI I IIH.

x ill

Earth Il i i (ii). I. Ix

3. Les Chansons d’amour I IN I I‘. i {ii 5 [S

The Cheviot, The Stag and The Black, Black Oil I M ‘II (i (III

1. The Kite Runner I I: \I 3 III. i 1*. .\ ill

2. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford I I M I {II i ii x IIII

3. Michael Clayton I IiI iiiii‘ \ In

I Know Where I’m Going! I l I II IIII Ié-f an

1.The Kite RunnerIII \I _‘ III. i 1%. .\ II i.

2. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Subtitled) I Q I ii i_

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford I IiI i ii.

IX (ill

3. The Brothers I I’( 'II I Hi)

Michael Clayton I 1% I 1*. H IS

The Edge of the Wortd «M 'II II ill

W Michael Moore’s playful, funny but ultimately disturbing dissection of the American healthcare service comes to the end of its cinema run. The film is released on DVD on Tuesday 7 January.

‘- ""‘ ‘. r— 'f"\ r )1 Cr I"__S I‘ . .I \ \‘btz. hurl ‘J\‘ \11 g ‘4 ‘5‘
