Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days belore publication to tor sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Activities 63 Events

Glasgow on Ice l 'nttI Sun b Jan. (icorgc Sqtiarta (IS—7| 2H” “NH Illaiti Illptlt

L'tx‘ RH 1L2 UH A tinal chancc to pcrl‘cct yunpuomflcxHWaHuhlklwthhc xidci oll thc biggcxt It c l‘lllix thc cit} hax \L'cn )cl

lm Bru Carnival I'ntiI Sun I i Jan.

SI-.( '( ’. l'llllllL‘xloll ()ua}. USN) tut) .tooo Noon Illpin. UH tor tcn tichclx; undcr ix Ircc ()wr nidulgc on cvnunibcrx. ridc thc “all/crx to a pumping tcchno xoundtrack. xnog round thc back ol thc dodgcinx and thcn throw up' chccaaah'

Mind-Forg’d Manacles: William Blake and Slavery (Gallery Based Talks) BurrcII (‘oIIccltolL 2W)” I’olIonxhaux Road. 237 2550. Ill ‘1 Sun b .Iaii. lpni. l‘t'cc. (iallciybascd talkx. intrtxlucing thc cxhibition marking thc 200th annncrxar} ol thc Abolition ot tlic British Slaw 'I'radc. lcaluring \xorks b} William Blakc.

GoMA Guided Tours Saturdap and Suiida_\x. (iaIIcr) ol Modcrn Art. Ro)a| Iixchangc Squarc. 22‘) 19W). noon & 2pm. I‘rcc. An inlornial tour around thc gallcr} and itx turrcnt c\hibitionx. 'I‘ri\ ia tans cart pick up lactx to auia/c or bot'c thcir tricndx \\ ith.

Garden Walk Stilt I3 Jan. (irccnbank (iardcn. lilcndcrx Road. ('Iarkxton. (ilo 5126. 2.3(lpni. £5 (£4; tanul} tickct {Hr .-\n insight into gardcning \xith tipx trout c\pcrtx. I.ct 2003 bc thc _\car ot grccn lingcrs and inanicurcd Iamtx.

Stars Over the Botanics 'I‘uc IS Jan. (ilaxgou Botanic (iardcnx, 730 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 334 2422. 7.15pm. £4 tt‘2i. A xtar-ga/ing scxxion \xhcrc tclcxcopcx and binoculars \inI bc a\ailab|c Ior amonc \NhiV\ C\L1‘IantWCtllhc1nscI\c\ a blltd a laurick Nltnircltlxtkillhc Htotut stars. plancts and dccp xk} obicctx. Wouldn't ‘dccp xlx} obicctx' bc a grcat nainc tor a band‘.’ Maybc not. l’lcaxc contact thc Botanic (iardcnx tor tickch on (lHI 334 2-122. Wc‘rc prctt} xurc )ou don't gct to kccp thc cquipincnt al'tcrxxardx. xo llo running oil to ('axli ('omcncrs u ith _\our whNUWW.

The Age of Rembrandt: Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings 'I'uc IS Jan. (ilasgou Mtixcutnx chourcc (’cntrc. ZIXI \Votxlhcad Road. Nilxltill. 270 9300. 2.45pm. I5rcc. Robcn \Vcnlc}. (‘urator ot l'illl’opt‘dll .-\l'l I INK) IXINII, lL'ads a tour looking at \mrks b} llltlltll' artixtx xuch ax Abraham \au Bciicrcn. Bril. HUI‘IX‘III‘J. liglon \an dcr .\'cct'. Rubcnx. Rutxdacl and 'Icnicrx. 'I‘ourx Inuxt bc bookcd b} 5pm thc molwhwc

* Celtic Connections Torchlight Parade \Vcd It» ~Ian. (icorgc Squarc. 5pm. lircc. (‘cltic ('onncctionx Iaunchcx \\ ith a torchhght proccxsion through (iIaxgtm 'x cit} ccntrc. ch b} No mucldc grcat pipc bandx. 'Iorch-Iwaicrx arc rm itcd to thc I.ord I’rmoxt'x Drinkx Rcccption. “Itcrc thc lcxtnal ix pronounccd ollictall) opcn. Scc IIItIixl. l’ur! or (iv/m (1 1mm 'IIUIIL


* 1999 Design Medal Exhibition 'l‘hc Lighthouxc. I I Mitchcll lanc. 22I (i3o2. I'ntil Sun I3 Jan. Mon «k \Vcd Sat Itlfillain 5pm; 'I‘uc I Iain 5pm; Sun

noon 5pm. 'I'hc I‘N‘l I)Cxign Mcdal ix anardcd cwr} _\car to a graduatc troni onc ot' (ilaxgoxx 'x t'urthcr and highcr cducation inxtitutionx. 'l'hc currcnt mcdal holdcr ix taxhion dexigncr Ilicn) Itoc. \\ ho xtudicx at (‘ardonald ('ollcgc. Ilcr clothing dcxignx arc intlucnccd b) turn ot‘ thc ccntur} illustrators likc Arthur Rackhain, 'l‘hix ix _\our last chancc to xcc ltoc'x \xork. exhibited alongxidc the runners up. \\ hoxc designs span hotischold .xtoragc solutionx to surgical aids. Scc Ilitlist.

24 THE LIST ‘1—1 7 Jan 2008



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It’s never too late! You’ve still got time . . . except, er, you haven't. On the stroke of midnight on Sunday 13 January, all of the pint-sized popstrel's frocks on display in Kylie: The

Exhibition will turn back into pumpkins. ‘Give me just a little more time!’ we hear you cry. What kind of tool do you take the Kelvingrove museum staff for, really? They're not going to change their plans especially for you. I Ko/wngrovo Art (it’d/(2N (“I Museum, (S/t'izxjow, unh/ Stilt M Jan,

Blind Faith: Contemporary Art and Human Rights (iallci') ol~ Modcrn .-\rt. Ro)a| Ii\changc Squarc. 22‘) WW). I'ntiI Sun 2IIJan. IIani Spin; Illain 5pm; Illain Spin. As part oI lhc Blind I'aith outrcach progranunc. artixtx .-\nnc Iilliot. I.ixa I-lcining and Janc Mclnall} haxc bccn uorktng \xith _\oung pcoplc and (iIasgou ta\i dri\crx to dcwlop nc“ uork c\p|oring xcctarianixni. idcntit}. nation and tcrritorialixm. 'I‘hix c\hibition silo“ caxcx thc l‘csllllx oI thch [\Hi collaboratnc prolcctx.

Breaking the Mould (‘ollinx (iallct'). l'nixcrxit} ol' Strathcbdc. 22 Richmond Stt'ccl. 5—18 255S. Sat I2 .Ian Sal lb l'cb tnot Suni. noon 4pm; Illain Spin. Shmxing for thc tirxt how in (ilaxgou. I.»\I’M.'\ prcxcntx a challcnging c\hibition ol' 2|) and RI) contcmporary artuork b} o\ cr 3t) Icading. intcrnational papcrntakcrx. ('ataloguc. conlicrcncc and \\ol‘lxxliop\ illc‘ltldt‘d.

Kylie: The Exhibition Kch uigrox c .-\it (iallcr) & Muxcuni. .-\rg_\|c Strcct. 27o 950‘). l'ntiI Sun 13 Jan. Mon ’I'hu ck Sat 10am 5pm; l‘l'l & Stilt IIani 5pm; ltlani Ipin. I'rcc. It'x nc\ct‘ too lath Scc picturc caption.

Lives in Motion Mttxcuni oI' 'I‘ranxport. chin Hall. I Bunhouxc Road. 282 2‘2”. l'ntiI In 2‘) I‘cb. Mon ’I‘hu & Sat Illani 5pm; I’ri ck Sun llarn 5pm: Illani Ipin. I-rcc. .-\n c\hibition co- ordinach b) thc chcarch ('cntrc tor Mtixcuntx and (iallcricx. l'ni\crxit} ol I.L‘lcc\lL‘l'. about lIlL‘ l‘oIL‘ ol ll‘dlhpol‘l Ill thc ll\c\ oI dixablcd [X‘l'xonx

Louis De Carlo Royal (‘oncctt llall: ('alc Bar. 2 Saucluchall Strcct. 353 SUM). \Vcd Ib Jan Sat 2 I'cb. Mon Sat

Illani opnt. I'rcc. 'I'hc photographcr and .-\i1ixt in chidcncc at ('cltlc 2M)" hax bccn docuincnting thc letiHiI tor man} )L‘JIN This L'\lllhlll\lll xho“ caxcx xonic HI hix la\ourtlc \xork I’d/'1 of ('c/In (it'llllr’t'llirnh.

Open Circle (ilaxgou School of .-\n.

.'\ll'llllll Oahu). I‘Ullllx Building. to, chlrcu Strcct. 353 473 I. \Vcd ‘) 'I‘uc I5 Jan Htol Suni. Illani Iprn. I‘rcc. Ii\hibition undcrtakcn b) \ll\t‘l'\llllllllll_‘_‘ and |c\\c|Ici'} dcpartincnt ol (‘ardonald ('oIIcgc “Illl Iour Izuropcan art xchoolx. lloslcd It} thc (ilttxgou School HI x\l'l. REBELLAND (iaIlcr) ol Modcrn .-\rt. Ro)al Ii\changc Squarc. 22‘) WHO. l’ntiI Sun III l-cb. Mon \Vcd & Sat

Illain 5pm; 'I'hu Illain Spin; I‘ri & Sun IIain Spin; Illain lpni. I'rcc. \Vritcr Magi (iibxon and artixt Anthon} Schrag ha\ c bccn uorlung \xith Maul) groupx around (ilasgim on ixxucx ol xcctarianixin and itx rclatcd ixxucx ol tcs‘ritor}. ncighlmurhootl and ltlL‘llIll}. 'I'hc c\hibition c\plorcx xonic ol thc armork and uritingx thc gt'ottpx ha\ c pr‘quccd.

Thbaiste Kirkintilloch Saint Andrus 'x in thc Squarc. I St Andrcu 'x Squarc. 55‘) 5002. \Vcd Io Jan Sun 3 I-cb. I-rcc. .\ tcn-pancI c\hibition marking lhc Kirkintillocli tt‘agcd} ot I037. \xhcn tcn )oung Iriin 'tattic houkcrx' dicd in a both} lirc. III"! of ('i'lltt (ii/Hm 1mm.


Curator’s Favourites \Vcd I) Jan. BurrcII ('oIIcctton. 2(lbll I’ollokxhaux Road. 287 2551). I2. it) Ipin. I'rcc. Iinima Ma}. (‘urator oI ('hincxc and ()ricntal (‘iini/ationx. talkx about thc I.tiohan. an cnhghtcncd Buddhixt xcquturc. I’Icaxc incct Ill thc Burrcll (‘ourtyrrd

Hidden Histories: The Glassford Family Portrait 'I‘hursda) \. I’CHPIUS l’alacc A; \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgou (il'L‘ClI. :QI .2902. Moon (K 2.3IIptn. I'rcc. I)id Archibald McLauchIin’x portrait ol tobacco Iord John (ilaxxtord and tanuI}. circa I76". contain a black tigurc uho \\ ax painch mcr'.’ l'llld out inorc about thix m} xtct‘} at a Iliddcn Ilixtoricx xcxxion. Largo groupx plcaxc phonc Ill ad\ ancc.

Food for Thought Ihu In Jail. I’rmand‘x lordship. H'axtlc Strcct. “i 2557. I230 Ipin. I'rcc Icain about leainic art through thc contcnipoiai} art ol .-\hincd Mouxtata

Astronomical Society of Glasgow 'I‘hu Ill .Ian. l'nixcrxit} ot Stiatlk'l}dc. Room R US. Ro}a| (itilt‘ifc. 95‘) “Kill I'rcc. Ix thcrc Iiiiilc on Maaaaaix’ I’rolcxxoi Monica (irad) ol thc ( lpcn l‘nncrxit} Icadx a talk on onc ol I)a\ id Bouic'x la\ourilc topicx Non incinbcis uclcornc.

Curator’s Favourites \Vt-d to ill“. BtHTcII(RiHcclnul.2IVdIlNdIokxhtnxx Road. 237 2““ I2 ill Ipin I'icc. :\ xhort talk on "I hc Stcla ol Ila}. a \mikci lll thc \'aI|c_\ ol Kingx' b} Simon Izcclcx. Rosie Goolden: The Perfect Storm 'I‘hu I7 .Ian. l'nixcrxit} ol (iIaxgou. Bo}d ()ri Building. ll‘) 3855 Split. USU «LUSH adxancci 'I hc MI(' mountain guidc and lounch ol aI|~ \winan nitiuntainccring troupc ( ’Iucltx l'nlcaxhcd tlikc (iirlx Aloud. but w ith ct'alliponxl dixcuxxcx Ilct ad\cntutcx lll thc I’crux ian \ihconta. uhcic inc pionccrcd a ncu routc on itx tmxcalcd \cht Buttrcxx. dcxpitc a lcu pittallx along thc ua}.

Astronomical Society of Glasgow 'I‘hu l7 Jan. I'nncrxit} ot Stralhclylc. Room R ‘45. Ro};tl (‘ollc‘L'Lfi USU i000 (x45pni. I'rcc Mamn |.unn. ol thc York Mtixcurn. Icadx a talk on Viking axtrononi}. \Hll‘lllclllik'l‘x uclcoinc


Women’s lntemational Curling 'l hu I7 Jan. Brachcad (‘urIing Rlllix. Kingx Inch Road. chtrcu. SS5 I441, 'lllllL‘x \ar}. tbc. A hugc Scottiin xhoucaxc ot thc onc intcrnational xpon \xc‘rc rcaII}. rcall} good at. 'Iucnt} tcanix truth If) nationx. including thc currcnt World (ioId. Silxcr and Bron/c Modal—holding teams. compth in this lricndl} tournarncnt.