Rock 6: i“

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to henry© Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore. For ticket outlet information, see Book Now.


I DeSalvo \lt'lt‘tt. 3” 33 Rt‘tlltchl

I anc. 333 335-1, Spin .\ rudc \cu Ycat‘ .t\\.tkt'llllt;_'. courtcx} ol lhc \tatological. Hmton Stranjglcr tctcr'cru llth hardcorc punk lltt'lttllt‘H uhoxc act hax hccn known to lcatutc gnnp nraxkx. ruhhct aptom anti nuhxcrinunatc atuhcncc ll.‘tl'.’t\\tltt‘lll

I Dirty Kudos and The Draymin Halli}. 3h“ ( lch Sllt't'l. “37” Wt)“ (NW). Spin. L5. Baggy} anti Ih'ilpop Intlucnccx lrorn thc llt‘tttlllllt'IS u rth Inotc ol a northctn \oul lll\pll;tllttll lt'otn ‘Ihc l)t'a_\nun.

I John Hinshelwood 'I chat ()\ na. -l3 ()tago | anc. ;57 453-1, Spin, [3 Star ol thc Scottish I‘ool\. countr} and lolk llllt\t\' \ccnc pla_\\ originalx and cmcrx. I The Last Corinthians, Common Heights and The Breakers Ho\. Ml Sauchrchall Strcct. “3 5-13l. Spin. l'rcc. |.oca| rndrc rockcrx hcatlhnc lltl\ ht”,

I ltchycoo Park Satnucl l)o\\ k.

(»7 7| Ntthxtlalc Road. -13 i (llll7. Sfillpni. l‘rcc. Rctro \UlllltiS.

I “win Atlantic, Baillie & The Fault and Theatre Fall KIM}: 'l'ut'x Wall Walt Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘), .S‘. Kllprn. [5. Bill} and Dinoxaur Jr rclcrcnccx trout in in Atlantic. \ttppot‘lcd h} c\ chraxxr tnan Mikc Hailhc mth lllS nc\\ hand \xho apparcntl} \ountl likc Snou Patrol \ltottltl‘,


I The House Rockers, Washington Street and The Scarecrows \Vhixllchinkicx. .1 (i South Bridgc. 557 5| l-l. (ipni l’t'cc hctorc tnulnight‘. U al'tcr. Inthc and rock linc up.

I Oi Polloi, Atomgevitter, What Price Wonderland, Faint and Le Soleil Brille 'lhc Ark. 3 7 \Vatcrloo l’lacc. 33S 03‘”. 7.30pm, L5. lzthnhurgh punk \ctcranx ()r l’ollot hcatl thrx ('oltl Hcad llantlx gig.


I Combat Rock Ho\. ~13| Sauchtchall Strcct. 333 54.”. Split. l'rcc. ‘l‘rihutc to lllt‘ (‘l;l\lt.

I Nine Circles, Val Verde and Coba Fynn Barth. 3N) (‘l_\tlt‘ Stt'cct. US?“ 0th! (NW). Spin. [5. Hard—lircd punk rock ctno from Dunt'crmhnc ‘t'anta\_\ rockcrx' Ninc (illl‘iLW.

I Kong Sanitth Do“ \. ()7 “I \tthxdalc Road. 435 Hill-7. S5tlpllt. i'llik‘L‘, Rock

I Logan, Soze and Healthy Minds Collapse King: 'l‘ut'x Wait Wait Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33| 53"". 8.30pm. £5. (ilaxgoxx quintct \\ ho hax c garncrcd thc patronagc ol~ ('rccd'x Mark 'l'rarnonti and niadc inroadx Ill thc Statc\ \xlnlc rctnatntng largcl} unkntmn at lioinc.

:5 Spectrum and St Deluxe Stcr'co. 30 3S cht‘rcld l.anc. 333 3354. .S‘.3llprii. ill). Pctc Kcnihcr aka Spaccnicn 3\ Sonic Boom prcxcntx tnorc ot' hrx distinctnc acid gospcl lullahicx. Mognai's Stuart Braitlmaitc l)J\. Scc prcx ic“. pagc 5‘).

Edinburgh I Size Queen and Jojocoke \Vhixtlchinkim. 4 0 South Brulgc. 55'

64 THE LIST ~13 3 cm" COCS


These dreadlocked, bagpipe-wielding metal mongers have been through plenty in their time, recently losing a member to Jesus. The band, who virtually single-handedly invented nu metal in the early 905. may have slipped out of favour somewhat as rock embraces the unashamed joys of the 705 and 805, but they still know how to put on a fine rock show.

(lull/lg Arixtdomi. (3/.'1S_(‘()\.‘.; lira

51 I4. optn l'rcc hctorc nudnight; L11 atlcr. huhc and rock co\cr\ and HI'IlellJlN I Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards chr} \ ('cllar Bar. S loa Mot'l'txott Strcct. 33S 0W} Spin. Us (iootl-lunc. Ulti \t)lc rock'n'i'oll utth a \prinklc ot lunk} lunktncw anti grcal tlUllUPS ol punk rock attuudc troni H!) & lllt' Hi.


I The New Rock Chemists, The Detended, The Tenants and Michael Jack Bo\. 47st Sauchtchall Strcct. 3‘33 543 I. Spin. l-rcc. local Indic l.(\CkCl—\.

I Acoustic Night Satnucl “on 'x.

()7 7| \itlmlalc Road. 433 tltll7~ Sitillpm. l5rcc. Monthl} acotrxtic \L‘\\tttlt.


I Softer Ride and Oatbeanie \Vhixtlchrnktcx. 4 (\ Sottth Bt'ulgc. 55" Si 14. “pm. iii-CC. ltttllL‘.

I HObO lllL‘ Bongo (‘lllll Mora} litHhL‘. 5,“ Hohrnotl Road. 5.53 q‘hlLl.

lllprn 3am. £3. ‘ numc and altct'natn c tihL'l‘ tor juxtttictl \tnnctx' ax Hoho rcturnx tor 300$. lt\c§_'uc\1\lhc_


I Open Mic \thtlchinkrm. 4 o South Bridgc. 55" 511-1, 9pm, l'rcc. thI turn up and pcrt’ornt

I Open Mic [llt' \Httthltt Roonix. I‘la \\c\t lx’cjgrxtct Slrcct. 55h “illoll ‘lptn. l'icc. \n_\thrn_u yocx at lltl\ ncxx opcn nnc \t'\\lttlt hoxtctl h} l.tlll Sll‘t‘lt'l] \igtt‘l ;t\l_\t'll


I Andy Miller ltlm ()\tt.t. 1.? t )l,tf.‘i~ lanc. ‘5"‘153-1 .Spni L3 \couxtu _‘_'llll,tl \ utuom and \lllj3t'l \Hll‘3\\ltlt'l ptcxcntx \onic ol hr\ l.t\itlllllc handx


I Band Showcase \\ lthllt'l‘lltklt'x

4 o South Hr‘ulgc. 55‘ 5| Ill ‘lpni l tcc (all tn athancc tor a

Wednesday 9


I James Blunt ( 'ar'hng \cadcni} (ilaxgow I31 lightilon Sttcct. USU >15" 3llllll. "pin, S( )l I) ( )l 'l lhc \kllll‘l‘} ho} troulxulour ot thc tla} lllc‘\\l\l1l\ \xa} through ltackx tt‘oni ltl\ hit .tll‘ltlth H" {In [Mr Sou/x .lllti thc \tlllllilt‘ll \clhnj; “(Mk {4‘ “HI/(UH

I Mr D and Rachel Mackenzie Htcl. W ~13 \\hton Ianc. 1-13 mm zllprn £3 Sunn} (‘.tlrtor‘tiia-\I_\lc tuncagc troni Mr I) and a \Uhi \c-t trorn H\l\ Hantht Rachcl \lackcn/tc at llll\ \ixarnc-lothca night.

I Catcher Bo\. 411 Sauchrchall Stl‘ccl. 333 543‘ 1. Spin. l‘t‘cc‘ 'l hc hantl uho ha\c pla}cd Kilt: 'tmk Inorc ottcn than

.tll\ othc: \ hoow \itlltt‘\‘.llt‘l\' thltcta‘nt to pla} Hat kx llt'lll lhcn \ltllt'ltl alhinn li'r I'll/ill lilo" /)/\I‘I4/ll

I Michael Simons It liai t una Ih‘t |)c.ui\ton lhixc. MW "_‘5‘\ Spin 9.3 (il.t\‘_'tt\‘. l‘tlw'ti curtain! plaun” lolk. Mum and hcionil

I Oran Mor Acoustic Sessions .lllti Open Mic than \lot. "*1 H <5 (itcat \\c\tcrn Road. ‘5" ’Ullll \prn lixc


I Exposed lhc la/l Hat. 1 ( llalliltt‘h Strccl. 33H 13‘” \ lllptti 3,3 \lonthi} \lllL't‘l \HllL‘\‘.lllt‘l\ lllL'lll whit h \ccx pic \clcttcil at t\ ahxplatrnz' thcu trucxt triuxlcal ‘~.‘..:tt‘\

I Omniblob, New Rock Chemists .lllli Scope \\ lll\llt'l‘‘\_ 1 () South Hr‘tiljgc. 55‘ 5i ll ‘lprn lrcc lnihc rot k

Thursday 10


I Rock Radio First Birthday lllt' (iatajgc. Wit Sauchrchall Sltccl‘ “3

l 13H “pm St )I l) t )l l \\ rth .uomtu \ch troni lhc \t'lt\ \|c\ Hch; Hand. llllllltiL'l. (inn '-‘.|llt l.itt|c \npclx' lul‘} Julhtlltt thllllttm '\ [)lNlL'lk' \\ llllt'. Rick} “aruuk ot 'lhc \lnuxhtj. and logan

I Sindustry, Nameless, Synergy .mil Buried with the Believers Sonntlham~ ~13 Hylcpatk Str'cct. 33] -1(\5‘~) 5 ‘ilprn L5 \lctalcorc act llL'dtillllt‘ thr~ Sui. lokc lll‘Jlll