
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) ‘l’(l IK'JII l Ilk (iHIIII.IIII.

l'l.llI((' WWW IInIII I’.:I:I III‘IIIInIiIIn. It'JII \I'III-I,‘ I).tlll('l “I'IIIIIIIL'CI ‘lllIIIIII \ (Int I’.IIIxI.III leli IIIIIIIII.:I 'HCIIIII'IIIIII' .lIIII IIIx \IIlL'Il(.lll :‘IIIIIII'IIII \I'III'I;' IIII I lIIInIIjJII .1'-‘~UII\IHI\Il'It'II\.2I\.lII(I.IIIIII('\\II‘IIIIIII\(' Inuaillx .iII III(".I'I.'.I\I(' IInuIIIIt-al IlII.ll(’ (l(l(l.ll(l. x llk'l‘llI II‘.IIIIII' [‘III\HI\I'II IIIIIII' .I \III III Itx Ila} IIII IIx \.ll('ll(‘(' .llIfti'JIItC \klIIi Ill(‘ (HII‘.(‘llII'|II\ nt tIIIIIII ;,'i.IiIIIn.II. IIIII hula} II \I.lllII\ .Ix .I (.t\ll.ll Inn" It'II('l In III(‘ \IIII'IItnII If lllIl\i(' (Illllt‘ pitlnit- l’.III nl lIIlinIIIII IiniI In I IIIniII‘.III( Illt‘lllJ ll/HI/II‘I'IH III/II/IlI/u/I

>I< Alice in the Cities II O...

I\\ iiii \\('ll(lt'l\. (iI'iIII.IiI_\. I‘l'VlI RIItIIL‘t'I \n;'II'I. \(‘Iln RIIII.iIIIII'I. I lx.t Klt'A'l

I IIIliIlll '\ III'xII.iIiIII;' [IIInInInIIIII.iIIxI li.i\I'IlInj.' .l(I(t\\ IIl(' I IIIII'II \I.ilt'x lIIIIIx lllllI\I'Il nii .i inIIIIII'i Initl. In ( iI'lIII.IIl_\ in thy Ininimii} nt .i ltlllt‘ .\(‘.ll nlII j.'III III lllt' \(‘Illt'll tnI llk'l I.iIIII|}. Iit' IIIIIIx Illlil\('ll III'I‘niIIing' llt'l xIIiInfgalt- [Mlt‘lll .IIIII xpiiilnal pinilc \\ ixI'. Pt'ltt'I‘II\(' .iiiII III‘.IIIIIIII|I} xlinl tuiilx \\('II(I('I\ \('\\ iiinIII [‘llllI l’.IiI nl \\('ll(l('l\ xmxnn \t't' I‘I('\ I(‘\\. |‘.I_L'(‘ W I/I’HI/IIIIIII, III/II/uuzjli

Alvin and the Chipmunks II I 0.. I IIIII IlIII. IN. Illll'n .l.IxniI l I‘I'. I).I\ I(I (‘inxx. (LIIIII'InII Rit'linitlxnn ‘I I IIIIII l IkcnIIII' IIII' xt‘IInnI InIIII'II} II'.IIIIIIII}_' .I IIIIIII'II nI [Hill xI/I'Il I lIIpiIIIiIIk imp xI.IIx .iiIII Illt'll Inin inltt‘IIiII,‘ IIIIIII.III _‘._‘ll.lltl|.lll (I (‘(‘| (fl III III/ II'r'r II\I

American Gangsteri lxI COO IRIlII('\ \(‘IIIL I \. :Illlql Ik'll/(‘l \\.ix|IIiI;:InII. Ix’IIxxI'II ('in\\t'. ('IImI'II'I I‘IInlnI IVI’IIIIII '\I I‘Inxt' In IIIII'I' IinIIIx lniijg. St'l‘II.\ II'IigglII} (‘nlix ;IIIII inhlII'Ix yiiint' .IIIIIx lni .In ("pic II'I'I IIIII IIiIlnIIIx iiI dixnppnintinyl) fat-nun" l.IininiI. IIl.lllI\\ III part In pliniictl in [It'ilniiILInu-x linnI \\II\Illllj_'lilll il\ lt'.ll IIlI' llt‘l't‘lll kingpin l'i.IIIk l llt'.l\ iIIIII ('Iniw IIx IIIx |;i\\III.III llt‘lll('\l\ RII'IIII' Rnlwilx \(‘ll'l fI'I/ I'I'lI'Im Are We Done Yet? Il’I ;I .0

ISII'H' (Kill. [8. ZilllW lu' (IllI‘C. \I.I Inns. .'\l(‘l\ll.l .4\Ilcn ‘IIIIIIII (li()\\ Iiin xntii'pnxx Nick l’cixnnx I(‘IIIII'I ;iIIII IIIx IIIIIIniiiig xlt‘p I\I(I\ II_\ In ti\ up Illt' t.IiIIil)'x llt'“ I‘nIIIIII'} IinInI- tnI liix picyiigiiil \\II(' SII/IIIIIII- Il.nn;_'I HIII .l\\(‘ll('(l \\lI(IIlIt'. .llt‘lllIt‘t‘Illl'ilI l.IIIItx illltl ('IIIIt‘k \Iitt‘III'II l.\II'( 'IIIIII‘} I ('(llhpllt‘


.I_'.:tr;x' 3.;rt. :'. 7?;1x ' III I’l‘I'k'I \ I‘Ll‘ \:.1\\I\ II’ III I.'..' f . “.4

[/j\ l)fil.f' (\r l".," ’I ( .ilr .‘ A

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford I“ O... \IIIfrq‘u. Ilnit :'.:I_

I \ \ 3"“. lllml I’iI'. (.zxt‘} \ITICII‘. \I.:I‘. Il‘III\('I’.1Ilt('I '5‘IIIIIII lx't": .:TI_.:I‘IL'

I‘IL‘.:iIII.II\2I‘.L' \\(‘xI('!!. .ll‘l‘III Tilt” 1.: T

nIII' nt \IIIt-Iitn'x IIInxl IIIT.:IIII~.Ix III.I..:‘.I.x IIII‘ tIIIII niwnx Ii; IVA” III ( III'IIIInLt' \11\\IIIIII ‘wIIt‘ic YIII' I.2IIIL'\ '_'.:I‘."_'



InuiiililnII} iIII'xI'IIII-II I'IIIIgnIIIt‘ III.:

in}. and II (HIIIIII_\ IIII‘(‘\. inliiiczj. .lIIII i‘llII.I\\ iIi.III}IIIIIIII .III~ }IIIII IIIIII;' II Ix iInI In Iw IIII\\('(I Vinail ml (llir rm. l’.;.'\fr\ I'll/III ‘.

Babel IRI \It‘lnliilll‘ (inII/.III'/ III.iIIIIII. I \ \lt'ntn. :llflfn (-JIC IiIIIIItIII'II. lirml I’iII. ( incl (ldlt I.I lit'IIIaI Ixi zIIIIII \(lt‘t'llHllIt'l (iIIIIII'IIIIn \III.I_‘_'.I .iIIII IIIII'IInI III.IIIIIII «IInIII \nInII \ H Hm. .‘I (inmri I IIIIII nIil .iIInIIII'i IIII‘JIllt'IIICtI xlni_\ \\ IIII .i III'I'III} 'iIIntnIIIIII' ll|('\\.l_‘_‘(‘ l)(‘\l‘lI(‘ IIII' \ Iixl Illt‘fj.l\ltll\. Illt' xctlinnx .II‘HIII .I .I.l|‘.tll('\(‘ _‘.'III and \Illlllkktlll l\l(I\ I.Il(‘ Illt' I\('\I lllt' l('\l Ix (’Ilt’lit‘II lii\li\(‘ll\(‘ \III II/rnf-Ilrgl'r ()I (IHI I I/lll/‘I’fltff'.’

Balls of Fury I I: \I 0.0 II<IIlIt-ii lit-Ii ( i.ll.llll_ I \_ 3Hle I).in Inglci. ('IIIixInIIIII-i \\.lll\('ll. (icnigt' I npcr RHI‘t'II I’.Iliit‘k ‘llliniii R.IIIII_\ I).I_\Inn.I ll‘I‘leCl I Ix .I nnc IlIllL' I.IIIII' II'IIIIIx [IInIII-3} II‘I'IIIIIUII IH .l\('Il:._'(' IIIK' (It'dlll HI IIix I.IIII(‘I l’t'lt' Il’.IlIII‘kI II) IIIlIIlI.IIInj_' .I (innc InIII'x IxI.IIIII InIIIn.iIIII-III Sn t.II xn IInIII \Kll.ll('\('l. IIIII lllt‘ \xt‘IInIIIt‘ .IIII\.I| nl lll.|\I('l t’lillllllJI [‘lilj.) {Inn}: l.In.IIII' It'Iigr l\\.lll\(‘lll llll\ “Ii/h NI llll\ i'lllH Ill(' III/I/IIHI" Icu‘l nl (ICIIlIPJll |\.IInII_\


Bee Movie II I .0. Amt- lllt'lxllt‘l Sininn .l Smith. [8. .‘llflr‘I .II'II) St‘IIIIL‘ItI. l\’('ll('L' /(‘II\\ L‘jJCI. \IJIIIIC“ HHNIL'IIL'I’x ‘IIIIIIIII Hail} ll licnxnii g'I.iIIIi.itI'x IInIII ('nllcgc In lIIIII III.il lit” xIIII nIII} II.Ix nnc pnxxIIIIc (.llk‘t'l lll.II\lll;' IInIII'}, I)l\lllll\l(lllL'tl. III‘ lIlH\t‘\ In \IIlllllJIIIIII \\Il('l(‘ lit' IIIxt'm Ch III.II IIIIIII.Inx \lI‘III and ('All IIIIIIL‘} .lIl(I I'L‘inIH‘x In III(' .I I.I\\\llll ;I_L'.llll\l IIIc IInIII') _L‘l;llll. Big; llnnc}. :\II nIlIII} I‘nnt‘ciu'tl \I'Iiit'lc tni .I I‘I'IIII‘IIIIII xI.II. Ii’II \Ini II (IL'\L'I\('\ .I Ii IIIIIIIIx Int clinil (rl'lll’lll/ n/um

* Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead I Iii O... ISIIIIIQ l.lllll('I. I'S. lell"i I’IIIIIII St'}lillilll' lIntlIn.III. l‘IIlllll

In the lead up to the release of their new film - an ultra violent adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's novel No Country For Old Men - Filmhouse presents six of the brothers’

best films, including Fargo and The Man Who Wasn't There (pictured).

- I not. Cu I U.” I‘ Ctr. t. c‘1

Haunt; \H'X‘Y’. I ::."\'j» "firth". \x' tuxit‘“ ;‘.:;g' (I! ’.‘r '.. '1 I..\r "I"’.' l’. I. Beowulf 30 '._‘\ O... l\'nI\'.". /c:nct'rnx I \ :Hl'“ Ix’.«.\ \\;r:x'.niic, \ziiI'Initx llnt‘kmx .Ii‘lll‘ \quiknvth

f~1ItI1tt /\"II(.\l\I“ I‘l\\ II‘.1\C\IIII‘II\C .ttIII‘II ant": t.:IIIIIII:x c\;\‘II:IIcIII lL'\lIIIL'\I :I: ii an lawn [\Ir‘ji' li’.."~l'..' llcrt‘ hc \l‘iil'Ax III-u Illiltl‘. {III‘ In IIIIItl‘Iit' I‘..:x

:II t\\n (It‘ttitlt'x I‘illt},'lil_;‘ IIIt‘

Int :cI.'. \IIyIn \.~.\.nII pnt'ni In Iii; \IIIII‘. III IIII' IIIIII.II \xnu IdtIi‘I Ix (Ii‘\\II In xI‘ctinl t-Itt'ttx. I‘tlI Ii (I.I\I\III}' xIII'I'III‘I.I\ In \I-11 (I.II:II.III .lIltI lx’njgt-I \xni} IIi.ll\('\ In! .111 .III II‘IIIIII \Ill‘t‘llIII I‘II‘\I\I‘II\I('I ( .".'I awn."

[\Ir ’I"I '-‘. \.'II I t' Bheema I.‘ \ \ I III;'IIx\\.:III§. \II

I .Iiika, .‘llfl‘I IIIxII.~. l\l'.\Illl.tli, \Ikiain. I’I.II\.IxII I{.II II‘IIIII: |.IIIIII .ttIII‘II t'IIIII I‘.l\t'\I nII IlIc .III\('IIIIII('\ nI Ilt'liilt “Illlll‘l l‘lllllll.l_ .I III.II.IIII'I IInIII Ilrl \IIIf'IIIfIIIIIIIIIII ( :er unrilf M um i‘. \.'r. I :


The Big Lebowski IxI I... «Int-l ('nI-II. I \. I‘M—n ,II'tt liritlgt‘x. InIIII (innIIIII.III. \tcw HIIMUIIH I zIIIIII lllt' ('nt'n I‘IUIllt‘I\ gnu IIIt'lI IIIIIIIIII' I\\I\I In .t ('II.IIIIIII-I t-xIIIII'l \ IInII. .Ix ’llx IIIIIII} IIIll‘\\I‘.l\I\ .It'II 'IIIt‘ IIIIIII" I ('I‘f'\\\l'\l Illiitlpt'xI Ix (II.I\\II IIIIn Illt' xnIIIIII .Ilt.IIIx nt IIix iIIIIIIniI.IiII' ll.llllL'\.lI\(' \IIIIIII‘III} llk' II.Ix In \lt‘lllll IIIx (xix IIIInIIgII \II\(‘I}.‘.IHI\(‘\I (IIIIIL' IIIHIt'IlIIIIk nIIIIImlI I Il.lI.l\I(‘I\t xIIIII'.II iIII.I;:I'i_\ .llI(I ('\\('II(‘III [‘t‘lIilllIlnIitt‘x j..‘l.l( (‘ IIIIx \lIIll(l\l‘ \HIIIL‘II} l’.III nI ('nI‘II “It‘lllt'l\ xc.IxniI lI/Nl/II'HH Ill/II/vlrrg/I

Blade Runner: The Final Cut HI C... IRIIIII'} \InlII \. I‘lhll II.Illl\iIlI l'lllkl. \mn \nting, Rutggn ll.lll('l I ISIIIIII I‘lIIt‘t'll _\('.ll\ nii IInIII Illt' I‘l‘l.‘ Ill/Ir Inf '\ (Illl. \tnll II.ix II.III .lIlt'IIlk‘I I‘.I\II .iI IIIx xt‘I Il npnx “IIII‘II iIIllI'II I)t'\l\.ll(I II'UHII .igaiiixl .t \l('\\ nl It‘plit'anlx \nu .I lllUlL' Illlt‘dl. \nit‘t'nxt'i II('(‘ tIIIII IInII. lni nnt‘c .I _L'I('.II t'IIin II.Ix I‘t't'll Ill.|(l(' Iicttt-I Ili.lliI\\ ln .l(l\.lll('('\ III inI'I I.II I'ltct‘lx lcclmnlng .lll(l lllHllfJIiIlllI lt'lIillllelIfJ II/III/IUHH‘. I.I/I/I/IIII;'/I

Blood Simple I l.\'I 00.. IIIII-l (‘nt'IL I'S. I‘M ii _lnIIII (It'll. I'l.lllL‘l\ \II‘I)nIIII;IIIII. .\I lziiiint-I \\.ilxII ‘NIIIIII :\IIx|II(‘InIIx (It'I‘IlI IInIII IIII‘ (‘ncii IIInlIII-Ix‘ IIII'ct‘IInIII[IInIlIII‘IInII IL‘.Illl \\;IIxII L‘\('('l\ .ix IIIc xu'II) xIII'IIlt lli\('\ll:.J.IIlil_‘_‘ .I \lllll‘lt' IIIIIIIII'I \\ll(l\(' (l('\ IlleI 'II'\.III I'III‘nIIII‘II' nl (IUllI‘IL' (‘i‘nxxing Ix .III_\IIIIII;_' hnl xiinplc r\ll ('llIllll\l.l\llt‘ .Illciiipl .II ('(tlllL'llipUl'Jl) IIIIII IinIi “Illt'll kccpx I'\I'i'}IIIIt‘ gIIt'xxIng cwn iIlIcI the final Il'dlilt' I’III'I nl ('ncn liInIIiI-Ix \L'thili, ll/lH/IUHH‘. lull/II/IIIrg/I

Name Saverio Costanzo

Born 28 September 1975. Rome Background HaVIng graduated from the UniverSIty of Rome With a degree In communications and socI0|ogy Costanzo spent two years In America. working as a cameraman and shooting a short docwnentary Caffe Mil/e Lucr Brooklyn, New YOI'K His debut feature Prrvate. the stow of a Palestinian family whose house Is commandeered by Butch troops. was Italy's candidate f0r Best Foreign Film Oscar, but It was turned down by the Academy because the dialogue was not in Italian,

What’s he up to now? Costanzo’s latest film In MemOry of Myself Is loosely based on the novel The Perfect Jesurt by Furio Monicelli. It explores the Crisis of faith endured by Andrea (Christo Zhirko), who Is undergomg the nowtiate at an all-male religious community, run by the ever- watchful Master Superior (Andre Hennickel.

What he says about adaptations ‘The Perfect Jesurt was set In the 1950s. and Its main SUbJGCI was the platonic homosexual love between Andrea and the man dying wrth dignity In the Infirmary. l was more interested in a spiritual ioorney msrde the character of Andrea. and asking how can one truly accept oneself and live freely and honestly'

What he says about belief “We couldn't have made In Memory of Myself 30 years ago; then we had SO many political ideologies to follow, Now there's nothing to believe In; we feel lost and empty, and afraid to go deep Into Ourselves'

What he says about preparation ‘The actors and I went to this JeSUIt retreat and spent ten days there in total silence. The exercise is based on the teachIngs of Ignacio de Loyola. and it was as though we were able to experience the film before getting to make it.‘ Interesting fact Costanzo's mother Flaminia Morandi was a TV journalist before she became a theologian. She acted as an adviser on the script of In Memory of Me. (Tom Dawson)

I In Memory of Myse/f, Filmhouse, Edinburgh, Fri 17—Mon 74 Jan.

.‘.— r' ,a' 27/: THE LIST 45