
=I< 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

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Falkirk Town Hall Falkirk Council

Fanny and

Alexander 1151 Thurs 17 Jan 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box Office or on

the door from FTH Cinema

0 1 324 506850

48 THE LIST -1 '

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The Jane Austen Book Club 1.‘ \1

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Before speed and internet dating there was the simple and inspiring story of Marty, director Delbert Mann and writer Paddy Chayefsky’s multi Academy Award-winning 1955 drama about sensitive

butcher Marty (Ernest Borgnine) and his search for love. The film gets a very brief outing in memory of prolific

filmmaker Mann -. H I. \l:’ E 1": _4 x4” 1’ .I ,1"‘

who died of pneumon

ia last November just shy of his 87th birthday.