lk‘g‘lll [‘Llllllig‘ lilt‘lt‘ c‘illilc'lll UllllllL‘ & lllc‘llhc‘hc‘x thrntigh \tte\ \llc‘ll as FiNALEs’ FOR 2008

the llcdghng \\\\\\.htiltr.cntn. \Vhtle \\.itcltiitg lll)'l’\ nnhne l\ cttrrcntl} \ninetlnng nt a \[‘L‘c‘l.tll\l [\hllliic‘. ll \xnn‘t he lnng helinre the \nlluat'c l\ de\c|npcd in help the a\eragc pct'xnn \ ten their lthtlll‘llC '|‘\' \hnxx in “Unit their laptnp. 'lihe hig dilemma l\ him In lttnd \trch endcawtn'x \[‘Hll\t‘l\lil[‘ l\

DEAD! 24 -~ :~- tillc‘ \llc'll [‘l'tipt\\c‘tl lilHthl. .1. g . : . 1 'lic'lc‘\ hlttll U‘lllL‘lll l\ .llMt \L‘l lH l‘c‘c‘ttltlc‘ llttil'c‘ Ulk‘ll alltl .tc‘c‘t‘\\ll‘lL' ' - and innrc ;ll\|ll tn the \\ eh \\ ith DEAD! Mobile phone bills liL'l\\tit‘l\\ pnnhng their l'C\Ulll'c'L'\ tn ": -.' - we 3‘ v"

create cninprehenxne inint media = ' =' 3' ' tlc\littalintt\. ()n this side nl the DEAD! 00"3'5 "

.-\tlantic. the hrnadcasting

tritnm irate nl' BI“ '. NV and ('hannel 4 are learning up In create a nne—stnp \hnp l'nr nndeniand

\ lLlL‘H tltm lllliiltl\. \'ic‘\\ c‘l’ ptm L‘l'

DEAD! Celebrity shopping lines

\\ ill he increased \\ ith the grnuth nl . ._. . p, 1 .,. .. I \llc'\ llle' \lL‘lLtc‘l'lllc‘ lk‘lllg‘ dn\ ctailcd \\ ith dim nlnadahlc : " :

cnntent. tailnring it l'nrther tn ll\L‘l' [il‘c‘lcl‘c‘lic‘c\.

'l‘he ltig tnedia \tnr} (ll. 2(lll7 \\;t\ \ncial netunrlxing \ilc‘\ such as \1} Space. Behn and luicchnnlc This phennmennn \\ ill progress tn the neu stage in 3008. :\n alliance nl. \ncial llL‘I\\t)l'l\\ led h} (innglc is L'lll‘l'c‘lill} attempting tn challenge the dnminance nl' liacehnnk h}

intrndttcing a cninmnn \et nl~ I ,. ~ v w 3' \landat'd\ In allnu c‘l‘tt\\-pl;llltil‘ln _ 1' .. a ,7 o 1m. . .,. 1: . Ltc‘ll\ ll} lk‘l“ L'L‘ll l'iitc‘c‘lttmlx. ° :' i ' °"'1"3 '°' " \l}S|i;ic‘c‘. Bchn and other social ‘-' 1 ' " " " " "

netxxnrking sites. (inngle \\ ill henelit h} selling ad\erti\ing nn

REBIRTH! The Dandy ;: ':

New technology is breaking down existing titacmcahlicMM.

. . . ahle tnchat.hlng and lilexhare . H t I , I. barriers between old and new media, finds mics pgsmmqonyuancock .. lax‘en mnre \lglllllc‘ulil perhaps . t I. W; I: . i :_ .. ,, .. , I... i,

an e \\ ill he the emergence nl tree. \xeh- . , ..- - . ,. .,,.

hased nllice applicatinns. l'htmtn. w .. - ~ .. 'E-gv ~ :: ,;.. - g echnnlng} is adx'ancing at that hrings tngether high—delinitinn the linm-hased. l'ree nperating :' t r y » -- ~ : y 2 +4 . :w such a rapid pace that (HD) TV cnntent. games and \} stem lUle\ \et tn take nl'l‘. ' z" ' ;" v " predicting the future \\ ith hrnadhand internet as nne unit. meaning )‘ntt nn lnnger need an) accurac} ix hecnming Viewers \\ ill \nnn he ahle tn \\'indn\\\ tn nperate _\ntir l’( '. increasing!) trick}. As might he dnxx nlnad episndex nl‘ their (inngle l)nc\. the new tree. \xeh- expected. media technnlng_\' is set l‘a\nurite series and watch them hased equixalent nl .\licrn\nlt tn hecnme taster. mnre pntx'erl‘ul. \\ ithnut ha\'ing their peace and ()l‘lice is like!) In enter the tnnre ellicient. cheaper. mnre quiet disrupted h} cnmmercial mainstream tnn. \\ hile (innglelttail pnrtahle and mnre demncratic n\ er hreaks. 'l‘\' cnntent and \ idengames continues tn de\elnp as the must the cnming mnnths. With are liker tn lind their \\a_\ directl} \ iahle nnline clinice l'nr email. cnm‘enience at the l'nrel‘rnnt nl‘ nntn gaming cnnxnlcs. (‘nnld \\ e linall} he ahnnt tn pgggprm woody Allen '. ; manttlacturers' minds. the ne\t Such cross media lt‘lilllfillllill is \\ itness the hreaking til the E :' l : r " ' kw: 'mlhl have~ piece nl' hardware is set In take place in the nppnsite \licrnsnlt tttnnnpnl} at the e\pense : ' 2' , : .' " ' ': ‘r: liker tn he a l‘nrm nl' media pla}er directinn tnn. as 'l'\' cnmpaniex nt' its upstart ri\a|. (inngle'.’ I=-'< " "' r ' ' La Traviata Black Watch Glasgow A Tribute to The Wasp Factory KT Tunstall Sealilig DaSSlOl‘. and The National Theatre International Norman McLaren Cambernauld Theatre The big-voiced deep tragedy are to Oi Scotland's Conte'ntmrarfi; . seal The Ca'iadzar‘ 'nasters bring 'a:n Banks best- Scottisb lass plays her the lore in this acclaimed producton a". tccos'r‘g 0" s'i‘aiie'. of stage "‘agre. JD Art. awe/i. POST basferw‘gi,’ bzggest ever Scottish SLl'iiDiUOUS OpelallC 0" @9903 Burke's artist-am a“: macs and ‘;.se _}£i"C€:. tneat'e iyctai "CV81 to the date or the bark of production of Verdi's 0141;. based on motwated .rwdtxtotia‘s. and fin to Expc'e stage l" e. wand new tne Success of second claSSrc adaptation. intemews wrtn former cn this l.ear crrien‘atic amt/5e 0‘ tearing producmn. album Drastic Treat \‘Otirself. Revel sotdters in Iraq. makes exoleres the :nar‘gvig tee iegendac, Tron Theatre. G/asg Fantastic. SECC. COricert Ha/l. Glasgow. a triumphant "atare of Dublic space. it".'naker McLa'e“. 77—26 Apr; Glasgow 79 Apr. 7 Apr: P/ay/‘rouse. homecoming. SECC. Demos venues. Various .rer‘oes. Camber/ream Theatre. Edinburgh, 70 Apr G/{ngOl‘,_ 7 7- 78 Apr. Glasgow. 7 7-27Aor. Glasgow. 7 "27Apr. 79—27 i'w'ay.

9‘ THE LIST 13