

King's Theatre. Edinburgh, until Sun 20 Jan 000

The year began well at the Lyceum. with John Dove's superb All My Sena setting the picket-fence lawns of postwar USA afire in a manner that reminded us that Miller's message about the personal and political costs of capitalism is as inescapable today as it was in 1947. There followed another revival of a more recent. but equally compelling text about how systemic structures destroy our

personal. and even spiritual lives in ,. m , a ,, . , Daniel Kramer's production of . i m. . .. ,. , . Angela In America at the Citz. mm. m. y , .. .. , ., . But there was scope for new ; . . z . : g. , , , . ' "‘ ' " . .t'

work as well. with Dundee Fiep’s sweetly engaging. and sometimes

socially forensic Sunshine on H... , , . . . . , 1, .l ,

Lelth bringing all the joy and ; Ti,» {" o ". l ' i .

pathos of the music of the 1.... ,, 1-3..‘.’l.".lir,".'w4 yz'1"'\)' 7", i'«-

Proclaimers onto the stage

through Stephen Greenhorn's m,- .i r :r it .il ’l. aw in m script. So too. Alan Wilkins' tLlil‘r‘» l‘ir- law r w: Carthage Must be The Verdict iv r: r tar n Deatroyed,atakeontheancient ‘Il .lf,.t 23.: : v rm .i' world with uncanny resonances tr» v :m: ,' with contemporary parliamentary fistuiiluiw rii'x; w , v politics represented the bringing to an. mi..- .f -.r ‘.:' 1.» i (m , fruition ofatalentlong nurtured at - lit».- s..r~~r.t-_i .rwi

the Traverse. which added David i. www.mtui ii i fit." I o-va hurt: till. 'w Greig's Damascus. awitty :,' ‘.‘.’r,r'iil‘:i‘. .-.l z .r i ' examination of the geopolitical .2... .r v r. w .; r v' r i . ° dilemmas of the contemporary t . iv , Kw : r ' Middle East. to its portfolio of new i , n : ~ ,. t;. ° . : writing this year. Meanwhile. Stellar i.” .v mi w. 3 iv .v Quines was touring Scotland with *5 ' « 2 .r mm v r i

another bleak political allegory in 77" .

the shape of Torben Bett’s brilliant ° liirlir, .-.iti in w ~ »

agit prop satire abOUt a family in £1(l(lll'()llf$. {illil 5m! lxltxltrf} 'fl’f’;.'i/n'£if"l’} _,'."\.ill:ttii" 1‘ A :' :l, .' the middle Of a new English tilt»: lli lllt: (lam llui‘. rim/xvii: :1 Kit”: 9‘ IN? " “Fl 1' ,imi' [bins ', ,i' revolution. The Unconquered. JACK AND THE tlir: lliififilllt/ 'imtiiu Nut {1 claim ,, iiii‘. (1’l'llilfilN' "r f5" “' “1’3 lia'n' Added to Communicado’s tour of BEANSTALK , , tlii:i1til(:itlllfi .'.il| iil'lllflrffllill'i‘fll, N‘ x ~ r;‘ , r, a? u Fergus Lamont. featuringa gumbemamd Theatre' um" F” 28 um i zii'iQ‘ .1 .-..=t ,'

CATS award winning performance ec ...

from Sandy Grierson, there was The Pitch pm)! Jack «Danni EETmG BEAUTY SLEEPING BEAUTY

enough evidence of a strong }\E§ll‘.'.t)(l(l‘ spends his; illilt} litilkiiiri tlit; Tron Theatrev Glasgowv until 8”" 6 King's Theatrev Glasgowv Um” sat

touring theatre in Scotland to tiill'l(lllt§l\ ti<l<it:if(>:;ts Buttercup iii an Jan .... 12 Jan ..... encourage the bleakest Observer. effort it) li(‘rl[i i‘it; mother lCZiltl’il The pitch 1' Ilir: an? 'i:‘4:.'r:"’_ (a ’l The pitch F" Touring. too wasastrongpoint Bozitorv slaw tif‘ the bailiffs, Forced tr; ’5‘ in: péll‘li"25${)l‘.‘fi€:. in: . Bi"; ~ We Benn, ‘p, z, .i ::.'.::. f'ir' for the NTS. which moved both a get Hit of flit? Ulii Jack L;()lii(?§3 \léltlfilliitrl (ill i 'W;r.‘- ,‘ f: ’,':":{,';:":'l vi. 'lh’fl)l;.‘-’ , '1” / ' um: " u' 2 new piece about the trial ofa Awash; circus (’llt'i‘lflwitftlr Mainly.le Uti‘r, 8:14;“; 'l’;t.l;r: m f. r: U é:‘,°‘:' " '1- »: ,‘-:' 1'2?2.'. :' I couple guilty Of murdering their Aritl‘. Carolin .'.'lit)tti'~\t>:;i"i<3twist(1M1 it‘w liéifi {JU‘J'i (aisle-2;. ‘0' l.‘:§:", it,” “my. J , ‘:l i ;:' children. All“, and brilliant loam-t; Jack (:Liimr‘g; WE; rtiiigit‘ twins. Suitpurifyfl‘1:>;;:'!:<;‘:ife: ,' "-5" Ca" '. T' .1- 3’,” :2' I if .a " revivals of both The Wonderlul tlrw:;ur_iv::;ivg;i\.. .'.;il\ll‘:gl tr», rm .i my; 1311!: l»"’."(lé:.. w: g: , '::.r,- r,» «we. “odd 0' Dim" and no", El'~“-'-Tl‘ \lU'i‘gil‘JS$11M}.JtitihCuii‘lfl 3.ku 12'“ ~:"‘_ f"~; aviary/f n‘ ' , at: 1/: ,' '}“: Ix :: swim-r ' Sweeney throughout Scotland tltta litui'ismit‘m in ir'xi' puns-38:; Stella ."tii."f~ ,‘ " i. ~',-':'.' i}, 1 f, r" 2'”; of: "',’,»’:t.‘ . 'g'.‘:' l . " ‘: over theyear. Theircontribution, Pauline Kngr. .1.“ .jmii'. Chris 1W; l‘;:i‘<ls;:,'r\(: l.’ '13": ‘5, 35:1: "(xi i.- :,' t ’n’: ‘, ::. ~:~~,-', , 0‘: too, to the mounting of Dominic Amwii'mw .i'k: e": .4)" minus. ‘4; tn... .1 "J:) M103. Mtg/2": .f' "wit", iii» a“ ’55:", 3‘ yew r; ri/«i " I: astoniShing prOdUCtion Of \fti'lt‘t' tilltl Y“. .t' it. Ctil‘til‘itt. 'ie’t Tit/V". ‘éi‘ €:' ' ",.‘: I." ":’ {,‘tf Y'vi‘fu'l Peer 0m should not be The Verdict C2 C..'7‘.:::-r'ma.ilpi's; 1.2;). The verdict Car.’ ‘: I

' ' 0 \ t t \ t t < t \ ' t , VI fOYQOttel't. In dance. AIVIn Aileys t‘L;'El<r~. '7" :1 't:{ unit t." .iw axis: i, The verdict e' ut'*<:' "13” /. ‘:' gym »’: u‘ I: fm’r'w',’ , I" If 1/ superb mix ofcontemporary and .‘itrot‘tc' EA Pores". ,. (.1 .jgiit'f "tat, tut ryr'i, "3r" Sgr'ix' Lug/ta ;:' ’1 Ext, Busy p " a“:

o w \ ‘QI ' in 41" wt on ~ pl“, M ,'&3 -'«o )1“. o,” ,. . . (.o , ,‘, . . ,‘o , ,, , . ,_,, o, o , o , , i, , l ,, lo / (i W dance. {it‘ \t “K tai' L1..\.xl t1. . it) .141 \, 1. .. 1,0, 2' v :t. ’Ilt‘. ,-. :. ca :1 .':1 A . ["41 r1,_ .. . J11,” 1{,_ 1. , (A , .a‘, 1‘, 1 l \ \ '\o \ \ ‘~O,-‘, . /Ji o,‘ on ,1 p ,. .‘ . .\,t‘,‘ , ._ , ,‘, ¢,‘r‘ ., i ., / r. f.,", 'r‘r , ' , ,O ,, 0" AfncanAmencanflavourmadefor N at .t as... > .. t ... i. an» r... I: .e. em, , e . , .1. r; ,., ,; ..".‘.r:.,11. a, r, I I I a Q . .r . . u i .” VV' v \v\ ‘v‘ t ; "‘,r/‘\ i\ , W ‘. - °v\ ° v\"'y r‘r ' vw‘ 0' r’ / It 0- 1 y- / v r rt r_ t r c ‘1 y 0 ' I I ' I I." I ' ‘K3\J"‘~i« \ \i \l {7' 1 ‘Klv \ ~ K II ~ r~lt '/J .1 1- A. t. x 1-1:, / ': a n (:()i‘;' ’/ Iv":1 (, ' t/ I ’1 I / ’i -/ ’1 ' I t ‘i I) v\\ » ~ix \‘i x ~‘v\ ; ~' '\ Vt~ \? ‘(\/‘ 'V"I;‘ ; - /.r‘° 'r r - y~ry r rs't r ‘r r v ' r - (I ,r ’V I It Bleakln Convention hiphop nu. . it id. Us 5». be t, r... . :; up. , t. r: . mm, c. ., ,V: .

testmadeforavi rous modem w \‘ z - UK {K K‘\ t .t,;t‘ \, V \A\. s. ;. iv (.\"\‘iu Vtulpu (At/p. , ‘\A‘ 24 ‘, i, j if, u: 4 ,4 n , ll , .1". 1 All / v , i 'i "I: W “\/\V“\ 3"" B"! '\ ""3 fil"""‘ '\’<r"“"‘"]""".(‘ ‘V’WW‘ 'g!‘ I"ir'.rv v. r t r r. ( 'y,/ n, , ( ri"r-1 B{-’ r I It I ( ’.r CiL. vii rk,\}\: a. U lriyik/ .1 C, View.“ i,‘ “V. :A Vt“) \, !(A gu ‘11.. :1_ ,0 a,“ 1-. 4; v. . ,1]; 1.5/‘11 ’1 i w »J I 1 idanoe eveCramer “we w p , W... , . , ., , e ., 9..., W i - K; . ‘VXJ mt, ‘. V. I- . 1‘: V \i (1‘ qt. r’x/ w; Lt, (it; . ‘J u J 1 L, , 1 j or» LJ’ J I I " -l .' .. r. ,t A In. idtr'p, .,, .2 - , .,», o, r , /, i/i. ' v - r in l, AIV , r‘t‘ r t ,v r g - ‘rv - r I t _ r 7 Elm 'b'l exhale. at: need. i; ya . mpg: :‘. (rabbi 51,. z '41.. I: .. ,K'L. .. , r; 1 4d. J

90 THE LIST ‘6 C's-c —~'. c3." .‘t