Edinburgh's Hoqmanay Eilidh's Daily Ukulele Ceilidh Wizard of Oz


l'tlw.-.rlr1, Calm." l-larres and lxasablar‘. are the Mr v w r'E ‘1 3" Hr As‘mi Smother pgtlng tt ' thls nostalalr tale at friendship, hlg'wl ghts In Prlnr es Street Gardens. Remember to,» an" st-t wht \ "' ll" ft ;‘ a. a w MH‘ 1 " "M ere-Le mortar:rezeanarah. \l|{‘[)(‘.'\.5tl\'71\Hlt'

ham- mm ,lthrng r tossed for gum u.'.‘eathr-r. Sm- tr, ' .9073“, n nw " t: a, .trlr‘ \t th»- en'lterner‘t sa'ramnglng this proggt turn that [l( kets page H. Punt es Street (lam/ens. [llmwa/l, ,‘Jtv‘ RI omelet See page :1 5. ’t “at 0‘. m, balsam-r are already \t‘l'I'h] last. See page 91. Rpm/l Her/m [)c’t. I'm. l3 I‘m. lhear'e, [jg/n!»ng onll/ Sun 30 Per.

Optimo Jbseph afld Hi5 Amazing The Kite Runner cures Technicolour Dreamcoat mu

0ptrnm have their taxogrlte (list met y of the year, THEATRE The tr lendsth between two boys from different

Dan Dear on, lmed up to spin into 2008 while Amjw\_._.UW(1mm”, (ma rm Rmyg Classm- mUSIU-H etth backgrounds rs Lhangecl forever by the Taliban [Wittit and Wilkes show off their own unperrable ,8 {We Hm Wm. Mm (, UN of mp mulls“ from msurgeney In the mid 1990s. A story of grief, regret taste for the obswre and wonder lgl. See page 39. 1(rla_r.5,(mgWe!“ mow Am, Drmm W,” DO 309 page and redemption. See page 52. General release from we Glam/en, Men 3/ Dec. 89. Plat/tense, Edinburgh (mt/l Tue 8 Jan. F” 28 DOC-

\t\' i H I HDH (oi/\S'I‘RU

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My Life Fidel Thomas Houseaqo Night Afore Monster I'm Not There Castro & qnacro vISUALARr Cellidh mu

Ramonet The Leeds-oer " snaiotor 1).” was ":s AROUND TOWN Frye actors and one actress all Dla‘l BOOKS tramway] m x y Cetus”; Get the [73,,” 8.8”“ 08“, a, We Robert Zimmerman, aka folk ,_ '_ oi» ky Ll-L \ _ y . ‘l. LXp!‘USS:Or‘;iS".T Salk} ’tritl' gm :3 Ma, . ; A “A” , ,1, ; troubadour Bob Dylan. at gel/en lemme Ramonet's book-'ntep row , \m. Aron; .ster Cemam .eaturmq \ k - a , r . . CIJSQO‘,-. tor the first @010. SEC page V W o 4'“ Iconic Stages of hrs Me In this much was based on ox er 100 MCLJH of a e , 'aoastersr am all o.er the who. See i ' ' 9v. “were l'l‘Sfrfufc‘: passes. t, s n ,. A r r r talked about film. See page 50. Interviews mth Castro and makes tor q t, ; J m “99 33- 990‘ 3“ 51599“ LJWOWQHI Selected release from file, Dec "1‘ "' ' Va" 30 Dec. -

fascmating reading. See page 37. Our HON.

’« :Jw, g’,’,/‘-7z1 ,‘a' 27,? THE LIST 5