
Shark-x .inil l).i'.iil .\1iillr.iiii. lcaliii‘inj: l'L'\l(lL'lll\. \‘L'lltnk Hull/L'llc. Hnmkn .illil (iélli'lUI Lu l.

I Toxic Pop .il liniiihiiii lllpiii Rini L6 \Vi-t'kl} (lL’Hll \l and (ring' l..l\\\ plii} iiii.i|il} lltlll\L' lllll\lL plu\ Rik“ and hip lltlll liiiiii (iii\ in \iiiiiiiicn illi' Rth .iliil llllllk' \'.Illl L'h'ulil lltllll Siiw lll lhc l.tlllll‘._'t'

I Tunnel Fridays .ii lllL' liiiiiicl

llpiii tiiiii LS it_ ii \M'ckl} l..'l\l\ll llHll\(' .illil llllLlIl ll.l\il\.

I Vice iii the ()nlwuw llpiii Kiiii ‘5 it. *i \Vi'ckl} Ill \l.ii‘liii liiitcx le'.\li ll1l\l\illllll(llL'lHkl\ p.ii'l} iiii li'wl tun xxilh tunm illil iiiiil ncu. liiiin :\ictit‘ \lilllki'} \ lit /k'[‘[‘L'llll

I XXL ill ('iih lllpiu lain. U) tL-li “cc-H} chk} illltl Big: .-\I pl.i} hip hop. iliiiicchiill .iiiil pi'iiiic \xith Rn} \Vundx [ll£l}lll;' iilil \kiiiil k'lil\\lk'\


I Audiofilth iit (‘uiiiiiiiin Spin Mini. 15 It ii. \Vi'ckl}. l'i‘iilii} llllelh .ii‘c putting: ilii't} \kllll Rt)\\ .\lc.\lill;in iinil “If: ,-\I iii'chi‘xti'nting wnic iil lllL' lllllllt‘\l lltlll\L'. i'li't'tiii. Iiip hop .iiiil inihi'.

I Fridays at Stavka .ii Siiix kii.

iiimn .itllll U tL‘l. \Vcckl}. lii‘iiin \lckliixti‘i kci'px lllk' Illilllhll't'illll pint} \(lllll(l\ll1l\\lllf_'.

I Jamboree iit lllt‘ Vipct' lliii' ik ('hih. ‘lpni iiiiii Hi I [-ll. \Vcckl}. Rik” iinil lunk} lltlll\L' li'uin Richic Mc('u|ni.

I Mojo iit KIINlIIUII. llpiii .liiiii. £5. \Vt'ckl}. 'l.\\t) I‘iiiilll\ til tll\k'll. (llthCllUUl hip hop. llltllt' iinil llllU\L'.

I Playful :il l’lii). llpiii .iillll. U) I Hi. \Vcckl}. Rik”. huuw iinil indie rock.

I Sweatbox iii the 'I'unncl.

I lpiii .iiiiii. £5 tUi. \Vcckl}. Riklt iiiiil hip hop ll'tllll l).l\ Nuccni iinil Yiixniin in thi- iniiin room. mm (mill .\l and (hug: .\l'\ linin \Hlllltl\ through thc hiick.

Glasgow Saturdays

Club I The Beat Club Saturdays iii lllL‘ llt‘ill ('luh. llpiii .iiiiii. £5 tli'cc hcl‘iii‘c

iiiiilnighti \M'ckl} In lhc limit Riiiiiii Brian \ldiill l‘l.l_\\ lhc hcxt iii iiiihc. clu'li'ii. rock. and cxcr}lhiiig_' in hcluccn In the Duplex H.ii [).l\ Km SlLWL‘lh and (lung IRcciin l’riiict't\/.\liii{grinni-i \\ ill be pl.i_\in§_' Mic but iii lunk. .'\llHl‘L'.ll .inil i.i//

I Canvas Club .ii '\l'l.l ltlpiii Kim L; ll'i'cci \Vu‘kl} Sec Hi

I Club Antics .il lldl‘ll} llpiii Rini L5 1H: \M-i'kl} \cu S.iiiiril.i} llllell i‘miilt-iit'}. \ci'x in}: up .i ili-lt'ctnhl} unpredictable llll\ Ul intlic. punk. k'lL'k'lrU illltl (tlll (lll\\l\'\ tlk'\l:_'llt'(l lil fJL'l _\nu dancing.

I Death Disco .ii llIL' .\lL‘lIC\

llpiii iiini. LIZ. l‘) J.in l)c.ith l)l\\‘tl llll\ iniinth HllL‘l'\ up .i huinpt'i hiic up «it l)J\, \xith Jiic ll'lllll Hut ('liip. \iiniiuux llll\\. Huxh l’upp}. I).l \liiigii~g_'ii. Jiihnn} Wimp iinil 'l'hc \lici‘iixlutx wrung; up the lllllt'\ liii lhc \ti‘niglit/gin/uhiilcwi‘ (iimil Drink. iliiiicc. iinil he lill‘llltlllN

I Firewater iit l'ii'cunti'i. iiiiiin iillll l'iu' hcliii‘c ll). illpiii; U It ii .illt'i' \Vcckl}. 'l'hc ll\llill wlccliiiii ill luck iiiitl iiiilic L'lil\\lL‘\ to gut _\iiu through }iiiii

u L‘L‘kcnil.

I Glamorama .it Boho. 0.30pm ‘MIIII. LN. \Vcckl}. Ruxiilcnt l.ll. Rich plii)\ .i llll\ iil‘ ‘)(l\ hiiuw. Nth cliixxicx. Rik“ tinil hi3: chiii't \iingx ltll' )iiui' plutixui‘i'. I I Love the Garage Saturdays .it the Garage lthlpiii .iiiiii. £71151. \Vcckl}. lli'iiiii .\lt‘.\l;i\tci‘ plii_\\ gill )iiui' limiiii‘itc (lil\\l\‘\ in thc niiiin llilll \xhilc Kcnn} \Uill'\ through iiltci'niitiw inihc tl'lltl l'L‘ll'U L‘ltl\\lL‘\ Ill lllL‘ :\lllL‘.

:5 Inner City Acid iil Siiuiiilhiiux. llpiii 4aini. L'thc. I3 .liiii. Hun} .\li;iiiii clcctrii-hiixx li'iini \pcciiil gllL‘\l\ Kl'tllltl\ l)c\ icc tiikii li;l\\ Junkie iinil l)L‘\Ul'Cl\l l. with l'L'\lthlll\ .liiii Virtue. Jnhn (‘iinniin il'lltl Monsieur l)L‘l.ill'gC.

3-5 Kaput iii the lliilil il'nilci'nciith 'I‘hc .-\iliiiii';i|i. llpiii .iiini. £4. 5 .Iiiii. Riickiihill}. i‘uck'n'i‘ull. kriiut ruck iiiiil illl llllllgx px) chc I'riini Kid Tnixt. DllllL'illl l);iii;iniin;inii) Mind iinil 'l‘uiii Big \\'ii\\.

I Karbon Saturdays iil Kiii‘hiin.

ll' 1llpiii Kim 1\ lift \M'cki} RAH. hip llill‘ .lllil \I‘llillli liiiik linrii llm night at lht~ iicxx \ll} \t‘llllc' \cnuc

3:3 Miso .i'. Ihc l\_\ \piii Kiiii 1—1 I: _|.iii \Ulllhll luhnn l‘dli‘ll \cil l.tllil\llllllllll ~l’3.iiicl \lu 'licwi i gut‘xlx \\llll .i il\L' wt llt‘lll lhl'l_\ ll\‘\l‘llill l\'\ HIM .tlltl lllk' \ll\i‘ lk'\l\lk‘lli\ \Ck‘

pit-x lL'\\. pagc ‘l

I The Mix Element .ii \ll.llll\’i}\lt' \liiili'iilx' l lllllll lllpiii :.llll 1‘ “('CH} (ll.l\:_'1l\\ ix lll\l L'\Cl \lliilt‘lll \\l.lll lllll\l\' night. .iii C\lk'\ll\ llll\ iil hh.iii_ui.i. hip hop. llnlluximil .iiiil RAH \kllll I).l\ Itiihh} It and .|.i§ .l.i;.'p.il. .iiitl Shawl}

I Nu Skool .it the Hull Ill itlpiii :Jlll L“ “with \l\ k l’t'.l\'1kl\.(il.llj_' lhiinipwii. liihn R1l\\.llltl r\lc\. piiixiiling .i llllL' llllt‘ in than. iiiiilliciii \tllll and .ill thiiiux liink}

I Pandemic .il \it'c‘ii‘Slcnx}

ll illpni §.iiii L" 5 .l.lll \iii i('iitic.i| .\l.l\\l .llltl .\l.iik Hillici I.\luniii.ii|i pl.l_\lll_‘_' lllkllk'. fillx 3:.ii.ig_'c. wul. iiwk'n‘inll .iiiil ‘mctyllung clw in

l‘L'l“ CC”.

I Saturdays .ii ilic (Lithium-

Illillpiii i.llll. L'ti it-li \Vi'ckl} Illx lain~ Ullt‘l\ \ l.l\\l\' .inil t'iii'ii‘nl im‘k. gliiin. iiii‘l.il. lunk lllL‘l.ll. unlh .inil himik lit-nix \xhilc l).| Hill} hullx Hlll lll\ i'i'gulni‘ hli'nil iil hip hop. nu lllL'lJl. .illci'niilixi' ruck .inil llltlll\lll.ll

I Souldiggin’ ill (‘Iiiwit~ (ii.inil

llpiii .iiini. [5 1th, \Vcckl}. lhc lc.iiii hchinil l)L't'lNlilllk't' him): _\Hl| hw l‘.llltl\ and ii \clccliiin ill \Hlll. luiik. hip hop. iliincchiill and lint giiimi‘. \Vith l).l\ .liichii}. I);i\ iil (lung. (i.i\ Siiiiinicn INC and Yihllllll.

I Subculture iil thc Suh (‘Iiih

I lpiii -l;ini. L‘h’ hcliii'i' iiiiiliiighl; L'lll iil'tci. Weekly lliii‘i‘i iiiiil l)iiiiii'iiic\ L‘xlnhlhhcil hiiiixc lll\llllllltlll L‘tlllllllllt'\ to i‘cign \upi'ciiic.

I Super Saturdays ill li‘iii} Muir} \. llpiii .iillll. £51£-li.\\'c‘c‘k|}. l).l .\l;ii‘k_\ l) plinx chart and chm-w iinil Rik”.

I Utter Gutter tll lllL' (ilil\:,_'(l\\ SL‘lliiiil iil’.r\i't. llpiii Mini. (Ill, 13 Jill]. RL'\lthlll .\l;iil.'uiic S pi‘m ltlL'\ thc


iiii‘xxcil up \K‘illlkliiJuk l‘l thit} linuxc. \lt‘.i/§ tuhnu. \\llt‘l\'l\ll ihxgu. thumping tuck. pumping llt‘llli‘ clcctin l‘t‘.ll\ ll‘l _\Ulll .iui.il phaixutc .il lhc \lllk‘k'l .lilt'lllJlHt‘ club night \\ ith lhc nimt l.ll‘lll\‘ll\ lln'h on the «mic

I Wrong Island .ii \iti-'ii‘\‘lc.i/_\

li 1llpiii Kiiii 1“ I: in” Ulllk l.lll_\. 1min} .llltl liicnilx l.l\C it up with .i \k‘lk'tlltlll ill Ulil \tllilill. \il\\“. l‘lk‘L‘IN

.itlil l‘c.il\


I Base .il lllk' lunni'l llpiii Kim (S «Lil \M'ckl} \kctt'h. (ii.iciiic (i .inil ('hiix ll.iiii\ \w.i\c .i lini' l.ll‘ll\ ul lunkx huuw .iiiil RAH .il \litt‘hcll

l .ini'\ llllL'\l il.int'c t'llll‘i‘lllllll

I Bordello .il Kll\lllt‘ll llpiii ‘Mllll

L< \M‘ckl) llniixt' tiuni (iniiliin \lillci. .iiiil .i inuxitnl llll\llllL' liiiiii ill”) \lllllgdll .iiiil \li'wn ink

I Club 18-31 .il l’l.i} llpiii Kiiii L’.\ Ital “CURB \ \t‘lt't'lliill ill S.iltllil.l} llllell ~luilcnt .llllllL'lll\

I Kinetic Blue .il lhc \ ll‘t‘l H.ii .\ (‘Iuh ‘ll‘lll \iiii LN iL'tH “vckh liiihi' .inil liiiik_\ hiiuxi‘ liniii Rum \lt'.\lill.in I This is . . . .il ('ivniniiin *piu Kim ‘5 it it “vi-kl} .l.iiiic\ l ithuim .inil .\l.i\ '\\.llllt'l‘l.l}lllf1llllllx} llltllt‘

I Yo Disco Saturdays .ii Si.i\k.i iiiiiin .;.llll {3 till \Vci'kl} Ill limit I).i\c pii'wnlx lllllt‘\ l‘t‘lllllllj.‘ lll\ n.iiiit'

Glasgow Sundays


I ABC Sunday .il .'\ll( ‘3 llpiii idlll [i ltll. \VL'L'H}. l'll'k'llll. llilllu‘ .tllil pup \\llll l).l \liippct

I The Beat Club in IllL' lit-iii ('liili ‘lpni iiini. l’i'it'cx xiii} \Vi'ckl}. Stu 'l‘hu,

I Discobadger iii Itiiiiilmii

lllpni Mini. l5 Wot-kl}. l)t)lllllllt' \liii‘tiii. I).l Kihll .iiiil .\l.l\ll do the hi/ t‘\t'l'_\ neck.

I Junk iit the Hull ('Iuh llpiii inn [3. \Vi'ckl} .\l;ii'k_\ Mink pi‘i'si-nlx .i lll\ltlll ul iii/I iinil lunk 'l‘hi' liilkx .il The Bull llle‘ in (gill il Junk

more popular than this. I The Hold

SOCiaI club is an


300 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. This gig venue turns into a massive club night all through the weekend with a mix of indie crossover tracks and freeform mixing.

Is The Arches

Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. Probably the biggest venue in Glasgow and home to big names such as Colours. Death Disco and Pressure as well as a few underground treats. See listings for details.

I Bamboo

51 West Regent Street. 332 1067. A musical programme that takes in modern soul and funky house makes this a favourite venue. Homegrown and Discobadger are usually packed to the rafters. I Barfly

260 Clyde Street. 221 0414. A great club for those who like rock'n‘roll. Funhouse on a Friday is always a good bet. See listings for selected highlights. I Belo

Royal Exchange Square.

204 0101. Bump and grind your weekend

away at this masswely popular. subterranean R88 club.

I Boho

59 Dumbarton Road. 357 6644. Host to Music Saves Sunday and their XF M based roster.

I The Buff Club

142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. A number of fine nights take place at this upstairs-downstairs venue like the great Killer Kitsch on Tuesdays and Burn each Monday. See listings for details.

I Carling Academy 121 Eglinton Street. 08700 771 2000. Host to big one-oft parties from Club Noir to Back to The Future. See listings for details.

I Carnival Arts Centre

2nd Floor. 34 Albion Street. 946 6193. OccaSional club nights With often ethnic themes at this Merchant City haunt

I The Cathouse

15 Union Street. 248 6606. The most popular nu-metal and goth club in the city Just Check out those queues to get in over the weekend.


350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Art space that throws the occasional one off special club

event. See listings for details.

I Classic Grand

18 Jamaica Street. 847 0820. New venue with regular clubs and live music including Club Olum and Porno.

I Club Living

69 Nelson Mandela Place. 248 7333. New venue with a full complement of rockin‘ late evening to early morning weekend sessions.

I Club 69

40 New Sneddon Street. 552 5791. It's experimental and funky techno all the way at this great venue. The guys from Rub-a-Dub are in charge musically. See listings for details.

I Corinthian

Ingram Street. 552 1101. Upper-crust clubbing for those who like to spend. spend. spend. Smart clothes are a prerequisite over the weekend.

I Crib

375 Sauchiehall Street. 333 9919. Glasgow‘s only dedicated Urban and R88 venue. If you're looking for R88. dancehall, soul. grime and hip hop then this is the place.

I Cube

34 Queen Street. 226 8990. Clubs hardly come

A masswe clientele and a funky soundtrack characterises the Cube weekend presentation. I The Perry Anderston Quay. the Broomielaw. 553 0606. This floating venue on the Clyde plays host to various one-oft nights. and the genius monthly that is VEGAS! See listings for details.

I Fury Mury’s

96 Maxwell Street. 221 6511. No pretenSions jUSl pure partying at this ClaSSlC venue down near the Clyde.

I The Garage

490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. ClaSSic student venue playing perhaps the most obvious party tunes. See listings for selected highlights.

I Glasgow School of Art

167 Renfrew Street. 332 0691. Record Playerz (on Thursday) and DiVine (on Saturday) every week make this student venue always a winner. See listings for details.

I Guru

520 Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755. Indie. pop. electro. rock‘n'roll across four rooms at this new venue. See listings for details.

The Admiral Bar. 72 Waterloo Street, 221 7705. A great new venue that has just managed to get a new 3am licence. I Karbon

4 Buchanan Street. Springfield Court. 221 8099. Relatively new club with a mix of nights. Student night TIT is always full with Electroball Fridays giving it a bit more of an edge. I Oran Mor

Byres Road. 0870 0132 652. Huge Gaelic-style venue in the West End that plays host to the funk and jazz celebration that is the N00 Groove. See listings for details. I Polo Lounge

Wilson Street. 553 1221. The gay community of Glasgow votes with its feet every weekend. making this the most popular club of its kind in the city.

I Queen Margaret Union

University Gardens, 339 9784. Various club and club-orientated gigs occur at this student debauchery emporium. See listings for details. I Riverside Club

Fox Street, 569 7287. Home to Glasgow's only queer alternative Utter Gutter and disco den Melting Pot. this small

epicentre of cool. See listings for details.

I Soundhaus Hydepark Street. 221 4659. House. techno and live venue With Off The Record 8. DEFF and Monox every month. See listings for details.

I Sub Club

Jamaica Street. 248 4600. The best club in Glasgow? Optimo Sundays and Subculture Saturdays seem to corroborate the claim. See listings for details. I The Tunnel

84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. A venue famous for its well-dressed crowd and popularity. Dance tunes dominate the weekend. of c0urse. See listings for selected highlights.

I Universal

157 Sauchiehall Lane. 332 8899. This smart venue hosts drum 8. bass and laid back club nights. making it a varied space in which to relax. See listings for details.

I Woodside Social 329 NOrth WOOdStde Road. 337 1643. A selection of indie and mod clubs make up the monthly programme at this charming west end institution. See listings for details.

ia' 2’27: THE LIST 33