LATIN VARIOUS Planet Latino (Freestyle) 0..

Albums launched off the back of BBC Radio Scotland shows may be few in numbers but when presenter, club promoter and DJ Simon Hodge and revered cohort Lubi Jovanovrc can curry favour With the great and good of Latin musrc one can feel confident about their outcome. Brighton's party-starter Ouantic makes a deserved appearance among stand-out tracks that include a bhangra- inflected salsa from R&B Latino's Alex Wilson and the exclusive drum and bass reworking of Manteca's 'Tremendo Boogaloo' that closes the 80-minute tour. Elsewhere. the meat of

the compilation is given over to today's developments in a mOre traditiOnai-SOunding. busv Latin Jazz for a footvshuffling. global JOlly. (Mark Edmundsom

PUNK VARIOUS Hassle Volume 1 (Hassle Records.) 0..

As if to make amends fOr his preVIous incarnation as the bassist of no hopers. A, Daniel P Carter is doing a lot of good in the rock world these days. His most recent success comes from compiling this collection of punk and hardcore tracks for Hassle Records - a label renowned for putting out releases by Alexisonfire. The Zico Chain. Juliette and the

Lcks and T'xusaa. Highlights "ere copies; ‘Con‘e F'ier‘ft'. Bii'r‘ts b, Gallows. Ford 22‘ Red's ‘Dori't Sleep. Smith. 'David Comes i: Life' by Fiicked Liz). Untitled i‘vMisicai Protects ‘A Prtitiia' Musical' and O“, For Silences “A World Benign Waiting Only 2000 copies are set tr: be released. so (turn. tr: get inir hands on one iCamilla Pia)


Beyond Below (Crooked Mouth; OOOO

Comparisons to the gravelly. tortured hymns of Micah P Hinson and latterday Springsteen are upheld in the Scottish Singer- songwriters second low-key release. Campbell's breed of Americana delivering such poetry combined with a genume. Visceral ambience that forgives a certain prairie twang. The muSic is really quite lovely, if chilling. and communicates a


62 NE LIST 4-17 Jan 2008

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Mi "‘ ;/ usimsi't, tiri.‘.'t:t

listener tins. ttiriiil. 'i their tracks ai‘it leapw their sta' n3; {itf'l‘ifl.t'l. IITSItil"‘t:

i'itc the 'Yll(llllt'

Titus tni: ()‘.i’:f<’l!i iniiiiessw‘ is iini: 'i‘ (jttllillflt' talent and iinrusherl accriinplishniii'tt (Mark Ediniindsoni

ROCA ANTHONY REYNOLDS British Ballads (Spinney COO

Being big in France With his former band Jack may have kept him warm at nights, but it seems that Anthony Reynolds COuId now care less abdiit having anything remotely like a hit. Creating records that smell of 'at_)andoned cathedrals. unicorn dung and redheads" are more Vital to him, Now. I c0uldn't really tell you if he has achieved those goals here to his own satisfaction. but this collection of British Ba/lads iwhicn sound more French and certainly aren't what yOLi'd recognise as ballads) vany' Wildly from delicately pleasing to unbearably precious all the way over to vacant but Without the prettiness. Chart ODSCurity guaranteed. iBrian Donaldsoni


THE GRAEME MEARNS BAND Some Kind of Bliss 1Partners in Crime


T'iere's nothing more irritating than ilsteriirig {Q a Scot sing '3“ an American accent. SOmeOne Should reazly

It“ y‘t t I ' v'iii t}. t'i‘ mi: ' A Litrit rill‘ ,lili‘ii X; i

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()lS' :i HARE ".i- x .t VARIOUS

Vintage Grooves: Disco Volume One

Sealiilimi; .0.

Off Track Volume One: The Bronx mixed by Kon & Amir


Vintage (3i'r;’)'.'v:‘, Dis 2:

ma, so .n't "kr; f' K: s


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