Film Edinburgh


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iiallam Foe I l.\. . Young Adam I 1m Sun 1 ill

I’m Not ThereI Hi

lull} nImn «Hui Sun». Lust, Caution IN Milli}: Irlfi. * i3 3 ill Paranoid Park I I: \i l)lll|_\' i W HIIIl Sum. (i ll) Illnl \un l\ \Vk‘iil. U 15

;\|\n Sun iii“

Seachd - The lnaccessible Pinnacle (Hi:

Hull} Hull Sum ICU

Sun «k \\\‘II (i I”.

Clneworld Edinburgh

l'illliii;illl|\;llix. liumln- Sliccl I-ihl lumklng\ x Illin, ()H‘l :(iii:(i1iii_ (lily/hm: .'\llllli\ Lil ill L55” Him in hclIm- Spun; t’nnu'xxmnx L-i ill. lillil} lm'li lull lmlmmunrcx lwlun' mum). L-i .\1u\ In inl .Iumulx «Sui .lilili LI, lumul} llt‘lwl: L17, Maul} paw illilliillili‘ii

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Hill )/\‘r' -1 Hi! Mil MY 1’)

Alvin and the Chipmunks Il'l

Hull}: llllimll. I I5. {‘5

Balls ol Fury I I.‘.\l

Hull}: I35“. V30 lllUl Sum. (\ rill Mini \10” «K \Vk‘iil. ‘) Hi.

.I\|w lulu I'l'l I\ Sui: HRS.

Bee Movie Il'.

I):nl_\: 1331i. Kill. 5.11). .\',lil. Enchanted l l’( i l

I);ul\: Ilillium. III”. II”. Mill. Sun, in),

.-\|\n in t\ Sal: llilili.


The Golden Compass 1 j \ I )all}

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\iw i.llk' I it A \1: Grounded .l'm

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I).lil\ ii‘lilnm. ll <<,mt, 1.7;; II :jlii 114). Lilli L<ii < LS I: U:

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\i\I‘iill\ \.:: Will. 1} 1H The Kite RunnerIlj\I

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\|\i'].llk'li1\\ \II I! I< Lust, Caution IV H.111} iiNl~ liil \iill

Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium l H.111} lllllmli. If”

The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D |’( . Hill} ll R(Lilli


llill) ll “Mill. .7 W: h W. \ "' .\|\H LIIL' i ll \\ \.li H {H

The Simpsons Movie I |’( '..

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St Trinian’s I: \I

l).n|} 1‘. h .7" 'llHl \lle l\ lucI.

Sud’s Upil’lil


Taare Zameen Par I I In»

lulu in t\ Hal ill W

Sun ‘3”

Hull iii)

We Own the Night I I < I

l).lll} (Hill mm

|.\ \culmlllc IL'I'mu‘. ('(' honking Ni ii .l1“-l"“l lilill. HI :1 IN“ IN)“ .llhi H" N15“ \tlull' Slamiuili L55“. Supt-III)! Lh Ni. (‘mcnm i -1 Hull) \Iun I‘ll lwlmc (min Standard L71 fill. Supcnm

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Hill )AY -'. iiil MN IN: Bee MovieIl‘l

I'll Sun; iiii). ill) Mun (K 'luc, H5. Closing the Ring l 13x» Sun Hill; 53H. 5.3”.

Enchanted H I

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The Golden Compass :: \

lilzli‘. D QII‘ \

IAmLegend 1*

['2 \llf‘, ,"N' 'o_“' '\;l|_ ‘IiNi \ii‘f. liil. h Hi ll:

St Trinian‘s \

H.111: ¥ 11'

\I\\'l:" \gy: ‘Ziv Edinburgh Film Gulld iiinmwln; \\ 1mm“, RUM: HI ;: A\“\

_‘h\\ \Igililx‘hlllp L 5 (mm! ’rtin‘ix g‘t'l \xix'k'iiii‘fl' L“ i’icmc HUI; li:.:f flirt; .nc llHii.1l|x‘l\I'l .ili'-\'li\l1“\l\\i\'\'iiiii.'\ will .il hpnw ‘1‘“: \M'liI \lml‘ \lcmlmx .nc JIM) i'lliliix‘ii it) .1H‘Ciixi l‘iik' \‘i liix‘ illllh lu'mz' \ ict'ucll in my l limiinmc 5le i! \1111 cwnm: Il'l lullhcl ticklix \t'I' \|.\\\\ nilniml1'i1l'llillz'lliili “in;

The Shop Around The Corner |’( .I I: no

Death of a Bureaucrat (La Muerte de un Buri'Jcrata) l.‘ \. " Nil

The Young Girls at Rochetort (Le Demoiseiles de Rochetort) I l'( l. llll

Kb I I‘lhmn Rikki. ill {l f.“ .‘lfib Ii.” lx’cxlaullml i \cmny \xlk'x‘lilll}1\liii‘|li Riiliil U) ‘1 i «(ll \idlllik‘xN ‘i‘L‘iHlk‘ ipm» L i *1) L 1». i ll i\.il;_'.nn Hmlmcw


1.The Kite RunnerIIJM f. in. <13

.\ ill 2. Blade Runner: The Final Cut I iI z llll_ .\ all

Drawing Restraint 9 l ls. it ill)

3. The Lives oi Others (Das Leben der Anderen)II<. 31*. .\I<

Pan’s Labyrinth I liI R in

\>/\,i,“li/\' ,Mx'

1. The Kite Runner (Subtitled) I I: \. .7 in The Kite Runner I I: \I 515. N W 2. Blade Runner: The Final Cut I HI

lil5. NH

To mark Martin Luther King Day (15 January) and the 60th anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi, the Edinburgh Inter-

Faith Association and the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre present a programme of events highlighting the lives of the great exponents of non violence. The programme includes two films, Tony Stark’s 1999 documentary Murder in Memphis, which investigates what really happened on that fateful night when King was assassinated and Gandhi, My Father (pictured), a compelling drama set to the background of Gandhi’s assassination and told from the perspective of his eldest son, Harilal.

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Drawing Restraints '.\ i ;< Blood Simple i\ 3. Breaking the Waves N ' w The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) '* < 1"

Pan‘s Labyrinth A x 1*

1. Peter Pan l .I».I

The Kite Runner 1.‘ \ ml. \ u 2. Blade Runner: The Final Cut ~ I llli \ 1"

Blood Simple l\I 1 in

Drawing Restraint 9 ;\ \ '~

3. Pan‘s Labyrinth i‘ : ;\ Climates.» 31‘ x 1‘

Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji N (I in

1.Peter Pan l w 1mm The Kite RunnerIl.‘\I .‘ m x 'n

2. Blade Runner: The Final Cut i \ ; iii l. \ ii

MBWII (Will 3. Climates l » Milight Saloon 1M (i an

The Science at Sleep I [\I \ h

1.The Kite RunnerIl.‘\I .‘ m. ~ ix

\ Hi

2,Marty.l. inn

Blade Runner: The Final CutIlm \ h x |<

3. The Science at Sleep I IN < w x h Hiroshima Mon Amour l’( i. I. m

1. The Big Lebowski I ix. .‘ in

The Spirit at The Beehive W l\ Blade Runner: The Final Cut I \I x h 2. The Kite Runner I l.‘ \I Hui. x m Shoot First ii m

3. The Saragossa Manuscript I IN .‘

,, h Matthew Barney: No Restraint 1M

V i i

1. Blade Runner: The Final Cut I l RI

3H!) (viii)

The Big Lebowski I is. x 1%

2. The Kite RunnerI 1.2 \1 HM \

x m

3. The Saragossa Manuscript I 1*. .‘ 1*. _ H

Matthew Barney: No Restraint I\

1.4Months,3Weeks andZDaysIHI 2 Hi. (xii 51%

2. Alice in the CitiesIl I 4 we Mu In Memory of MyseltIl . mm 3.TheKite RunnerIl.‘.\I Hm < 15 x m

1.4Months,3Weeks andZDaysIli. 3W, 0 1*. hi;

2. Alice in the CitiesIl . i m. In Memory of MyseiiIl » inn FargoIlm n m

3.TheKite RunnerI13\I Hm. \ an Aiiole of my Own MakingIl<I <~1<


1. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days I H. I“). (y InheritanceIlS. um

2.AliceintheCitiesIl l W xiii FargoleI .lim InMemoryotMyseltIl'. (:13 3.The Kite RunnerIlij Hm, x m

The Horse Boy H, mm